United states tax collector

Chapter 101 Are you cool? That's it!

Gray became more and more angry as he thought about it, and retorted directly: "Okay, Chief David, it seems that from now on, it will be enough to have your IRS here in the Lake District. In other matters, our police department, city hall and other departments do not need to intervene. !”

What he meant by this was already obvious.

Isn’t your IRS very capable? Then don’t even think about cooperating with our police department and city hall departments on tax matters in the future!

After hearing such remarks, David also became angry.

He was originally a little unhappy about Gray coming to intercede for Dieter, but now he was directly threatening their tax work.

This guy doesn't know what happened to the CIA who threatened them last time, right?

Thinking of this, David directly picked up the phone on the table, answered the call and said, "Come to my office!"

Gray on the opposite side was instantly confused when he heard this. What does this mean?

But before he could figure it out, Bucky soon pushed the door open and asked David: "Tax Commissioner, are you looking for me?"

David said without emotion: "Send Deputy Mayor Gray to our detention room!"

Upon hearing this, Bucky was stunned for a moment.

Gray, who was sitting opposite, also looked dumbfounded.

He is the dignified deputy mayor of Las Vegas. He is not said to have all the power here, but he is still a powerful person!

On weekdays, when I go to various departments, I won't find any department that treats him as an ancestor.

But now when he comes to the IRS, everyone is looking down on him, and they actually want to arrest him in the detention room?

This is simply unreasonable!

After a while, Gray finally reacted, stood up, pointed at David and angrily shouted: "David, don't think that just because you are the tax chief of the IRS, you can act unscrupulously. I tell you, I am Vice Mayor of Las Vegas, if you dare to abuse your power to detain me, your Lake District branch will never be able to gain a foothold here!"

David smiled disdainfully and replied: "Deputy Mayor Gray, do you think our IRS will use its power to detain others at will?"

"Then if you want to detain me now, isn't that an abuse of power?"

Gray still looked fierce, as if he wanted to eat David on the spot.

David ignored his look and said slowly: "On the 3rd of last month, you collected US$50,000, and then you approved a road project in the Lake District to Buani Road through illegal approval methods. Engineering Group, right?”

"How about it? Do you want me to invite the boss of this group and the relevant people in charge to come back and talk about it and ask them to explain this matter carefully?"

Gray, who was still fierce at first, felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer in the heart after hearing these words, and he instantly felt a little difficult to breathe.

After a long time, he reacted and then pretended to be angry and retorted: "What illegal means, what Buani Road Engineering Group, I don't know what you are talking about, don't slander out of thin air, how can the city hall accept it?" Bribery is power seeking!"

"Okay, since you said this is slander out of thin air, then I won't make this order!"

"On December 7, your city hall wanted to purchase a batch of equipment. Dingbang Equipment Company in Lake District found you and gave you $20,000. Isn't this a slander?"

As soon as these words came out, Gray felt as if he had been hit in the chest again. If you look closely at his legs below, you can see that they are even trembling.

"If you still say it's a slander, that's okay!"

"Lynch Aldrich, who deals in antiques in the Lake District, I believe you are familiar with it, right?"

"He has already paid taxes to our IRS. I think you know this. And you collected him US$100,000 in asylum fees on the 28th last month. I think he has not forgotten it. Do you want to invite him?" Come and talk to you?”

The appearance of the name Lynch completely broke Gray's psychological defense.

When the IRS approached Lynch, Lynch came to him and wanted him to help mediate.

But he knew that the IRS was difficult to deal with, and Lynch's weight was not enough for him to come forward so hard, so he refused directly.

The result was that Lynch paid taxes to the IRS and entered the file.

If the IRS finds Lynch and asks him to carefully disclose the interests of both parties, then there is no need to think about it. Lynch will definitely explain it honestly!

Then he, the deputy mayor, can hardly speak clearly even if he has eight mouths!

"As a public official of the country, you used your influence for personal gain of hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, knowing full well that the Black Tax Act was introduced, but you did not take the initiative to report it to our Internal Revenue Service. Now that we are detaining you, what's the problem? Is this what we are doing to you? Are you abusing your power?"

David's words made Gray, who was confused, sober up a little.

But he couldn't figure out when the IRS investigated his situation so clearly.

But it seems useless to think about it now.

At this time, he felt very regretful.

