United states tax collector

Chapter 106: Fully armed and heading to the reservation (big chapter)

It took her a long time to finish digesting it, and she frowned and replied, "What do you think?"

"In view of the example of Li Gensheng last time, I don't think we can choose the option of giving the excess to him..."

"Then what you mean is that if you choose him, he will get 70% and we will get 30%?"

When speaking of this, Catherine's tone was a little bad.

After all, the case belongs to their neighborhood, and there are so many inspection teams from their neighborhood involved in the investigation of this case.

If you can only get 30% after it is really cracked, it feels like a bad deal.

"Of course I also know that this is not cost-effective for our Main Street Branch, but if this continues, we still don't know how long it will take to collect evidence if we want to solve this case, but David seems to be very confident. He has even said If he himself cannot play a decisive role in the three major cases, he will not take any money..."

According to Keanu's thinking, he certainly doesn't want these three major cases to drag on any longer.

You know, every day is a tax.

The sooner they resolve these three major cases, the sooner they can collect more tax dollars.

And the later it gets, the more difficult it will be to obtain evidence and statistics, resulting in a lot of tax losses.

As the leader of a bureau, Catherine naturally understood this truth. After careful consideration, she replied: "Go and talk to him again and bring the split to 55, or at the worst, 64!"

"Okay, I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, Keanu immediately returned to the Tax Commissioner's office and said to David: "Chief Tax Officer David, our director said that for these three major cases, we can split it 50-50 at most. How about it?"

David shook his head calmly, looking unmoved.

Keanu's face darkened, he stared at David for three seconds, and said again: "The maximum is 46, you 6 and we 4. This is the bottom line, we really can't go any more!"

David showed a successful smile and said: "Deal!"

He could see that this was indeed the bottom line of the block, and he didn't push it too hard.

Anyway, the difference between 37 and 46 is only 10%. In short, once these three major cases are solved, he will be the one who takes the majority!

Looking at David's appearance, Keanu felt disgusted that he had to eat it even though he knew it was shit.

At this time, David spoke again: "You know that I am currently investigating the Dieter case. I will wait until I finish this case before joining your three major cases. Is that okay?"

Of course Keanu also knew that the current David would not be able to escape so quickly, and he replied with a prepared look: "Of course, as for the three King Kongs, I will have them sent over now."

"Okay, that's hard work!"

after an hour

An escort car stopped at the door of the Lake District Internal Revenue Service.

The back door opened, and three inspectors from the Main Street Division pushed down the three handcuffed men and then sent them inside.

This is the tax collector's office.

Ariel walked in and reported: "Director, we have received the three King Kongs from the Lake District Inspector, and they are currently being held in the detention room."

"Take Baldwin to the interrogation room first!"


10 minutes later.

Baldwin was brought into the interrogation room, probably because he was demoralized by being arrested. At this time, he looked depressed.


At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Baldwin quickly looked up, but when he saw the face that came in, his expression instantly turned ugly.

The visitor was none other than David.

"Are you surprised to see me Mr. Baldwin?"

David pulled up a stool and sat across from him, looking at him with amusement.

Baldwin asked dissatisfiedly: "What do you want?"

"Let me tell you straight, I need a confession from you, in which you confess what business you are responsible for in the Dieter Group and what illegal and criminal things you have done for Dieter. You may have to stand up and identify Dieter yourself afterwards! "

Upon hearing this, Baldwin instantly became furious and yelled angrily: "Humph, I am loyal to Dieter, and you want me to betray Dieter. You are dreaming!"

David was not angry. He took out a small note from his pocket, spread it out and pushed it in front of Baldwin.

Baldwin took a closer look, and his expression changed drastically in the next second.

What is written on this note is his several hidden accounts, and the money in the accounts has been washed clean.

Originally, he planned to sneak out of the country immediately after the case was over.

Anyway, he has made a lot of money in these years. Although he will not become rich when he goes abroad, he can still guarantee his food and clothing.

But he underestimated the IRS's determination to catch him.

