United states tax collector

Chapter 184 Is the General Administration biased?

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Obadiah, wanting to see how he would reply.

About a minute later, Obadiah, who looked confused, finally spoke: "Since Advisor Vertonghen thinks this proposal is good, let's leave the meeting as is."

As soon as the words fell, the senior executives who had previously supported Brown suddenly became happy, while the faces of the David supporters headed by Donald dropped.

But since Obadiah had already agreed, they naturally couldn't say anything more.

After returning to the office, Donald immediately picked up the phone and called the Lake District branch.

Lake District Branch.

After the assessment period meeting dispersed, David summoned his auditors to the office and assigned the cases and matters to be prepared for this assessment period.

After that, he began to feel gradually uneasy.

Because he knew very well that although the god-making plan did not specify a time limit, today was the end of the assessment period, and the General Administration would definitely discuss the matter.

There is even a high probability that they can be selected today and then exposed to the entire auditor system.

During this assessment period, because Stevenson wasted a lot of time, his tax performance could only be ranked third, and he didn't know whether he would be selected.

But come to think of it...

The senior management of the General Administration will also consider the platform factor...

After all, the city he is in is Las Vegas, and Bellamy Hardy and Brown Soros are located in a metropolis like Los Angeles and New York.

But even so, his tax performance is only slightly behind the two of them. The top management of the General Administration cannot turn a blind eye to this, right?

Just when David was a little upset, a knock on the door brought him back to his senses, and he immediately shouted: "Come in."

It was William's secretary who came, and she said: "Director David, Director William wants you to go to his office."

Upon hearing this, David's heartstrings tightened even more.

Calling him over at this time, could it be that there was any result from the General Administration?

Thinking of this, he immediately stood up and quickly came to the door of William's office. After knocking on the door and getting a response, he pushed the door open and asked: "Director, are you looking for me?"

William pointed to the landline phone placed aside and replied: "To be precise, Deputy Director Donald of the General Administration is looking for you."

David's face tightened. It seemed that it was indeed related to the god-making project, otherwise the senior management of the General Administration would not have personally called him.

With a nervous mood, he came to the table, picked up the phone, and said: "Hello Deputy Director Donald, this is David."

"Hello, Tax Chief David, I'm looking for you today mainly because I want to tell you about the god-making plan."

"The results are out?"

"not yet."

Hearing this, David felt a little relieved.

He was afraid that the General Administration would use tax performance to determine the results, but since the results had not yet come out, he would be able to work hard to complete whatever requirements the General Administration's senior management discussed.

After all, after getting rid of Stevenson and recruiting new Governor Lowry, Nevada can already say that he has the final say.

Even if in the next new assessment period, the top management of the General Administration requires that the one with the best tax performance will be selected, he is not afraid at all.

He didn't believe it. With the tax support of the entire state, he couldn't beat those two people in Los Angeles and New York!

"In fact, logically speaking, you should be elected. After all, you are the biggest contributor to our armed reappearance in front of the world over the years, and the cities of Sparks and Henderson have once again allowed the United States to see our IRS. of majesty.”

"The most important thing is that you are in a small branch like Lake Las Vegas, and your tax performance is still ranked among the top three in the country. It is not much different from first and second."

"So I strongly supported your election at the high-level meeting."

"Unfortunately, although I am the deputy director of the General Administration, this matter is of great importance and cannot be decided by me alone."

"In addition to me and some people, many senior officials, including the chief adviser, support people like Brown Soros and Bellamy Hadi..."

In fact, as Donald's identity, he didn't need to patiently explain to David like this, but because he really valued David very much, he lowered his attitude in order to appease him.

After hearing what he said, David's heart sank.

As a member of the Internal Revenue Service, he certainly knows the weight of the chief adviser. This is a role that can rival the director-general.

And this person supports Brown Soros. No wonder that even though Donald is the deputy director in charge of the black tax bill, he cannot directly get him elected.

But here comes the problem.

If the chief adviser supports Brown Soros, this guy should be elected unless there are other interferences.

Why, as I just heard from Donald, have the results not come out yet?

Could it be...

Was it the director-general who jumped out to express support for him?

It seems that only in this way, Brown Soros can still be unable to be directly elected with the support of his chief adviser!

