United states tax collector

Chapter 117 Make a fortune, more than 20 million

At the same time, on the road leading to the chief's home from the Indian reservation.

Serena, who came in by car, looked at the surrounding M1 series tank battle groups, armored vehicle battle groups, Apaches in the sky, Black Hawk battle groups, and fighter jet groups that passed by with sonic booms from time to time, with a look of shock on her face. Somewhat thoughtful.

"Isn't this scene shocking? It's also my first time seeing it!"

Serena turned her head, looked at Ariel who was speaking, and asked: "Ariel, besides these, does our IRS have other weapons and equipment?"

"Others? What do you mean?"

"For example...B2, B52 bombers..."

"If you want to talk about nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, our IRS may have to go through some troubles. As long as our IRS needs B2 bombers, we dare not say there are too many. It will be no problem to get 3 or 5 of them!"

As far as the B2 bomber is concerned, because the cost of building one is as high as 2.4 billion US dollars, there are currently only 21 in the United States.

But whether it is the cost of construction or later maintenance and repairs, they are all provided by funds collected by the Internal Revenue Service.

Therefore, if they, the IRS, need it, all they have to do is call the military, and the military will send a few over.

However, the IRS only collects taxes and is not trying to fight a war.

It is enough to store weapons and equipment such as armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters, and fighter jets in the base. There is really no need to store B2 equipment, which is difficult and expensive to maintain, in the base.

While the two were talking, the vehicle had arrived in front of the chief's house and slowly stopped.

Ariel, Serena and others got out of the car one after another, and then began to move down the money counter, forms and other items, and then carried them into the house one after another.

Seeing the "vanguard" of their bureau arriving, David looked around at the criminals and said, "How about it? I made it clear enough just now. Is everything okay?"

Even though his own details were all revealed under investigation, the IRS's fighter jets and tanks were still parked outside. How could these criminals dare to say that there was a problem? Qi Qi acquiesced by not saying anything.

"Well, let Chief Gal and the others set an example for you first. Maybe you guys can go back and prepare the money first!"

David's words shocked Gal and the Indian elders on the side.

Then Gal forced a smile and asked: "Chief Tax Officer David, what should we... set an example for us?"

"What did you say?"

David glared at him and then said, "Your tribe charges so much in shelter fees. Aren't these illegal gains?"


The chests of Gal and others felt like they had been hit by a heavy hammer, and they were somewhat breathless.

They originally thought that because they had made friends and summoned these leaders, and cooperated to this extent, David would be lenient to them.

But what they didn't expect was that they would still be severely punished by the IRS just like these criminals.

It is true that Gal and others are feeling very uncomfortable at this moment, but the criminals below are actually quite happy inside.

Since not only they have to pay taxes, these chiefs and elders also have to pay taxes, so they have a lot of psychological balance.

Then they stopped dawdling, and turned around and left one by one to prepare for the taxes to be paid.

"Why are you still standing there? Go and get the money ready!"

Although he was very unhappy, Gal didn't dare to disobey David at this time, so he quickly scolded the elders as if to vent his anger.

The elders did not dare to talk nonsense and immediately stood up and walked out.

Most Indians are not good at dealing with banks. Elders like these take cash every time they receive dividends, so it didn't take long before they walked in with people carrying boxes of money.

"Tax Commissioner David, I did some calculations. My monthly income is converted into tax rates, and I have to pay about US$510,000. Please click on it."

"Tax Commissioner David, I did the math. When my income is converted into a tax rate, it looks like I need to pay US$480,000. Dot."


After opening the box, an elder began to report the amount of tax he had to pay.

On the chief's throne, David discovered through Goldfinger's inspection that these elders did not dare to conceal their income in order to evade taxes. Then he looked at Ariel and others and ordered: "Here, count the numbers and give them to you." Elders, please fill out the registration form!"

After the boxes of money were opened and presented, Ariel and other staff who were mainly responsible for clerical work were stunned by the millions of banknotes. They came back to their senses after hearing David's reminder. , and then quickly plugged in the money counter and started counting.

It seemed like ten minutes passed.

At this time, David and others heard bursts of noise coming from outside.

The next second, an inspector from the bureau rushed in and said: "Tax Commissioner David, Inspector Keanu from the Main Street District and Inspector Matthew from the New City District are here with many inspectors..."


David showed an unexpected expression at first, but it soon became normal.

Thinking about it, these two branches should be aware of the commotion they are making here and want to come and get a share of the pie!

But since all these people are here, they can be used.

After all, there are tens of thousands of people in this Indian tribe. In addition to these elders and criminal leaders, the Indian leaders who have made illegal transactions and the ordinary tribesmen are probably also a large base. With their help, the efficiency can at least be improved. Improved several times!

Thinking of this, David said: "Let them come in!"


The inspector ran out immediately.

Soon, Keanu and Matthew, the tax inspector from the new city, walked in with the inspectors from their respective branches.

When they saw the boxes of U.S. dollars placed everywhere on the ground and on the table, people like Keanu and Matthew who had seen the world couldn't help but secretly smack their lips.

As for the inspectors from the two branches, their eyes almost went straight.

How much does it cost to ride a horse?

At this moment, they wish they were the ones counting the money now!

"Inspector Keanu, Inspector Matthew, our Lake District Branch is performing tasks here. I wonder what's the reason for your coming here?"

Hearing David's knowing voice, Keanu stopped staring at the U.S. dollars around him and replied: "Director David, didn't I hear that your bureau was short of manpower, so you applied for support from the city bureau? Our street The district bureau came here specially to help!”

"The same goes for our New City branch. We are all the IRS in Las Vegas, so we should help each other!"