Unexpectedly, he was so unlucky that he ran to the boundary of the main block. He happened to be caught by the inspector of the main block and was finally caught and sent back to the lake area.

"Isn't it surprising, how did I find these accounts of yours?"

Baldwin didn't reply, but his eyes were full of curiosity.

The owner of these accounts is not him, nor his relatives and friends, but someone else through a special magician to hold them on his behalf.

Therefore, he couldn't figure out how the IRS found out!

"It's simple, Sapir told me!"

In fact, David would be able to find out these accounts sooner or later by using the function of Goldfinger, but because Sapir had mastered so many secrets of the Dieter Group, he could easily obtain this information without any effort on his part.

"Sapir, he was also arrested by your IRS!?"

Baldwin finally understood.

He said, how come his hidden accounts were discovered by the IRS?

It wouldn't be a surprise if Sapir ended up in the hands of the IRS.

Because in their group, all money laundering business is handled by Sapir.

Thinking of this, Baldwin's mood became complicated.

When the IRS conducted a large-scale raid on their group a few days ago, he kept contacting Sapir, but found that he could not be contacted.

At that time, he thought that Sapir had gotten wind of the incident and ran away first.

But what I didn't expect was that it fell into the hands of the IRS.

And now listening to David's tone and the accounts in front of him, it can be inferred that Sapir has probably succumbed to the power of the IRS!

"We at the IRS do things fairly, we are not robbers or robbers. As long as you do what I say, we will not take the money from your account, nor will we freeze it. As long as you pay all the taxes you should pay." , you still have the right to use it, what do you think?"

Baldwin was silent.

He came out to hang out and joined the Dieter Group to do the job of licking blood from the knife edge. What was his purpose?

It’s not just about money!

And the contents in these accounts are all his life savings.

If it was confiscated by the IRS, it would be even worse than killing him!

But what the IRS wants him to do now is to betray Dieter...

To be honest, of course he was not as loyal to Dieter as he said.

Over the years, Dieter had treated him like a bull and a horse.

And just a few days ago, the Mo Guo Gang incident caused him to lose more than 1.5 million, which had long made him very dissatisfied with the boss.

But due to the boss's power, he didn't dare to make any mistakes.

However, the assassination of David, the tax chief of the IRS, caused all the properties in the Dietersee area to be seized and paid, and he himself had to be forced to return to the reservation. This obviously meant that the building was about to collapse. The scene.

If he was still determined to follow Dieter, he would definitely be dead.

Dieter still had an Indian identity as a talisman, but he didn't have it.

Thinking of all these things, Baldwin decided to compromise, and then said: "Yes, I can give you the confession you want, but the premise is that except for returning the money to me, you cannot send me to prison!"

"As long as you give a detailed confession and stand up to testify against Dieter, I can agree to both of your conditions!"

First of all, David and this Baldwin have no grudges.

This is different from Baldwin, Dieter, Virginia, and Iman. These three people were participants in his assassination and must be severely punished.

Secondly, the Internal Revenue Service is only responsible for collecting taxes. If criminals like Baldwin are willing to pay, it is up to the police and FBI to arrest them.

Finally, retaining Baldwin may allow him to continue to generate tax revenue for the IRS in the future, which is much more cost-effective than sending him to prison to waste IRS food.

"Okay, then it's settled!"

Seeing David readily agree, Baldwin was also very satisfied.

As for whether Dieter dies or not, he can't care so much. Anyway, as long as he can continue to live happily.

If people don't do it for themselves, they will be punished by heaven and earth!

David turned to look at Simmons in front of him and ordered: "Take him to write a confession, and bring the other two over!"

Simmons nodded and immediately took Baldwin out.

After about 10 minutes, he walked in with two men. These two men were Dieter's two kings, named Byron and Gustav.

Although the two of them had never met David in person, they had already engraved David's appearance in their minds through photos.

So after coming in and seeing the 'culprit' who had led them to this situation, a hint of murderous intent burst out in their eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, I have no ill intentions towards you!"

