United states tax collector

Chapter 129 The Brotherhood Who Does All Evil

New York, Manhattan. In a marijuana processing plant.

"Billy, haven't you seen the news a few days ago? You don't want our IRS armed forces to rush into your processing plants, right?"

Brown Soros said with a stern expression.

Opposite him were two white men and three black men.

Since the armed deployment of the Internal Revenue Service a few days ago, the 140,000 inspectors across the country have keenly grasped the ‘business opportunities’.

Because of this incident, it was a huge shock to those tax evaders.

As a result, in the past few days, the tax collection work of auditors across the country has progressed much more smoothly than before.

Although Brown was unhappy that David was the protagonist who sent out weapons this time, it was obviously a good time to take advantage of the situation, and he would not be so stupid as to not move.

And today he came here to get a tax from these guys in the marijuana business.

In the United States, marijuana is currently legal in many states.

But here in New York State, lawmakers and the governor have just submitted the "Marijuana Legalization Bill" to the state tax, but the bill has not yet been fully passed, so this industry is still illegal for the time being.

When they heard that the IRS was going to storm into their factory, the faces of the five people were a little ugly.

After a pause, one of them said, "We need to discuss this matter with our boss!"

"Then hurry up and give you 10 minutes!"

Shortly after the five marijuana dealers left, Kelly Orsey hurried over and said, "Oh no, Brown, then David is on top again!"

"What did you say!"

Brown was surprised at first, and then he immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the intranet. Sure enough, David's name was at the top of the list, and behind his name, there was a tax record of US$5,738,400!

"This is impossible!"

His face instantly darkened.

In the last assessment period, David accounted for more than 30 million, of which Indian tribes contributed the bulk, and he knew this.

But the Indians' case was over.

And now that the new assessment period has begun, it will only take more than 3 hours for the tax performance list to be cleared. How did David, who is in a ghost place like Las Vegas, do it in such a short period of time? The tax result of more than 5.7 million?

"Brown, such a large tax record cannot be received in such a short period of time. I think he must have prepared it before the last assessment period, but it has only been put into the treasury now!"

After hearing Kelly's words, Brown felt that it made some sense.

But at this time, his heart began to tingle.

Because he also knows very well that now that the god-making plan has come out, every outstanding performance in the future may become a weight for being selected.

Before coming here this time, he had already done some research and found out that from this group of marijuana dealers, he could probably receive US$3 million.

Originally, he thought that as long as the tax money could be collected, he would be the first to take the lead.

But what I didn't expect was that David, a scheming guy, would actually hold such a hand and steal his limelight!

"Go to Donghe and tell the bosses that I don't have time to waste time with them. Just hand over 6 million and I won't embarrass them!"

Now if you push back one end, the effect will definitely be greatly reduced.

But there is no way.

It is not a good thing to allow David to dominate the tax performance list.

"Brown, those old guys are really difficult to deal with, and the evidence we have now is not enough..."

Kelly looked a little embarrassed.

After the armed incident, the IRS now has a very scary reputation.

But it didn't frighten the group of criminals who obediently handed over the taxes to them.

The bosses Brown mentioned are just some tough guys. The evidence and clues they have now are not enough to apply for permission to freeze their accounts and auction their assets.

"Brown, why don't I go to Wall Street again and discuss with those people and ask them to hand over another 6 million?"

Kelly's words made Brown frown.

Although those people on Wall Street evade a lot of taxes, they are all a group of capitalists, and his family is also a capitalist and has inextricable ties with this group of people.

It's okay to do it once or twice. After all, it can be regarded as giving face to the IRS. If you often go to Qiufeng, the relationship between the two parties may become tense.

"It's only 6 million. It's not a big sum of money to them. Whether it's in the name of the IRS or your family, I guess they won't hold too much resentment!"

Hearing Kelly's persuasion again, Brown nodded and said: "Okay, then go ahead and tell them properly, as if I owe them a favor!"

In Manhattan, although there are many places and many transactions that can receive large amounts of tax money, in terms of efficiency, nothing can bring in money faster than Wall Street.

They only need to move their hands lightly on the computer, and large sums of money can be transferred to their account.

