United states tax collector

Chapter 169 Do you want me to help you get to the top?

David raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and secretly thought in his heart, Why the hell did you say this so early and it's over?

"Don't rush now, just wait for my notification when the time comes!"

Lawson nodded to express his understanding, but in a flash, he seemed to think of something again, and said instead: "Since we have to deal with Stevenson, I have a suggestion!"

David, who was about to get up and leave, stopped when he heard this and asked, "What's the proposal?"

"To put it bluntly, Commissioner David, although you have been in the limelight recently, you are just a tax commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, and I am currently just a senatorial candidate, trying to bring down the state of Nevada. It’s still a bit difficult for the person with the most power, it’s not as good as… it’s not as good as…”

Seeing Lawson hesitate to speak but looking cunning and cunning, David lost his patience and said directly: "Why don't you just say it directly, there is no need to beat around the bush now."

"Okay, then I'll tell you the truth!"

Lawson organized his language and said: "I think that if you want to overthrow Stevenson, you need at least someone who can be on an equal footing with him. And I am only a senatorial candidate now. If you can help me If we can get rid of our competitors and successfully take over, then I think our chances of winning will definitely be much better!"

Since David can collect evidence about him, he must also be able to collect information about other senatorial candidates.

And if David can help him win over other senatorial candidates, his chances of winning against Stevenson will definitely be much greater.

Of course, what Lawson said was not that he wanted to deal with Stevenson wholeheartedly. He more wanted to use David to help himself succeed.

David naturally saw Lawson's intention to take advantage of his position, and said sarcastically: "Mr. Lawson, you are quite clever in your calculations."

Lawson laughed sarcastically and said nothing.

"Just wait until I notify you."

Lawson's proposal is a good one.

However, what he didn't know was that David only planned to join forces with him.

David is also planning to join forces with the lieutenant governor and secretary of state. When the time comes, all parties will attack Stevenson together, which will be much more powerful than one senator.

In addition, the senatorial election will only begin in November. It is only February now, and there are still 5 or 6 months left. Of course, he cannot wait until he can help Lawson take office before turning around and dealing with him. Stevenson.

What he has to do now is to solve Stevenson's problem as quickly as possible so that his tax work can return to normal and he can fully attack the god-making plan.

The Nevada State Government is located in the center of Carson City. This area is also the core of the city and the center of political, economic and cultural exchanges.

There are many important public buildings and commercial facilities around, such as city hall, courts, libraries, shopping malls, etc.

The state government building is a magnificent classical building with tall columns and a solemn appearance.

The interior decoration of the building is also very exquisite. When you stand at the door and look up, you can see luxurious marble floors, exquisite murals and gorgeous chandeliers.

4:50 p.m.

A Volvo came to a stop across the street from the State House.

"According to information, the state government's office hours end at 5 o'clock, and officials such as the Secretary of State, Lieutenant Governor, etc. will also go home at this time."

It was David and the others who were sitting in the car, and it was Simmons who spoke just now.

as expected.

When the time came to five o'clock, state government staff and officials began to come out one after another.

David's eyes became sharper, as if he was looking for something in the crowd.

Soon, a man in a suit with a baby face, although he was over 40 years old, came into his sight.

[Name: Laurie Frederick. 】

[Occupation: Lieutenant Governor of Nevada. 】

[Income: Legal monthly income is 19,000 US dollars, illegal income is 41,000 US dollars. 】

[Income details: On December 18, received a ruby ​​from a Sparks City Hall official, worth $8,000. On December 28, received an agate from a Reno businessman, worth $6,000. On January 11... 】

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: US$12,500. 】

After reviewing the lieutenant governor's information, David's expression was slightly funny.

I can’t believe that this deputy governor is actually a gem lover.

But then I thought about it, with Stevenson constraining him everywhere, Laurie might just have to drink tea and study gems to pass the time.

"Aldington Joe is out too!"

Hearing Nissen's words, David immediately put away his thoughts and looked up.

Sure enough, about ten meters behind Laurie, a somewhat bloated man walked out, chatting and laughing with several state government officials.

