United states tax collector

Chapter 191 Arriving at Bellamihadi’s territory

Chapter 191 Coming to Bellamy Hardy’s territory

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and then Andrew walked in, placed a suitcase on the desk, and said, "This is what you want."

"That's right, Deputy Warden Andrew."

David was very satisfied with the other party's understanding, and then gave the three Nissenbakis a look.

Nissen immediately walked up, opened the suitcase, and took out the piles of accounting information inside. Then the three of them began to do the calculations in earnest.

Since this was the accounts of the GCO Prison for three years, and the data contained in it was quite large, it took a full hour and a half for the three of them to complete the statistics.

"The total on my side is 67.65 million."

"My side is 73.36 million."

"My side..."

The three of them compared their respective amounts, and after adding them together to calculate the total, Nissen reported to David Hui: "Tax Commissioner, the total is 211.22 million."

David nodded. This number was similar to what he had estimated in his mind. It also proved that the people in GCO Prison did not dare to conceal the amount.

Then he looked at Andrew and said, "You can leave as deputy warden Andrew, but your illegal taxes must be paid to me within four days."

Four days later, it was the deadline for the assessment period.

Andrew didn't reply, but his expression was considered acquiescence, and then he turned and left the office.

"Let's see what time the earliest flight to Los Angeles is tomorrow morning."

GCO is headquartered in Los Angeles, and if David wants to receive the amount, he can only go to this company to ask for it.

It's seven o'clock the next morning.

David first notified Saxton, then went to the airport in Elko City next door and boarded a flight to Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is located in California, and California borders Nevada, so in just an hour, their flight arrived over Los Angeles.

Looking out from the plane's port window, you can have a panoramic view of the magnificent scenery of Los Angeles. The sun shines through the thin clouds and falls on the City of Angels, coating it with a layer of golden brilliance. The outline of the city is vaguely visible in the distance. , high-rise buildings and low-rise houses are intertwined, forming a patchwork picture.

The streets of Los Angeles are like slender veins, winding through every corner of the city. Vehicles move slowly on this huge network, like busy ants.

As the plane gradually lowers its altitude, you can see the details of the city more clearly. On the beach, tourists are enjoying the gifts of the sun and waves. In the city, parks and green spaces are dotted, adding to the busy city. A touch of life and vitality.

"Is this the 'City of Angels'..."

The City of Angels refers to Los Angeles. This title originated from the Spanish expedition arriving here in 1781, which happened to be the day before the Catholic feast of Our Lady, so the place was named "The Town of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels", and finally shortened to "City of Angels"

At this time, Nissen looked down through the airplane window and couldn't help but sigh.

As for Simmons, Bucky and David, although they did not express emotions like Neeson, they were full of expectations at this time.

If their plan to create a god succeeds, then this city of angels will be their territory from now on.

Whether it's taxes or beaches and waves, these are the things they long for.

"Dear passengers, our flight is about to land at Long Beach Airport..."

As the aircraft announcement sounded, David and the others came to their senses from their inner jealousy. It was useless to think so much now. The most important thing was to get the tax from the GCO prison first.

Ten minutes later, the plane officially landed at Long Beach Airport.

The moment the long door opened, they even felt that the air here was sweeter than that in Nevada. Of course, this may just be the inner expectation and yearning.

After walking out of the airport, David glanced at his watch. It was now 9:10, which was exactly GCO's office hours. It was just right now and then.

"Tax Commissioner, are we going to go there like this without asking the local IRS to cooperate?"

GCO is a large company that cooperates closely with the Department of Justice, FBI, and CIA of the United States.

So Simmons was afraid that if only a few of them went there, he wouldn't be able to handle them.

Nissen, you rolled your eyes at him: "Simmons, you must be confused. Do you want to see where this is? This is the territory of the Long Beach branch!"

Upon hearing this, Simmons slapped his forehead suddenly and realized that he was indeed a little confused.

The Long Beach branch is actually not that big of a deal. The main thing is that the Long Beach branch has this guy Bellamy Hardy.

This guy is now a competitor with them in the god-making project, and they came to their territory to collect taxes, and it was such a large tax. Not to mention cooperating, they might even come to their door and take advantage of it. To prevent them from collecting this tax.

"There's no need to look for them, we can just go ourselves."

David also knows very well that he and Bellamy Hardy are currently fighting in full swing, and they will definitely not help him.

And he never thought about asking for assistance from the Long Beach branch before he came.

It’s true that GCO has a complicated network of relationships, and it’s true that David can’t help the other party in Los Angeles, but don’t forget that Nevada is his territory.

