United states tax collector

Chapter 272 Governor of California

Seemingly seeing Arthur's scruples, the previous proposer said again: "Don't worry Arthur, I will call Governor Borgwana later and explain to him a powerful relationship. I believe he will Protect you!"

"Okay, Hansenton, I'll thank you in advance."

Arthur also knew that this man had a close relationship with Governor Borgwana, and if he were to tell the story on his behalf, there might actually be something to play for.

The capital city of California is Sacramento, and at this time, in the governor's mansion located in the center of the city, a man with a Chinese character in his early fifties put down the phone and fell into deep thought.

He is Borgwana, the current governor of California and known as the Little President of the United States.

After pondering for a while, he called his secretary Winiford in and said to him: "Winiford, Hanselton called me just now, about the Thackle family... "

After hearing what he said, Winiford also frowned slightly and said: "The Sackler family has been quite a big deal these days. It is said that David is already collecting evidence and preparing to attack them. They You should indeed be afraid, but... this family's reputation is too bad. If we protect him, I'm afraid it will cause you, Mr. Governor, to lose a lot of public support. "

"Of course I know this. Now that group of people feel that if David is allowed to attack this family, he may also attack them next, so they are very afraid of this, and if we sit back and ignore it now, it will definitely It will make this group of people dissatisfied, and it may also cause a large outflow of assets and enterprises.”

The main reason why California has become the most economically powerful state in the United States is that many Utahns have established their businesses and assets here.

And once David finishes cleaning up the Thacker family, those Utahns will definitely feel that their assets are threatened, and they will have the idea of ​​​​transferring.

As the governor of California, once the outflow of assets from the state causes economic turmoil, he will definitely take the blame, so this is what he is most worried about now.

"The outflow of assets is indeed very serious, but now David has made it clear that he wants to clean up this family. If we intervene, we might have a conflict with him. It is said that Governor Stevenson of Nevada was attracted by this guy. Those who want to step down from power must be careful about this..."

Listening to Winiford's reminder, Borgwana also became a little more solemn, but it soon turned into disdain.

Stevenson is Stevenson, he is him, and he does not believe that he, the first governor of the United States, can be reduced to that situation!

And there is another difference between him and Stevenson. He is a serious Freemason!

Thinking of this, he said with a firm tone: "No matter what, in order to stabilize that group of people, the Sackler family cannot have any trouble for the time being. In this way, you can arrange the trip first, and we will go to the second place in Los Angeles." The official residence, and let the Sackler family stay there first, and finally let the Los Angeles Police Chief Hancauson come to see me."

"It's Mr. Governor."

Seeing that Borgwana was so determined, Winiford could not continue to exhort him, so he could only turn around and do it.

Sacramento is not far from Los Angeles, but in the afternoon, Borgwana arrived at the city's official residence on the banks of the Schuylkill River.

To be precise, this is his second official residence.

Although the capital of California is Sacramento, Los Angeles is the most important city in California. As the governor, he often comes here to handle government affairs. Therefore, the existence of a second official residence is very necessary.

"Governor Borgwana, thank you very much for everything you have done for us. Our Sackler family will always remember it in our hearts!"

The members of the Sackler family who had been notified early were already here, and when Arthur saw Borgwana's arrival, he greeted him with a smile as if he was seeing his biological father.

"We are all our own people, so there is no need to talk about this. How about you, you are still used to the environment of my second official residence. Do you need me to ask someone to do something?"

"No, it's very nice here!"

Now David is sharpening his knives. He is already very satisfied with such a safe haven, and he doesn't dare to ask for too much.

"Mr. Governor, Director Hancauson is here."

While the two were talking, Winiford came to remind him.

Arthur and others on the side were also very discerning. They immediately said that they wanted to get familiar with the environment here and left for the time being.

At this time, outside the door, a black Chevrolet car came to the door.

The car door opened, and Los Angeles Police Chief Hancauson stepped out of the car. Looking at the security personnel brought by the governor around him, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

After passing some inspections, Hancauson walked into the hall with a serious face.

"Director Hancauson, welcome!"

"Hello, Mr. Governor."

After shaking hands and greeting each other, the two parties sat on the sofa.

Borgwana was the first to speak: "Director Hancauson, in the next few days, I need to handle some official business in Los Angeles, and the people on my side received a tip that there will be terrorists attacking me. So the purpose of asking you to come this time is also very simple. I hope you will dispatch a group of police officers to set up defenses in my external area, that's it."

