United states tax collector

Chapter 115 Gal: I will kill my relatives for justice!

Gal finally reacted and immediately ordered his cronies around him: "Quick, get me through the IRS!"

Now he still cares about his nephew or not, or whether the chief's face is good or not. He should first stop these fighter jets and armored vehicles from the IRS from opening fire!

Otherwise, if a few more missiles are thrown at them, their reservation will be destroyed!

As soon as he heard this, Dieter, who was already panic-stricken, sat down on the ground, his face turning ashen.

In this situation, he knew very well that even if the King of Heaven came, he would not be able to save him. He was dead!

West End Entrance.

Feeling the shock from the missiles dropped by the fighter planes, everyone at the scene felt a great shock.

In the past, although they all knew that fighter jets were very lethal, they had never experienced it personally.

But now after experiencing it in person, they finally understand why countries invest tens of billions or hundreds of billions in research and development of fighter jets.

This thing is a veritable aerial killer!

"Tax Chief, there's a call from Chief Gal, saying he wants to talk to you!"

Here, Nissen came over to remind.

David stopped staring at the group of fighter jets in the sky. He was almost shocked. I think the elders of the Indian tribe should also know how powerful their IRS is!

Then he ordered: "Reply to the bureau and ask them to send all the civilian staff over, bring money counters, entry forms, and...these required materials and equipment. By the way, there may be a shortage of manpower. Let the bureau Let’s borrow some people from the city bureau!”

This time he not only went in to ask for dits from the Indian elders, but also took advantage of his remaining power to get their taxes!

The entire Indian tribe is too large, and there are also unscrupulous traders who come from outside to do business in the commercial area.

The total amount of work that needs to be completed is simply not something that the Lake District Bureau can bear!

"Tax Commissioner, this workload is indeed huge, so why not let them come to our bureau to handle it?"

In Neeson's view.

It's troublesome to move people here, and you also have to bring equipment and materials, so the procedures are much slower than in the bureau.

David looked at him speechlessly and explained: "Do you think it is easier to collect taxes from them in front of our aircraft and cannons, or is it easier to go back to the bureau?"

Upon hearing this, Nissen immediately slapped his brain and realized that what he had just asked was really stupid.

While their current aircraft and cannons are still here, this is a huge psychological shock. No matter the Indians or the lawless elements inside, they don't dare to make mistakes. They can only choose to pay taxes obediently!

"Okay, I'll go notify you!"

Main Street District Bureau, in the director's office.

In addition to Catherine, the deputy director of the bureau, Keanu, another tax inspector, and two deputy tax inspectors, all the senior officials gathered here.

At this time, they were looking at the big screen hanging on the wall. What was broadcast on the screen was the live broadcast of the Indian tribe.

"This damn Lake District Bureau has become famous this time!"

Another tax inspector on the main street, Pullman Quinnier, cursed somewhat unhappily.

Although the other senior executives did not curse out loud, they also looked jealous, envious, and unwilling.

This is the first time since Al Capone that the IRS has been armed again!

And the most important thing is that this time, the IRS dispatched an M1 series tank group, an armored vehicle battle group, an Apache, a Black Hawk helicopter battle group, and a variety of top fighter battle groups. It can be said that it shocked the United States and shocked the United States. worldly people.

As the master of all this, whether it is David or the Lake District Bureau, they are destined to become famous and go down in history!

How great it would be if this honor belonged to their neighborhood...

"Damn it, Dieter and the Indian tribe really provided such a good opportunity to the Lake District Bureau. How come our Main Street Bureau doesn't have such an opportunity!"

Pullman cursed again with unwillingness.

The IRS's weapons cannot be deployed just by applying for them.

First, it must involve extremely bad events.

For example, Dieter assassinated David, and David is now the star tax collector of Nevada, so this incident can be said to be extremely bad.

Secondly, the state bureau is very strict about the procedures for dispatching armed forces, so you must have a complete chain of evidence and complete information before you can obtain approval.

But both of these were met and taken care of by the Lake District.

Therefore, the deployment of the armed forces this time has earned the name of the Lake District!


Just when the atmosphere in the office was a little quiet, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The next second, Catherine's assistant pushed in the door and said: "Director, we have just received notice that the Lake District Bureau is applying to the Municipal Bureau for civilian personnel to go to the Indian tribes!"

"Applying for civilian employment?"

These words confused Catherine and others.

Isn't the reason for such a big war in the Lake District just to capture Dieter? Why apply for civilian personnel to go to the reservation now?


Keanu seemed to have thought of something, and immediately said: "As far as I know, there are many criminals doing business in the Indian reservations. Is the Lake District's application for manpower related to this?"

His words made the other senior executives present also wake up.

Before the Black Tax Act was introduced, the Indian reservation was an independent kingdom. Because the law enforcement agencies did not have the authority to enforce the law on the reservation, it was a trading place that criminals liked very much!

But now that the Black Tax Act has come out, the Internal Revenue Service has the authority to enforce illegal transactions on Indian reservations!

And now that the Lake District side is applying for manpower from the city bureau, it must be planning to tax the lawless elements inside!

And there is one thing worth mentioning.

The IRS's armed forces, including tanks, armored vehicles, armed helicopters, and fighter jets, were all dispatched just now. They must have scared the lawless elements inside half to death!

Now if the Lake District asks them to pay taxes, would they dare not to pay?

In front of those fighter planes and tanks, they had to surrender even if they didn't want to!

Thinking of this, Catherine couldn't sit still, and she immediately asked: "What's going on? What are you doing for such an important thing? Why didn't any of you think of this?"

Although not surveyed on the reservation.