David's words made the two of them sneer. They couldn't help but think, your IRS has been tracking and raiding us in the past few days, and it almost overturned the entire lake area. Are you saying you have no ill intentions towards us?

"Let me make a long story short. I need a confession from you, specifying in detail what matters you are responsible for in Dieter Group, and finally testify against Dieter in court!"

"Don't even think about it!"

"Stop dreaming, we won't be traitors!"

David remained calm, then took out two pieces of paper from his pocket, opened them and pushed them in front of the two of them.

When they saw that this was their hidden account, the two of them showed the same shock as Baldwin before.

"You have been fighting and killing for so many years just for money. How would you feel if I froze or even confiscated all your funds?"

Upon hearing this, the two of them instantly became furious, as if they wanted to eat David.

"Of course, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me and pay us the tax amount, we can return the money to you!"

The two looked at each other, but Byron seemed to be more loyal to Dieter and refused directly: "Money is just a personal possession. If you, the IRS, want to freeze it, just freeze it, but you want me to stab Dieter in the back. I'm sorry." ,I can not do it!"

David was not in a hurry, looked at Gustav and asked, "What about you?"

"I...I can't do it either!"

Although Gustave said that he couldn't do it, his position was obviously wavering. He just saw Byron refusing so firmly that he was embarrassed to be the second-in-command alone.

David naturally noticed it, leaned back slightly, and said with a playful smile: "What if the money is returned to you, and the freedom is also returned to you?"

"What do you mean, give us freedom too?"

Gustav's expression changed and he immediately asked eagerly.

In his opinion, since Dieter committed such an assassination, it is destined that everyone in their group will not have a good end, and everyone will have to suffer from it!

Even if he were now willing to give a confession and stand up to testify against Dieter, it would only be considered a minor crime and meritorious service at most, and he would definitely have to go to jail.

But how can you imagine that David is now saying that he wants to give them their freedom? Does he really not pursue the assassination?

David said: "I know that you were not directly involved in the assassination of me, so I am also very fair. I will only pursue Dieter and the others, and I will not implicate you!"

"In other words, as long as we give a confession and stand up to testify against Dieter, the money in the account will still be ours, and we won't have to go to jail?"


"Can you promise?"

David smiled and said, "If you think I can't guarantee it, who else can?"

"Okay, if you can promise not to let us go to jail, I am willing to do what you ask!"

As the saying goes, life is precious and love is more valuable. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away!

Now David has not only promised not to send them to prison, but also not to freeze their funds.

So let alone Dieter, even his biological father and mother, Gustave felt that he could be betrayed!

David looked at Byron and asked: "What about you, do you make the same choice as Gustav, or do you choose to go in and accompany Dieter?"

At this time, Byron's face was turning blue and purple, and his heart was constantly intertwined with heaven and man.

To say how loyal he is to Dieter, it's hard to say.

He was just angry that David had overturned their property in the Lake District and was chasing them like rats on the street.

As for David saying just now that he could return the money to them, to be honest, he felt even more insulted.

After all, if people go in, no matter how much money they have, what's the use? Where can they spend it in prison?

But it would be different if the money was returned to them and he was not sent to jail.

David looked at his watch and said, "I have limited time. I will give you ten seconds to think. If you don't agree, forget it..."

Three of the Four King Kongs have been solved, and together with Sapir, Iman and the seized stolen goods, the Dieter case can be considered to have a complete chain of evidence.

Even if Byron is missing, it won't have much impact

When the time came to the 7th second, Byron's expression turned grim and he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I agree!"

In the face of freedom and money, what do the so-called loyalty, brotherhood and brotherhood mean?

What's more, Dieter has never regarded him as a brother. For people other than Indians, in front of people like Dieter, they are almost no different from beasts!

So Byron had no reason at all to choose to work hard for Dieter for the sake of money and freedom.

David stood up, gave Simmons a few words, and then returned to his office.

About half an hour later.

Simmons walked in, placed the confession forms he was holding on David's desk, and said, "All three of them have written it!"

