United states tax collector

Chapter 285 On the cover of Time Magazine

After leaving the White House, Donald immediately called David and said, "David, the White House made a promise to us and would not easily pardon the Sackler family. Don't worry about that."

"That would be best..."

"Oh, by the way, let me tell you something, it's about the 'W Aid Act'..."

From the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service, David was not surprised when he heard about this bill. However, when he heard that the White House wanted to use all the funds he had 'scrounged' during this period to fund this bill, he His brows wrinkled slightly.

The White House and Congress have their own political opinions, and he also has his own political opinions.

In his view, instead of spending so much money to support this so-called war, it would be better to spend more of these funds on domestic economic, education, medical and other issues.

At this point, his political views are similar to those of his predecessor.

The King also disliked war, so he reduced a large amount of overseas military funds during his term and used it to develop the domestic economy, which ultimately achieved good results.

But having said that, he is now a low-key person, and naturally it is impossible to sway the current main policies of the White House and Congress, so although he is unwilling, he can only follow it.

It seems that you still have to enter the General Administration, so that you can have a certain say in the funds obtained from taxation!

The sun sets and the day comes to an end.

As for the UBS incident, it is still unfolding. When the media found out that the funds transferred back to the Sackler family amounted to 17.8 billion, they all applauded.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, the Sackler family is evil, and this fund is filled with countless blood. Now it has been confiscated to the IRS and will be used in various budgets in the future. This can be regarded as a blessing to everyone. of a compensation.

Senado Island, East Coast, New York.

"This UBS incident has touched our lifeblood. I think we must take action no matter what!"

"Yes, David and the IRS are going too far. If this continues, maybe the Thacker family will be us tomorrow. They must be made aware of our existence!"

"It's not appropriate to take action now. The White House, Congress, and the Angsa people will definitely come out to interfere. We, the Freemasons, cannot face such great pressure."

"The W aid bill is currently here. The White House, Congress, and Angsa people need David and the IRS. We can't touch him at this time!"


Since UBS indirectly handed over the assets of the Sackler family, the Freemasons have been arguing about it all day long.

People on the left believe that this has obviously threatened their interests, and they can no longer wait and must fight back.

The more conservative people on the right believe that the IRS itself is very powerful, and coupled with the current importance of the W bill, this will make many forces side with the IRS and David, making it difficult to retaliate for the time being.

For this reason, neither side could convince the other, and the stalemate lasted all day.

"Have you had enough arguing?"

A shout from the head of the Rockefeller family interrupted everyone present, and these people also focused their attention on him.

"There is an old Chinese saying that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Too many people are relying on David now, so we don't need to risk public outrage and deal with him immediately, but we can wait until the W aid bill is passed. If you go to retaliate against him, the resistance will be much smaller, right? "

"Mr. Fitch is right. As long as the W aid bill is passed, then the Angsa Group, the White House and Congress will not be so dependent on David. At that time, it will be the safest for us to take action."

"I also support Mr. Fitch's view. Small impatience can lead to big plans!"

As soon as the words of the head of the Rockefeller family came out, he immediately gained support from people on the right.

At this moment, Bennett said: "If we have to wait until the W aid bill is passed before taking action, then we should think about what to do, right?"

As soon as the words fell, the scene fell silent instantly, and even those radical leftists were unable to say a word.

Throughout the whole day, they had been arguing about revenge, but as for how to retaliate, they really hadn't studied it yet.

As mentioned before, the IRS is not a vegetarian. If you want to retaliate, you must have a solid plan.

"I have a little suggestion, you might as well listen to it!"

Just when the atmosphere at the scene was slightly solidified, a voice came out that made everyone look sideways. It turned out that these words were said by Borgwana.

"Tell me, Borgwana, what's your suggestion?"

Joshua Mogan asked what everyone was thinking.

"To retaliate against David, someone has actually shown us the best way, which is to repeal the Black Tax Act. In this case, no matter how powerful David's methods are, he will immediately become a toothless tiger! "

"However... there is too much resistance to repealing this bill. Even if we try our best, it is difficult to say that we can get it done. But it doesn't matter. We can do the next best thing. For example, lobby the White House and get them to issue an order." Amnesty for the Sacklers!"

The main reason why Borgwana wanted to hold a Masonic meeting was to achieve this goal, and now that he saw that the time was right, he immediately said it.

"The president pardoned the Sacklers? This is a good way to retaliate!"

"After all, it was David who captured the Sackler family and was sentenced to death. If we operate him out, it will really make David lose face. It is worth operating."

"Abolition of the black tax bill requires lobbying from more than half of Congress, but a presidential pardon only requires lobbying the president alone. The resistance is indeed much smaller."


At this time, both the left and the right showed support for Borgwana's proposal.

Seeing the almost overwhelming support, Borgwana also smiled, then turned to look at Henrietta, who had been listening quietly, and asked: "Mr. Henrietta, what do you think of me?" What’s the proposal?”

"Gu De, I agree with your proposal, and I also agree with Fei Qi's view, that is, wait until the W aid bill is passed before operating this matter!"

Henrietta was able to suppress various major families and become the supreme leader of the Freemasonry. Naturally, she was not a person who could not hold back her composure.

He also saw clearly that the pressure on David was indeed great now, and it was most appropriate to wait until the W aid bill was passed before taking action.

Henrietta, the most powerful leader, has already made a conclusion, so naturally both the left and the right have no choice but to abide by it, and this Masonic meeting is considered over.

