United states tax collector

Chapter 201 Meeting with the top management of the General Administration

Early the next morning, after everything was settled, David took his luggage to the airport and boarded the flight to Washington.

Las Vegas is more than 3,800 kilometers away from Washington. After a five-hour flight, the plane finally entered the sky above this city.

Looking down through the window, the entire city is like a bright gem inlaid on an emerald green canvas. In the distance, the sparkling lakes and rivers are like silver ribbons, connecting the city like meridians. every corner

As the height of the plane gradually dropped, the appearance of downtown Washington was gradually revealed. High-rise buildings were scattered in an orderly manner, streets were crisscrossed, and the whole city appeared orderly.

There is a particularly conspicuous place in this city, and that is the Washington Monument. This towering white marble building shines in the sun. It was built to commemorate George Washington, the first president of the United States. It is one of America's most iconic landmarks.

In addition to the Washington Monument, you can also see the outlines of many famous attractions such as the Lincoln Memorial, the White House, and Capitol Hill. Each of these buildings has its own characteristics, some are solemn, some majestic, and some are exquisite and elegant. Together, they constitute the symbol of Washington. Unique urban landscape.

"Is this Washington DC..."

Looking at this capital city, where countless high-ranking officials and dignitaries gathered and represented the heart of the United States, David felt a little emotional.

"Dear passengers, the plane is about to land at Dulles International Airport, please be prepared..."

About ten minutes after the announcement, the plane's pulleys began to come into contact with the airport runway. After taxiing for a while, it slowly came to a stop.

The cabin door opened, and the passengers walked out of the cabin one by one, and David was among them. He went all the way to the airport lobby and saw a woman holding a sign with his name.

The woman also saw it for the first time, and immediately came over and introduced herself: "Hello, Director David, I am sent by the General Administration to pick you up. My name is Leticia."

"Hello Leticia."

"plz follow me."

Leticia took David to the underground parking lot, got into a BMW 5 Series, and then headed towards the city.

"It's like this. I will take you to take a set of publicity photos first. After taking the photos, I will go back to the General Administration to meet the Director and the others. At 3 o'clock, a media conference will be held in the lobby of the General Administration..."

While driving the vehicle, Leticia explained to David the items and procedures that needed to be done today, and David agreed repeatedly.

More than half an hour later, the two arrived at the bottom of a skyscraper in the city.

According to Leticia, on the 20th floor of this building, there is a studio that specializes in producing promotional photos for celebrities, senior officials, congressmen, governors, and presidential candidates, and this time his promotional photos will also be on This studio shoots the production.

After more than an hour of shooting, David finally completed the promotional photo process, and then Leticia drove him towards the headquarters.

The Internal Revenue Service Head Office is located on Constitution Avenue. After a twenty-minute drive, the vehicle driven by Leticia parked in the parking space at the door.

After getting off the bus, David felt a little excited when he saw the majestic and majestic General Administration Building.

This is the place that all 140,000 inspectors across the country, including all tax chiefs, tax inspectors, branch directors and other people in the Internal Revenue Service dream of coming to!

And it was also his first time here.

But it is a pity that he only came here to participate in the election ceremony and work report, and was not directly transferred to this center of power.

But it doesn't matter. As long as he arrives at his western suburbs branch and makes tax performance contributions that satisfy the senior management here, I believe it will only be a matter of time before he enters here!

"Come in, Chief David."

Following Leticia's footsteps, David walked all the way into the main gate. But as soon as he stepped through the gate, he was attracted by the portrait of Lincoln hanging on the wall, the previous directors, and the inspectors who had made special contributions to the IRS. Their portrait profiles caught the eye.

"Don't be envious, Director David. When you retire, your portrait will still be hanging on it."

Leticia's words stunned David, who was thinking a lot. He pointed to his nose and asked, "Can my portrait be hung too?"

"Of course, you are the hero who made our IRS armed again in front of the world after the 21st century, and you are also the candidate of the God-making Project. These two items will undoubtedly be recorded in the history of our IRS. Here is the commendation There must be a place for you.”

After hearing Leticia's words, David suddenly reacted.

Yes, the portrait wall here is to recognize people who have made special contributions to the Internal Revenue Service, and whether he led armed actions or was elected to the God-making Project, it can definitely be regarded as a special contribution.

But having said that, it is indeed majestic to have your portrait hung here and admired by countless inspectors, but you have to wait until you retire to hang it. This is just like crowning you with honor after death, which is somewhat tasteless.

After thinking about this, he asked: "Leticia, is there any precedent for hanging a portrait here without retiring or sacrificing yourself?"