This is indeed the best choice for Brown, who is eager to overtake the tax list.

David was the first to reach the top of the tax performance list, and the discussion in the entire IRS system remains high.

There are even many inspectors who have secretly begun to bet on whether David can be selected for the god-making project.

But not long after, they were so excited that they suddenly discovered that the top spot had been replaced.

Brown Soros, with a tax record of 6 million US dollars, successfully reached the top, while David, with more than 5.7 million US dollars, was squeezed to the second position.

Suddenly, the entire IRS system was bustling again.

Lake District IRS.

David came to the door of the director's office, knocked on the door and walked in. He looked at William and asked, "Director, are you looking for me?"

"The General Administration has already given an answer. Regarding Brown Soros from the Manhattan branch in New York a few days ago, there is no problem with the 10 million in taxes!"

There was a hint of helplessness on William's face.

He was naturally aware of the fact that David once again topped the list of tax records just now, and now that he has been surpassed, he is also very aware of it.

So he called David over this time to comfort him.

David had already expected this result, and he didn't show any expression of anger or frustration. He just nodded slightly to show that he understood.

"But it doesn't matter. After all, you are the first to reach the top of the list in the new assessment period. You must have given more impression points to the senior management of the General Administration..."

In the following time, William comforted David a few more words, and then chatted about the progress of the three major cases.

It wasn't until 6 o'clock that the two of them broke up.

After David came out of the director's office, he went straight downstairs and out the door, ready to go back to rest after a day's work.

"Taxmaster David!"

Just a few steps out of the door, David heard a familiar voice calling. He turned around and saw that it was Serena.

"What's up?"

"Which restaurant tasted good last time? Do you want to try it again?"

Serena's words were actually telling David, what about my last proposal, do you want to talk about it again?

David naturally understood.

But again, it's too dangerous to get together with the Kennedy family, and it's not yet necessary to get together with their family.

Then he refused: "No, Serena, I'm tired, just go back and eat something to deal with it!"

Watching David's leaving figure, Serena showed a hint of helplessness on her face, and then turned around and got into the car.

The next morning, while David was still walking to the IRS, he received a call from Keanu.

"Tax Commissioner David, I'm not urging you, but you have clearly promised us to take on the three major cases in our block, so don't distract from other cases..."

Keanu is not blind or deaf. He naturally knows that David recorded more than 5.7 million yuan yesterday.

And I knew it almost immediately.

Just to avoid triggering David's plan, he didn't call immediately yesterday, but waited until today.

"Inspector Keanu, don't get me wrong. I am indeed already investigating the arms case among the three major cases. Don't worry, there will be results soon!"

He knew about the Mexican Gang's case, which caused Keanu to misunderstand.

Although it was true that he was collecting taxes with the Mexican gang, he was also trying to get the weapons list and accounts so that he could deal with the Gableres Group.

"Is that so... Well, I won't bother you with the case!"

After hanging up the phone, David arrived at the Lake District IRS not long after and made his way to his office.

When he walked in, he found that Nissen was already here. He reported: "The tax chief was found. This is information about the Brotherhood in the Main Street!"

David took the file and started looking through it.

In the country of America, the Brotherhood is a very famous and extreme social organization.

It was first established as the Kappa Alpha Society in 1825. The young people who founded this organization were almost all white and wealthy children of the upper class.

If a new member wants to join the brotherhood, he must accept various so-called "tasks" assigned by the elders of the brotherhood during the swearing-in process.

The content even includes asking applicants to kill someone, go to the police station and shoot twice, rob a bank, and even accept random physical punishment and humiliation by old members.

If you can't survive it, then I'm sorry, but you can't join.

But if you survive, you will be one of your own from now on!

To put it simply, they are a group of rebellious rich kids who have nothing to do and have nothing to do. They gather together to vent their anger by killing people and robbing with guns.

Just like Azuna's gang of rich kids in Police Story!

"What do they use so many arms for?"

Neeson found out yesterday that the arms case was related to the Brotherhood, but there is no information about this in the current documents.

Nissen shook his head and replied: "I don't know that, but I found out that one of their lawyers is currently hanging out in Room 1806 of the Bellagio Hotel."

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