United states tax collector

Chapter 164 If only we had our own court


Gavin had blue veins on his forehead, and he almost couldn't hold back and cursed outright, but after he stopped speaking, he still looked like he wanted to eat Nissen.

Nissen ignored him and yelled directly: "Where is the person we want from the IRS? If he doesn't show up yet, don't blame us for taking coercive measures!"

"you dare!"

Gavin immediately stood forward, and the other agents behind him all had fierce looks in their eyes.

Even if the IRS came to their FBI office with great fanfare, if they still dare to act like this on their territory, how will the FBI have the face to see anyone if word gets out?


Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Betsy stood up and said to Gavin: "Special Agent Gavin, according to the regulations of the Black Tax Act, our IRS has the right to invite anyone with illegal income to go back and investigate. As a special agent, You should be aware of this and don’t make the matter too big, right?”

Gavin's gloomy face turned around for a long time, and finally said: "Then if we can't get any results, what will happen to you?"

"If we can't find it out, of course we will give you an explanation!"

"Okay, if you can't find out the reason, then I'll tell you, it's not over yet!"

Gavin dropped these words and turned to leave.

He knew very well that the IRS had the black tax bill in hand, and now it did have the power to 'request' their FBI people to go back.

And if things continue like this, once things get too big, the FBI will definitely not be able to account for it.

Returning to his office, Gavin immediately said to the confidant agent who followed him in: "Owen, tell me honestly, are there any problems with the people the IRS wants to take away?"

"This...I'm not sure at the moment..."

The agent named Owen didn't dare to agree. There were so many agents in the office, how could he possibly know everyone's details.

And even if these people are guilty of corruption, they must be hiding it. How could they let him know by talking nonsense?

"Now call them immediately or go directly to the IRS and ask them not to talk nonsense. If any of them have dirty hands and feet, please tell me honestly. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, I won't be able to spare them!"

Now the IRS people are just taking people back. The case has not been finalized yet, so what Gavin has to do now is to do everything possible to disrupt the IRS's offensive.

After bringing five members of the FBI back to the Ninglin Branch, Betsy followed David's instructions and disclosed the news to the media through some third-party channels.

When the media heard the rumor that the IRS had arrested the FBI, they immediately went crazy and went to the Ninglin branch to seek confirmation.

As for the media's request for confirmation, Betsy also followed David's instructions, neither admitting nor denying.

But it was precisely this intriguing statement from the Ninglin IRS, coupled with David's current presence in Carson City, that made the media and online viewers more and more curious about this matter.

"You said, it's not like what's posted on the Internet, right? The IRS arrested someone from the FBI, right?"

"The FBI arrested someone from the IRS? This is really exciting!"

"Haha, the FBI usually arrests people everywhere, but now there is news that someone from the FBI has been arrested. It would be fun if it were true!"

While Nevada netizens were discussing it.

Over here at the Governor's Mansion.

Eugene also received the news immediately and hurriedly came to Stevenson and said: "Something happened, Governor. Just now, a large number of people from the Internal Revenue Service rushed to the FBI office and took care of the FBI on the grounds of tax evasion." Five members of the department were 'invited' to go back!"


Stevenson couldn't believe his ears when he heard this.

"Several of David's men also went to the scene. It can be concluded that this boy is definitely the driving force behind this incident. Otherwise, those people from the Ninglin Branch would never have the guts to do this!"

Stevenson frowned and his face also dropped.

If it was true that David was behind this incident, as Eugene said, then his idea of ​​using David to deal with Lawson Rubins would probably come to nothing.

After all, it was he who instructed the FBI to investigate Bobby, and now that David dared to touch the FBI, it was clear that he was going against him. How could he do anything for him again?

"Governor, if this kid is so ignorant, then let's just publish Bobby's investigation report and let him have a drink first!"

Stevenson thought for a while, shook his head and said: "No, if he dares to arrest FBI people, he must have something on hand. If we release Bobby's investigation report, then he will definitely kill the FBI." Li Zheng, it will be difficult to explain to Gavin when the time comes, forget it, let’s just wait and see what happens in this matter, and let Gavin fight him first!”

After hearing this, Eugene felt the same.

If the Bobby investigation report was to be released, then Gavin would have done so long ago, and the reason why Gavin did this is probably because he was trying to avoid it.

In this case, they should really wait and see now.

Anyway, what David is doing now is the FBI, not the state government yet!

Ninglin Branch.

Simmons walked into David's office and reported: "Tax Commissioner, people from the FBI are here and want to see their agents immediately!"

"Let them go aside to cool down first."

David stood up, picked up some of the documents he had sorted, and walked all the way to an interrogation room in the Ninglin Branch.

Sitting here at this time was senior agent Bertie Lewis, who was brought back from the FBI office.

When he saw David coming in, Bertie Lewis's expression changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal and asked: "David, Chief Tax Officer, go to the FBI to arrest people. I'm afraid this is your masterpiece, right? But... Have you ever thought about whether you can shoulder this responsibility?"

David ignored his remarks and directly took out a document and threw it in front of him.

"What's this?"

"Aren't you asking me if I can shoulder this responsibility? You will know after you see it!"

Seeing David's confident performance, Bertie Lewiston felt bad, but he still picked up the document in front of him and read it carefully.

But as the content inside continued to come in, his face became more and more livid, and finally he asked in a panic with a hint of anger: "Where did you get this information?"

"Do you think I need to explain this to you?"

"What do you want? I can pay the tax!"

David didn't reply, just smiled contemptuously and stood up, then opened the door and left.