Leticia glanced at David with a meaningful look, then approached the portrait wall, pointed at the portrait of one of the men and said: "Bunian Wilfred, I think you must have heard of him. I worked under Al Capone for three full years before I found the underground emperor's tax evasion account books. When I sent him to prison, I also made our armed forces prestigious in the world, just like you."

"Because his sacrifices and contributions were so great, in order to honor him, after the case was over, his portrait was hung here, and he is also the only one in our IRS who has not retired and The portrait can be hung here without sacrificing it.”

David was silent. If it were anyone else, he might be able to compare, but this involved Al Capone's case, and he couldn't bear to compare.

Although his armed invasion into the Indian tribe was very majestic and shocking to the world, in fact, if we really compare it, it is definitely not comparable to what Al Capone did in the last century.

First of all, the Indian tribe he dealt with was simply insignificant in the entire United States.

Therefore, his main contribution this time was to find a reasonable and legal excuse to let the IRS's weapons regain their prestige.

As for Al Capone, he was the underground emperor who was famous throughout the United States in the last century. He was even a target ordered by the president, FBI, Department of Justice and many other departments to capture him.

But in the end, the president and all major departments had nothing to do with him.

Finally, in desperation, the IRS took action and brought down this arrogant underground emperor, which shocked the president, major departments, and people across the United States.

It can be said that Lincoln gave the IRS the foundation of armed power, but what really made the IRS famous and made the entire United States fearful was actually the Al Capone incident.

And the Indian armed actions after David were, in a sense, just the icing on the cake.

Therefore, in comparison, this Bunian Wilfred could have had his personal portrait hung up here for people to admire before he retired and died, but he could not, which is normal.

"Alright Director David, the Chief Director and others are waiting for us upstairs. They'd better go up first."


Leticia took David into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.

Soon, the elevator reached the top floor.

And when the elevator door opened, a burst of warm applause sounded, which stunned David who was in the elevator.

When he came back to his senses and looked up, he saw many people gathered in the hall outside. Although it was only the first time for him to meet these people, they were no strangers to them.

Among them, Director-General Obadiah, Deputy Director Downer who is in charge of the black tax bill, and Chief Advisor Vertonghen and other senior officials are all here.

"Director David..."

On the side, Leticia reminded him in a low voice, and David finally came to his senses. Under the gaze of many bosses, he must be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Then, he pretended to be calm and walked out of the elevator.

Here, Donald was the first to come over, stretched out his hand and said: "David, congratulations on your election to the God-making Project."


"Come, let me introduce you."

Donald first brought David to Obadiah's side and introduced: "This is our Chief Director Obadiah."

"Hello Chief Obadiah."

"Congratulations David."

"This is Vertonghen, our chief adviser."


"This is our special agent Turs Caesar."

"Congratulations on your election David, I'm optimistic about you."

"This is……"


Following Donald's introduction, David also shook hands with many senior officials in a humble manner. However, people like Obadiah and Turs Caesar were all very enthusiastic about his arrival and election. But people like Vertonghen and Lahan looked cold.

But David was not surprised.

Because he has already received the news that people like Vertonghen and Rahane are Brown's supporters.

But now he is the one elected. This is tantamount to a slap in the face of these people. It is strange that these people can give him a good look.

"Director, this is from Mr. President."

Just as the two parties were getting introduced to each other and were about to move on to the next step, a man came to Obadiah and David holding a bouquet of flowers.

When he heard that it was from the president, David's expression tightened, and then he turned to stare at the bouquet of flowers, only to see a greeting card placed on top.

If you look closely, the slogan above is ‘Congratulations to Mr. David of the IRS for being elected to the God-making Project’.

After seeing this string of slogans, David's heart was filled with excitement.

Serena told him before she came that the White House was not satisfied with the tax revenue from the Black Tax Act and put pressure on the top management of the General Administration.

And now that he has been elected, even the president has sent flowers and greeting cards, which seems to confirm Serena's statement.

It seems that with this election, he will really come into the White House's sight.

For a time, David's pressure gradually increased.

"Help Chief David put it over there first."


Upon hearing Obadiah's substation, the staff member responded, walked to a table on the right, and placed flowers on it.

Only then did David realize that in addition to the bouquet of flowers and greeting cards sent by the president, there were more than a dozen bouquets placed on the table.

Obadiah explained: "In addition to Mr. President, the Ministry of Justice, the Treasury, the FBI, and...these departments all sent flowers and cards to congratulate you on your election."

David was startled, but he quickly realized that these departments seemed to be congratulating him, but in fact they were mainly trying to give face to the IRS. Then he replied: "Then please thank them for me, Director. "

Obadiah nodded, and then said: "Okay, let's go to the conference room first and listen to your work report."


