United states tax collector

Chapter 153 FBI Special Agent

"Okay, OK!"

After returning to the bureau, it’s time to wait.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, news came from Isido, saying that he had contacted someone from the counterfeit banknote group and wanted to order another batch of counterfeit banknotes.

However, it may be because the supply and demand have been too high recently, and the people at the counterfeit banknote group replied that it will not be ready until the day after tomorrow.

David had no choice but to postpone this case until the day after tomorrow.

Carson City, Governor's Mansion.

Eugene walked into Stevenson's office holding a file bag.

"Governor, this is from Gavin's 'Special Agent'. It's an investigation report about David!"

Don't think that a 'special agent' is just an agent.

In the FBI system, special agents are the highest-level FBI officials assigned to each state. They are responsible for supervising and managing FBI agents and operations in that state.

And is responsible for coordinating cooperation with local law enforcement agencies, state government and other departments of the federal government to ensure the smooth conduct of FBI operations in the state.

And now the Special Agent Gavin that Eugene is talking about is the FBI's top executive in Nevada.

Stevenson's expression changed, and he immediately took the file bag, opened it, and began to scan it with expectant eyes.

But soon, his expectant eyes gradually turned gloomy, and finally he slammed the entire document on the table with a hint of anger.

Eugene on the side was also stunned watching this scene.

Because the file bag was sealed, out of dignity, he did not dare to open it and check it immediately when he received it, so he did not know what was inside.

But now look at what our governor looks like.

Could it be that……

After a detailed investigation by the FBI, they really couldn't find anything against David?

In order to confirm his suspicion, Eugene slowly reached out to the document, picked it up and started to read it.

As the contents inside continued to appear in front of his eyes, his expression became ugly.

It was just as he guessed.

After an investigation by the FBI, it turned out that there was really no black material about David, and there was no evidence of tax evasion as they expected.

In fact, it cannot be said that there is no such thing.

To be precise, it almost happened!

Because according to the content of the document, when David was fighting against criminals some time ago, many criminals offered David a lot of bribes in order to avoid paying monthly payments to the IRS, but David refused them all.

But this was not the most outrageous thing for Eugene.

The most outrageous thing is that according to the investigation, a money laundering businessman named Lynch even offered a sky-high bribe of 1.6 million yuan in order to avoid paying taxes.

But such an astronomical sum was still rejected by David.

Is this fucking bastard really a saint?

Even though Eugene is the secretary to the governor, he dare not say that he is not moved when faced with such a huge figure of 1.6 million US dollars.

But this bastard resisted the temptation abruptly!

Now, Eugene finally understood why Stevenson was so angry.

If David accepted the 1.6 million, then this bastard might have 100 lives, which probably wouldn’t be enough to die!

It’s a pity that it’s all gone now!

"Okay, since he has no clues, then let Gavin check his subordinates or other people in their Lake District branch. I don't believe these people have any!"

Since David can't be punished, Stevenson plans to start with David's colleagues. Anyway, he doesn't believe that everyone will be as innocent as David.

It's late at night, but the lights at the Lake District Bureau are still brightly lit.

"Tax Commissioner, the people from the Main Street Branch are at the door!"

"Then let's go down!"

Except for Ariel and Serena, David's six inspectors were all armed and left together.

But when he got down there, he discovered that the leader of the street this time was actually Keanu, which surprised him.

He immediately walked up and asked, "What's going on, Inspector Keanu? There's no need for you, a tax inspector, to go in person for this outing, right?"

"If this is where it is, Chief Tax Officer David, you have already gone there in person. Can I do it if I don't go in person?"

Keanu waved his hand, as if to tell David not to come out.

"Okay, let's go."

David didn't want to talk too much anymore. He wanted to settle the smuggling case first.

"By the way, Chief David, get in my car and tell me what the case is like."

David did not refuse, and got into the car at the Main Street Bureau, and the group headed toward the Honglin Valley.

"Chief David, are you saying that they transported the contraband through this valley?"


"But as far as I know, this valley is not only steep, but also very long and narrow. There is no signal deep inside, and few vehicles can cross it."

"Wealth can only be found in danger. Maybe it's because of this that you guys haven't been able to catch them."

David's words choked Keanu.

But it makes sense if you think about it carefully.