If the GCO company dares not to pay this tax, then at worst, he will directly seal up all the business of the GCO company in Nevada after he returns.

He really didn't believe it. This GCO company dared to give up its entire business in Nevada for a mere tens of millions.

With David's words, the few people stopped talking nonsense, and then took a taxi and headed towards the GCO headquarters building.

Meanwhile, the IRS's Los Angeles and Long Beach field offices, Intelligence Section Division.


Dozens of intelligence officers were observing the densely packed monitors. Suddenly, an intelligence officer seemed to have discovered something and cursed in a frightened manner.

And his scolding also received side glances from all the intelligence personnel at the scene. One of them even asked directly: "What's going on Luke?"

"Come here and take a look at this."

Upon hearing this, a group of intelligence officers gathered around, and the intelligence officer named Luke began to tap the keyboard with his fingers.

Soon, the monitor screen was played back until they arrived at the Long Beach International Airport, and the figures of David and others appeared on the screen.

"This...is this David from Las Vegas?"

"Seems to be……"

"Isn't it possible? Isn't his jurisdiction over Nevada? Why did he suddenly come to our Los Angeles?"

Other people in Los Angeles may not be too familiar with David, but as IRS personnel, they are naturally very familiar with David.

Apart from Brown Soros in New York, this is the biggest competitor of Tax Commissioner Bellamy Hardy in their bureau!

In addition, David's previous armed actions in Indian reservations also made headlines across the country.

If they weren't familiar with David's face, they were in trouble.

While everyone was talking, the intelligence officer named Luke started some operations again, and saw a face recognition system function appear on the big screen.

After about ten seconds, the comparison results came out.

According to the system display, the face of the figure that appeared on the screen was 98% similar to David from the Lake Las Vegas District Bureau.

With a 98% similarity rate, it is almost certain that this person not only looks like David, but is actually David himself!

Now, the intelligence officers were even more puzzled.

However, many of them gradually became angry.

The reason is simple.

This is their jurisdiction, and now it is in the midst of the God-Creation Project. The candidates selected for the God-Creation Project will be directly promoted to a branch somewhere in Los Angeles.

Now David has arrived here in advance. From a certain perspective, doesn't he mean to inspect his territory in advance?

Do you really not care about Tax Commissioner Bellamy Hardy in their bureau?

"I think we need to inform Tax Commissioner Bellamy about this."

"Yes, I'll inform you!"

Luke, who had just discovered David's trace, volunteered, then stood up and quickly left the Intelligence Department.

At the same time, in an office of the Long Beach branch.

"Tax Commissioner, the amount was accounted for yesterday. Now you have opened up a gap of 4 million between David and David. Next..."


Bellamy's former partner, Trollope, was reporting on his work, but a sudden knock on the door interrupted him.

"Come in."

The next second, Luke pushed the door open and said, "Tax Commissioner Bellamy, our Intelligence Section has just captured a piece of news, and we are here to report it to you."

Bellamy took a drag on his cigarette before asking, "What's the news?"

"Just 10 minutes ago, David from Lake Las Vegas came to our jurisdiction by plane."

Bellamy, who was still a little lazy, looked stunned after hearing this, but quickly asked: "Are you sure?"

"Our facial recognition system has compared it, and it is indeed him."

This time, Bellamy's expression became serious.

It is now only 4 days before the end of the assessment period, and David's tax performance not only lags behind Brown Soros by a large margin, but also lags behind him.

When I came to Los Angeles at this juncture, I definitely didn’t come here to enjoy the scenery, but to do tax work.

However, this is the Long Beach area, Bellamy Hardy's territory, and this David is so domineering in Nevada that he actually dares to extend his hand into his territory.

Are you treating him like a dead person?

"Go and tell the Intelligence Department that you can put down other tasks and keep an eye on him carefully to see who he has contacted and what he wants to do. Report him at any time!"

After hearing Trollope's instructions, Luke nodded and turned to leave.

"Tax Commissioner, this guy stretched his hands too far, but don't worry, no matter what he finds, this is our jurisdiction, and I guarantee that he won't take away a dime of tax results!"

Trollope was naturally unhappy that David had extended his hand to their Long Beach area.

Now the two sides are in a competitive relationship.

Instead of staying in your own state of Nevada, David, you actually came to Long Beach. Isn't this trying to steal food from the tiger's mouth?

He has made up his mind that no matter who or what case David finds, he will 'take over' it when the time comes.

He didn't believe it. In their territory, this David could still go to heaven!