David picked it up and took a look. After finding that there was nothing wrong with it, he took out a stack of documents from the cabinet below.

These are confessions, criminal information, photos and other materials made by Sapir, Iman and other key members of the Dieter Group.

After David got together, he stood up and walked out, came to the director's office and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

David walked in, put the documents on William's side, and said, "Director, this is the complete evidence of the Dieter case, all ready!"

"Complete evidence?"

William was startled at first, and then asked quickly: "Didn't you say that there are still three King Kongs that have not been caught?"

David patted his head and replied: "By the way, just now, over there in the main street..."

Because he was too busy at work, he originally wanted to wait until the matter was completely settled before coming in to report together, but unexpectedly he forgot about it until William mentioned it now.

"You mean, the man was caught in the main street, and Inspector Keanu personally came to talk to you?"

William did not focus on the fact that the three King Kongs had been taken care of, but was keenly aware of the intriguing purpose of Keanu's coming.

"This is the director. He was caught by the Main Street Bureau. This is somewhat of a favor, so I made a deal with him..."

David then told the story of the three major cases.

When he heard about the transactions on the three major cases, William was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses, and then said with slight approval: "Since each of these three major cases involves more than millions of dollars, and they agreed Give us 60%, then we can get involved..."

It is true that no major cases have been discovered in the Lake District now. If they can get a piece of the Main Street Branch's pie, this will allow their Lake District Branch's tax performance to still maintain a high momentum. William is more supportive of this.

"Let's move on to these three major cases. What we have to do now is to take down Dieter first!"

William put away his thoughts, looked at David and said, "What do you want to do?"

"The chain of evidence for this case is already here. I want you, Director, to quickly send it to the state bureau and ask them to review it as soon as possible, and then have the armed forces on standby at any time!"

William nodded and replied: "Now that we have a complete chain of evidence, it is no problem to pass the review and put the armed forces on standby, but what exactly do you want to do? Just let the armed forces go to the Indian reservation?"

David shook his head and said: "My idea is that I will go to the reservation in person, talk to their chief, and ask them to make friends. If they make friends, it will naturally be good for both parties. If not Hand it over, then it won’t be too late to notify the armed forces to come over!”

"No, no, no, the Indian reservations are too dangerous. Those Indians are used to running rampant and tyrannical because of their privileges. They have always hated people from the law enforcement department, let alone you coming to arrest them!"

William rejected David's proposal without even thinking about it.

Now David is the leader of their Lake District branch. If something goes wrong when he goes to the reservation, then their Lake District will suffer a big loss.

He even preferred not to pay all the taxes on the Dieter case, rather than want anything to happen to David!

"No, Director, according to the information I have, the Indians are now trying to find ways and entrusting various relationships to resolve the conflicts with us. This shows that they are aware of our power!"

"So even if I go, they won't be very welcoming at best, and they will never dare to do anything to me!"

"What's more, I'm not going by myself. I will ask the inspectors from our bureau to be armed and accompany me!"

Hearing David's resolute words, William thought for a moment, but still refused: "No, it's not about ten thousand, just in case. Send someone else, it's the same!"

"No, Director, this is different. The Indian reservation has always been an independent kingdom."

"Their various illegal transactions such as smuggling, drug trafficking, selling sex, etc. have never been known to the outside world."

"This time, I'm apparently going to see their chief, but actually I want to do a preliminary investigation into the illegally traded industries in their reservation!"

This is actually the biggest reason why David so strongly requested to go to the Indian reservation in person.

In fact, he had already had this plan when Dieter escaped back to the Indian reservation.

Like before the black tax bill was introduced.

In the Lake District, major neighborhoods, new urban areas, and even major cities across the country, at least there are police and FBI to crack down on these criminal industries.

But only in places like Indian reservations, because the police and other law enforcement agencies have no law enforcement power, they have never been able to go in to investigate the situation.

This has also led to rampant illegal trade in various Indian reservations, and has even become an important economic pillar for the Indians.

