United states tax collector

Chapter 143 1,200 Years of Punishment

After a night of silence, time came to the next morning.

The IRS courthouse in Sparks is located in the East Side IRS Municipal Bureau.

"Good morning everyone, it's 8:30 in the morning, and there are still 30 minutes until the court starts. Everyone is looking forward to it..."

Early in the morning, local media channels came here early to squat and broadcast the situation live in real time.

Soon after, some invited people from the City Hall, City East and City West Internal Revenue Service, and Sparks City also arrived at the scene and entered the hall to chat.

At the parking lot, David and the other three also walked down and entered the hall.

Richards Hopkinson and others had already been here. As soon as he saw David arriving, he immediately came to greet him.

Hopkinson among them said: "According to your instructions, I have already explained to Judge Ivli!"

"That's good."

"Okay, the court is about to start, let's go up first!"

David nodded, and then the group of people arrived at the elevator entrance and took the elevator all the way to the sixth floor.

Because Sparks is a small city, the size of the court here is not large, only half the size of the court in Las Vegas.

In accordance with the IRS's historical practice, in order to avoid trouble caused by public opinion, except for those invited, no media reporters were allowed to enter.

As the on-site personnel got into their positions, the time came to 9 o'clock.

"All rise"

At exactly one hour, a man wearing a black judge's robe came out of the passage. He was the judge of this trial, Ivli.

He came to the seat and sat down, and everyone in the audience followed suit.

Then he said: "Now the court is officially open, bring the defendant!"

After saying that, in the passage, Beecher and Adelaide were brought out. Although their spirits were a little decadent at this time, it may be due to being in high positions for a long time, and their image and temperament were relatively well maintained.

After the two came to the dock, Ivli said: "Commissioner Adelaide, Deputy Mayor Beecher, now this court accuses you of tax evasion, what do you want to defend?"

"Your Honor, I don't quite understand the so-called tax evasion."

"Your Honor, me too!"

Although the two knew that the IRS was very confident, they naturally could not admit it directly now, otherwise they would not need to go on trial and could go to jail directly.

Ivli picked up a piece of information on the table and looked at it, and finally turned to look at Adelaide and said: "Director Adelaide, according to the evidence we have obtained, on December 8, you He accepted a bribe of US$100,000 from the Chengxi Police Station, and on December 26, he accepted a US$200,000 bribe from the Chengdong Police Station, and on January 13th..."

As evidence of guilt was pointed out by Ivli on the stage, Adelaide's expression changed from the calm one before to one of shock.

"According to the regulations of the Black Tax Act, starting from December 3, 2021, any illegal income will need to pay tax to our Internal Revenue Service, but as a public official, you know the law and do not report it. How do you explain it?"

After Ivli finished speaking, Smollett couldn't sit still at the lawyer's table and quickly raised his hand to express his desire to speak.

Ifli also saw his raised hand and said, "Defense lawyer, do you have anything to say?"

Smollett immediately stood up and replied: "Your Honor, I don't know where this information came from, but I think it is purely a slander against Director Adelaide, or a frame-up!"

Hearing this, Adelaide, who was still in shock, reacted suddenly and echoed: "Yes, this is a frame-up. I did not accept any bribes from the East and West police stations!"


Ifli looked at him, picked up a ledger in his hand and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Adelaide shook his head: "I don't know."

"This is the account book provided by Chief Randolph of the West City Police Division. It contains detailed bribery records between you and him. Although the black tax bill cannot trace back bribes before December 3, 2021, we only need to trace back 12 That’s enough after the 3rd of the month!”

"What did you say!"

Upon hearing that it was the account book provided by Randolph, Adelaide was stunned for a moment, and then became furious in an instant.

He said, how could the IRS be so confident in punishing him? It turned out that it had already secured a witness like Randolph.

"If you think this is not enough, we also have a tape provided by Lancelot, the chief of the East City Police Division!"

Ifli picked up the tape and handed it to a court staff member, who immediately put it into the tape recorder, and the sound came out immediately.

"Director Adelaide, I have sent you the 200,000 yuan for this month. Please check it."

"Very well Lancelot, but the east of your city is the main area of ​​our Sparks, and there is a lot of oil and water in it. You have to work harder..."

"Understood, Director Adelaide, I will try to give you half an increase next month."

"Well, Good..."


As the conversations on the tape came out, everyone at the scene realized that Adelaide was completely finished.

Smollett, who was at the lawyer's table, sat back helplessly, because he knew that the evidence was so conclusive that he would not be able to refute it if he was given a mouth to speak.


