“Combine the three Sage Modes of Wet Bone Forest, Myoboku Mountain, and Ryuchi Cave, and construct a unique Sage Mode according to your own physique!”

With the continuous consumption of huge amounts of pupil power, the skills, natural energy ratios, and amplification capabilities of the three Sage Modes learned by Uchiha Xuan began to be recombined and constructed!

This portrayal and deduction is not an unknown construction. Uchiha Xuan is well aware of the advantages of each Sage Mode. What he has to do now is to gather the strengths of all schools, take the essence, and discard the chaff.

The eye shadow mask automatically appeared on his face, and a steady stream of natural energy was drawn from the air and integrated into Uchiha Xuan’s body.

This time it is more like plunder than fusion!

Uchiha Xuan is like the sacred tree planted on the planet by the Otsutsuki clan, plundering. The vitality and power of this planet!

His chakra is no longer a simple fusion of natural energy to form”Senjutsu Chakra”.

Instead, it absorbs natural energy to become the nutrient of chakra and the nutrient of the body!

The eyeshadow and facial makeup on his face faded quietly, turning into a dragon tattoo wandering on his body.

In the end, the dragon tattoo was stationed on Uchiha Xuan’s back, and it was perched on his back with a posture of raising its head and swallowing the world.

At this time, Uchiha Xuan also opened his eyes.

The golden eyes are no different from when he entered the Sage Mode before, but they are more pure and natural.

He clenched his palms, feeling the explosive power in his body.

“It succeeded, but my left eye is almost blind.”

Uchiha Xuan shook his head, the vision of his left eye was already blurred to the extreme.

But he was not worried, he had entered the new Sage Mode, and was constantly absorbing natural energy and converting it into pupil power to restore the consumption.

And this exclusive Sage Mode was much stronger than the three Sage Modes he had learned before.

The first point was that he could enter the Sage Mode instantly like Hashirama Senju, or he would never exit it again.

The dragon tattoo on his back could help him continuously absorb natural energy and integrate it into his body.

But this efficiency and intensity were relatively low, and it was in a half-open state of the Sage Mode.

The natural energy absorbed by the dragon tattoo would be slowly absorbed by the chakra and the body.

This would make his chakra quality continue to improve until it reached the level of perfect transformation into Sage Chakra.

And his body would also be improved by the natural energy, the flesh The body strength, cell activity, and life span will increase as a result. The reason why the White Snake Sage, Slug Sage, and Toad Sage can live for such a long time, in addition to their special species, the most important thing is that they have almost merged with the natural energy.

If I can continue to absorb natural energy for a long time, I can also live as long as them.

At least living for thousands of years is no longer a problem for me!

The second point is that this reconstructed exclusive Sage Mode combines the advantages of the three Sage Modes.

It has a comprehensive increase in ninjutsu, physical skills, illusions, and pupil skills. Performing Yin and Yang escape in this state will be much easier than usual.

Moreover, the regeneration ability and chakra recovery speed are definitely far better than the previous Wet Bone Forest Sage Mode.

It’s just that Uchiha Xuan didn’t want to go crazy and cut off his limbs to try, so he couldn’t judge the regeneration strength of his body at this moment.

“It seems that he doesn’t need to eat normally. The natural energy absorbed by the dragon tattoo on his back is enough to provide the daily nutritional needs of the body..”

Uchiha Xuan murmured, and immediately exited the Sage Mode.

Now that he entered this Sage Mode, the starting time for it to last for more than an hour.

Relying on the dragon tattoo to continuously absorb natural energy, his strength and duration will only get longer and longer.

When his body fully adapts to natural energy, or even transforms into being able to produce natural energy on its own, then the Sage Mode will be his normal state.

Uchiha Xuan raised his hand at this time, and chakra surged out like a tide, forming a Rasengan in the palm of his hand.

The bright blue Rasengan was mixed with a hint of golden luster.

“The form of chakra, or the information inside, has increased a little.”

He could see the change in his own chakra, which reminded Uchiha Xuan of the Otsutsuki clan.

The Otsutsuki clan has an ability called [Wedge], which is to copy themselves and digitize themselves, and then insert them into other people’s bodies.

Similar to a compressed file, it will continue to decompress in other people’s bodies until the Otsutsuki clan is reborn again.

The reincarnation of the Six Paths Sage and his two sons, Ashura and Indra, is essentially the reincarnation of the chakra that recorded the information of their own genes and souls.

But compared to the Otsutsuki clan, the two sons of the Six Paths Sage are definitely not qualified, and the soul information is not recorded.

Uchiha Xuan, who was thinking divergently, muttered after thinking about this:

“Could it be that my chakra is now passively recording the information of natural energy, thus gradually evolving?”

The wedge of the Otsutsuki clan was too far away from him, and Uchiha Xuan had no reference value.

But the closest”Jūgo” was the source of the curse seal created by Orochimaru in the original work, and was born with the ability to absorb natural energy. The two ninjutsu that Jūgo possessed made Uchiha Xuan fall into deep thought.

One is [Re-Cell Expulsion], which is a technique of distributing one’s own chakra-containing cells to the injured to heal the wound.

The prerequisite for use is that the other person must possess the curse seal or must be able to adapt to the power of the curse seal.

The other is [Re-Cell Attraction], which can attract the flesh and cells of other people and change them into one’s own cells, allowing one’s injured body to recover at an ultra-fast speed.

“To distribute one’s own cells to others, one must change the genetic structure of one’s own cells so that they will not be rejected by the other person’s body.

To absorb the flesh cells of others, one must change the cell structure of the other party and transform it into one’s own cells.

This requires chakra as a medium. Chakra forcibly covers the cells and rewrites their DNA.

The plug-and-play Sharingan used during the Fourth World War is also based on this feature. (Okay, okay)

At the same time as the transplant, one’s own chakra is injected into it so that its genetic factor information is covered.”

Thinking of this, Uchiha Xuan had a bold idea in his mind.

Chakra is essentially energy extracted from the body and mind.

Therefore, it actually records the genetic factor information and soul message of his body and mind.

So if he uses chakra to record the genetic factor information of others, can he directly obtain the corresponding blood and physique?!

At this time, Uchiha Xuan suddenly reacted

“My right eye pupil technique [Soul Sacrifice] seems to be a rough use of this ability!

At the beginning, I absorbed the chakra and vitality of other ninjas, and then I gained other chakra properties.

I absorbed the vitality and chakra of the Uzumaki clan and obtained the Uzumaki Sage Body!”

Uchiha Xuan didn’t expect that after thinking about it, the possibility he derived had already appeared on him..

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