Bellamy did not reply, but judging from the expression on his face, he agreed with Trollope's words.

Another twenty minutes seemed to have passed.

Luke, who had left before, returned and reported: "Tax Commissioner Bellamy, according to our inspection, David went to the headquarters of GCO."

"GCO company?"

Upon hearing this, both Bellamy and Trollope looked surprised.

They had previously speculated that David must be tracking some gang of criminals, and then they tracked them to the Long Beach area of ​​Los Angeles.

But GCO Company, this is a legal listed company, where is the illegal gang?


Trollope seemed to have remembered something and suddenly said: "Tax Commissioner, this GCO company operates private prison business, and according to the information we have obtained, the managers of these private prisons not only committed some illegal acts, but also There seems to be some problems with the accounts, isn’t David here to check this?”

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Then why didn't you tell me before?"

Bellamy was a little surprised, obviously he had not carefully understood the situation of GCO Company.

"Tax Commissioner, you don't know something. This GCO company is not an ordinary company. It is the three largest private prison companies in our country. Moreover, they also cooperate with the Ministry of Justice, state justice, prosecutorial departments, FBI, CIA, Immigration Bureau, DEA, etc." The departments all have cooperative relationships, and it’s not easy to win over, so I didn’t tell you carefully before.”

Upon hearing this, the blame on Bellamy's face instantly disappeared.

This GCO actually has the endorsement of so many departments, which is really not easy to swallow.

But then again.

Since the background of GCO is so complicated, why would David dare to take advantage of it?

Isn't this too arrogant?

Thinking of this, Bellamy became a little angry again, and he said coldly: "In that case, I want to see how he can bite it off, and keep an eye on his every move!"


In the center of Long Beach, in front of the GCO headquarters building.

David and his team had already arrived here, and then strode in quickly, found a receptionist at the front desk, showed their tax badges and said: "We are from the Internal Revenue Service, and we have something important to do and want to see you." High-level.”

Upon hearing that it was the IRS, the receptionist did not dare to neglect and immediately picked up the phone to inform.

A minute later, he put down the phone and said to David and others: "Gentlemen from the IRS, please follow me."

The receptionist took David and others into the elevator and went all the way to the tenth floor.

A man who had been waiting here for a long time immediately came forward and introduced: "Gentlemen from the Internal Revenue Service, I am Hugo, the tax director of our company. How can I help you?"

"I said I wanted to meet with the senior management of your company, not your tax director."

David knew that this huge amount of money could not be decided by a small tax director, and he did not want to talk too much nonsense to him.

Hugo frowned. Because he was in Los Angeles, he was not as familiar with David as the people in Nevada, so he did not recognize David.

But at this time, he just felt that the people coming from the IRS in front of him were too loud.

If you open your mouth or shut up, you have to meet their senior officials. People in the IRS can't be so arrogant, right?

After all, their company is not just a kitten or puppy.

Although he was very unhappy, he did not turn against him directly, but replied patiently: "Isn't your IRS just inspecting tax issues? As the tax director of the company, you can just negotiate with me directly if you have any questions." .”

David didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and waved directly to Nissen behind him. Nissen immediately opened the briefcase, took out the account book of GCO Prison in Rio City and handed it to him.

Hugo took the account book and opened it, but as the contents inside continued to appear in front of his eyes, his expression first changed from surprise, then to horror, and finally turned into extremely ugly.

As the tax director, of course he could tell at a glance what the content was and whether it was true.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this account book is exposed, GCO will not only be deeply involved in scandal, but also be involved in huge tax evasion.

Now he finally understood why the IRS came to find him, and why they asked to see their executives by name as soon as they came.

"May I ask, where did you get this account book?"

"I don't need to explain to you!"

Hugo's face turned gloomy again, and finally asked: "These are the account books of the GCO Prison in Rio, Nevada. In other words, you are from the Nevada State Internal Revenue Service?"

"That's right."

"Then may I ask what your name is?"


"OK, just a second."

Hugo immediately turned around and left, walked through the corridor, came to a door with the word 'CEO Office' and knocked on it. After walking in, he said solemnly to a silver-haired woman: "Ms. Caroline, we have It’s troublesome…”

The silver-haired woman who was riding Caroline raised her head when she heard this and asked, "What's the trouble?"

"Please take a look at this."

Hugo handed over the account book, and Caroline immediately opened it and looked at it.

But soon, like Hugo who had read this account book before, her face became very ugly, and she said solemnly: "Where did this account book come from?"

"It was brought here by a man named David from the Nevada Internal Revenue Service."


