United states tax collector

Chapter 186 The appointment address is selected, Los Angeles branch!

"Is that so? No problem. If I am really elected, I will apply to have you all transferred as well!"

In fact, even if Nissen didn't say it now, David had already planned to do this.

After all, he is now used to the inspectors in the team, and the inspectors in the team have a tacit understanding with him.

And if he goes to a new place where he is not familiar with the people and does not have subordinates who can use him easily, it will not be conducive to the development of his work.

"Great, then let me thank you, Chief Tax Officer, on behalf of everyone."

Although he had expected this result, Nissen still felt happy when he heard that David agreed so easily.

"Okay, I'm keeping a close eye on the Murphy case. If you find a suspicious person, bring him back to me immediately for trial."

This is still a major case in Xincheng District. After taking down Kenan's group, David plans to solve this case as soon as possible.

Time flies, and a week has passed in the blink of an eye, and there are only five days left before the deadline for the assessment period.

During this period, competition on the tax performance list also entered a fierce stage.

Currently ranked first is Brown Soros from New York, who leads the list with a tax record of 76.55 million.

In second place is Bellamy Hardy of Los Angeles, with a total tax record of 69.8 million.

In third place is David, with a slight gap of 69.11 million, temporarily ranked third.

The top two in the rankings are able to achieve this tax performance entirely due to the resources of the two super cities of Los Angeles and New York.

The reason why David can achieve this tax performance is not only the bug of Goldfinger, but also the taxes paid by city hall officials in various cities.

In addition, during this week, he also traveled to several cities and solved major cases screened out by various city branches, and only then achieved a total of 69.11 million in tax results.

Washington DC, in the conference room on the top floor.

Since there are only five days left before the end of this round of assessment period, Obadiah also held a high-level meeting today in order to determine matters after the results come out.

After everyone was gathered, he looked around at everyone and said, "There are only five days until the end of this round of assessment period. What do you think?"

"In the last round of assessment, Brown Soros, who ranked first, received 75.11 million in tax results, but now he has received 76.55 million. I think in the remaining few days, he is likely to become Mr. Billion Dollar'!"

"It would be unbelievable if hundreds of millions of taxes were collected in a single assessment period. The god-making project must be his!"

"Bellamy Hardy is also good. At the end of the last assessment period, his tax performance was 65.13 million, and now it has reached 69.8 million. In the remaining few days, I think it will be nothing to break the 80 million mark. questionable……"


Seeing that many senior officials began to brag about the candidates they supported, Donald was naturally not to be outdone. He immediately said: "Then according to what you say, David from the Lake District Bureau is even better. His tax of 62.66 million in the last assessment period. The performance has now reached 69.11 million!”

"Yes, according to the increase ratio, Brown Soros' increase compared to the previous round is only about 1 million, while Bellamy Hardy's increase is more than 4 million, but David's increase is almost 7 million. In fact, In a way David has already won."

"I support David."

"I also support..."

As Donald spoke out, several senior executives who had previously supported David also spoke out in agreement.

And the executives who originally supported Bellamy Hardy and Brown Soros are also a little mischievous at this moment.

Because these David supporters headed by Donald are indeed right. Looking at the increase ratio alone, David currently has the largest increase among the three.

Just when the momentum was about to fall to one side, Chief Consultant Vertonghen spoke up: "We have already decided that whoever has the highest tax performance during this round of evaluation will be elected. Everything will depend on tax performance. Increases and other factors are not the decisive factor."

As soon as these words came out, the supporters of Brown Soros and Bellamy Hardy, who were still a little depressed, were instantly shocked.

Yes, everything depends on tax performance. Is the current increase useless?

And now, whether Bellamy Hardy or Brown Soros, their tax performance is weighing on David. It should be David and their supporters who are panicking!

Obadiah frowned slightly after hearing Vertonghen's words, but soon turned to calm and said: "There are still five days left. It's hard to say who will win, but after the results come out, who do you think he will be transferred to?" The place is suitable, let us know what you think."

"Philadelphia, this city has always had the highest crime rate in the United States, and now the city's major bureaus are in a complete mess regarding the black tax bill. It would be most appropriate to transfer the elected people from the God-making Project!"

"Philadelphia is a suitable place, but I think Chicago is more suitable. According to statistics, Chicago also has one of the highest crime rates in the United States. In recent years, the violent crime rate has been very high. Although the Chicago government has taken some measures to reduce Fighting crime, but crime continues to be an important challenge facing the city, is a natural fit for our IRS-elect.”

"According to what you guys say, Houston is actually more suitable. You see..."


A group of senior officials began to recommend cities of their choice. While recommending, they also listed the city's various crime rates and the benefits of black tax revenue.