Adelaide finally reacted, and he began to look for something in the auditorium. Soon, he found the figures of Randolph and Lancelot, and immediately pointed at the two of them and angrily yelled: "Okay, in that case Then I admit it, but those two damn bastards, they also accepted bribes and evaded taxes, they must also go to jail!"

The two people whose names were called at this time not only looked a little embarrassed, but also became extremely nervous.

But fortunately, Ivli's next words made them feel relieved.

"They have reached a friendly agreement with the IRS. Therefore, as long as they pay the tax amount clearly, the IRS will not pursue them for tax evasion penalties!"

Ivli's words almost made Adelaide lose his breath and faint, but he was really unconvinced. Everyone was the same, why did he only mess with me?

Immediately, he suppressed his anger and replied: "Why can they reach an agreement with the IRS? Then I can reach an agreement and I can negotiate!"

"Okay, now it's your trial. Don't go off on so many digressions. Director Adelaide, now that the factual evidence of your tax evasion is conclusive, do you plead guilty?"

Adelaide slumped in her seat.

He has already seen that the IRS is clearly going to kill him, and it is useless for him to say anything else.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Ivli ignored him and looked at Beecher, asking: "Deputy Mayor Beecher, this court is now accusing you of tax evasion. Do you plead guilty?"

After seeing Adelaide end up like this, Beecher felt a chill in his heart, because he knew that since the IRS could convict Adelaide of his crime, he would probably not be much better off.

Smollett stood up again and argued: "Your Honor, everything depends on the evidence!"


Ivli picked up a piece of paper and said: "This is a list provided by lawyer Heisenberg. It contains records of his helping you launder money, as well as vouchers, accounts and other related information. How do you explain it?"


Beecher finally understood that this was where the IRS's confidence lay!

Immediately, he looked in the direction of the auditorium, and sure enough, he found Heisenberg's figure there.

"Lawyer Heisenberg, please come up and explain the transaction between you and Deputy Mayor Beecher, and how you laundered money for Deputy Mayor Beecher!"

Hearing Ivli's call, Heisenberg in the auditorium glanced at David, and then walked off the stage.

Because the two branch chiefs had just proved to him that the promise given by David was indeed valid and that they would not continue to deal with him after testifying, so he was quite calm at this time.

After organizing his words a little, Heisenberg slowly said: "The intersection between Vice Mayor Beecher and I was six months ago, when he was just promoted to deputy mayor and found me through connections..."

As Heisenberg told how he met Beecher, how he later laundered money for him, and what accounts he transferred the money to, everyone at the scene also came to a conclusion.

That means Beecher is doomed too!

"Heisenberg, you bastard will get his comeuppance one day!"

Judging from the two branch chiefs just now, Beecher already knew that with the protection of the IRS, he could not drag Heisenberg into the water, so he could only curse angrily.

"Okay, now that the tax evasion charges against the Adelaide Director and Deputy Mayor Beecher have been established, the verdict will be announced below!"

After the words fell, Ivli stood up first, and everyone in the auditorium did the same.

"The defendant Adelaide was found guilty of tax evasion, and the amount was huge. In addition, as a public official, he was guilty of knowing the law and committing a crime with an additional one level. He was sentenced to 1,200 years in prison with no chance of parole for life. In addition, he was required to pay the entire tax amount of 320,000 US dollars. !”

Many people at the scene knew that the punishment imposed by the IRS this time would be severe, but they did not expect it to be so severe, with a direct sentence of 1,200 years, which made them stunned.

But before they could react, Ivli went on to pronounce the verdict: "The defendant Beecher was found guilty of tax evasion, and the amount was huge. In addition, as a public official, he knew the law and committed a crime plus one level. He was sentenced to 1,200 years in prison and life." No parole, and the tax due is 440,000 U.S. dollars!"

Smollett couldn't sit still anymore and stood up directly to retort: ​​"Your Honor, I object to such a harsh penalty. After all, in the Indian case that Chief David enforced not long ago, this tribe chose to resist the law violently, and the nature was so bad. But in the end, the sentence was only 1,000 years. Now the Adelaide Commissioner and Deputy Mayor Beecher are just evading taxes, how can they be harsher than them?"

In fact, there is essentially no difference between the year 1000 and the year 1200.

After all, can you live to be 1,000 to 1,200 years old alone?

However, as a person in the city hall, you must fight for it no matter what. Otherwise, if something like this happens again in the future, won’t the IRS be even more unscrupulous?

"The people of the Indian tribes have low education levels and advocate force. It is understandable that they can violently resist the law. However, Adelaide and Beecher are highly educated and have Although he holds an important position in Sparks, he actually chooses to break the law and evade taxes. In essence, this is much more serious than the Indian incident!"


After all, Smollett relied on his words, but he was still choked by Ivli's sophistry.

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