Caroline felt that the name seemed a bit familiar, but she didn't think much about it and immediately said: "Call Pearson, Matut, Grayley... call them over immediately!"


Seven or eight minutes later, a group of GCO executives filed in. They all looked at Caroline with puzzled expressions, obviously not understanding why they were called here in such a hurry.

"Look at this."

Caroline threw the account book over, and the senior executives did not dare to neglect it. They all gathered around and opened it for inspection.

Soon after, their expressions became ugly, and one of the senior executives named Pearson even yelled: "This is our internal account book. It is impossible for the IRS to get it. It must be from the Rio City Prison." People around me leaked it, damn it, I’m going to call them right now!”

"The IRS actually got hold of our account books. Now we are in a bit of trouble..."

"What do those guys in Rio City do for a living? How could they leak our secrets? Damn it!"


The rest of the senior management also became furious.

Five or six minutes later, the senior executive named Pearson put down the phone and yelled: "Yes, it was indeed those damn bastards who leaked the account books!"

Caroline turned and asked, "Why do they do this?"

"According to them, they were forced by a tax collector named David, these bastards!"


This was the second time Caroline heard this name after Hugo just now. This also made her realize that this IRS officer named David was not a simple person. He immediately picked up the phone: "Help me Check with a tax collector named David from the IRS and send a copy of the information to my office as soon as possible."

As one of the three largest private prison companies in the United States, GCO has strong channels in all aspects. Soon a report on David was sent to Caroline's office.

But when they checked David's information, everyone was dumbfounded.

On January 28, armed with the IRS, he entered the Las Vegas Indian Tribe to enforce law and collected more than 15 million in taxes.

On February 10, he went to Sparks to enforce the law and sent the local deputy mayor and police chief to prison, where they were sentenced to a thousand years in prison.

On February 12, he went to Henderson to enforce the law and sent the city manager and deputy mayor to prison, where they were sentenced to a thousand years in prison.

In addition, David is currently the most powerful competitor in the IRS's god-making plan. Once elected, he will have a bright future.

When did such a fierce person appear in this fucking IRS?

Even Bellamy Hardy, who is currently known as the ‘tax evasion nemesis’ in their Long Beach area, doesn’t have such a strong record!

Now everyone has a little understanding of the managers of Rio City Prison, why they said they were forced to hand over the account books!

"I asked why this name seemed so familiar. It turned out that he was the IRS chief who made headlines when he led an armed invasion into an Indian tribe some time ago."

At this time, many GCO executives at the scene finally remembered such a thing and a person like David.

"If it's him, then this guy is not easy to mess with. This will be a bit difficult..."

"No matter how unpleasant it is, we definitely can't pay this debt. This amount of money is a small matter, but if this is the beginning, if the IRS in various states across the country follows suit, then we will definitely go bankrupt!"

"Mattut is right. This is like Pandora's box. Once it is opened, it will cause endless troubles for our GCO company..."


Caroline was impatient to listen to the remarks of the senior executives and interrupted directly: "If he publishes this account book, our company will also be in a huge crisis. So what do you think we should do?"

"Ms. Caroline, why don't we have a talk with him first? It's not too late to see what his stance is before we make a decision."

Caroline thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement: "Then let him come over and talk."

Ten minutes later, David and his party were brought in.

Pearson pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Director David, you are so scared. I am Pearson, the vice president of GCO. This is our CEO Caroline. This is..."

After the introduction, he spoke again: "Chief Tax Officer David, let me tell you directly. This account book in your hand is very important to us. Can you 'return' it to us? Of course, we will not let you come in vain." It's a one-way trip, as long as you are willing to 'return' it to us, then you can accept the conditions!"

David sat down and replied expressionlessly: "It's not impossible to pay it back to you. As long as you pay us the tax according to the funds on the account book, then I will turn around and leave!"

As soon as these words came out, Pearson and others' expressions suddenly dropped.

The reason why they asked David to come and talk was because they wanted to get the account book back without paying taxes.

Why doesn't David seem to understand?

"Chief Tax Officer David, to tell you the truth, if we do as you said, calculate the funds and then pay the tax, it will have a great impact on our company, and I'm afraid we can't do it!"

"I'm not here to discuss with you today. If you can do it, you have to do it. If you can't, you have to do it for me!"

David's overbearing words made all the GCO executives present immediately become angry.

Their GCO company is an industry giant after all, and it also cooperates closely with the FBI, DEA, and various law enforcement agencies. The senior officials of these departments usually respect them. When would anyone dare to be so rude to them?

