United states tax collector

Chapter 151 Return to the Lake District and start to attack the tax performance list

An hour later, David and his party returned to the lake area.

After learning that State Director Jon had arrived and was in William's office, he did not dare to neglect and immediately went to the office door on the fourth floor and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

David pushed the door open and saw State Director Jon here.

"Taxmaster David."

"Hello Director Jon."

Although it was his first meeting, David had already seen the director's face through television media and other channels.

After the two shook hands, Jon said with a smile on his face: "Chief David, the big commotion you made in Sparks and Henderson really shocked me. If something like this happens again, can you inform me in advance?"

David saw that the other party was not asking for guilt, and replied in a relaxed tone: "Since Director Jon said so, I will report it in advance next time!"

"Okay, I heard that you have a good relationship with Inspector Nissen. The reason why you did this this time is to prevent him from being transferred. Now that the tax collection work in various cities has returned to normal, he will continue to stay. It’s okay to work under you.”

In fact, he did this not because the tax collection work in various cities returned to normal, but more to give David a face.

Because if Nissen had not been transferred out of Nevada, then Stevenson would not have had a step down, and he might have continued to obstruct their IRS tax collection.

But there was nothing he could do. David went to the two cities and made such a big noise, which made it clear that Baonisen was going to die. It was hard for him to go too far and make David feel resentful.

"Then thank you Director Jon for your understanding..."

This was what David wanted to hear. Otherwise, his work in going to the two cities would be in vain.

in the coming time.

Jon was obviously very curious about how quickly David managed the affairs of the two city halls, and kept making insinuations about how he did it.

But they were all prevaricated by David.

Afterwards, he talked about the god-making plan.

Because of the IRS system in Nevada, it is rare to find a star-level person like David, so Jon also has high expectations for David, hoping that he can work hard to impact this plan.

After all, if the god of the god-making project comes from Nevada, it will be a good thing for him as the state director.

In this regard, David, who had originally planned to give it a try, naturally agreed without hesitation.

As we talked, the time came to 6 p.m.

Seeing that it was getting late, Jon proposed to leave, but as he was about to leave, he seemed to think of something again. He turned to remind David: "Chief David, what you did in the two cities is nothing." It's beautiful, but sometimes it's not a good thing to show off too early in this kind of thing, so you have to be careful."

"Thanks for the reminder, Director Jon, I understand!"

David heard what Director Jon meant.

The other party was telling him that when facing criminals, it didn't matter how he attacked them.

After all, these people can be regarded as being killed by everyone.

But those officials were different.

These people are a group of interests. If you attack them, it may cause the fear and worry of the entire group, which will cause these people to suppress and contain them.

After Director Jon leaves.

David immediately called Simmons and Ariel to the office and asked them, "What's going on with the counterfeit banknote case and the smuggling case?"

Ariel was the first to speak: "Regarding the smuggling case, with the cooperation of the information from the Main Street Branch, we have identified several relevant personnel, but we still don't know how their group operates or what they use. route for smuggling.”

Simmons followed up and said: "Regarding the counterfeit banknote case, we currently only know that many casinos in the main street have a large amount of counterfeit banknotes flowing in every day. These counterfeit banknotes are as high as 99% similar to real banknotes. , without professionals using professional instruments to detect it, they can’t tell the difference at all!”

David asked Simmons: "Which casinos are they specifically?"

"Yongli, Desert Palace, Tiantanren...there are several of these!"

"These are smaller casinos..."

"Yes, it is precisely because these casinos are small in scale and do not have more professional equipment and personnel that a large amount of counterfeit money flows in every day."

David thought for a moment and then said: "Get ready, let's go to the Desert Palace tonight!"

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the Main Street Casino Avenue ushered in the most passionate moment.

Neon lights illuminated the entire street, and countless beautiful women began to enter bars, casinos, and various high-end places.

Desert Palace Casino is located at No. 785 Avenue, which belongs to the end area.

Although this casino is small in scale, there is an endless stream of gamblers coming in and out.

At this moment, a car stopped at the door.

The car door opened, and David got out of the back seat, followed closely by Bucky, Nissen, and Simmons.

"You gentlemen, how can I help you?"

As soon as he entered the door, he was greeted enthusiastically by a casino public relations officer.

Simmons took out his tax badge and said, "IRS, call your manager over here!"

When he heard that it was from the IRS, the publicist didn't dare to neglect him and immediately turned around and left.

