“”Reincarnation, Sacrifice!”

Uchiha Xuan did the same thing, burning the bodies of the five Kirigakure Chunin to ashes.

The black flames, carrying several chakras and vitality, immediately poured into Uchiha Xuan’s body.

“The physical fitness has obviously improved. The chakra consumed just now has not only been restored, but also increased a lot!”

The excited Uchiha Xuan also noticed a slight change in his body.

Since he has now mastered the changes in the nature of chakra, he can directly perceive the attributes of his own chakra.

After absorbing the chakra of these Mist Hidden Ninjas, Uchiha Xuan found that his chakra attribute had an extra”water”!

This unexpected gain was beyond Uchiha Xuan’s expectations.

By the way, after licking a bag and looting everything from several Mist Hidden Ninjas, Uchiha Xuan immediately left the place. Uchiha

Xuan, who hid in the nearby forest, checked the kunai, shuriken and detonating tags he had looted.

After going back and forth, his supplies are even richer!

Looking at the battlefield with flames soaring into the sky again, Uchiha Xuan’s eyes became excited and greedy.

Now in his eyes, the ninjas on the battlefield are all”experience babies”

“The battlefield is already chaotic enough, don’t mind a little more chaos!”

Uchiha Xuan grinned brightly, and instantly condensed a Rasengan in his hand, and injected lightning chakra into it.

“”Lightning Release Rasengan”

Uchiha Xuan locked onto a ninja and threw the Rasengan in his hand on the spot.

The next moment, the Rasengan flying in the air disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ordinary Rasengan will not disappear during movement, but the Rasengan that integrates the Lightning Release Chakra cannot be easily seen by others. The

Sand Village Chunin who was attacking the barrier of the Uzumaki clan village just noticed something strange, and the disappearing Rasengan hit his temple.


The flying Rasengan was like a Barrett bullet, and it pierced through the head of the Sand Ninja. The exploding brain and skull, like blooming fireworks, covered the faces of his teammates beside him.


Seeing their companion suddenly die, the teammates around him screamed in fear.

The next second, a Chunin teammate next to him suddenly had a big hole in his chest.

The Chunin himself looked down at himself in confusion, and fell forward with severe pain in his body.

Not long after, except for the elite Jonin who immediately covered the evacuation of some teammates, almost ten Chunins fell in a pool of blood.

Uchiha Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, immediately ordered the shadow clones around him to drag the corpse over.

He was grinning from ear to ear now. It felt so good to keep shooting cold arrows in the dark!

Through the chakra absorbed before to replenish the consumption, even if he split two shadow clones and threw more than a dozen [Lightning Release·Rasengan] in a row, his chakra did not run out.

And when another corpse was [Reincarnation·Sacrifice], Uchiha Xuan unexpectedly found that there was an extra ninjutsu in his mind.

【Wind Style: Vacuum Jade] A B-level ninjutsu, when exhaling, the chakra in the air is ejected like a bullet, spraying out several wind style light waves to attack the enemy, similar to the Phoenix Fire Technique

“Is there a chance to obtain ninjutsu? This is a pleasant surprise.”

The ninjutsu obtained in this way is also very proficient.

As soon as he got started, Uchiha Xuan could use it easily.

“I sense the fluctuation of chakra here!”

“Is it a member of the Uzumaki clan who escaped? Chase him immediately!”

The commotion made by Uchiha Xuan quickly attracted many ninjas to approach this side.

Seeing Uchiha Xuan disguised as a dark-skinned man, their first reaction was [A ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village?]

Since various forces are now besieging the Uzumaki clan, they have also stipulated that they are not allowed to hurt each other.

Therefore, the elite jonin who led the Iwagakure ninja who came did not take action immediately, but instead wanted to investigate.

If it was a disguised Uzumaki clan, then kill them without mercy!

If it was a real Hidden Cloud ninja, they would not invade each other.

“Magnetic Style: Nail Kill!”

As soon as the Iwagakure ninjas stepped forward, Uchiha Xuan took action without further explanation.

Several iron nails buried nearby suddenly flew up and stabbed the Iwagakure team accurately.

The alert elite jonin immediately took action, and when the first iron nail pierced his neck an inch, he quickly used the kunai in his hand to knock away the iron nail.

Bang bang bang!!!

The detonating tags wrapped around the iron nails exploded instantly, immediately severely injuring the chunins except the elite jonin.

“Damn it, it’s the enemy!!”

The surviving Iwagakure jonin and chunin immediately took up their fighting stances.

Several chunin made hand seals and slapped their palms on the ground.

“Earth Style: Rock Pillar Prison!”

As the earth trembled, dozens of earth pillars broke out of the ground and formed a cage to imprison Uchiha Xuan.

The leading Iwagakure jonin followed closely behind, forming a seal and shouting:”Earth Style: Rock Stealing Stick!”

The rocks under his feet instantly turned into sharp spears, all flying out and piercing Uchiha Xuan who was imprisoned in the earth prison, as if to stab his body into a hedgehog.

“Lightning Chakra Mode: Iron Block!”

Instantly, violent lightning chakra surged out of Uchiha Xuan’s body, and he was immediately covered with a layer of lightning armor.

At the same time, Uchiha Xuan used lightning and chakra to stimulate his body, making even his skin as hard as steel.

Several rock spears that were strong enough to penetrate a tree pierced straight at him, and when they hit Uchiha Xuan’s skin, they broke into pieces until they exploded into a ball of dust.

“”Rain kicks, thunder!”

Uchiha Xuan supported himself with one hand, and swung his feet at high speed

, instantly creating a thunderstorm. The lightning vacuum slashes that kept flying out easily tore through the cage that imprisoned him.

“Damn those Cloud Ninjas, I knew they had bad intentions!!!”

Because Lightning Release restrains Earth Release, the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village have always been at odds with each other.

Seeing Uchiha Xuan’s Lightning Release and Ninjutsu, as well as the iconic black-skinned man, they knew with their buttocks that the ninja in front of them was definitely a”Cloud Ninja”! The horrified Iwagakure Jonin was about to fight him head-on.

But he suddenly felt his body stiffen, and his muscles went numb as if he had been electrocuted.

“Ah! I can’t move! ?”

“Me too, my body feels numb!”


Several Chunins behind the Iwagakure Jonin also screamed.

Only a few Chunins were safe and sound, and without exception, none of them were injured by the nails.


The Rock Village ninja gnashed his teeth and stared at Uchiha Xuan who walked out of the smoke.

“The drug is quite effective, as expected of me asking the clan for it.”

Uchiha Xuan had a bright smile on his face. In fact, not only the nails, but all the weapons on his body were poisoned.

He also specially chose the fastest-acting paralysis toxin, just to be prepared.

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