United states tax collector

Chapter 287 Who is the mysterious father of Bitcoin?

In fact, David also agreed in his heart that the Angsa Group would agree to his request, and now Sean's words made him even more reassured.

In the following time, the two discussed a series of follow-up matters, and it was not until noon that Sean left.

The next day, David received a call from Mark.

His guess was correct. Angsa Group was indeed unwilling to give up this huge profit, so it agreed to his request and would help him operate the General Administration.

In addition, the other party also urged him to settle the remaining tens of billions of funds as soon as possible.

Since the other party had promised to help him with the operation, David naturally agreed.

Washington, D.C., Bureau of Internal Revenue.

In an office, Brown Sauers put his legs on the table and smoked a cigar with a comfortable expression.

After he failed in the God-making Project, his life fell into darkness. He originally thought that he would live in the shadow of David for the rest of his life.

But what he didn't expect was that because David was too arrogant, he directly made the big guys of the Freemasonry dissatisfied. In the end, he finally got an advantage and was placed in the General Administration before David.

With the support of the collective resources of the Freemasons, it can be expected that he will definitely have a place in the top management of the IRS in the future, and it is not impossible for him to even become the helm.

And when the time comes, David won’t be severely trampled under his feet?

When he thought of that scene, Brown couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.


Just when he was still feeling lustful, the phone on the table rang. He quickly picked it up and asked in a humble tone: "Mr. Vertonghen."

He is currently Vertonghen's administrative assistant, so as soon as the phone rang, he knew it must be the chief adviser to the General Administration who was looking for him.

"Come to my office."


After Brown put down the phone, he adjusted his mentality, then pushed out the door, knocked on the door of Vertonghen's office, and then walked in.

"Mr. Vertonghen, are you looking for me?"

He saw something seemed wrong on Vertonghen's face, and asked cautiously.

"Brown, pack your things."

"Packing up, tidy up?"

Bronton felt like a bolt from the blue. Was he going to pack up and leave?


Since entering the IRS system, he has been a confidant supported and trained by Vertonghen, and this time he has received the support of the Masonic Group and been transferred to the General Bureau. How could he suddenly pack up and leave?

Even if you don't look at the monk's face, you still have to give some face to the Freemasons, right?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked: "Mr. Vertonghen, what is going on? Did I make some mistake?"

"You didn't make any mistakes, but you have to leave the bureau and continue to work in the Manhattan bureau!"

Vertonghen looked helpless.

Although he is one of the two giants of the IRS and can be considered extremely powerful in the United States, he still has to make some compromises when it comes to huge interest groups such as Angsa and the Freemasons.

"This...Mr. Vertonghen, did David do something?"

Brown also reacted. Vertonghen will definitely not expel him from the general administration for no reason unless there is external pressure.

And this external pressure will definitely not come from the General Administration, because Vertonghen is already the top two of the General Administration, so even Director Obadiah cannot interfere in the personnel issues of his own administrative assistant.

Therefore, it could only be David.

But having said that, he couldn't figure out what David had done to make one of the two dignitaries of the IRS look so helpless?

"Since you have already guessed it, there is no need to ask me any more questions."

Brown's eyes turned red when he heard that David was indeed responsible. He said unwillingly: "Mr. Vertonghen, no matter what David has done, I was recommended by my uncles. If they expel me, Well, then my uncle and the others..."

"Let me tell you, it is precisely because you were recommended by your uncles that I will let you go back to the Manhattan branch. Otherwise, you will be kicked out of the IRS system now!"

The people in the Angsa Group initially asked him to kick Brown out of the IRS system, but because he was concerned about the Freemasons, he withstood the pressure and only returned Brown to Manhattan.

Doing this can be regarded as saving a bit of face for the Freemasons, so that this group of people will not turn their anger on him.

The Browns were dumbfounded.

Is it because he is his uncle that he was sent back to the Manhattan branch, otherwise he would be kicked out of the IRS system directly?

He now realized that although David was causing trouble in this matter, it was definitely not something he could do alone.

There must be some big forces involved behind the scenes that forced Vertonghen to compromise.

Could it be...

Yes, it must be!

Brown seemed to have figured something out.

In the United States, there are not many people or forces that can make Vertonghen compromise. The Freemasons are one of them, as are the White House and the four established families.

However, the White House will definitely not get involved in such trivial matters, and as of now, the White House does not have much contact with David.

As for the four major families, although they have the strength to make Vertonghen compromise, they are not so compromised as to ignore the Freemasons.

Then there is only one option left, Angsa Group!

He is here at the General Administration, so he naturally knows about the W aid bill.

We also know that the five major military-industrial complexes are eagerly waiting for the passage of this bill to receive this huge budget fund.

At present, the funding for this bill naturally depends on David.

And David used this to threaten the five major military-industrial complexes and the owner's Angsa Group to deal with him. All this can be explained!

"Go ahead, you are still young, you will still have a chance in the future."

After figuring out that the Angsa Group was involved, Brown knew that there was no need to continue fighting, because he understood that this already involved a game between the two major groups, and it was not something that his small role could change. I was able to walk out with a feeling of reluctance.

After returning to his office, he packed up his belongings, and when he opened the door and came out to the elevator, Brown saw Bellamy Hardy already standing here.

The two of them looked at the item boxes they were holding, and they both understood that they were all in the same situation, and they looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Los Angeles IRS.