After arriving at the conference room and everyone was seated, Obadiah said, "David, let's start with the Indian tribe."

David took out the documents he had packed and opened them, and then said: "The case of the Indian tribe mainly starts with Dieter, the chief criminal..."

In the following time, David elaborated on the case of the Indian tribe, and then talked about other cases involving relatively large amounts of money, and finally some details of the Sparks, Henderson, and GCO cases. .

Seeing that the debriefing work was almost done, Lahan said: "First of all, I want to praise you David. You have done a good job in these cases and created a lot of tax revenue for our IRS, but... Secondly, I must remind you that Las Vegas, and even Nevada, cannot be compared with Los Angeles. After you go there, you must not easily bring up Henderson, Sparks, or target your ex. Governor Stevenson such a thing is coming!”

"Deputy Director Lahan is right. Although Henderson, Sparks officials, and Governor Stevenson did something wrong, fortunately, the influence in Nevada is not enough. Now you go to our most important place in the United States. A state that cannot be as high-profile as Nevada."

"California is too important. It involves the entire country at every turn. Let alone the resignation of the governor, even if a certain deputy mayor of Los Angeles steps down, this will definitely cause our IRS to get into huge public opinion. Chief Tax Officer David, you have to control your temper!"

David frowned slightly as he listened to the eccentric remarks made by the Brown supporters. Of course he knew that these people were trying to intimidate him.

But before he could speak, Donald stood up first: "What are you talking about? No matter how important California is, as long as it involves tax evasion, we have to get to the bottom of it!"

"Deputy Director Donald is right. Why did we transfer David to Los Angeles? The reason is to raise taxes. We must raise taxes without being high-profile. How can such a good thing happen!"

"Who does the IRS have to be afraid of? What about California? Even here in Washington, as long as someone is involved in tax evasion, we will do whatever we can to do it!"


Listening to the people headed by Donald supporting him, David was secretly relieved.

At this time, Obadiah also spoke up: "Well, things in California depend on the situation. It requires tax inspections but cannot be high-profile. This is not realistic, not to mention that we now have to build momentum for David, who was elected to the God-making Project. , with so much spotlight on us, being low-key is not in line with our main theme.”

After hearing the director-general's support for David, Lahan and others dared to refute. They could only turn their attention to Vertonghen.

However, Vertonghen remained silent and had no intention of getting involved in the topic.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Obadiah looked at David and said, "Now, let me explain to you the general policy of our general bureau towards the western suburbs branch, which is your jurisdiction."

Upon hearing this, David's face immediately became serious. When he was elected and learned that his jurisdiction was the Western Suburbs Bureau, he kept guessing about the intentions of the General Administration.

But the speculation is just a guess, and the details can only be confirmed after listening to it now.

"In recent years, the film and television industry has been the hardest hit area for money laundering, especially in Hollywood where this phenomenon is more frequent. In addition, major film companies and their stars and artists, after investigation, there are also various types of yin and yang contracts. This is a method of tax evasion, so I want you to go there this time so that you are ready to investigate this situation..."

After hearing what he said, David fell into deep thought.

Although it sounds like it on the surface, Obadiah asked him to investigate the phenomenon of money laundering, yin and yang contracts, etc.

But in fact, how can it be an ordinary force that can use channels like Hollywood to launder money?

And if he wanted to investigate, he would have to confront the eight major film companies.

And these eight major film companies all have their own capital support behind them.

It seems that what Serena said to him yesterday can now be confirmed. The senior officials of the General Administration really want to cut some flesh from capital in order to complete the pressure exerted by the White House.

And now Hollywood is a testing ground for capital by the top management of the General Administration!

"David, you can handle difficult cases like Indian tribes and GCO companies. I believe Hollywood won't be able to defeat you, right?"

Lahan's weird voice came out again.

After him, another senior Brown supporter also spoke up: "Yes, these people in Hollywood are much easier to talk to than the group of vicious criminals and the group of savages from the Indian tribe. I want them to be obedient. It will definitely not be difficult for you David to pay the taxes."

"Director David, originally we didn't plan to transfer you to a super big city like Los Angeles, but now you have been transferred under unusual circumstances. You must not let us down, and don't sit down like former Director Vivian. For a district with such huge resources, the tax revenue is tens of millions per assessment period.”

On the surface, these people were complimenting him and reminding him not to let down their hard work, but how could David not understand the meaning behind their words.

It's nothing more than setting up a fiag for him first, and then using it to attack him when he fails to complete the tax collection task or the tax amount is not enough.