And Bertie Lewis was also anxious and shouted: "David, please keep a secret so that we can meet each other in the future. We are all members of the American law enforcement agencies. There is no need to be so absolute!"

The execution of the officials from the city halls of the two cities was ahead of him, and he was really scared.

David still ignored him, pushed the door open and said to Simmons: "We can let the FBI people see him!"

After that, he went directly to the second detention room.

Simmons, on the other hand, took Owen, who was sent by Gavin, and asked him to enter the detention room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Bertie Lewis who seemed to be in a crazy mood. Ern felt something was wrong and immediately asked: "What happened, Agent Bertie?"

Bod looked up and saw Ern. He wanted to say something, but his upper and lower lips touched back and forth, and in the end he still didn't have the courage to say it.

"Tell me, Agent Bertie, Mr. Gavin asked me to come here. He warned you that if you had any illegal behavior before, you must tell it directly now. Otherwise, if the IRS really finds out, not only will you not be able to If we can save you, we will also implicate our entire FBI!"

Bod gritted his teeth and said, "But now I have been confirmed..."

"What did you say?"

"Just before you came, David brought a document. The document... contains all my records anyway."

Owen quickly asked: "What do all the records mean? Is there any place where I can make a fuss or where I can clean up..."

"It's useless Agent Owen, I don't know where he got that document, but the record about me in it is very detailed, including who I was involved with, where, and what happened over the past two months. Every financial transaction is recorded..."

At the end of the sentence, Bod shook his head with a hint of regret.

As an FBI agent, he certainly knows what evidence and information is needed to convict a criminal.

As for the document about himself just now, he had already read it in detail, and it couldn't be more conclusive.

There is no room for rebuttal at all.

At this time, Ern's expression was extremely ugly, but Bertie had already said so himself, and he also understood that there was a high probability that this matter would not be overturned.

He had no choice but to stand up and walk out of the door, asking Simmons to see their second FBI agent.

Within a moment, Owen was taken to the interrogation room where the second agent was.

But ten minutes later, he walked out with the same livid face.

In the following time, he went to meet the remaining three people one by one, but the result was no exception.

They all told Owen with a dejected attitude that it would be difficult to wash away their crimes.

Helpless, Owen could only drive back to the FBI office as quickly as possible, walked into Gavin's office, and reported the situation in detail.

After hearing what he said, Gavin was so angry that he threw the coffee cup in his hand to the ground and cursed: "Fake Squid, what on earth is going on with these bastards? Then David just came to Carson City for one day." It’s just time, and he has caught so many tricks?”

Gavin really couldn't figure it out.

Of course, if he could know that David had a golden finger, he wouldn't be so confused.

"Mr. Gavin, now that the deal is settled, there is no need to waste time on this matter. Doesn't David want to use this to punish us, but we don't have anything to do with him, right?"

Hearing Owen's reminder, Gavin suddenly slapped his thigh and came back to his senses.


David has captured the FBI people and has the handle on these people, but doesn't he also have David's handle?

They were arrested by the FBI on suspicion of tax evasion. This is indeed a big and sensational news.

But if the IRS's own people "steal by themselves", it will be more serious and sensational in nature!

Thinking of this, Owen laughed ferociously, and immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number: "Agent Browning, please bring the person I arranged for you to take down last time to our office immediately."

At the same time, Browning, who was in Las Vegas, felt his scalp numb after hearing this and didn't know how to answer.

The person has now been forcibly taken away by David.

Is he making love?

"Are you deaf or mute?"

Hearing the curses coming from the other end of the phone, Browning did not dare to be silent any longer. He gritted his teeth and replied: "Mr. Gavin, the person... is gone..."


Gavin looked incomprehensible and immediately asked: "I don't have time to talk to you, please speak clearly!"

"The person has... been 'robbed' by David from the IRS. I'm really sorry, Mr. Gavin, but we are also helpless..."

"What did you say, you damn bastard..."

Gavin was so angry that he flew into a rage and started typing frantically on the phone.

Finally, knowing that the matter was a foregone conclusion and could no longer be changed, he put down the phone and said to Owen: "If there are no witnesses, can this case still be convicted?"

Judging from Gavin's reaction just now, Owen on the side already knew the situation on the other side of the phone, so it was not too surprising to hear that the witness was gone.

He replied: "The amount of money his subordinate was involved in was too small, only 5,000 US dollars, and we don't have the channels of the IRS to find out his subordinate's detailed consumption and fund inflows and outflows in the past few months. If there is no witness involved, given the level of their IRS lawyers, it may not be that easy to convict."

"Just tell me directly, how confident you are."

Owen thought about it carefully and said, "About 40 to 50%."

Gavin frowned and his eyes dimmed. Obviously, this probability was not enough to satisfy him.

"It would be great if we at the FBI had our own court..."

Owen sighed helplessly.

The FBI does not have its own private courts like the IRS.

And precisely because the IRS has its own private court, in many cases even if the evidence chain is insufficient, it can forcibly convict tax evaders and impose capital punishment.

And now if they really want to break up with David, even if they arrest Bobby, they will definitely have to be sent to a court under the Ministry of Justice for trial.

The courts under the Ministry of Justice not only have a jury system, but European and American laws pay more attention to the perfection of the chain of evidence.

In addition, this matter not only involves David, but also involves the face of the IRS. The IRS will definitely send a top team of lawyers to clear Bobby of this crime.

That's why Owen is so envious now that the IRS can have its own court.

If the FBI had its own court, they could forcibly convict Bobby based on the documents they had in hand.

Where are the financial details and witnesses required?

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