The next morning.

Not long after David arrived in the office, Nissen knocked on the door and walked in. He came in with a magazine-like booklet in his hand, put it on the table and said, "Director, take a look."

David stopped his work and looked at it carefully. This book was familiar to him. It was the most influential news weekly in the United States and even the world - Time Magazine.

But that's not the key. The key is that he is on the cover of this issue of Time Magazine.

What made him laugh even more was that on the cover, he was holding a long sword and sitting on an iron throne. This throne was made of thousands of swords in "Game of Thrones". The Iron Throne.

And on the top edge of the weekly magazine, there are four titles of "King of Taxation" printed on it!

"The King of Taxation is interesting!"

There was a hint of amusement in the corner of David's mouth. I have to say that Time Magazine really knows how to deal with this.

"Director, this is Time Magazine. It seems that you have solved the Swiss Bank matter and your influence has risen to a new level."

There was a hint of envy in Nissen's words.

The magazine Time Magazine is really famous, and not everyone can get on the cover if they want to.

Those who can get on the list are either political figures from various countries, business tycoons, top celebrities, or talents who have made major breakthroughs in a certain field.

And now that David has appeared on this cover, it shows that he has risen to the top of the world's well-known figures.

"Okay, just go ahead. Don't pay too much attention to this matter. The General Administration has issued indicators. Let's screen out any other cases worthy of our action."

The W aid bill is still short of 40-50 billion in funds. The Administration was obviously urged by the White House, so during yesterday's phone call, it also put some pressure on him, so it must be reached as soon as possible.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Keppel pushed in the door and said: "Director, there is a gentleman named Sean outside who wants to see you."


David was startled and then replied: "Let him come in."

A few minutes later, Sean Kennedy was brought in. He seemed to be in a good mood, with a smile on his face. He said, "Director David, you did a great job with the Swiss Bank. In addition, you also Congratulations on being on the cover of Time Magazine!”

In fact, when Sean heard David make an announcement asking UBS Group to hand over Sackler's assets, he was extremely happy.

Because he knew very well that the Freemasons had too many assets in the Swiss Bank. Once the bank was touched, the conflict between David and the Freemasons would further intensify.

And this is naturally what the Kennedy family wants to see.


David first said thank you, and then asked: "Mr. Sean, how will the Freemasons react to the Swiss Bank incident?"

From Amarin's mouth, he already knew that the Freemasons were unwilling to let UBS hand over the Sackler family assets to him, and now that the other party's intention had failed, there would definitely be a reaction, and he had to understand Just be clear.

"They are very angry about this matter, and many leftists among them are demanding retaliation against you, but...oh, by the way, do you know about the W bill?"

"Know something."

Donald told him about this matter yesterday, and he had a rough understanding of it.

"Because the White House and Congress are now committed to promoting this bill, but this bill requires a lot of funds, so they need you. In addition, the Angsa Group is also a beneficiary. Because of these forces, the Freemasonry is temporarily unavailable. No matter what I do to you, you can rest assured.”

"What if this bill passes?"

David heard something wrong with Sean's words.

The White House Congress Angsa Group needs him now, but once this bill is passed, and the Freemasons see that the resistance is reduced, won't they take action against him?

"That's a good question. According to the information I received, they do plan to deal with you after the W aid bill is passed."

David frowned slightly, and it turned out to be pretty much what he guessed.

Because of taxes, his conflict with the Freemasons is getting bigger and bigger, and this conflict now seems irreconcilable.

Because he must create a large amount of tax revenue as capital for promotion, and if he wants to create a large amount of tax revenue, it will inevitably touch the interests of the Freemasons or other forces.

That's why we say that this is a contradiction that cannot be reconciled at all.

There are only two ways to go, or to retreat now and give up the great future, so that the Freemasons may not deal with him.

Either he should continue on this route and use interest groups such as the Freemasons as a stepping stone for his promotion.

Of course, David had already made up his mind about what to do.

Seemingly reading David's inner thoughts, Sean also comforted him: "But you don't have to worry. Although the amount of the W aid bill is initially set at 100 billion, I think the comprehensive support cost for this war is definitely not 1,000." It can be done with 100 million, but more additional funds will definitely be needed in the future, and this also means that you will be very valuable to the Angsa Group. If the Freemasons want to deal with you, I think they may not sit back and watch. ignore."

"I hope it's like what you said."

"Oh, by the way, I came here for one more thing today."

Sean changed the subject.


"People from the five major arms dealers want to meet you, please let me introduce you to them."


David's eyes flickered when he heard this.

He seemed to have thought of one thing. The budget funds of the W aid bill were actually used to allocate these arms companies to produce equipment and send them to the battlefield to support the W side.

In other words, the money he worked so hard to earn will all benefit these arms companies.

So the question is, since these arms companies have benefited from him, they must do something for him, right?

For example, help him shoulder the pressure of the Freemasonry and let him operate in the General Bureau so that he can be promoted to the General Bureau as soon as possible. This is called a win-win situation.

Otherwise, if you take your own money and don't help with anything, what's the point?

"I think you should meet them, it would be good for you."

Of course, Sean also wanted the five major arms companies to get involved and help David resist the pressure of the Freemasons. However, due to his status as a member of the Kennedy family, he could not tell the people of the five major arms companies clearly about this matter. It's best to pick it up yourself.

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