“Tsunade, we, the Uzumaki clan, will not follow you back to Konoha”

“We are going to go to Taki no Kuni and live in seclusion there.”

“If you come over someday, we will meet again.

Uzumaki Rosui gave Tsunade an iron token, which contained his chakra.

As long as Tsunade took this to Taki no Kuni, the hidden Uzumaki clan would sense it and come out to see her. After that, they were ready to part, but before leaving, Uzumaki Rosui handed Uzumaki Kushina to Tsunade.

“I know you came here this time with Mito’s instructions to find a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.”

“My granddaughter Kushina is very talented, let her follow you.”

Although he was very reluctant, Uzumaki Ashisui still made a decision.

Letting his granddaughter follow Tsunade back to Konoha was undoubtedly the best choice for her.

The old, weak, sick and disabled who were left behind were rushing all the way to Taki Country. Who knew how many hardships they would encounter along the way.

Once they were hunted down by ninjas from other ninja villages again, it would be difficult for them to protect Uzumaki Kushina’s safety.

Just from the escape just now, Uzumaki Kushina was already the only child who survived!


Kushina, who knew that grandpa was doing this for her own good, burst into tears.

But she knew that she was dragging them down by following them, so she finally suppressed her sadness and said goodbye to them.

Tsunade was also helpless, and at the same time, her hatred for Sarutobi Hiruzen increased by three points.

If she could have come earlier, it would never have become the current situation.

Tsunade knew clearly from Uzumaki Ashisui that the Uzumaki clan had a chance to escape unscathed with their powerful barriers and sealing techniques.

But they were waiting for no rescue, and the aid was cut off, forcing them into a desperate situation.

Now they don’t trust Konoha, and Tsunade can’t say a word to defend Konoha.

She kept thinking in her heart, why did the Konoha Village founded by her grandfather, Hashirama Senju, become like this?

The cruel reality quickly dragged her thoughts back, and they now had to hurry back as soon as possible.

Once the ninjas behind them chased them, they would have no way to go.

And leaving at this moment Uchiha Xuan, who was not leaving the Land of Whirlpools, had not left the Land of Whirlpools.

The shadow clone he had released before brought him some news.

In the forest several kilometers away from here, a group of fleeing Uzumaki clan members were being killed.

If he hadn’t seen it, he wouldn’t have cared, but since he had seen it, he would have to rescue them.

After all, he had owed the Uzumaki clan a favor just now. The secret techniques he had learned had made him gain a lot. It was not difficult for him to help them and give them two more fires.

When he arrived at his destination at high speed, Uchiha Xuan saw a petite figure running wildly on the forest road from a distance.

Behind her, several Iwagakure ninjas were chasing after her.

Compared with the Iwagakure Chunin, the little girl running wildly in front seemed so powerless.

Even though she ran for her life, she was caught up by the Iwagakure Chunin behind her in just a dozen seconds.

Exhausted, she could only sit on the grass in fear, curled up and begged for mercy:”No, don’t kill me, please, don’t kill me.”

Unfortunately, her plea for mercy did not make the Iwagakure Chunin show mercy.

The two Iwagakure Chunins behind her said impatiently:”Xiong Gui, hurry up. We were stopped by the shadow clone just now. We have wasted a lot of time. We have to go back and report quickly.”

“Got it, I’m dealing with it now.”

They talked one word at a time, not paying any attention to the little girl in front of them.

If it weren’t for Uchiha Xuan’s shadow clone that temporarily stopped them, this little girl from the Uzumaki clan would have no way of running here.

While they were talking, they took out their kunai as if they were going to kill a chicken, ready to end the little girl’s life.


As the girl screamed in fear, the kunai that was piercing her forehead stopped in mid-air.

The rock ninja subconsciously exerted force, but the kunai seemed to be blocked by something and could not move down half an inch.

“What’s going on?”

The Rock Ninja let go of his hand in confusion, and saw the kunai floating in the air.

The next moment, the kunai suddenly changed direction and pierced straight into his forehead.

The two Rock Ninjas behind him saw this scene and were about to be alert to their surroundings, but they found that they were covered with a thick layer of iron sand.

“”Magnetic Style: Sand Iron Binding Explosion!”

A cold low shout came from behind, and Uchiha Xuan controlled the sand iron with one hand and pulled them into the air.

At the same time, the detonating tag wrapped in the sand iron also emitted a bright light.


The detonating tag exploded, killing the two rock ninjas bound by the sand iron on the spot.

Black flames burned on their bodies, and then transformed into chakra and vitality and were absorbed by Uchiha Xuan.

He immediately leaned down and looked at the girl who was holding her head with both hands and trembling all over.

“You are safe now.”

Uchiha Xuan spoke as gently as possible, his palms emitting a faint emerald light, and he used the”Palm Fairy Technique” to heal his injuries.

Hearing the voice and feeling the warmth, the girl slowly raised her head, revealing her round face. Her short red hair stained with dust just covered her ears, and her black eyes were flashing with tears.

She was like a frightened little animal, and asked in a low voice:”Are you here… to save me?”

“Yes, I’m here to save you.”

Seeing her like this, Uchiha Xuan simply took off his mask and lifted the transformation technique to his original form.

Looking at this handsome boy who was two years older than her, the little Lolita’s guard was immediately put down.

She threw herself into Uchiha Xuan’s arms and hugged her”hope” tightly.

Uchiha Xuan also returned a warm embrace, trying to comfort the girl who had just escaped death.

She was probably only eight or nine years old, and her tender and cute appearance could not help but make people want to protect her.

After a period of emotional catharsis and calming down, Uchiha Xuan carried the girl to a safe place and took out some dry food for her to eat.

When the Uzumaki clan was cut off from aid by the outside world, the water and food supplies were also cut off.

The girl, who had been hungry for a long time, smelled the food and stuffed it into her mouth regardless of whether the dry food tasted good or not.

But after stuffing some, she noticed Uchiha Xuan smiling beside her, and she immediately lowered her head with a blushing face.

The girl, like a hamster, tried hard to chew the food in her mouth, trying to swallow it quickly to ease her embarrassing situation.

“I know you are hungry, don’t think too much, drink some water and eat slowly.”

Uchiha Xuan took out a water bottle and handed it to the girl, and at the same time he spoke to comfort her.

The girl took it and drank a few sips, then swallowed the dry food in her mouth.

She seemed to feel that her behavior was too embarrassing, and she lowered her eyes shyly, not daring to look directly at the person in front of her.

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