He immediately replied confidently: "Don't worry, I can set a tax revenue of more than 200 million in a single assessment period in Nevada. After arriving at the Western Suburbs Branch, it will only be more and not less!"

"Okay, okay, now that Director David says so, we'll be more relieved!"

Lahan and others did not expect that David would fall into the trap so easily, and they felt happy in their hearts.

Just as they thought, since David has boasted so much now, if he cannot achieve this goal after taking office, then they can use it as an excuse!

Donald and others on the side frowned, but David had already said what he said, so they couldn't say anything more.

"Of course, in addition to Hollywood, other industries in the western suburbs also have a large economic scale. You also need to trace the illegal transactions and taxes involved, and..."

In the following time, Obadiah explained all the planned guidelines and policies.

After confirming that David was okay and understood, he announced: "Okay, let's break up the meeting. Also, David, please prepare. There will be a media conference at three o'clock. At that time, you can briefly disclose to the media your appointment." The general direction behind."

"Okay Chief."

As soon as David agreed, Obadiah immediately stood up and left, followed by the rest of Vertonghen, Lahan and others.

"Come with me David."

Upon hearing Donald's call, David immediately stood up and followed him back to his office.

"sit down."

After signaling David to sit down, Donald also came to his chair and sat down, but his face was tense: "David, you shouldn't have said just now that after going to the Western Suburbs Branch, the tax revenue will only be higher than in the Lake District Branch. There are quite a few words like this.”

He knew that the reason why David was able to get so much tax revenue from the Lake District Bureau was mainly because he was familiar with the territory, and he also used the Indian tribe, senior officials from Sparks and Henderson, plus the Stevenson Legislature to Only with authority can tax work go so smoothly.

But now we are in a strange place like the Western Suburbs Branch. Let alone establishing our authority, we are not even familiar with the environment of the jurisdiction.

If this goal cannot be achieved, then Nalahan and the others are still not allowed to jump up?

Even though the god-making plan has been finalized now, because David is a candidate from Donald's side, people like Lahan must spare no effort to suppress him in order to prevent him from becoming more powerful.

"Don't worry, Deputy Director Donald. Since I said this, I am absolutely confident!"

David doesn't dare to say whether he can take over Hollywood. After all, there are all kinds of capital running rampant there. If he wants to take over them, there will definitely be some resistance.

But the western suburbs branch's jurisdiction is not limited to Hollywood.

In fact, in a megacity like Los Angeles, the tax revenue generated by criminal activities in any one of several major districts will not be a small amount.

And now that David is the head of a bureau, with the resources and power at his disposal and bugs like Goldfinger, it is basically a sure thing to squeeze more than 200 million in tax revenue from those criminals after he takes office.

Seeing David's confident look, Donald's tense face relaxed a little, and he continued: "Obadiah just said something that was difficult to say in front of so many people, and now I will elaborate on it. "

David looked like he was all ears.

"There is serious tax evasion in Hollywood. This is the reason why we broke the rules, but it is not the main reason."

"To tell you the truth, not long ago the president expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the black tax bill to our IRS, so we must take action."

"And this time you are transferred to the Western Suburbs Bureau... I don't want to put too much pressure on you, but there is nothing we can do about it."

"In a word, you have to do your best to collect more tax revenue, but I can promise you that what Lahan and his group say should not be too high-profile and you can just listen to it as nonsense. , as long as you can get more tax dollars, even if you overthrow Hollywood, Director Obadiah and I will endorse you!"

Listening to Donald's words, David thought to himself that it was true.

So far, everything Serena had told him was right.

It seems that the United States' finances are really in trouble, otherwise the president would not put so much pressure on the top management of the General Administration.

But having said that, David was previously a little wary of the capital power of the eight major film companies in Hollywood, but now that Donald and Obadiah have promised to endorse him, he can feel free to go ahead and do it!

Thinking of this, David replied: "Okay, since you said so, Deputy Director Donald, then I will do my best after taking office."

Donald nodded, pulled out a document from the folder on the desktop, put it in front of David, and said: "This is the current personnel situation of the Western Suburbs Branch. The backbone left by the previous director has been I’ve pretty much cleaned them up, you see who else needs to be cleaned up, our General Administration will clean them up for you before you take office.”

David felt warm after hearing this. If he cleans up these people after he takes office, he will definitely have to bear some notoriety, but if it is handled by the General Administration, he will not have to bear this kind of notoriety. Unexpectedly, Donald Even this was taken into consideration for him.

"It's not urgent. You can go back and study it slowly tonight. Anyway, according to the deployment of the General Administration, you will not go to Los Angeles until the day after tomorrow to take up your post."


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