Although this was the governor's mansion, to be honest, he couldn't guarantee whether David would actually bring someone to the door.

So having people from the police station come over, firstly, it can be more secure, and secondly, it can be used to show the attitude. The Sackler family is the person that I, Borgwana, want to protect. I hope you, David, will be wiser!

Upon hearing this, Hancauson's face suddenly darkened.

As the second largest city in the United States, Los Angeles has very strict security measures. Where the hell are there terrorists?

Even if there are terrorists, would they still dare to attack the dignified governor of a state?

Isn't this nonsense?

It seemed that it was very similar to the news he got not long ago.

It is said that the Sackler family has been protected by Borgwana and has been placed in this second official residence.

The reason why they mobilized the police force here was simply to hinder the investigation by David and the IRS.

Although he was thinking this way, Hancauson did not say it clearly, but declined politely: "Mr. Governor, when it comes to dealing with terrorists...our police department can't be of much help. In this case, I will contact you again." People from the FBI, they’re very good at this, how about letting them come over?”

He is not a fool. Now David has made it clear that he is ready to take action against the Thacker family. If he dares to get involved, what if David does something to him?

You know, it's not like David has never attacked officials like them. When he was in Nevada, he sent many officials to court and sentenced them to various thousand-year prison terms.

Hancauson shook his head and said: "There is no need for FBI people. I have a lot of security personnel here. It's enough for you police to help."

"That's right, Mr. Governor, isn't the Los Angeles City Government carrying out 'Operation Thunder' recently, and police officers from all our major districts have been sent to maintain order, and there is no police force available for the time being. Please understand... …”

The implication of Hancauson's words is already very obvious, that is, I know you want to hinder David's investigation of the Thackle family, but I can't afford to wade through this muddy water, so please let me go!

"Why is it that what Director Hancockson, the proud governor of California, said doesn't work anymore?"

"No, Mr. Governor..."

Hancauson was very embarrassed, but then he gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I won't tell you anything secretly. Mr. Governor, I heard that the Sackler family is here, and I only know that you want to protect them." , but you also know, do I work here in Los Angeles? If I mess with David, I will be in a lot of trouble, so I don’t want to get involved in this matter. Of course, other than this matter, if you have any orders in the future, I will definitely be I won’t refuse.”

"To tell you the truth, for some reason, I had to protect them, but this matter has nothing to do with you. You just need to transfer people here as I asked!"

"Mr. Governor, I..."

"In a word, you adjust it or not!"

"I...Okay, Mr. Governor, but let me make it clear first that I don't want to fight to the end with David and the IRS. If things really don't work out, you can't blame me."

Under pressure from the opponent's status as governor, Hancauson finally had to choose to submit.

But he also had a hand in his words.

This means telling Borgwana that he can transfer people, but when the time comes, he will never go to hell with David and the IRS.

"That's it, go ahead and do your work, Director Hancauson."

Although Bogwana was a little unhappy, he also knew that this was the opponent's bottom line, and it was hard to force it any further.

After Hancauson left, the Sackler family came out from the back of the hall, and Arthur said sincerely: "Governor Borgwana, thank you for everything you have done for us."

Of course he knew that Borgwana asked the police station to transfer people here for their safety.

"No need to say this, just stay here for now."

Los Angeles, Municipal Bureau of Internal Revenue.

"Chief, we just received news that Governor Borgwana of California has brought the Thackle family to the second official residence, and also summoned Police Chief Hancauson and asked him to mobilize a large number of police officers. Members were stationed there..."

Nissen walked into the office and told the news he had just received.

After hearing what he said, David's brows were quite surprised.

The governor of California actually got involved?

But as far as he knew, although the California governor was from Utah, he didn't have much friendship with the Sackler family.

Isn't it a bit far-fetched to grant asylum simply because of the same race?

What happened?

Not sitting in Borgwana's seat, David is a little unclear about the governor's thoughts, and he can't quite understand the governor's current approach.

But now that the other party has gotten involved, there is no point in studying this anymore. The top priority is how to solve this matter.

The governor of California is known as America's little president, and his influence is not comparable to that of a governor like Stevenson. What's more, he is also an elite among the Utahns. Things are a bit tricky...

"Director, if Borgwana really wants to protect them in his official residence, this will be very troublesome..."

David nodded to show his approval of Nissen's words, and then he turned to ask: "How is the evidence chain of the Sackler family doing?"

"It's already seventy-seven or eighty-eight. It's estimated that in two more days, it will be basically complete."