David was in the office looking at a document. Neeson opened the door and walked in, saying with a joyful expression: "Director, we just received the news that Brown Sauers and Bellamy Hardy were transferred to the General Bureau. He was expelled and returned to his original position.”

David's expression also changed when he heard this.

He originally thought that even if the Onsa Group promised to work for him, it would take ten days and a half to kick out Bellamy Hardy and Brown Sauras.

What I didn't expect was that in just one day, these two people were kicked out of the headquarters.

You know, these two people were personally installed by the Freemasons.

It can be seen from this that the influence of Angsa Group is really not overshadowed.

Putting away his thoughts, David changed the subject and said: "Nissen, do you have any opinions on cryptocurrency?"

Cryptocurrency is a trading method that has emerged in recent years. It is a trading medium that uses cryptographic principles to ensure transaction security and control the creation of trading units.

Since Bitcoin became the first decentralized cryptocurrency in 2009, several similar cryptocurrencies have been created, often called altcoins.

There are many ways to trade and pay for cryptocurrencies, including exchange trading, over-the-counter trading, P2P trading, and direct payments with cryptocurrencies.

Today, many merchants in various countries have begun to accept cryptocurrency as a payment method. Users can directly use cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum to purchase goods or services.

The birth of these cryptocurrencies has also spawned many gray transactions.

For example, because these currencies are very convenient and their sources are difficult to trace, many criminals prefer this method for transaction payment when engaging in illegal activities.

There are also many people who use this currency to launder money.

In short, this kind of transaction currency that currently lacks supervision is very profitable for the IRS, which is why David is currently focusing on this area.


Nissen held his chin and said: "As far as I know, due to the rise of these special currencies and the difficulty of tracking them, many drug dealers have abandoned their previous cash transactions and switched to this method of transactions in recent years."

"There are still many criminals who trade in this way. It is indeed very profitable for us. But, as I said, the reason why these currencies are called cryptocurrencies is It’s because it’s difficult to thoroughly investigate the source, so it’s very difficult for us to investigate.”

David nodded slightly and then said: "What do you think of Bitcoin?"

Bitcoin is not only the founder of cryptocurrency, but it is also the most valuable cryptocurrency currently. Therefore, if you want to check, you must start with this currency, so as to maximize your benefits.

"There are too many people holding Bitcoin at present. There is no point in checking those small fish and shrimps. If we want to check, unless 'Satoshi Nakamoto' can be dug out, as the father of Bitcoin, if he can If we get it done, then we will be equivalent to supervising this currency, and the tax revenue we will receive will be a huge price, but..."

At the end of the sentence, Nissen showed a trace of embarrassment on his face.

If we talk about the unsolved mysteries of the world, then Satoshi Nakamoto, the father of Bitcoin, is definitely one.

Satoshi Nakamoto, who claims to be Japanese-American, published a paper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" in 2008, which attracted attention.

In 2009, he released the first Bitcoin software and officially launched the Bitcoin financial system. From then on, Bitcoin began to reach its peak.

But more than ten years have passed, and no one still knows who the person named Satoshi Nakamoto is.

He claimed to be a 37-year-old man living in Japan.

However, this is widely doubted.

Because his English writing is as proficient and idiomatic as his native language, but he has never used Japanese.

An online search using his name turned up nothing about the man.

There are various indications that Satoshi Nakamoto may be a fictional identity.

Nakamoto switches between British English and American English in his speeches and programs, and randomly speaks online at different times throughout the day. This shows that he either intentionally conceals his nationality and time zone, or that there are multiple people behind the account.

However, based on analysis of his language habits and chronological statistics, some believe that he may have been an English or Irish person living in central or western America.

Laszlo Hanyecz, who once worked on the Bitcoin core development team, believes that the algorithm is too well designed to be completed by one person alone.

In May 2012, computer scientist Ted Nelson believed that Satoshi Nakamoto was the Japanese mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki because his research field included the mathematical algorithms used in Bitcoin.

More importantly, Mochizuki does not use conventional academic publishing mechanisms, but is accustomed to working alone and publishing papers for others to understand.

However, some people have questioned that the cryptography required to design Bitcoin is not Mochizuki's research interest, and Mochizuki himself has denied it.

In addition, some people believe that Satoshi Nakamoto is George Washington University professor Nick, Australian scholar Craig Stephen White, Irish cryptography graduate student...

But these speculations were ultimately not confirmed.

In fact, it is not just the media, the public, and Bitcoin followers who are curious about the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto.

Officials from various countries, even the FBI, CIA and some powerful people in the United States, are curious about this person's identity and have even launched investigations.

There is no other reason. Satoshi Nakamoto has more than 1 million Bitcoins, which are worth tens of billions of dollars according to the current value.

The so-called ordinary man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade.

What's more, cryptocurrency is not like cash. If you rob the cash, as long as someone writes down the code, you won't dare to spend it.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are just a string of numbers. As long as you find someone to force them to hand it over and then use some method to hide the transfer transaction, it will be very difficult to trace it.

But that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that although Satoshi Nakamoto handed over control of the Bitcoin source code to other developers, it seems that he no longer has personal control over the currency, but many people believe that he may actually still retain control of the currency. Get backup source code or keys or something.

As long as you find him and get this backup source code, you can control all Bitcoin currencies.

Therefore, there are naturally many people or forces who want to dig him out.

However, to this day, this man can still sit on the Diaoyutai without being dug out, which shows how powerful his hiding ability is.

The IRS has many intelligence channels, but since the whole world cannot dig out this person, Nissen naturally finds it very difficult.

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