About 3 minutes later, a well-dressed black woman came over and introduced herself: "Gentlemen from the IRS, I am Margarita, the lobby manager. Can I help you?"

"Manager Margarita, we are investigating a case and would like to 'borrow' your chip exchange office. Is it convenient?"

This time it was David who spoke out.

"Borrow us at the chip exchange office?"

Margarita was a little confused.

"Yes, we need to observe the customers inside to exchange chips, so they won't disturb your normal business!"

Margarina thought for a while and finally nodded: "Okay, come with me!"

She took David and others to the chip exchange office on the left side of the casino and explained to the employees there.

Afterwards, David and others sat and waited.

An hour passed quickly.

During this hour, through Goldfinger's constant inspection, David did not find any unusual gamblers.

Just when he was about to try his luck at another casino, a man in a big cloak appeared, making his eyes suddenly light up.

[Name: Isidore Needham. 】

[Occupation: President of Vegas Petrochemical Company. 】

[Income: monthly legal income of 1.2 million U.S. dollars, monthly illegal income of 2.56 million U.S. dollars. 】

[Income details: On December 4, by purchasing counterfeit banknotes and laundering them through the casino, a profit of 220,000 US dollars was made. On December 17, by purchasing counterfeit banknotes and laundering them through the casino, a profit of 320,000 US dollars was made...]

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: USD 650,190. 】

"You are the one……"

David raised the corner of his mouth, then stood up, walked out of the exchange room, came to the man named Isido, and said to him: "Sir, we are from the Internal Revenue Service and would like to ask you to leave. Come and cooperate with us to investigate a case!"

Isido, who was exchanging chips, was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and finally he pretended to be calm and said: "What case? I'm very busy now!"

"I'll tell you when we get to our station!"

Seeing David's expression of "If you're not decent, I'll help you be decent," Isido knew that he couldn't hide, so he could only reply: "Okay, I'll go with you!"

David turned to the staff at the chip exchange and said, "Take the chips back and pack all the money. We want to take them away!"

Hearing this, Isido's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be...

Have your counterfeit bills been exposed?

Thinking of this, he began to feel a little panicked.

Lake District IRS.

After David brought Isido back, he took him into the interrogation room, then placed the box of money he brought back on the table, took out a bundle and looked at it carefully.

It's exactly what Simmons said.

The counterfeiting technology of these money has reached the point where it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity from the fake. He looked carefully for a long time, but he couldn't see any difference from the real money.

Finally, he placed the bundle of banknotes in front of Isido and asked, "Where did this money come from?"

Isido pretended to be calm and replied: "I run a petrochemical company, and this is all the cash earned by our company..."

"Really, is all the cash you earn counterfeit?"

Isido was startled and retorted in a panic: "What kind of counterfeit banknotes? These are all real banknotes. How could I use counterfeit banknotes? You can find anyone to check it!"

David smiled disdainfully and turned to look at Simmons: "Did you hear that? Find someone to check."

Simmons smiled knowingly and immediately agreed: "No problem, I'll have someone come over right away..."

Hearing the words of the two people, Isido felt even more panicked.

Of course he knew how powerful the IRS was. He heard that they even had fighter jets, so it was natural that they could find high-end instruments that could identify his banknotes.

David saw his panic and continued to ask: "Mr. Isidore, it's still too late for you to tell the truth. Our IRS is just a tax collector, and we won't do anything to you. As long as you pay the tax to us, , and cooperate with us to uncover the source of these counterfeit banknotes, I guarantee you will be fine!"

Isidor was silent for a while, and finally said in a frustrated tone: "I can pay the taxes, but I can't find them out. This will lead to retaliation. I hope your IRS can understand me..."

David was amused by these words and replied: "Do you think you still have a choice now? Either you choose to find them guilty and meritorious service, or you bear all the consequences yourself!"


Isidor was angered by these words.

After a full two minutes, he gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay, I'll explain it to the head office!"


In the following time, Isidor explained the details of the counterfeit banknotes from what sources he knew about them, the proportion at which he purchased them, how many times he purchased them, and from whom.

Through the combination of gold fingers, David knew that he was not telling lies, and then said: "Okay, tonight you take the money and continue to play in the casino, and then tomorrow, buy a batch of counterfeit banknotes from them. Remember, don't play any tricks. Don’t try any tricks, let alone remind them, otherwise it will only be you who will be unlucky, do you understand?”

Isidor nodded: "I know what to do."

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