[Name: Aldington Joe. 】

[Occupation: Secretary of State of Nevada. 】

[Income: Legal income 17,800 US dollars, illegal income 1.2 million US dollars. 】

[Income details: On December 6, he accepted a bribe from a Virginia businessman and contracted a road project of the state government to the other party, making a profit of 200,000 US dollars. On December 27, he accepted a bribe of 300,000 US dollars from a Reno businessman and changed the city's The legal laws of the red light district...]

【More details:……】

[Tax payable: US$475,200. 】

"Another huge greedy person..."

Even after finishing this message from the Secretary of State, David felt happier than before.

After all, if the tax amount of 470,000 can be collected, it can be regarded as a considerable amount of money.

"Go back first!"

Returning to the Ninglin Branch, David entered his temporary office and wrote down the information obtained through Golden Finger on paper one by one.

More than half an hour later, after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he brought Bucky Nissen and Simmons in, pushed the written paper to them, and said: "Go and assist Tax Chief Betsy, and let them Send people to each city overnight to get the confessions, information, and financial details of the people inside as soon as possible!"


After a night of silence, the time came to the afternoon of the next day.

David was in the office looking through the files on major cases in Carson City, and Bucky walked in with two file bags in hand and said, "It's all done."

After David took the file bag, he opened it and looked at it carefully.

As the content continued to enter his eyes, his expression gradually became satisfied.

Because these two documents were indeed investigated according to the information he gave, and they were all investigated accurately.

For example, Aldington Joe's fund details, recent consumption, and accounts after the funds were laundered are all recorded one by one.

As for Laurie, it contains information about the merchants who gave him the gems, as well as some photos taken by surveillance cameras in certain places when he received the gems.

David looked at his watch. It was now 4.10 pm, and there were still 50 minutes until the state government got off work.

He stood up and said, "Go to Lieutenant Governor Laurie's house and wait for him!"

The lieutenant governor does not have an official residence arranged by the state government like the governor. Lieutenant Governor Lowry's home is located in a residential area in Tianxiang Bay, Carson City.

When we got here, it was exactly 5 o'clock.

David and others first rang the doorbell of Laurie's house. About a minute later, a white woman in her early 40s opened the door and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Nissen directly showed his tax badge and said: "We are from the Internal Revenue Service and want to talk to Lieutenant Governor Lowry."

The white woman was startled, then said, "My husband hasn't come back yet."

David took over and said, "It's okay, madam, we can wait for him!"

The white woman paused, but finally made a gesture of invitation. After David came to the living room, she asked: "Gentlemen from the IRS, do you need anything to drink?"

"No need ma'am."

The white woman didn't say anything more, but picked up the phone on the table, ran to the bathroom and dialed the number.

At the same time, about seven or eight kilometers away, in a Cadillac, Laurie was a little confused when he received the call and immediately asked: "Why did the IRS come to my house? Did they explain the reason?"

"They just said they wanted to talk to you."

Laurie was silent for a few seconds and replied: "Okay, I'll be there in about ten minutes. Let's deal with it when I get back!"

Ten minutes later, the Cadillac in which Laurie was riding returned to his home.

After getting out of the car, he immediately took out the key, opened the door, and quickly came to the living room, but when he came here and saw David's face, he immediately froze.

Although he is a mascot in the state government, he basically does nothing every day.

However, David was an armed intruder into an Indian tribe, and he was also a city hall official who rectified the problems in Henderson and Sparks. How could he not know and recognize him?

However, he considers himself to be relatively clean, and there is no chance of any tax problems.

Another point is that he has never offended David, so Laurie really doesn't understand what the other party wants to do with him.

"Lieutenant Governor Laurie, I came uninvited today, you won't blame me, right?"

Laurie immediately came back from his thoughts and asked, "Of course not, but having said that, I wonder why Chief David came to see me today?"

"No other reason, just a casual chat."

Laurie sat across from David, looking all ears.

“I went to Henderson not long ago and found that some of the urban planning and the living standards of local residents were very good. When I learned about it later, I found out that many of the urban planning and plans there were designed by Deputy Lowry. Governor, you left it when you were mayor there.”

"In addition, the reason why the quality of life of the citizens there is so high is also due to the policies you left behind back then, Lieutenant Governor Lowry, you know, everyone says you are a very capable leader."

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