If these smugglers were transporting goods through normal roads, they would have been intercepted countless times by their checkpoints.

Precisely because he found another route to a place like Honglin Valley, he has never been traced.

40 minutes later, the convoy had arrived near the Indian reservation. Then the convoy got off the road and drove directly to the entrance of the Red Rock Mountains on the other side.

Because there are no roads built here, there are many potholes along the way, which makes David and others in the car suffer a lot.

But fortunately, after half an hour's drive, the team finally arrived at an entrance to the valley.

This is also the only entrance and exit.

Therefore, they only need to park their cars here and wait patiently for the arrival of the smugglers after 2 o'clock.

After getting out of the car, Keanu explored the surrounding terrain, came to David and said: "Chief David, if these smugglers see us appearing, if they force the card to be cleared, just click It’s troublesome…”

"You're right. Let's just park two cars in the middle of the road and turn off the lights. When they arrive and find out, even if they really dare to rush the card, it won't be so easy."

"Then do as you say!"

Just as he said, David immediately asked the two of them to block the two cars at the entrance and exit of the valley, and then began to wait.

Soon, the time came to 1.30.

Nissen, who climbed up to a high place and was acting as a sentinel, seemed to have discovered something, and quickly shouted to the people below: "There are cars 2 kilometers away, they are coming!"

David quickly signaled to his five inspectors to get ready.

Nissen also made arrangements for the inspectors of their main street branch, and then all the lights at the scene were extinguished.

The more than 20 inspectors scattered inside and outside the valley all had their rifles unsafe, as if ready to fight at any time.

at the same time.

Two kilometers away from David and others, three small Ford trucks were driving bumpily.

In the leading car, the person driving the vehicle was a bearded man wearing a peaked cap, and in the passenger seat was a curly man who was smoking.

"Fake, my waist is almost broken. After this trip, I must go and relax with a beautiful girl!"

"Hehe, kid, it's like this the first time you walk this road. You'll get used to it if you walk a few more times in the future!"

"Farewell, I would rather guard the warehouse than take this ghost road again!"


Curly Hair was obviously following a car for the first time and kept complaining, while the bearded man in the driver's seat kept comforting him.

"Okay, okay, the entrance of the valley is just ahead, just get out of there!"

As the two of them chatted, they were only about 100 meters away from the entrance of the valley.

But when driving 50 meters away from the valley entrance, the bearded man in the peaked cap seemed to notice something in front of him.

At first he thought it was gravel, but when he turned on his high-beam headlights, he found a vehicle in front of him.

This made him instantly shocked and shouted: "No!"

Very few people come into this valley during the day, let alone at night.

And now that vehicles appear, they either encounter people who want to rob them, or they encounter people from the law enforcement department!

Curly hair on the side also became nervous, and immediately picked up the pistol placed under the windshield.

At the same time, the inspectors who were arranged by Keanu to ambush in the valley also began to send news back to Keanu and David at the entrance of the valley through wireless headsets.

"The target has entered the locking range. Through observation, it is found that each vehicle has only one driver and one follower. Please give instructions!"

At the entrance of the valley, Keanu looked at David immediately, and David nodded to indicate that he was ready to take action.

Keanu immediately replied through the headset: "Action!"

After receiving the order, the inspectors lurking in the grass immediately turned on the infrared rays carried by their rifles and aimed at the six people in the car.

In the three cars, when they saw red dots appearing on their bodies, the driver and the driver began to panic, and they did not even dare to move.

Because judging from the number of these red dots, not to mention the fierce firepower of the other party, the number of people is even greater than them.

"Don't be nervous, we are from the IRS. As long as you cooperate with us, we will not do anything to you, but if you dare to resist, we will kill you without mercy!"

Just when the six people in the car didn't know what to do, the sound of the horn at the entrance of the valley made them feel relieved.

Because just now they were thinking that if they encountered a robber, the goods would definitely be gone this time, and if they encountered the police or FBI, not only would the goods be gone, but people might also have to get in.

Because the Indian tribes were making such a big fuss, they knew about the black tax bill.

Know that the IRS only collects taxes. As long as you pay your taxes to the IRS, you will be fine!

Therefore, now that they heard that it was the IRS, they were less nervous and felt that this was the best result.

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