United states tax collector

Chapter 162 Who are you, David?

After chatting with Eggport for about half an hour, David walked out of the office door, found Nissen, Bucky, Simmons and the other three, and said, "Go to the FBI office."

The FBI office and the Ninglin IRS belong to the same avenue as Ninglin. It is only a ten-minute drive and they arrived at the door.

On the third floor, a detective hurriedly walked into Gavin's office and said, "Mr. Gavin, David brought someone downstairs."


Gavin was correcting a document. After hearing this, his pen stayed in the air and his expression became a little stiff.

He knew that it would not be difficult for the IRS to find out that Bowen's investigation report was produced by the FBI.

And he had thought before that David might have plans to retaliate against them after coming to Carson City, but he never thought that the other party would come to his door so brazenly.

And when the other party came to the door in this swaggering morning, he definitely didn't come to drink tea with him, but most likely to cause trouble!

This is their fucking FBI office in Nevada, his territory!

You, David, don't care about messing with other people, but you still want to cause trouble on my FBI's territory?

What do you mean?

Just when Gavin was feeling unhappy, another agent broke in and said, "Mr. Gavin, Chief David of the IRS wants to see you."

"Requesting to see me? Who is he? Tell him that I am very busy!"

Although David has been in the limelight recently, in terms of level, he is not that far behind him, and there is a high probability that he is looking for trouble. Of course, he will not give him a good look.


The detective who reported the report immediately turned around and went out, and soon came to David in the lobby on the first floor, and said: "I'm sorry, Chief Tax Officer David, our Mr. Gavin is busy with official duties and can't spare time at the moment."

"What do you FBI mean? Our IRS came to your door in person, and you don't even want to give me a chance to meet you?"

Neeson immediately stood up angrily.

Although Bucky Simmons didn't speak, their expressions were very unhappy.

It’s okay for the FBI to be a helper in torturing their inspectors, but now they’re all here, and they’re not even willing to do anything superficial, so they’re just being shut out?

This is a bit too disrespectful!

The agent spread his hands: "It's not that we are unwilling, you guys also know that our FBI is not like your IRS, which only needs to be responsible for individual tax work. We have to investigate cases such as terrorist attacks, kidnappings, espionage, etc., and we also need to provide It’s a lot of work to provide all kinds of help to local agencies at federal, state, county and city levels.”

"And Mr. Gavin is currently busy investigating a terrorist attack case. No matter how important taxation is, it cannot be as important as national security, right?"

On the surface, it sounds like this agent is explaining the reason to Nissenbaki and others.

But in fact, Nissen and others were not fools, so how could they not recognize the strange and sinister tone in his words?

But just when they were about to attack further, David raised his hand to stop them.

"I came today just to have a chat with Special Agent Gavin. Please report it again and let him 'think about it'!"

When he said the last four words, David deliberately emphasized his tone.

The agent paused, but in the end he did not dare to make a conclusion directly. Instead, he turned around and came to Gavin's office on the third floor and reported: "Mr. Gavin, he still wants to talk to you and asks you to 'Think about it'."

"consider properly?!"

The agent imitated David's tone and said these four words, so Gavin certainly heard the threat contained in them.

He sneered and replied: "Go and tell him that I am very busy and I don't have time to think about this!"


With Gavin's intention, the agent went down to David's side in the lobby on the first floor and said, "Sorry, Chief Tax Officer David, our Mr. Gavin is really busy right now and we really don't have time to think about other things. "

After saying this, the detective's heartstrings suddenly lifted.

The so-called shadow of a man's famous tree, after all, David had led armed forces to invade the Indian tribe and rectified the city halls of Sparks and Henderson. He was also afraid that these words would directly anger David. lion.

But what surprised him was that after hearing his words, David did not show any anger, but took out a pen and paper with a calm expression, which confused him a little.

After a pause, he asked: "Tax Commissioner David, what are you...doing?"

"Nothing to do, go and do your work, I'll be leaving in a minute."

David's calm look and unruffled words made the agent even more confused.

This is not right.

Whether he was marching into an Indian tribe with arms or rectifying the city halls of Sparks and Henderson, David's domineering and ruthless tactics were demonstrated.

Why is it that the FBI is so disrespectful now? Even if David doesn't have an attack, he is still so calm?

Unable to figure it out, the agent did not dare to linger in front of David. Instead, he flashed to a government affairs window more than ten meters away, pretending to be handling matters, but in fact he was secretly observing David's actions here.

[Name: Trevicorn Gilbert. 】

[Occupation: FBI junior agent. 】

[Monthly income: 8,600 US dollars. 】

[Income details: salary and bonus income...]

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: 0. 】

[Name: Bertie Lewis. 】

[Occupation: Senior FBI agent. 】

[Income: Monthly legal income is 19,600 US dollars, illegal income is 63,000 US dollars. 】

[Income details: On December 17, during a raid on a drug dealer's den in the suburbs of Carson City, US$160,000 in cash was seized, and US$20,000 was deducted from it. On December 25, a group of violent criminals were cleared, including The son of a high-ranking official collected US$30,000 in favors and perverted the law...]

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: US$15,750. 】

[Name: Polly Algernon. 】

[Occupation: FBI agent. 】

[Income: monthly legal income of 16,000 US dollars, illegal income of 51,000 US dollars. 】

[Income details: On January 11, he sold a confidential document to the president of a company in Carson City, making a profit of US$20,000. On January 19, he leaked an internal operation to an arms dealer, making a profit of US$30,000...]

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: US$10,250. 】


Here, David is using the function of the golden finger to constantly examine the FBI personnel who are going up and down, coming in and out.