I regret that I should have refused directly when Congressman Strong called and asked him to come forward; I should not have entered this muddy water.

In this way, in his capacity as deputy mayor, even if the IRS already has so much information about his tax evasion, the relationship between the two parties will not be so tense due to the relationship with the city hall.

Now, not only will he be unable to step down, but once he is put into the detention room of the Internal Revenue Service, the City Hall will also be disgraced.

And if the media finds out, it will be even more shocking!

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. He forced a smile and said, "Tax Commissioner David, I was thinking about the work of the city hall just now, and my words were a bit excessive. I would like to apologize to you. It was just a misunderstanding..."

These words made David feel a little funny.


Why didn't you say there was a misunderstanding just now?

Now that I have listed the tax evasion information, is it a misunderstanding?

"Deputy Mayor Gray, I have made it very clear just now that our IRS will not investigate the wrong person or abuse its power, so..."

David paused and glanced at Bucky who was standing beside him.

Bucky understood immediately and walked to Gray's side and said, "I'm sorry, Deputy Mayor Gray, please!"

Seeing that David had no intention of giving up, Gray became anxious and quickly changed his words: "Tax Commissioner David, extremists like Dieter should be severely punished. On behalf of the city hall, I support your IRS measures!"

Now that he is almost in danger, he can't care about Diet or not.

"Deputy Mayor Gray, you are a person of status, don't force me to do it myself!"

Bucky saw that David had no intention of letting go, so he continued to drive Gray away.

Gray gritted his teeth and said, "Tax Commissioner David, I'm willing to pay taxes and register for you. Is that okay?"

"Deputy Mayor Gray, actively paying taxes to us and passively paying taxes to us cannot be confused!"

Even now, David still has no intention of killing Gray.

After all, no matter what happens, the two sides are just in conflict, and they have not yet reached the level of fighting to the death like Dieter.

Therefore, as long as Gray is willing to pay taxes, he will not kill the other party.

However, if Gray dares to go to the IRS to intercede for Dieter, he must be taught a lesson!

For example, let him enter the detention room.

This also sends a signal to the outside world. Whoever dares to come to the IRS to plead for Dieter will end up like this!

"Taxmaster David..."

"take away!"

David didn't give Gray a chance to speak again.

But Bucky didn't care so much, and directly grabbed Gray's hand.

Gray was used to being pampered, but of course he couldn't resist Bucky, a strong man with a Marine Corps background. He was led out of the office in a few steps.

Inspector's Office on the third floor.

Originally, it was still a busy scene here, but after seeing Bucky appear with Gray on his back, everyone seemed to be froze in place as if a restraining spell had been cast.

As the deputy mayor of Las Vegas, the auditors were certainly no stranger to Gray.

But this deputy mayor...what's going on?

Why was he being held up by Bucky like he was a prisoner?

Before they could react, when they saw Bucky driving Gray in the direction of the detention room, everyone's hearts were filled with turmoil again.

Detention cells have always been reserved for criminals.

When did the deputy mayor of a city have to be imprisoned in a place like this?

The last time CIA personnel were put into a detention room, the inspectors also felt a great impact.

But after all, they were just agents in the CIA, so how could the impact of a deputy mayor be as big as that of one now?

All the auditors were looking at me and me looking for an answer.

However, what just happened, no one knew what was going on.

On the fourth floor, this is the director's office.

"Come in!"

Otilia walked in with a hurried look and said quickly: "Director, I don't know what happened to Chief David, but he actually put Gray in our detention room!"

"What did you say!"

William, who was still lowering his head while holding a pen and reviewing documents, suddenly raised his head, looking incredulous.

"I said, Deputy Mayor Gray was sent to the detention room by Chief David!"

"Oh Shet, what's going on!"

William finally reacted, his tone a little angry.

Gray is not a small character, he is the deputy mayor of Las Vegas, and now the IRS has actually sent him to the detention room. If a reasonable explanation is not given, even the IRS will have to suffer. Walk around!

After all, City Hall is not a vegetarian!

Otilia shrank her head and replied weakly: "I don't know yet either!"

William stood up immediately, almost ran out of the office, and then headed towards where David was.

But before he reached half way, he bumped into David coming towards him.

William didn't care and asked directly: "I heard that you threw Deputy Mayor Gray into the detention room. What on earth is going on?"

"I was just going to report this matter to you, Director. Here's what happened..."