In an instant, David roughly guessed the situation of the high-level meeting.

And what Donald said next confirmed his guess.

"But you don't have to worry too much. Our Director Obadiah has seen your potential and expressed his support for you."

"Finally, after some discussion, we came up with a plan."

"Then this round of assessment period is used as the test. Whoever among the three of you, including the others, can achieve the highest tax performance in this round of assessment period, will be selected for the God-making Project."

"But we have also taken into account the disadvantages of your platform. Therefore, you can apply to be transferred to other higher platforms. We will get it passed for you as quickly as possible. What do you think?"

Sure enough, it was pretty much what David thought.

But if it were in the past, he would definitely consider it carefully when faced with the green light from the General Administration to transfer to other larger platforms.

But now that the entire state of Nevada is under his control, he will naturally not think about it again.

Without hesitating for too long, he replied directly to the phone: "No need, Deputy Director Donald. I am very comfortable with the tax work in Nevada. If I switch to another new platform, I will be tied up. I don't need to be transferred. Be here."

There were only two people in the office, so William on the side of the phone could hear a rough idea of ​​the content of the phone call. When he heard Donald say that David was allowed to be transferred to other large platforms, he was almost nervous to death.

But fortunately, David refused directly without thinking, which made him sweat secretly.

"are you sure?"

"I am very sure!"

"In this case, I won't force you, but you have to remember that this evaluation period is particularly important for your career. If you really get it, it is not an exaggeration to say that you will have to work hard for 10 years. Just try your best. Go for it.”

"I understand, Deputy Chief Donald."

"Okay, let's do this for now."

"Goodbye Deputy Chief Donald."

After hanging up the phone, William on the side immediately said: "Fortunately, Director Obadiah was on your side in this high-level meeting. Otherwise, Brown Soros would have been chosen!"

David also felt scared.

This is the embodiment of identity and background. To be realistic, if he led the armed action, carried out major operations in Sparks and Henderson, and overthrew Stevenson, what happened in Bay Area? For Rami Hardy or Brown Soros, these two people's tax performance is not to mention ranked third, I'm afraid they should be ranked fourth or fifth.

It is because of his lack of background that even though one person has led so many things that shocked the United States, he still cannot be directly elected.

"But don't worry, our Lake District Branch will definitely try our best to help you get to the top this time. In addition, you have taken control of the state government and have reached cooperation with all the cities in the state on major cases. I think you may not be unable to defeat those two people. !”

William had long seen that David was by no means a creature of the pond.

So he had no intention of keeping David in their Lake District Bureau, but as long as David was elected in their Lake District for the god-making project, then as the director of the Lake District Bureau, he would naturally get a share of the credit.

This was also one of the reasons why he felt nervous when he heard Donald said that David could be transferred.

Because once David is transferred to another bureau, if he is really elected, it will be this bureau that will be honored, not their Lake District bureau.

"I think so too……"

William nodded and replied: "Then I won't disturb your work. If you need anything, just let me know at any time."


While David and William were talking, the results of the God-making Project also reached the ears of various branches and inspectors across the country.

Los Angeles Long Beach Bureau.

When Bellamy Hardy heard that in this new round of assessments, whoever had the highest tax performance would be elected, not only was Bellamy Hardy not worried, but he was actually a little happy inside.

Prior to this, his tax performance contribution was inferior to that of New York's Brown Soros.

In terms of personality charm and prestige, he is not as good as David in Las Vegas, so his situation is neither superior nor inferior.

The probability of being elected among the three people can be said to be the lowest.

But fortunately, the election conditions for the God-making Project have been directly marked out. The one with the highest tax performance during this round of assessment can be elected, so he still has a chance to give it a try!

New York, Manhattan Bureau.

"Damn it, what does Director Obadiah mean by this? Our tax director has been ranked first in the tax performance list for consecutive years. He should be directly elected. Why should we have to go through it again?"

"Our IRS is mainly responsible for tax collection, and our tax commissioner is the person who has created the most tax revenue for the IRS since the passage of the Black Tax Act. It is really disgusting that he cannot be elected!"

"Tax Commissioner, I think Deputy Director Donald and Director Obadiah are indeed biased. Why don't we... let's respond to the General Administration again?"

The inspectors under Brown were dissatisfied when they heard the result.

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