After some inspection, he found that almost only the rookies who had just joined the company were innocent, while the veterans had more or less problems.

Whenever he found an old bird with a problem, David would immediately pick up his pen and write down some key information.

It wasn't until he reached the fifth person that he stopped scanning with his peripheral vision, put the pen and paper in his pocket, and then turned around and left.

At the government affairs window, seeing David and others turning to leave, the agent immediately came to Gavin's office on the third floor and reported: "Mr. Gavin, he's gone..."


Gavin's expression turned pale and he asked again: "Did he show anything else?"

"After hearing what I conveyed to you, he acted very calmly. Then he took out a pen and paper and didn't know what he was writing down, and then left directly."


Gavin looked thoughtful and said after about a minute: "Keep an eye on him."

Although he was dissatisfied with David's arrogance in coming to their place, he was still a little afraid of David's ability.


On the way back to Ninglin Branch, Nissenbaki, Simons and the others still looked depressed.

Since the events in Indian and Henderson Sparks, they have become accustomed to the awe of the media, criminals, and various departments.

Now the FBI is actually giving them such a big deal, which naturally makes them feel stuck in their throats.

"Don't worry, they gave us a hard time today, but we will pay back double the amount tomorrow!"

As soon as David said this, the three of them looked sideways, and their expressions gradually changed from the previous depression to expectation.

In order to make it easier for David to do things, Eggbot specially arranged a temporary office for him in the Ninglin Branch.

When David returned to this office, he immediately took out the notebook in his pocket and made a detailed outline of the information previously recorded on it.

More than an hour later, he stopped and told Nissen: "Help me find five tax chiefs and come over."

Neeson walked out immediately.

In just ten minutes, he walked in with five tax chiefs from Ninglin Branch.

When the five tax chiefs came in, each of them had expectant eyes, because they had just learned from Nissen that David came to them to arrange something.

As long as you start doing things, doesn't that mean you can earn tax results?

"Tax Commissioner Betsy, there is something that your inspection team needs to do here."

"Just ask."

The tax chief named Betsy stood up immediately, as if she was at David's disposal.

David picked up a written document, handed it over and said, "I need your inspection team to find out the personnel, information, and consumption details of the parties as quickly as possible."

Betsey took the material with anticipation and read it carefully.

Originally, he thought that this might be material about a certain city hall official, but as the contents continued to appear in front of his eyes, he was stunned on the spot.

This is no material for city hall officials.

It's material from a senior FBI agent.

And what shocked him was that it also recorded detailed details of the illegal activities the senior agent had done, who was involved, and how much money he had profited from.

You can say that.

If we really follow the information in this material to target these people and find out the details of the amounts inside, then this senior agent will be dead!

"How about Commissioner Betsy, any questions?"

Only then did Betsy come back from her shocked thoughts and replied directly: "Your information is so detailed. With our personnel and channel system, it will not be difficult to get it..."

At the end of the sentence, Betsy hesitated to speak.

He didn't know about Bobby, so he was a little confused as to why David, who was so good, suddenly wanted to rectify the FBI.

The city hall hasn't canceled the crackdown order yet, shouldn't it be done first?

David saw his doubts and immediately explained: "To tell you the truth, Chief Tax Officer Betsy, I did this as a last resort. Don't worry, all the taxes generated here will belong to your team. I Not a penny!"

Upon hearing this, Betsy's eyes suddenly lit up as she was still very confused.

Although I don’t know why David wants to join the FBI, in addition to the tax of more than 10,000 US dollars that this senior agent needs to pay, the criminals who have transactions with this agent also need to pay a tax.

Although we don’t know how much this tax is currently, what is certain is that it will definitely not be a small amount!

Betsy didn't care so much and directly agreed: "No problem, I'll take care of it!"

David nodded, picked up the information about the second FBI officer, looked at the other tax chief and said, "Tax Chief Fax, I also need your team to get it done as quickly as possible."

Fax picked up the material, but as the content of the material appeared in front of his eyes, he also showed a surprised look like Betsy before.

"After this is done, all the taxes generated will also belong to your inspection team."

Fax put away his surprise and nodded: "Okay, this matter is also covered by me!"

Next, David picked up three more written materials and handed them to the other three tax chiefs.

The three tax chiefs agreed without hesitation after receiving David's promise that all the taxes generated would belong to their team.

Finally, David warned: "The FBI people must be monitoring our every move, so you must be careful not to cause trouble for them."

"We understand."

The five tax chiefs answered in unison, and then left eagerly.

David stayed at the Ninglin Branch until 7 o'clock in the evening, and then he, Nissen and others drove to a hotel arranged for them in Eggport.

After enjoying dinner, they returned to their respective rooms.

FBI office building.

"Mr. Gavin, David hasn't been out since he returned to Ninglin Branch. It wasn't until 7 o'clock that he walked out of the branch, and then went to a hotel. After having a meal, he returned to his room to rest. .”

Listening to the report of the incoming detective, Gavin thought for a moment and then asked: "What about his subordinates? Have they ever gone out or checked for anything?"

"No, I followed him all the way to the back of the hotel and then back to their respective rooms. However... several inspection teams from the Ninglin Branch suddenly made some moves, but there were fifty or sixty inspectors in these teams. Officers, our personnel are limited and it is impossible to monitor them one by one..."

Although this is the FBI office in Nevada, most of the agents have their own tasks; they are dispatched to various cities and counties to handle cases, and there are only 2 to 30 idle agents stationed here in the office. That’s all, of course it’s impossible to take care of them all.

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