David first asked Gray to downplay Dieter's matter, but he disagreed. Then Gray took out the city hall and told the major departments about not cooperating with the tax work.

After hearing these words, William was not satisfied and said: "He is the deputy mayor of the city hall. Even if he threatens us like this, we can't be so direct. This will..."

"What if he evaded taxes!"

William, who was about to continue talking, immediately forgot the language he wanted to say when he heard this, and asked hurriedly: "He evaded taxes? Do you have evidence?"

"Director, Lynch, do you still remember?"

"Lynch... isn't this the antique dealer?"

In the last assessment period, Lynch generated more than 1 million in tax revenue for their Lake District branch. William was still impressed by this level of criminals.

"He has an interest in this Gray!"

"What you said is true, are you sure?"

Lynch is currently registered in the database of their Lake District branch. From a certain perspective, he is already at their mercy.

If Gray really had an interest in him, then as long as the IRS said a word, Lynch would have no choice but to stand up and act as a witness!

But the premise is that the two people must have a real relationship of interest!

"Of course I'm sure. Besides Lynch, I also have information about his interests in many companies and groups in the Lake District. Otherwise, how could I dare to throw Tangtang into the detention room as the deputy mayor?"

William heard the same thing.

In the past few assessment periods, David has been able to handle almost every case beautifully, making it impossible for anyone to find fault with him. How could he suddenly become dizzy?

It seems that his worries are totally unnecessary!

"In this case, you did this beautifully. It not only taught Gray a lesson, but also served as a warning to the people who asked him to be a lobbyist!"

William finally saw David's intention.

"Yes, I do want to use Gray to warn those forces who want to help Dieter escape the crime, so that they no longer have to do useless work, and the only option is to be obedient and befriend others!"

William nodded and said: "In this case of Gray, it is enough to teach him a lesson. Don't make the matter a big deal. It would be more useful to let him fall than to let him be restricted by our IRS!"

First of all, as long as Gray doesn't collapse, the IRS will be able to collect more tax revenue every month.

Secondly, Gray serves as deputy mayor.

Once you enter their IRS file, you will definitely not go against their IRS in the future and will obediently cooperate with their tax work.

This is much more effective than letting him fall and appointing a new deputy mayor!

David replied: "Don't worry, Director, I know what to do!"

William seemed to have thought of something and said with emotion: "Last time it was someone from the CIA, and now it's Deputy Mayor Gray. Okay, Chief Tax Officer David, you really have a way!"

Now William is more and more convinced of David.

It's okay to deal with those criminals cleanly, but it's incredible that they can still perform like this when facing people of the CIA and City Hall level.

He now felt more and more that it was the wisest decision to quickly elevate David to the position of tax commissioner!

"Okay, there are still many things to deal with in Dieter's case, so go ahead and do your work!"

City Hall.

"What are you talking about? Gray was put in a detention room by the IRS?"

As a national congressman, Strong has experienced countless storms, but he was still shocked when he heard that Gray, who was sent to lobby the IRS, was imprisoned.

That's the deputy mayor of a city!

How dare the IRS do this?

If he didn't give a reasonable explanation, would the Lake District IRS still want to continue operating on this land in Las Vegas?

"I couldn't believe it when I first received the news, but after thinking about it and inquiring about the information from various parties, I feel that the Lake District Internal Revenue Service must be very confident that it dares to arrest Gray, Congressman Strong , the trouble is a bit big this time..."

The words coming from the other end of the phone made Strong come back to his senses and fell into deep thought.

That's true if you think about it carefully.

Without absolute certainty, how could the IRS dare to take action against a dignified deputy mayor?

Unless all the leadership at the IRS has gone crazy!

But is this possible?

Obviously it’s impossible!

And since the IRS dares to lock up Gray, what is the biggest reason?

Of course, it couldn't be about interceding for Dieter. Although Dieter was the person the IRS wanted to arrest, it was just interceding and did not constitute an illegal act at all.

There is only one possibility, and that is that Gray must have been caught by the IRS in terms of taxation!

But here's what Strong couldn't figure out.

He had just sent Gray to the IRS. Even if the IRS had extraordinary abilities, it would not have been able to grasp Gray's tax evasion evidence so quickly, right?


The IRS has been secretly investigating Gray for a long time, and even obtained evidence of tax evasion from him, but they just kept it secret. It was not until Gray came to visit today that he fell into a 'trap'!

