United states tax collector

Chapter 122 1,000 years in prison

The United States has a jury system. This is to restrict judges from abusing their powers and to ensure that suspects can receive a fair trial.

However, in IRS court, there is no jury because of the need to ensure that the IRS's power is not limited.

Therefore, after briefly summarizing the situation, Chiesa stood up.

All those invited to the scene stood up in unison.

Chiesa pronounced the sentence: "The defendant Dieter was found guilty of attempted assault on an IRS officer, found guilty of absconding in fear of crime, and found guilty of tax evasion, and the amount was huge. He was punished for several crimes. He is now sentenced to confiscation of all funds and transfer them to the tax treasury, and another sentence 1,000 years in prison without the possibility of parole!”

As soon as the verdict came out, most of the people at the scene were shocked, especially the Indians like Gal who were invited.

They knew that Dieter might be sentenced to death and would probably never be released from prison in his lifetime, but they didn't expect that he would be sentenced to 1,000 years in prison.

How long can this person live alone?

Is 100 years old too old?

But now he has been sentenced to 1,000 years. Even if he has 10 lives, it is not enough to serve him in prison.

But here, William, Arabella, and even David and other people from the IRS did not look too surprised.

Sentences of thousands of years in prison may seem outrageous in other countries, but they are quite normal here in the United States.

Not to mention thousands of years, even criminals who have been sentenced to tens of thousands of years in prison have not never done so.

The reason is simple, because the United States has a "union law".

As the name suggests, once a suspect is sentenced, the prison sentences for the crimes involved can be accumulated and stacked.

As for how many years it will be added up to, it basically depends on the judge’s wishes.

Many people may ask here.

A person can only live for a hundred years at best, and if he is sentenced to a thousand years, isn't this a superfluous move to attract people's attention?

This is not the case.

Thousands of years of imprisonment are intended to have a deterrent effect. The deterrent effect refers to giving severe punishment to criminals to make potential criminals feel fearful and vigilant, so as to avoid committing crimes or reduce crimes. The purpose of this is to maintain Social order and security!

The purpose of the IRS's current penalties is to deter those who dare to go against the IRS and let them understand that if they dare to evade taxes or dare to go against them, the IRS will definitely make them go to jail!

"No, 1000 years, are you fucking kidding me? I don't accept the verdict and I want to fucking appeal!!!"

Here, after Dieter heard that he had been sentenced to 1,000 years, he was stunned for a long time. Only now did he react and roared crazily.

Tai Lun couldn't sit still and stood up to retort: ​​"Your Honor, is a sentence of 1,000 years too harsh? Even the Ministry of Justice would find it difficult to use such a sentence when targeting heinous prisoners. Punishment?"

Chiesa glanced at him and replied disdainfully: "You have to understand that this court is not under the Ministry of Justice. Also, Dieter is suspected of tax evasion and assassination of IRS personnel. Isn't this more serious than a heinous crime?"


Tyron choked again.

Yes, this is the court of the Internal Revenue Service, and there is no need to look at the face of the Ministry of Justice.

Dieter did indeed violate the IRS's laws, and it seemed reasonable to be sentenced to such a capital punishment.

"I refuse to accept the sentence. I am sentenced to 1,000 years in prison. This is simply a misuse of private messages. I request an appeal. I request an appeal to the Supreme Court of Washington..."

Looking at Dieter who was still struggling to his death, Chiesa waved his hand impatiently to the inspectors, signaling them to drag him down quickly.

As Dieter was dragged off, the courtroom remained silent again.

But if anyone pays attention to the trial seat at this time, they will find that not only are Twin and Virginia's faces pale, but their legs are also constantly shaking.

Now Dieter's sentence has come out, which is 1,000 years in prison.

And how light can the two of them go?

When they thought about the next penalty, both of them felt a little broken inside.

No matter what they were thinking, Chiesa on the stage continued to pronounce the sentence: "The defendant Tevin was found guilty of armed resistance to the IRS, found guilty of harboring, and found guilty of tax evasion. He was pardoned and punished. He was first sentenced to 1,000 years in prison. No parole!”

As soon as the penalty result came out, many people at the scene took a deep breath.

At this time, Gal and others who were invited were secretly grateful. Fortunately, they were able to make quick work of the wind yesterday and immediately surrendered to the IRS.

Otherwise, if the confrontation continues, they may be the ones who are put on trial today and sentenced to 1,000 years in prison!

At the trial seat, Twin, who was already on the verge of collapse, heard that he had also been sentenced to 1,000 years. His whole body seemed to have been cast a restraining spell, and he stared blankly ahead.

It wasn't until about 30 seconds later that he suddenly came to his senses, and like Dieter just now, he roared unwillingly: "I don't accept it. Although I armed the youth of the tribe, I did not cause any harm to the IRS." Why should I be sentenced to 1,000 years for casualties and losses?"

Chiesa still gave him a disdainful look and responded: "Thank you for not causing actual losses to the IRS, otherwise, it would not be as simple as just 1,000 years!"


Twin was so angry that he suddenly turned around and seemed to be looking for someone in the field. Finally, he set his sights on Strong and shouted: "Congressman Strong, this is an unfair penalty. I It’s unacceptable. As a member of the country, are you just going to watch this IRS judge lynching me like this?”

