United states tax collector

Chapter 274 Do you dare not to make friends?

Following the traces of the IRS armed forces, the public and the media soon felt something was wrong, because the direction the armed forces were headed was actually the Schuylkill River.

It is also well known that the second official residence of the Governor of California is located here.

Could it be that……

Is the IRS’s armed deployment this time related to the governor?

"No, no, no, the IRS's armed force went to the governor's second official residence. Could it be that there was a conflict between the governor and Director David?"

"You can tell by looking at the direction those armored vehicles and helicopters are heading. They are definitely heading towards the governor's second official residence. It's interesting!"

"I have a bold guess. Could it be that the Sackler family received asylum from the governor, and then the governor and the IRS couldn't come to an agreement, which finally led to the IRS's armed forces being dispatched?"

“I don’t know if you have noticed that just about two hours ago, some National Guard military vehicles drove into our urban area of ​​Los Angeles. At first I thought they were performing some kind of mission, but now it looks a bit intriguing. ”

"I understand. The National Guard must have been transferred by the governor. The IRS couldn't get people from the governor, so it had to send out the armed forces!"

Seeing that the armed forces of the Internal Revenue Service were heading towards the governor's second official residence, the entire Los Angeles citizens and netizens were in an uproar. Many people had even guessed the cause of the conflict.

The Governor's second official residence on the Schuylkill River.

Because David and his party got into the car after they came out, but did not start to leave, the National Guard soldiers stationed outside cast puzzled looks from time to time.

But soon, there was a "ta-da-da-da" sound in the sky, causing the soldiers stationed around the mansion to look up.

But when they saw clearly the helicopters appearing in the distant sky, each of them looked nervous.

"That's... a Black Hawk helicopter group?"

"Why are the Apache helicopter gunships here? What's going on?"

"Fake Squid, that's the IRS armed force coming!"

There were more than a hundred National Guard soldiers at the scene, and soon someone recognized the IRS logo hanging on the two helicopter groups, and immediately started shouting in panic.

But before they could fully react, a series of sonic booms came from the sky, causing all the soldiers to stop panicking and look towards the source of the sound.

And this sight made their scalps tingle even more.

Because the sonic boom coming from this time was actually a fighter group composed of F35 and F22 fighter jets!

The National Guardsmen were not fools. They were transferred here and saw David's arrival with their own eyes. All fools knew that there must have been a conflict between their governor and the IRS, which caused Director David to get angry. Bring out the armed forces.

Although the National Guard is one of the United States' armies, in terms of strength and equipment, it is basically at the bottom of the major military services.

The Internal Revenue Service's armed forces are not only well-trained, but also equipped with the most powerful weapons in the United States. Therefore, seeing the appearance of this armed force, they are no longer eager to fight. Many soldiers were so panicked that they almost raised their hands to surrender. .

After all, in front of the big killers like the IRS, it is not an exaggeration to say that what they have in their hands and on their bodies is a pile of junk.

"Captain Branr...this is the armed force of the IRS, we...what should we do?"

"Don't fucking fire without my order!"

As the commander of this company, after seeing the armed forces of the IRS appearing with great fanfare, Branr's back was soaked with sweat at this time.

After scolding the soldiers, he immediately rushed towards the gate of the mansion in a running posture.

At this time, Borgwana and Winiford in the official residence were not deaf. They naturally heard such a loud noise. Just when they wanted to come out to see what was going on, they happened to collide with the oncoming Branr. On.

"Captain Branr, what's going on outside?"

"Mr. Governor, the IRS sent the armed forces here, look!"

As Branr spoke, he pointed at the two large helicopter groups in the sky in the distance.

"What did you say!"

Hearing that the IRS had brought the armed forces over, Borgwana Winiford's brain also felt a twitch.

Damn it, this is the governor's mansion, how dare David be so arrogant and directly ask the armed forces to come here?

There was no time to think too much, so the two of them immediately raised their eyes and saw, sure enough, the two large helicopter groups in the distant sky were indeed speeding towards them, and were about to reach the top of their official residence.

"Wardfa, their armored forces are here too, damn it!"

Winiford's loud curses in his ears made Borgwana, who was still looking at the sky in a dazed state, suddenly come back to his senses. He glanced down, wasn't it? The armor on the ground of the IRS The troops have shown up.

But that was not what made him most angry. What made him most angry was that at the same time as these armored troops appeared, a large number of media vehicles also followed them to the scene.

"No, Governor, the media can't hold it back anymore, go in first!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Winiford quickly pulled Borgwana towards the official residence, because he knew very well that the matter was now considered a big deal.

And it can definitely be regarded as the kind that caused a sensation in the United States.

If they were just standing here at the door and were captured by the media, it would be extremely disadvantageous for them.

"Viewers, we have now arrived at the destination of the IRS Armed Forces, which is really the governor's second official residence. What happened, please pay attention to the follow-up reports..."

Major media have already arrived around the official residence and started broadcasting real-time reports.

"Wardfa, it's really the governor's official residence, there's a lot of fun to be seen!"

"Look, the National Guard is indeed stationed at the governor's mansion. No wonder the IRS wants to bring in the armed forces."

"The National Guard... in front of such a powerful armed force as the IRS, it feels like a mob. Look at those soldiers now sweating profusely."

"Look, everyone, that's Director David..."

Here, seeing that two major armed forces, ground and air, had surrounded the governor's mansion, David and his party waited until they got out of the car.