Thinking of this, Strong's back suddenly felt chilly.

If Gray had been targeted by the IRS for a long time, wouldn’t he have also been targeted by the IRS?

"Congressman Strong, are you still listening?"

The voice from the other end of the phone brought Strong back to his senses. He said: "The IRS will not do anything to Gray. Go to the Lake District IRS and inquire about the situation." Let’s rescue him by the way!”

Strong can become a congressman, and his brain is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

He knew very well that if the IRS got hold of Gray, it would never go to death. It just wanted to serve as a warning to those of them who interfered with the Dieter case.

After all, a deputy mayor who is caught by the IRS is more useful than a newly appointed deputy mayor!

"Congressman Strong... you can go, but about Dieter... I won't say much. Is that okay?"

Gray suddenly ended up like this just because he went to the IRS to intercede for Dieter. Naturally, the person on the other end of the phone was afraid of making such a mistake again.

"Just go and solve Gray's matter, there's no need to say anything else!"

"okay, I get it!"

After ending the call, Strong immediately put on his suit jacket, found his driver, and headed in the direction of the Indian reservation.

In about 40 minutes, Strong arrived at the door of the chief's house in the reservation.

"Mr. Congressman,."

As soon as he saw Strong getting off the bus, a young Indian man stationed here immediately came forward to ask.

"Tell Chief Garr I want to see him!"

"Follow me, Mr. Congressman!"

Qingzhuang took Strong all the way to the hall where we talked this morning, and then said: "Please wait a moment, Mr. Congressman, I will inform the chief right now!"

It takes about 10 minutes.

Indian senior officials such as Garbine and Twin came to the scene, and Dieter was also among them.

Seeing Strong's gloomy look, the Indians suddenly felt that something was not going well. Then Gal took the lead and asked: "Congressman Strong, what happened?"

Strong glanced at Dieter first, and then said: "I'm afraid I can't help you with your tribe's affairs!"

A deputy mayor has already fallen into the trap.

And he doesn't know whether he has been investigated by the IRS, so the best choice now is to retreat first to avoid getting burned by the fire.

Upon hearing this, all the Indians at the scene had their expressions darkened, and Dieter among them even showed an anxious expression.

As the effects of the contraband drug wore off, his mind was now much clearer.

And now a high-ranking congressman said there was nothing he could do to help, which made him feel that the seriousness of the matter was getting bigger and bigger.

Gal said in a deep voice: "Congressman Strong, what happened?"

"According to your wishes, I have sent people to the IRS with conditions to make the matter less serious, but..."

Strong immediately told the story about Gray being thrown into a detention cell by the IRS.

After hearing the ins and outs of this incident, all the Indians at the scene were dumbfounded.

It is true that they do not know much about the weight of the IRS, but they are still very clear about the weight of a deputy mayor.

But now, a deputy mayor went to the IRS to resolve the matter, but was thrown directly into jail by the IRS?

If Strong hadn't told them this in person, they wouldn't have believed it.

On the side, Dieter's mood was extremely complicated.

He originally thought that his behavior was domineering enough, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't even be considered a jerk in front of the IRS.

After all, he was still somewhat in awe when facing a figure like the deputy mayor.

But the IRS, let alone being in awe, didn't even give him any face, and threw him directly into the detention room.

"Congressman Strong, this... this is impossible. He is a deputy mayor. How can the IRS be so rampant?"

Twin reacted and asked slightly questioningly.

Strong glanced at him and said: "Since the IRS dares to take down a deputy mayor like this, it must be fully confident, otherwise they will not be able to bear the follow-up of the matter. There is no need to question this!"


Twin was choked, and after a pause he said: "Congressman Strong, are there any other ways we can try? We can't just admit defeat, right?"

Strong was a little unhappy when he heard this, and replied: "I have no choice. If this matter continues, I will be implicated!"

Having said this, he looked at Dieter again and said: "Speaking of a thousand words, when the IRS comes to you and asks you to pay taxes, you are done with it. Why resist? It only requires 40% of your income, but you still make a lot of money!"

"Even if you don't hand it over, it doesn't matter. The most they can do is arrest you first, but you should never have chosen such a stupid method as assassination!"

Today is a big chapter with more than 6,000 words. If there is something wrong, this is the only update. See you tomorrow, brother!

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