"Okay, tell me when you've finished it. Then I'll go talk to Hancauson and see if I can settle the police station matters first, and then slowly solve the other problems."

According to the current situation, if you want to arrest the Sackler family, you must first break through the governor of California, and then the police department.

And David also understood what Bogwana meant, which was to use the police station to express his position of protecting the Thackle family.

So as long as David takes care of the police department, he can also express his position on arresting the Thackle family, and it can also be regarded as a warning to Borgwana.

In short, let’s settle the police station first and then see how things develop!

Two days passed quietly.

In the past two days, major social media are still discussing the IRS and the Sackler family, but not many people know that the Sackler family is currently under the protection of the California governor.

That’s not to say the media is incompetent.

The main reason is that the media seems to be controlled by certain forces, which prevents this incident from being widely reported.

As for this force, it is nothing more than the governor and the group of Utahns who control the media.

David was not in a hurry about this. In the past two days, he was mainly dealing with the chain of evidence against the Sackler family, and secondly, he was communicating with the Kennedy family.

As for the content of the communication, it is nothing more than to allow them to put some pressure on Governor Borgwana when necessary.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Nissen opened the door and walked into the office and reported: "The charging evidence, witness, and all evidence chains against the Sackler family have been prepared."

"Okay, give me the document about Hancauson and go to the police station!"

The city bureau is not far from the city police station, only 2 kilometers away.

But when David arrived, the entire Los Angeles Police Department suddenly became nervous.

Now the IRS is going to deal with the Sackler family, and they have dispatched a large number of police officers to 'protect' the family. It is obvious that there will be conflicts between the two.

So in the past two days, the people in the Los Angeles Police Department were always worried that the IRS would come to their door. Today, not only did the IRS come to their door, but David also came to their door in person. How could this make them not nervous?

"I want to meet your director."

"Our director...is out on business."

"Then tell him that I will wait for him here and ask him to come back immediately."

"Our director said that we have something very important and we won't be able to come back for a while..."

"Tell him, I don't want to do anything to the police department, but if he really wants to do this, I have to do it!"

David's calm and threatening remarks made the reception staff at the police station tremble with fear.

He didn't dare to push any further and quickly turned around and left.

It took about ten minutes.

The receptionist came back and said, "Our director is back. Please come with me, Director David."

The receptionist took David all the way to the door of the director's office, pushed the door open, and saw Hancauson inside.

Seeing David's arrival, he looked slightly unnatural, but he still stood up and stretched out his hand: "Director David, what brought you here?"

"What do you think?"

David's words made Hancauson's face freeze.

Before he could say anything, David spoke again: "Director Hancauson, there's no need to beat around the bush. I think you should be very clear about the purpose of my coming here today."

"What is the purpose Director David mentioned?"

Hancauson was still acting dumb.

"As far as I know, the Sackler family is in the governor's second official residence, and you moved your men there to set up defenses. Are you planning to cover them up?"

"No no no..."

Hancauson waved his hand quickly and said: "I received an order from the governor saying that terrorists wanted to attack him recently, so I transferred my men to set up defenses. I had absolutely no intention of protecting anyone."

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you. Now I'll give you two choices. Either move people away and don't stop us from handling the case, or... choose to be my enemy!"

"Director David, you also know that this is the governor's order. I can't resist it at all. Please don't make it difficult for me."

Hancauson complained secretly, but still did not choose to compromise.

David stopped talking nonsense and directly reached into the inner pocket of his suit, took out a document and threw it on the table.

When Peoples came to Los Angeles to hold a dinner party, Hancauson was invited to the scene. Later, David also went and examined him.

But the guy behind him was very sensible. After David communicated with him for a few words and briefly revealed some dirty information, he took the initiative to leave.

In the past two days, David also took some time to collect all the black materials about Hancauson and formed the current piece of documentary evidence.

Hancockson felt bad after receiving the document, but he still opened it with anxiety. But when he saw the contents inside, his face suddenly turned ugly.

At the last dinner held at Pipps, David revealed some dirty information about himself, which was why he later chose to leave.

However, it was just a dictation at that time, and it was far less impactful than the actual document now.

Hancauson put the documents on the table, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Okay, Director David, I will transfer the people back, and I will not interfere in other matters!"

Anyway, he had already made it clear to Borgwana before.

I will never fight to the death with David.

And now that David has come to us with the handle on him, Borgwana can no longer blame him!

"Very well Chief Hancauson."

Having achieved his goal, David stopped staying, stood up and walked out.

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