“It’s OK if no one sees it, otherwise it’s too embarrassing”

“It’s not necessary to make people come back to their senses like this, this Shi Xiao… Shi Gui, he’s not little anymore.”

Tsunade murmured in her heart, staring at Uchiha Xuan’s back.

She recalled the golden skeleton that had just protected her, and couldn’t help but think of the”divine power” that the Uchiha clan would get when they opened the Mangekyō Sharingan in the records of the Senju clan!

According to rumors, that was the power that Uchiha Madara mastered at the time, which could rival her grandfather Senju Hashirama!

But so far, Tsunade has never seen the Uchiha clan show it.

But today, she seemed to have seen it in Uchiha Xuan!

“Does this mean that he has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan?

Isn’t it so outrageous, he is only twelve years old!

Although he is like an adult normally, his body is also… but he is just a child after all!”

Tsunade’s heart was filled with shock, while Uchiha Xuan was only excited.

Uchiha Xuan, who found the body of the Salamander Ibuki, found the dying Salamander Hanzo under the body of this summoned beast.

His reaction speed is also really fast, and he pulled his summoned beast to”defend against the advent” at the last moment, right?

“Unfortunately, in the face of absolute damage and numbers, your operations are meaningless!”


Salamander Hanzo opened one eye weakly, as if he wanted to say something.

Before he could finish his words, Uchiha Xuan grabbed his throat with one hand and lifted him up.

“”Transformation and Sacrifice!”

A raging black flame surged out from his palm, covering the body of the salamander Hanzo.

At the same time, a black flame also flew out, covering the body of the salamander Jingfu next to him.


Hanzo used his last strength to say his last words in horror.

The black flames that plundered life took his life immediately.

His body continued to dry up until it turned into a handful of dust.

Uchiha Xuan closed his eyes tightly, feeling the surging vitality and chakra surging in his body.

Not long after, Uchiha Xuan opened his eyes, and the eight-pointed star kaleidoscope flashed in his pupils.

“The pupil power of my left eye has recovered half, and my vision has not been affected.

My body functions and chakra have improved to varying degrees, and my body seems to have gained an extra toxic antibody.”

Uchiha Xuan looked at the pool of venom left by the Salamander Inobushi, and directly cut a hole in the palm of his hand to let the venom seep into the wound.

With”Life Return”, he can manipulate the cells in his body.

If he really can’t resist the toxins of the Salamander, he can discard the cells in his palm.

In Uchiha Xuan’s eyes, the toxins that invaded the wound spread rapidly.

But he didn’t feel weak at all, his blood quickly purified the toxins and completed the detoxification on his own.

“The combination of the Uzumaki Sage’s body and the toxic antibodies obtained from Hanzo of the Salamander has made my body resistant to toxins and even immune to the toxins of the Salamander!”

Uchiha Xuan couldn’t stop smiling, he knew very well how toxic the toxins of the Salamander were.

Even Hanzo of the Salamander himself, who had toxic antibodies, was immune to ordinary poisons at most, and he couldn’t stand the toxins of the Salamander.

Now he is even immune to the toxins of the Salamander. In human terms, this is”immune to all poisons”!

Uchiha Xuan, who usually uses poison, knows the importance of this feature.

Now even if he accidentally gets poisoned, it won’t affect his combat power too much.

And he can also use this feature and use poison as a way of attack.

It’s no longer a smear on weapons or iron sand, but can directly use large-scale poison gas, which is a”mutual destruction” trick in the eyes of ordinary people.

The more Uchiha Xuan thought about it, the brighter his smile became. Tsunade, who came closer, saw his smile, and her plump body couldn’t help but shudder.

【He must be thinking something bad! 】

This thought immediately popped up in Tsunade’s mind.

At this time, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and some Konoha ninjas also approached this side.

Looking at the ashes of the body of the Salamander Hanzo and the ashes of the Salamander Ibushi on the ground, they understood that Uchiha Xuan had killed the Salamander Hanzo.

“Lord Uchiha Xuan!”

“Lord Uchiha Xuan!”


I don’t know who started shouting, and then the remaining Konoha ninjas all shouted loudly with great excitement.

Now in the eyes of the ninjas, Uchiha Xuan’s position in their hearts has surpassed Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru also looked at Uchiha Xuan with complicated eyes.

No matter how much they deny it, the”Thunder Release Kirin” just now is enough to kill them in a second!

This has already shown that Uchiha Xuan, who is only twelve years old, is already stronger than them.

Orochimaru’s eyes occasionally glanced at Uchiha Xuan’s eyes, and he sighed in his heart.

The blood of the Uchiha clan actually has such a strong potential!

Compared with Jiraiya, Orochimaru and others, Tsunade’s mood is simpler.

She is simply happy for the current Uchiha Xuan, and of course she is ashamed of his”little trick” just now.

While cleaning up the mess here, the various fronts of the Rain Country also received good news.

In order to launch a general attack, Hanzo of the Salamander also drew away some of the elite Rain Ninjas on the Rain Country front.

Tsunade and the others’ previous plan further increased the number of Konoha ninjas on the front line.

This made the front line one-sided in a short period of time.

Uchiha Xuan had not rested for two hours when the Hidden Rain Village was defeated by Konoha.

The news of the death of Hanzo of the Salamander also spread throughout the ninja world with the fall of the Hidden Rain Village!

Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya and the three of them, who cooperated with Uchiha Xuan to kill the enemy, also spread.

When the news reached Konoha Village, the people spontaneously gave them nicknames.

Since Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya and the three of them were all disciples of the third generation of Hokage, they were directly called the”Three Ninjas of Konoha” together.

And Uchiha Xuan, who was the most outstanding in the deeds, finally killed the demigod of the ninja world, Hanzo of the Salamander, with”Thunder Release·Kirin”, and was specially called”Konoha Thunder God”.

When this nickname reached Uchiha Xuan’s ears, he had a speechless expression on his face.

Do people like to give people nicknames so much!

Have you asked for my opinion? I am not just good at Lightning Release!

Unfortunately, his words alone could not shake the title that gradually became the consensus of the ninja world.

The hawks of the Uchiha clan who learned the news could be said to be grinning from ear to ear every day. Uchiha

Shinji now wishes that his beloved Uchiha Xuan would come back immediately to inherit his position as the leader of the Uchiha hawks.

Even among the doves of the Uchiha clan, most of them have developed a feeling of admiration for Uchiha Xuan and have turned to join the hawk camp.

After all, there is no news about Uchiha Fugaku on your side, while Uchiha Xuan on the other side is younger than him, but he has become famous!

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