Facing the childish Tsunade, Uchiha Xuan chose to bear it.

He shrugged helplessly and said,”I have been practicing using my shadow clones to fight myself recently. As for those moves, I figured them out by myself.”


Why can you say it so lightly, bastard!

Tsunade truly realized that her previous understanding of Uchiha Xuan was completely wrong.

This guy is not only a genius in medical ninja.

He can create such ninjutsu and taijutsu at such a young age. His future achievements are immeasurable!

In addition to shame, Tsunade also has a sense of pride.

“Ahem, um, I think you should change your name, right?”

Tsunade perked up and looked at Uchiha Xuan with a smile.

Even Uchiha Mikoto suddenly felt that Tsunade was a bitch now. Uchiha

Xuan was speechless that Tsunade was entangled in this, he had no desire to compete in this regard.

What’s the point of calling her teacher? It’s more interesting to rebel against the teacher!

“”Okay, Teacher Tsunade, how about this title? Do you like it?”

Uchiha Xuan looked at Tsunade teasingly, and seeing him say it so easily, Tsunade was deflated like a punctured ball. She had a sense of pride originally, why is it gone now all of a sudden?

Her punch was like hitting cotton, and it had no other effect except making herself angry.

Uchiha Mikoto on the side was also laughing, and then called out sweetly:”Teacher Tsunade, do you like me calling you that?”

Seeing the two of them singing the same tune, Tsunade was even more angry but helpless.

Uchiha Xuan had no intention of continuing to”torture” Tsunade. Since she was his teacher, he naturally had to make the best use of her.

“My dear teacher, I have some questions for you.”


Tsunade suddenly felt that being Uchiha Xuan’s teacher was not a good thing.

You saw me naked just a few minutes ago, and now you come to ask for advice seriously. Can’t you let me rest for a while?

“Just tell me, don’t ask weird questions.”

“If you want to learn my super strength, I can teach you.”

Tsunade still cheered up, patted her chest and looked confident.

Although she had never been a teacher, she thought she was very good at teaching.

Looking at the shaking giant, Uchiha Xuan blinked and focused again.

This is the disadvantage of being with Tsunade, the mental power is always not focused.

“I want to ask about the nature of chakra changes”

“You have already started to get in touch with this.”

Tsunade glanced at Uchiha Xuan with complicated eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

This is not a difficult task. Uchiha Xuan is really asking a serious question.

“It would take an ordinary person several years to learn the [Nature Change] of chakra, but it should be easier for you.

In the first stage, you need to learn how to continuously and stably deliver chakra of the corresponding nature.

In the second stage, you need to learn how to instantly increase the amount of chakra released.

The third stage is also the most difficult, you need to learn how to integrate it with [jutsu].

The [jutsu] we are using now were all created by our predecessors through such nature changes.

What was that… thing you just used?”

Tsunade asked in a low voice at the end.


Uchiha Xuan saw that Tsunade was stuck and added a sentence.

After Tsunade understood, she immediately continued:”The Rasengan you used just now should be made by simply condensing chakra.

If you use the property change in it, you can create a new ninjutsu.”

At this point, Tsunade couldn’t help but be surprised at Uchiha Xuan’s creativity.

When she was Uchiha Xuan’s age, she didn’t even learn a few ninjutsu, let alone creating new ninjutsu. The

“Rasengan” that Uchiha Xuan used just now was quite interesting. It didn’t require hand seals to guide chakra, and could be used directly. Tsunade, who had experienced it firsthand, also knew that its destructive power was very good.

If she were asked to classify such ninjutsu, she would classify the Rasengan as”A-level”.

Tsunade didn’t think about it any more, but took Uchiha Xuan and Mikoto back to the village.

To practice the property change of chakra, some practice materials are also needed.

As for Uchiha Mikoto If she had to, she would continue to practice medical ninjutsu. She had to adapt to the changes in herself after opening the three-magatama Sharingan in one go.

Once the Uchiha clan opened their eyes, and the more magatama they opened, the stronger their talents would be.

It was basically a foregone conclusion that the three-magatama Sharingan would become a Jonin in the future.

Uchiha Mikoto couldn’t wait to tell her grandfather the news. Uchiha

Xuan was going to celebrate for Mikoto Uchiha’s opening of her eyes.

But it can also be seen from this that Mikoto really has a deep affection for him.

If he hadn’t transformed back from the kunai just now, I feel that Mikoto might have opened the Mangekyo in one go.

“The Uchiha clan is very extreme in terms of emotions. Will Mikoto become a yandere?……”

Uchiha Xuan cautiously glanced at the pretty girl Uchiha Mikoto beside him.

Always paying attention to Uchiha Xuan, when she saw him peeking at her, Uchiha Mikoto immediately gave her a sweet smile.

But this smile inexplicably made Uchiha Xuan shudder all over.

Thinking about the Uchiha clan in his memory, it seems difficult to find one who is not extreme. Uchiha Obito is even more heavyweight, and this kid’s personality is exactly the same as Naruto before he turned evil.

His own Mikoto seems to have such potential.

If there is a chance in the future, should he pretend to be dead for a while to stimulate Uchiha Mikoto to open the Mangekyō?

For a period of time afterwards, when he was practicing the change of chakra properties with Tsunade, Uchiha Xuan’s mind kept thinking about this problem from time to time.

During this time, the situation in the Land of Whirlpools gradually spread in Konoha Village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, smoking opium, stood in front of the window of the Hokage’s office, looking at the residence of the Senju clan in the corner of Konoha Village

“It seems that he is really anxious, so he has to send someone to pretend to do it.”

Muttering, Sarutobi Hiruzen called Danzo

“Is the root ready?”

“Well, we have entered the territory of the Land of Whirlpools.

Now the ninjas from Kumogakure, Sand Village, and Iwagakure have gathered there.

When the time comes, I will order the Root to start a war and induce the ninjas from other ninja villages to take action.

When everything is almost done, the Root will select a potential Uzumaki clan member.”

Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with gloomy eyes and responded coldly.

In order to take care of this matter, he has worked hard.

Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn’t want to do anything. He asked himself to do these trivial tasks with just a few words.

This made Danzo very dissatisfied, and at the same time, his desire for the position of Hokage became stronger and stronger.

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen no longer dragged it on.

He immediately gave an order and issued an”S-level rescue mission.”

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