Strong was frightened when his name was called. In his mind, ten thousand grass and mud horses roared past.

He was now afraid that David and the IRS would find him, but it would be better for damn Tevin to just name him like this in front of everyone.

Is this because he is afraid that others will not know about his relationship with the Indian tribe?

Seeing everyone's strange looks, Strong was angry and anxious, and immediately retorted: "Although I am a member of the country, judicial matters are not under my control. It is in court now, and I have no right to intervene. !”

The underlying meaning of his words is, don't force yourself, and accept the trial honestly!

Upon hearing this, Twin became anxious and roared again: "Strong, you have taken so many benefits from our tribe, and now you are willing to die without mercy. I want to report him. He has also evaded taxes!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar on the scene.

Strong almost lost his temper and had a heart attack, and quickly retorted loudly: "Twin, I warn you not to talk nonsense, I have not done anything good for your tribe, you are framed!"

"Twin, don't slander Councilor Strong with your nonsense here. Councilor Strong only visited our tribe a few times. We gave him some bacon, tea and other local specialties. This is the way to treat guests. What are the benefits?"

Gal couldn't sit still anymore and stood up to explain.

Now it is a foregone conclusion that Twin and his son will go in, and Strong is still a congressman after all. There is no need for him to offend this congressman for the sake of a few tribesmen who cannot be saved.

"Yes, that's it!"

Gal's explanation made Strong, who was angry and anxious, finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there are no media reporters here.

The people here are either the city hall, the city council, or some famous people in Las Vegas. With his connections, he should be able to get it done.

If the media were here, with their ability to catch rumors and exaggerate the facts, he would be in trouble.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Seeing that the scene was turning into a quarrel, Chiesa on the stage immediately hit the gavel hard again.

In order to prevent the scene from getting more chaotic, he quickly ordered the inspector to drag Twin away, and the scene returned to peace.

Chiesa pronounced the sentence again: "The defendant Virginia was found guilty of attempted assault on an IRS officer, found guilty of absconding in fear of crime, and found guilty of tax evasion. He was punished for several crimes concurrently. He is now sentenced to 800 years in prison without the possibility of parole!"

With the first two being sentenced to 1,000 years in prison, not many people were surprised by this 800-year sentence.

As for Virginia, although her face paled after hearing this sentence, she also knew that in the IRS court and the judge, no matter how much she protested, it was useless, and she could only admit defeat with a pale face. .

Chiesa looked at Iman at the end and pronounced the verdict: "The defendant Iman was found guilty of attempted assault on an IRS officer and guilty of tax evasion. However, he was sentenced to 7 years in prison for cooperating with the IRS to report and made meritorious service!"

"As for the several witnesses, because they cooperated extremely well with the IRS in handling the case, they will not be prosecuted!"

The previous ones were 1000, 1000, and 800 years respectively. Suddenly, I heard a penalty of only 7 years. Such a huge sense of gap also made many people at the scene stunned.

But they soon figured out that Iman must have reached an agreement with the IRS in advance when making the report, and that was why he was given such a light sentence.

In this way, many people present secretly made a decision in their hearts.

That is, if one day they are targeted by the IRS, they must actively cooperate so that they can get the lightest penalty!

In the trial court, when Iman heard that his sentence was only 7 years as agreed, Iman gave David a grateful look.

On the other side of the witness box, the same was true for Baldwin and the other three.

Logically speaking, David forced them to pay taxes and threatened them to testify against Dieter. They should hate David.

But after seeing the Dieters and Virginia being sentenced to 1,000 and 800 years respectively, they suddenly felt extremely lucky.

Fortunately, they stood up and testified against Dieter, and fortunately that David gave them the opportunity to make a innocence agreement. Otherwise, their fate would probably not be much better than that of these two father and son!

"Okay, this trial is over!"

As Chiesa finished speaking, the invited people stood up and left with lingering fears.

Arabella, William, and David, the IRS officers, stepped forward one by one to shake hands with Judge Chiesa and express their gratitude for the complete success of the trial.

Afterwards, Arabella came to David and asked, "Taxmaster David, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, Chief Arabella?"

Arabella lowered her voice and asked, "Have you ever investigated Representative Strong?"

He had sensed something fishy from the conversation between David and Strong in the lobby on the first floor, but he didn't dare to confirm it yet.

And just now, Twin broke up in public. Although Gal stood up to explain, he still felt keenly that there might be something fishy about Strong!

"That's a member of the country. How dare I investigate casually? But if you authorize it, Director Arabella, then I can try it..."

I still don’t understand what the city director in front of me means. Of course, David dare not say that he has obtained Strong’s tax evasion information.

After all, the congressman is not comparable to the likes of Gray, Dieter, or even the Omaha family.

Their political energy and the group forces behind them are huge.

David is still just a tax chief and cannot do anything too risky unless someone endorses him!

Arabella pondered for a while and replied with a smile: "I'm just asking out of curiosity. Although the trial is over, I think you still have a lot of work to deal with, so go back first!"

David understood what the city chief meant, and without any more nonsense, he turned around and left.

He does still have a lot to deal with when he gets back. For example, now that the case has been closed, it's time to put the taxes into the treasury!

Thanks to the destined brother of Fodu for the reward! ! !

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