At this time, Obadiah looked at Vertonghen and asked: "Advisor Vertonghen, you were also present at the economic meeting hosted by Mr. President yesterday. Why don't you also share your views."

Vertonghen was silent for a moment, and then said with a heavy face: "Actually, according to the requirements of Mr. President, none of the places listed just now are suitable..."

Upon hearing this, many senior executives at the scene were immediately stunned.

Of course, they are not listed casually, but are carefully selected after analyzing various data.

Why is it inappropriate?

With full of doubts, Rahan, a supporter of the Brown faction, couldn't help asking: "Advisor Vertonghen, what did Mr. President ask for?"

"You also know what our country's economy is like now, and the black tax bill has so far generated only 3 billion in tax revenue. Do you think the president will be satisfied?"

As soon as Vertonghen said these words, everyone at the scene fell silent.

Taxation and the economy are basically linked, and as the senior officials of the Internal Revenue Service, everyone present could not understand the current economic situation in the United States.

Although the United States is now the only superpower and the most powerful developed country in the world, in fact, due to various reasons, the global economy is in decline, and the United States is no exception.

However, the economic downturn is a downturn, and many of their country's expenditures cannot be reduced, and are even increasing every year.

For example, military expenditure is the cornerstone of the United States' ability to become a world hegemon. Even if it runs out of money, it certainly cannot be reduced. The United States' military expenditure in 2020 was US$738 billion, an increase of 1.9% from the previous year. .

The second is social security expenditure. According to statistics, the United States' social security expenditure in 2020 was US$1.1 trillion, an increase of 3.8% over the previous year.

Social security expenditure is an important expenditure in the United States and is used to support welfare, medical insurance and pensions for the elderly and disabled people.

Therefore, this cannot be reduced. After all, the United States is a country where everyone has a gun. If you dare to reduce it today, tomorrow the affected people will dare to use their guns to fight you, causing social unrest.

Followed by medical insurance expenditures, the United States’ medical insurance expenditures in 2020 were US$1.1 trillion, an increase of 2.5% over the previous year.

Medicare spending is primarily used to support health insurance programs, including Medicare, Medicaid and Medicaid.

There is also Medicaid spending. In the United States, Medicaid spending in 2020 was $686 billion, an increase of 3.3% over the previous year. Medicaid is a health insurance program jointly operated by the federal and state governments to provide low-income people with Healthcare Services.

Finally, there is veterans’ welfare expenditure. The United States’ veterans’ welfare expenditure in 2020 was US$67 billion, an increase of 1.5% over the previous year.

In addition, there are various government expenditures.

All in all, in one sentence, America needs money everywhere.

And where does this money come from?

Of course it comes from the IRS taxes.

However, military expenditures, social security expenditures, and medical insurance expenditures are rising every year, but tax rates are fixed and cannot rise with them, nor can they rise if they want.

Naturally, this resulted in a large financial gap, so where did the money come from?

The answer is to raise interest rates!

Since 2016, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates eight times in a row.

Although raising interest rates can cause a large amount of global capital to flow back to the country, it can alleviate the pressure on national fiscal expenditures.

However, this will also cause disadvantages such as inflation and the outflow of high-quality assets. Therefore, it is impossible to use this trick every time there is financial pressure.

What to do?

The only way is taxation!

This is why the black tax bill, which seems outrageous in other countries, was passed in the American Congress.

But now, after two or three months of hard work, they have only managed to get around 3 billion. This amount of money is an astronomical amount for ordinary people, but for a behemoth like the United States, it is not even comparable to Mao. .

Not to mention alleviating the financial pressure on the entire country, this amount of money is not even enough to build an aircraft carrier. It is no wonder that Vertonghen said that the president was dissatisfied.

Seeing that everyone was silent for a long time, Obadiah said: "Actually, what Mr. President meant yesterday was very obvious. He was implying to us that the black tax bill just handed us a knife, but this knife may not necessarily It must be used to kill those criminals..."

"If you don't kill criminals, why don't you kill the capitalists?"

As soon as Lahan's words came out, many senior executives felt their hearts tremble.

In the United States, one percent of the rich own 32 percent of the country's wealth.

However, what is ridiculous is that the rich use various "legal tax avoidance", resulting in the amount of tax they contribute being lower than that of the middle class and the poor.

And because it is legal tax avoidance, and because these capitalists all work together to protect their own interests, even the IRS, with their boundless power, can only bite their teeth and do nothing about these people.

"I didn't say that!"

Faced with Lahan's words, Obadiah first retorted, and then said: "But it is also a hint from the president. We can't be too deaf and dumb. We still have to do it!"