The Indians provide reservations to ensure the absolute safety of criminals trading there. With such a haven of refuge, criminals are very happy to pay asylum fees.

But things are different now.

Now with the introduction of the Black Tax Act, this act stipulates that as long as the proceeds of illegal transactions are involved, the IRS has the power to investigate.

This also means that David has the authority to enforce law on the Indian reservation and pay taxes on all criminal activities there.

And when he went in this time, although he was nominally asking the Indians to hand over Dieter, he could privately conduct an investigation into the tribe's illegal transactions.

If the Indian tribe refuses to hand over Dieter, their armed forces will attack the border with troops. Dieter will have to hand it over even if he doesn't, and all illegal transactions inside will also have to pay taxes.

This is almost killing two birds with one stone!

Although it was indeed a bit dangerous to go there in person, as the saying goes, wealth can be gained through danger, so he felt it was worth the risk!

"Do a survey of the reservation..."

William, who originally looked worried, immediately brightened up after hearing this.

This reminded him.

Indian tribes have always existed as a nation in the United States. In the past, except under special circumstances, almost no agency was allowed to enforce laws within such tribes.

Including them the IRS too!

But now that they have the black tax bill in hand, they have the right to investigate the proceeds of illegal transactions!

For such a large tribe, if all the black taxes can be collected, the funds will definitely not be a small amount.

Maybe, this tax amount is more than the tax amount in the Dieter case and all previous cases combined!

After all, in a place like the Lake District, with the police and FBI watching over it, criminals would be more or less cautious and not dare to be too rampant.

But in places like reservations, criminals don’t have so many scruples!

"Director, just let me go, this is an opportunity!"

William thought for a while and said with a ferocious look on his face: "Okay, then you can go, but as you said before, for safety reasons, let the inspectors in the bureau be armed and go together. I don't believe they really dare to touch them." Tiger’s ass!”


Seeing that William had been convinced, David felt relieved and immediately came to the inspector's office on the third floor.

At this time, the inspectors also obviously knew about the three Baldwins' arrests, and knew that they had to take action against the last boss, Dieter, and they were all in high spirits.

Because they know very well that once the Dieter case is completely concluded, it will be time to reward based on merit!

David first looked around at everyone, and then said: "Everyone, listen to me. Now, I am going to go to the Indian reservation in person. I need you to accompany me in full force. You also know that the Indian reservation is not as good as the Lake District. Do you want to go?" Yes, you don’t need to participate in this operation!”

Many of the inspectors at the scene were mentally prepared, but what surprised them was that they really didn't expect David to go there in person.

Nissen immediately stood up and warned: "Tax Commissioner, although the Indians seem to know how powerful we are now, there is still danger. I think you should not go, just sit back and command!"

"Yes, Chief Tax Officer, there is no need for you to take risks yourself..."


Bucky Simmons and others also stood up to admonish.

"Needless to say, I have other purposes for going. As I said, if anyone doesn't want to go, it doesn't matter. You don't have to participate!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the inspectors on the scene were looking at each other, but no one stood up and really expressed their intention not to go.

They are not fools either.

If you withdraw now, when the case is concluded and the merit is rewarded, your tax bill will definitely be greatly reduced.

And once they participate, if they perform well in the operation and are remembered by David, the tax money they receive may be enough to save them from struggling for several evaluation periods.

Moreover, they have dozens of inspectors armed to the teeth this time. No matter how stupid and fierce the Indians are, it is impossible to directly go to war with them, right?

So in terms of safety, they are not too worried, so naturally no one really wants to withdraw from this operation.

"Since everyone is willing to participate, let's go to the equipment warehouse to get equipment!"

With David's order.

The inspectors on site headed towards the equipment warehouse in an orderly manner.

Soon, the inspectors who were originally wearing plain clothes and suits turned into armed personnel armed to the teeth with assault rifles, tactical gloves, body armor, and equipped with grenades and explosive bombs.

Finally, they got into the bureau's official car one by one and drove toward the Indian reservation.

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