But in terms of the scale of the place, she thinks the tax rate is definitely 1 to 20 million conservatively!

And this time, the Lake District Bureau was in the limelight again, and it made such a huge sum of money from taxes. Their main block didn't make anything. How could this make her mentally balanced?

Keanu and other senior officials also lowered their heads slightly.

The Indian reservation does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Lake District, New Town, or their main blocks.

In other words, whoever has the ability to receive the tax inside belongs to whom.

Before the black tax bill was introduced, it was not that no one among them planned to collect the taxes inside.

But they also know the temperament of the Indians.

If it weren't for the armed deployment of the IRS this time to scare these people, it would be strange if these people don't fight with you if you want to collect taxes from them!

"Didn't the Lake District apply for manpower from the city bureau? It's so troublesome!"

Catherine suddenly thought of something, looked at Keanu, and said: "In this way, you bring all the available inspectors in our bureau, as well as money counters and other equipment, everyone is in Las Vegas IRS personnel should help each other if they need help..."

Upon hearing this, Keanu was stunned.

Of course he understood that although his director said he wanted to help, he actually wanted to take some credit.

But now the reservation is obviously owned by the Lake District Bureau of the People's Republic of China. Is it strange that they are willing to take credit for it so rashly?

Thinking of this, Keanu replied softly: "Director, this... this is not good..."

"What's wrong? There are only a few people in the city bureau. And think about how big the reservation is. Can the Lake District and the city bureau have enough people? Don't worry. I will tell the city bureau. It should be no problem!"

Catherine was quite confident in persuading the city bureau.

"Then this is...okay!"

Seeing that Catherine had said this, Keanu had no choice but to stand up and go to the inspector's office to gather people.

At the same time, the new city branch.

When they heard that the Lake District was applying for manpower from the city bureau, the leaders here also instantly realized the huge black tax benefits of the reservation.

Then their director, just like Catherine, asked a tax inspector to lead the inspectors in the bureau, intending to go to the reservation to get a piece of the pie!

Of course, David, who was far away on the reservation, didn't know all of this.

At this time, he, Bucky and others were driving in a car towards the chief's house in the reservation.

Within minutes, their convoy arrived at the scene.

After getting out of the car, he found that Gal was already waiting for them at the door with the tribal elders, and behind them, Dieter was being held up by two young Indians like a prisoner.

"Tax Chief David, you... there is no need to be so aggressive. How could our Indian tribe dare to go against your IRS..."

Gal is also very sensible. At this point, he no longer cares about the chief or the dignity of the Indian tribe. He first used a tone of weakness when they met.

These words made David and others feel a little funny.

If their armed forces hadn't moved in, would you Indians still be so easy to talk to?

Although he was thinking this in his mind, he did not say it out loud, but replied: "Chief Garr, our IRS is generally very reasonable. Yesterday I gave you a deadline of one o'clock today to pay the person. You can just pay it. Everything is fine, but you choose not to pay, then our IRS must have a way to 'help' you!"

These words made the expressions of Gal and the elders at the scene freeze. They thought, if they had known that your IRS even had fighter jets, let alone 1 o'clock, we would have transferred people to your IRS overnight yesterday. Got it!

Putting away his thoughts, Gal said in a deep voice: "Bring it to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two young men walked in carrying Dieter, who was like a puddle of mud.

Gal said: "Although he is my nephew, in this country of America, a prince breaks the law... Oh no, the prince is as guilty as the common people of tax evasion. It is absolutely impossible for me to protect him. I will hand him over to your IRS now!"

David walked one meter in front of Dieter, stared at him in despair, and said with a hint of ridicule: "Mr. Dieter, I didn't expect that the first time we met, it would be like this!"

After hearing this, Dieter seemed to have come back to his senses. He raised his head and looked at David, and suddenly said crazily: "David, Chief Tax Officer, I know I was wrong. Give me a chance. I am willing to pay you." As for taxes, I still have money, a lot of money, and I can pay you three times, four times, or even five times!"

He was really scared.

Because he was used to enjoying things in his life, how could he endure a place like prison?

And it doesn't matter if it's an ordinary prison. As long as he has money and spends money to take care of it, he might be able to become a local emperor in there.

But if you are arrested now, you will be taken to the IRS prison!

In it, let alone being a local emperor, it would be good if he didn't get tortured to death!

"It's too late to realize that I was afraid now, Mr. Dieter!"


Dieter's face turned red, as if someone had pinched his throat, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

The man had already submitted, and David was not interested in continuing to talk to him. Instead, he looked at Gal and said: "Chief Gal, I have to give you a thumbs up for your righteousness, but I think There are a few more things that I would like to ask you for help with!"

After hearing the previous sentence, Gal was relieved, but the next sentence made his nerves tense again. He asked anxiously: "I don't know what it is?"

"I know that your reservation is very popular with criminals, and many criminals choose to trade or do business here!"

"But I think you should know about the black tax bill. I want you to summon all the heads of those criminals. I have something to say to them!"

Hearing this, David and all the elders at the scene felt a thump in their hearts.

It seems that this time the IRS not only wants to arrest Dieter, but also wants to take away their interests from their Indian tribe!

"Why, don't you want to?"

Of course, Gal and others wanted to say that they were unwilling, but seeing the tanks and armored vehicles around them, as well as the armed helicopters constantly hovering over the territory, and the groups of fighter jets that flew by with sonic booms from time to time, how could he dare to say so? Not a word.

Gal replied: "Of course not. Since it is a bill, of course our Indian tribe supports it!"

He turned to look at one of his cronies and ordered: "Go to the commercial street and call those heads here!"

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