Matthew also echoed.

"Is that so? Then I have to thank you two branches..."

David turned to look at Gal and said: "Chief Gal, please send someone to inform the people in your tribe. If they have made illegal gains, please come and declare it honestly and proactively. Don't let us take the initiative to find you!"

Gal paused for a moment and then ordered to his close associates: "Go and notify the entire tribe!"

Although doing this will cause dissatisfaction among many people in the tribe, as chiefs and elders, they have taken the lead in paying taxes. What will happen if other people in the tribe are dissatisfied?

David looked at Matthew and Keanu and said, "Inspector Keanu and Inspector Matthew, the place here is small. Why don't you take your inspectors to an open place outside and wait for the people from the tribe?" Come and deal with them?"


Keanu and Matthew looked at each other, somewhat reluctantly.

They are not fools. Of course they know that the bulk of the taxes here are. Those outside are just small shrimps. How many taxes can they receive even if there are more people?

Maybe the tax collected from 1,000 ordinary Indians is not as much as that of one elder here!

"What, didn't you say you were here to help?"

"Of course, come with me!"

Although he was very reluctant, he had no choice but to say that this Indian tribe was conquered by the Lake District Bureau. Keanu had no choice but to lead the inspectors from the Bureau who were reluctant to leave here and walked out.

When he saw that Keanu had gone out, although Matthew was unwilling to accept it, he reluctantly followed him out. After catching up with Keanu outside, he said angrily: "You see the taxes that the elders have to pay. No, each one starts with hundreds of thousands of dollars!"

"I saw it, so what?"

Matthew continued to complain: "But...he asked us to collect taxes from ordinary Indians. It's only a few dollars and it's a lot of effort!"

Keanu shook his head and replied helplessly: "Who said the case belongs to others, and it would be great if they can give us soup now, forget it..."

While the two were talking, they suddenly noticed a car approaching in the distance.

When the car stopped at the door, I saw the same criminals, those carrying boxes and those carrying sacks, all walking towards the house.

This scene made Matthew and Keanu so jealous that they were so jealous.

Because they know very well that what is in these people’s boxes and bags must be cash!

According to their careful observation just now, the total tax amount of the chief and the elders inside was 7-8 million, if not 10 million.

Coupled with the people who are now pouring in money, there must be 20-30 million?

The Lake District Bureau really made a fortune this time in this Indian reservation!

In the house, under the quick operation of the inspectors from the Lake District Branch, the tax amount for Garr and all the elders of the tribe was quickly calculated.

Ariel did the final calculation and reported to David: "The total tax revenue of the tax chief, Chief Garr and other elders combined is 8.136 million!"

This amount did not surprise David.

Gal alone has to pay nearly 3 million U.S. dollars in taxes. Add in the other elders, and it is normal to reach 8.13 million.

He nodded and replied: "Continue!"

About another hour passed.

At this time, the tax collection for criminals has almost been completed.

After Ariel counted correctly, she continued to report: "Tax Commissioner, their taxes add up to a total of 13.506 million US dollars!"

This number is not much different from what David expected.

When he came in for an unannounced visit yesterday, he used his golden finger to make statistics. He found that the illegal transactions in the commercial street every month reached tens of millions.

Then converted into the tax money that can be received, it is about 13 million!

13.5 million, plus the more than 8 million just now, it is more than 21 million.

There are also ordinary Indians outside. Although the amount of tax they have to pay may be relatively small, they are more successful because of their large numbers. There must be 1 to 2 million!

So the total amount of this trip will be about 23 million. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a huge profit!

Putting away his thoughts, David ordered: "There are a lot of people outside, go and help the other two branches to collect them together!"


The inspectors from the Lake District Bureau walked out one after another.

It seemed like more than an hour had passed.

Ariel came back and said: "We have almost collected it from outside. We calculated the data and found that the total is 2.366 million!"

"Load the truck, go back, and notify Colonel Cleveland so that he can withdraw his troops!"

After hearing that the troops were to be withdrawn, Gal and the other elders at the scene finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After suffering heavy losses, their Indian tribe finally escaped this disaster!

"Chief Gal, as well as all the elders and gentlemen, thank you very much for your cooperation!"

David stood up from the chief's throne, and Garr and the elders did not dare to neglect, and stood up and followed him out.

At this time, two deposit cars were parked at the entrance of the house, and the inspectors were loading the tax money they received.

However, the focus of Gal and others is not here. Their focus is on the tanks, armored vehicles, and helicopter battle groups in the sky that are gradually retreating outside the reservation.

After a while, Gal suddenly remembered something and asked David: "Director David, I would like to ask, when will the trial of Dieter and Twin's case begin?"

David thought for a moment and then replied: "It should be soon, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

According to American judicial procedures, after a prisoner is arrested, it usually takes a month or two or even longer before he can go to court after going through various reviews and procedures.

But first, the IRS court system is not part of the U.S. judicial system.

So in principle, as long as the evidence in the case is sufficient, they can apply for trial anytime and anywhere.

Now the evidence chain in the Dieter case is already as complete as it can be, and the tax money cannot be put into the treasury until the case is closed.

Therefore, David must settle this case as quickly as possible!

He plans to apply to William when he returns later. If the trial can be held tomorrow, the trial will be held tomorrow and it will definitely not be delayed.

Because once the case is settled, the tax money will be put into the treasury and attached to his name. Judging from the current tax performance list, he is likely to instantly become the number one in the country!

Even if he may be pushed out before the end of the assessment period, it is shocking enough to be able to briefly rank first in the country on a platform like the Lake District Branch!

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