It would be fine if he were a senior official of the Internal Revenue Service, and no matter how many feats David had, he was still just a small tax chief.

If they hadn't held their account books, they wouldn't have even seen it.

Thinking of this, an executive named Grayley couldn't bear it anymore. He directly counterattacked: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want to us just by holding this account book!"

"I don't know if I can do whatever I want, but if you don't pay, I can make it impossible for your GCO prison business to continue operating in Nevada."

"Haha, what a loud tone!"

Grayley sarcastically said, "Do you know how many prisoners will be displaced if our GCO prison business stops?"

"And how many of the many prisoners from the FBI, DEA, immigration, state police, and prosecutor's offices cannot be restrained because they are not in prison?"

"Can you, as the tax chief, afford to cause chaos in the entire state's system?"

After saying this, Guerrei began to feel proud, and the other senior officials were generally the same.

It is true that David has the account books that can plunge them into a whirlpool of public opinion, but as Grayley said, once such a situation really occurs, David and the Nevada IRS will never be able to afford such a situation. s consequence!

David raised the corner of his mouth, looked at these people like clowns, and then replied: "Yes, terminating your GCO's operations in Nevada may cause some confusion, but I think CCA and MTC should I’m very interested in taking over!”

Upon hearing this, the expressions of Grayley and others who were still a little proud suddenly changed drastically.

There are three major private prison companies in the United States. GCO is one of them, and two of them are CCA and MTC.

According to the policy of the U.S. Department of Justice, in order to avoid vicious competition among private prisons, only private prisons operated by the same company can exist in each state.

Nevada is the state that their GCO won.

And David's intention is now clear. After getting rid of their GCO prison business, they can introduce CCA or MTC to take over.

In this case, their plan to threaten David with the cessation of prison business and the turmoil caused by the inmates having nowhere to house them naturally came to nothing.

And not only is the plan failed, if Nevada is really taken over by CCA and MTC, then their GCO will suffer a huge loss.

"Chief David, don't scare us. You are indeed very powerful, but I don't believe you have this ability!"

Caroline, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up.

First of all, all David has is the account books of their GCO prison in Rio City. Even if he wants to deal with it, he can only deal with this prison.

The IRS has great power, but according to federal law, there is no such thing as "sitting together."

Secondly, their GCO has cooperated with all major law enforcement agencies and police departments in Nevada. If you want to replace them with CCA and MTC, you can only do so unless you get the consent of the Nevada state government and all law enforcement agencies in the state. It is possible to implement it.

She didn't believe David had such ability.

"Haha, you want to replace us with CCA and MTC. Do you know what you are talking about?"

"That's so naive. It's not just your IRS that has the final say in Nevada."


After Caroline's reminder, the senior executives of GCO finally reacted and continued to make sarcastic comments.

And David didn't waste any time talking to them. He took out his cell phone and dialed Laurie's number, turning on the speakerphone at the same time: "Do you have time to chat, Governor Laurie?"

Upon hearing the words 'Governor Lowry', Pearson and the others, who were originally looking sarcastic, suddenly froze.

However, the words that came next from the other end of the phone made them even more stunned.

"What are your orders to Chief David?"

The phone was on speakerphone, and Governor Lowry on the other end was so respectful?

This is the supreme leader of a state. How could he be so respectful to the tax chief of the Internal Revenue Service, even using the words "what are your orders?"


The person on the other end of the phone was definitely not Governor Lowry, maybe David was directing and acting to bluff them!

This is the only explanation that everyone can think of.

But with the new round of dialogue between the two people below, the senior executives of GCO became numb again.

"You, Chief Tax Officer David, are looking for me. Even if I don't have time, I still have to have time."

"Well, have you ever heard of our private prisons in Nevada?"

"Private prison? This is a matter that Attorney General Marshfield and his department are responsible for. I don't know much about it. Do you need me to ask him to come over and talk to you?"

"That would be troublesome."

The GCO senior officials are not very familiar with Lowry, the newly-appointed governor, but they are very familiar with Attorney General Marshfield.

Because when their GCO company obtained the right to operate in Nevada, they also signed a cooperation agreement with the Attorney General, and thereafter they often dealt with various prison matters.

But now they heard that Governor Lowry on the other end of the phone actually wanted to call the Attorney General over to talk to David. This made them realize that David really didn't seem to be bluffing them.

Under the anxiety of the GCO executives, a voice finally rang on the other end of the phone: "Hello, Chief David, I am Attorney General Marshfield. I just heard Mr. Governor say that you want to consult about private prisons, right? "

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