Donald nodded and agreed: "If this is the case, then the candidates for the God-making Project cannot just be transferred to a city with a high crime rate. I think they need to choose a place with rampant crime and a high capital crime rate. It’s just appropriate.”

"Crime is rampant...and in a place with a high crime rate...should I be transferred to New York?"

"Go crazy, you're fine with fighting crime in New York, but if you want to carry out a comprehensive crackdown on capital, do you know what it would be like if those people on Wall Street went crazy?"

"If New York doesn't work...then all I can think of is the Bend District of San Francisco. After all, that's where Silicon Valley exists, and it's indeed a place with a high capital crime rate."

"Silicon Valley? There are super capital groups such as Amazon, Guge, and Weiruan there. Go to their territory to cause trouble. Do you think our IRS is not troublesome enough?"


The senior executives present began to carefully select areas, but whether it was Silicon Valley in San Francisco or Wall Street in New York, they were opposed by many people present.

And about five or six minutes later, someone in the audience seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly slapped the table with his hand and said, "Since New York and San Francisco are not good, then I think there is a place that is suitable!"

"Oh? Woodward, what place are you talking about?"

"Los Angeles, Western Suburban Bureau!"

"Western Suburbs Branch!"

When they heard about this branch, everyone had different expressions.

The IRS has a total of 4 branches in Los Angeles.

They are the Long Beach Precinct, Santa Monica Precinct, Riverside Precinct, and now the Western Suburbs Precinct.

Although the Western Suburbs Bureau is not the regional branch with the largest GDP in Los Angeles, in terms of regional popularity, the Western Suburbs area is definitely the most famous.

The reason is simple, because Hollywood, which is famous all over the world, is within this area.

The senior executive named Woodward explained: "I have seen the crime rate in this area before, and compared to other areas in the country, it is considered high."

"The director of this region is named Vivian. His abilities are too mediocre. He is sitting on a super regional platform like Los Angeles. The total black tax revenue in the last round of assessment was less than 40 million. It is simply a waste! "

"And everyone knows that the film and television industry has always been a paradise for money laundering criminals, and there are also yin and yang contracts among Hollywood big shots."

“But that’s not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the capital here is much less stressful than other places!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of everyone present flashed, as if they all recognized Woodward's words.

The film and television industry is indeed a paradise for some money launderers.

Because there are loopholes in the supervision of funds in the film and television industry, some film and television companies have adopted various means to legalize illegal funds in order to circumvent supervision.

Moreover, the industrial chain involved in this industry is relatively long, and all aspects from investment, production, distribution to sales are very complex. Even the supervision of the National Taxation Bureau is difficult to implement in all aspects.

Another point is that those who can manipulate the film and television industry for money laundering are all criminal economic predators, ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions. They are not comparable to ordinary criminals.

As long as they can really solve a case, it may not be impossible to get more revenue than the Long Beach branch or the Manhattan branch in one assessment period.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important point is that, as Woodward said, the capital here is much weaker than the capital in other places.

Currently, there are only eight major film companies that control Hollywood, and among them, Disney is somewhat powerful.

Although the other seven major film companies also have capital behind them, it is not to the point where the IRS is afraid of them.

And if the candidates of the God-making Project are transferred here, it will not only create a large amount of tax revenue for them, but also the Internal Revenue Service.

It can be regarded as following the president's request, showing that the IRS intends to crack down on capital crime tax evasion, which can be regarded as the best of both worlds!

After thinking for a while, Donald was the first to stand up and express his position: "The western suburbs of Los Angeles branch, I think it is indeed appropriate, so I agree!"

"I agree too."



Whether it was David's supporters, Bellamy Hardy, or Brown Soros' supporters, they all agreed to this location.

In the end, Obadiah and Vertonghen were the only ones left on the court who did not express their opinions directly.

Obadiah looked at Vertonghen and asked, "What about Consultant Vertonghen, do you agree with this location?"

"Compared to Wall Street in New York and Silicon Valley in San Francisco, where capital giants gather, the capital power of Hollywood in Los Angeles is indeed much weaker, so I agree."

Vertonghen is not a fool. First of all, this place is indeed suitable.

Secondly, he was just called over by the president yesterday. It would be difficult to explain if he didn't show some expression, so he had no choice but to agree due to both emotion and reason.

"Since you, Consultant Vertonghen, agree, then our proposal will be approved unanimously!"

Obadiah looked at Woodward: "Go handle the affairs of the western suburbs branch, transfer the director and the personnel who should be transferred, prepare for the results of the assessment to come out in five days, and let the candidates of the God-making Project come to the station. The work of the bureau."

"It's the director."

Obadiah turned to Donald and said: "You arrange to issue an internal announcement to confirm that the candidate of the God-making Project will take office in Los Angeles, but don't specify which branch now!"

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