Seeing him coming down, a man in a major's military uniform also jumped out of an armored vehicle, came over and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Director David, I am Fernanprio."

"Hello, Major Fernanprio."

David shook hands with him, and then Fernanprio said: "Director David, this is the governor's mansion, what should we do next?"

To be honest, Fernanprio was shocked when he received this task.

Although the Internal Revenue Service is very powerful, the governor of California, who is known as the Little President, is not a vegetarian. If a war breaks out, it will be difficult to end the situation.

But later he repeatedly confirmed with his superiors several times, and his superiors asked him to follow David's command. He had no choice but to send the troops over.

"Pick a group of people to follow me and search inside to see if there is anyone I want."

After saying that, David raised his legs and walked towards the entrance of the mansion.

Fernanprio, on the other hand, ordered seven or eight fully armed men and quickly followed them.

"Brothers of the National Guard, please calm down. We are not trying to conflict with you. Please let us in. Let us search to see if there are any 'terrorists' who have sneaked into the governor's mansion. Once we confirm the results, we will Will go."

David had already arrived at the door and shouted to the National Guard members stationed there.

The National Guard soldiers looked at each other, but no one dared to move away easily until they received an order.

In the end, Branr could only tell his soldiers to be calm, and then he quickly walked into the living room of the mansion, came to Borgwana, who was sitting on the sofa with a pale face, and asked: " Mr. Governor, the IRS said they are coming in..."

Borgwana was silent for a while and didn't speak.

Winiford, who was on the side, knew that this was not the way to go. After all, the armed forces of the Internal Revenue Service had arrived, and they had already seen that David was determined to arrest the Sackler family today. If they did not hand over , who knows what else David can do?

So he could only carefully remind: "Mr. Governor, he is the boss today, but he cannot be the boss forever. We will have many ways to retaliate against him in the future!"

What he said is actually saying that we should give in first, after all, we can keep the green hills without worrying about having no firewood.

"Let him in!"

"Okay Mr. Governor."

Branr walked out immediately.

Soon, David and his entourage walked in after being released.

Seeing him coming in, Borgwana gritted his teeth and asked: "David, you are so brave, you actually dare to mobilize armed forces to surround my official residence!"

"No, no, no, Mr. Governor, I think you have misunderstood. Didn't you hear that there are terrorists here? For your safety, I have just mobilized the troops to see if I can eliminate the hidden dangers for you."

Didn't Borgwana transfer the National Guard here in the name of anti-terrorism? Now David is using this reason to deal with him!

Bogwana, who was already half-infuriated, suddenly felt a surge of blood and energy in his brain when he heard these words. He almost fainted. After calming down for a while, he clenched his fists and said, "Okay, okay, David." , I remember this account today!”

At this point, David didn't care about his threat, so he stopped paying attention to him and directly gave Fernanprio a wink behind him.

Fernanprio also understood it and immediately waved his hand, and the armed members he brought immediately launched a search operation.

But at this moment, Winiford spoke up and said, "No need to trouble you!"

After that, he turned and left.

And David was not in a hurry to let the armed members continue to take action, but just waited patiently.

In a private room on the third floor, Arthur and the members of the Sackler family all had expressions as ugly as their dead mothers.

They had just received notice that David had come here to shout to Borgwana to hand them over, and they also knew that the talks between the two parties had collapsed.

At that time, they were still happy and thankful that Borgwana saved them with death, but what they didn't expect was that David would be so frantic that he directly transferred the armed forces.

"Damn it, is David crazy? Doesn't he know the consequences of this?"

Mariano cursed angrily, because he knew very well that in this situation, even if Borgwana wanted to protect them, it would be difficult to protect them.


At this moment the door was pushed open, Winiford walked in, looked around at the Thacker family, and finally his eyes fell on Arthur, and said: "Mr. Arthur, I think you probably know What happened? David is determined to catch you today. We have no choice..."

"Ah, Mr. Winiford, this is the governor's mansion. How can we let those IRS people take us away here?"

"Mr. Winiford, taking us away is a slap in the governor's face. We can't let them do this!"


Many people in the Thackle family panicked, and David even did such a crazy thing as surrounding the governor's mansion with arms. If they were taken away, what would happen to them?

"Shut up!"

Arthur scolded everyone, turned to look at Winiford and asked: "I can understand the governor's approach, but let me ask one more question, shouldn't the governor just let this matter go?"


"Okay, I understand, come down with me!"

At this point, Arthur also knew very well that they were already meat on the chopping board, and it was impossible to resist.

But what makes him feel fortunate is that David has basically broken up with Borgwana now, and Borgwana will inevitably retaliate in the future. As long as David is knocked down, there is a chance to rescue them.

The atmosphere in the lobby on the first floor was still in a frozen state at the moment. It was not until the Sackler family and others walked down that the tranquility of the scene was broken.

"Mr. Arthur, Mr. Mariano, Mr. Theresa... According to our IRS investigation, you and your family's Purdue Pharma have committed huge tax fraud, tax evasion and other illegal activities. Now please follow us." Let’s go!”

As soon as he saw the Thacker family coming down, David declared the crime to them without hesitation.

"Okay, let's go with you. I want to see if your IRS can bring our family down!"

Arthur is worthy of being the head of the Sackler family. Even in this situation, he still has a tough demeanor.

"You'll know!"

David winked at the military personnel behind him, who immediately stepped forward and escorted the members of the Thackle family out.

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