United states tax collector

Chapter 295: Kill all of you, do you believe it?

"Director David, I invited you here to talk with sincerity, but it seems like you are not here to negotiate, but rather to show off your power to us!"

Augustine stood up.

When he saw him coming out, David's eyes froze, because he had already heard that the person in front of him was the senior Illuminati person who talked to him on the phone.

But he had no memory of this person's identity.

But just when he was about to use the inspection function to take a look, Simmons possessed him in his ear and said: "Director, this person is Cardinal Augustine of the Vatican, and the two next to him are also from the Vatican. The Cardinal.”

Americans basically believe in Christianity, and Catholicism is a branch of Christianity, so they are naturally familiar with these cardinals in the Vatican.

"I see……"

David finally understood the man's identity, then looked at him and said: "Archbishop Augustine, you may not be showing off your power by inviting me here. What's more, this place is far away from the mountains and rivers of the United States. How can I dare to come without some people? "

Augustine's expression also changed after his mind was revealed.

Yes, he invited David over earlier because he really wanted to show him the powerful strength of their Illuminati. But what he didn't expect was that they directly brought the aircraft carrier fleet over. Now, instead, they are showing off their muscles to him. It can be said that if you fail to steal the chicken, you will lose the rice.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's have a good talk."

After that, David walked into the building.

After Augustine and others looked at each other, they finally followed helplessly and walked in.

After arriving at the round table, David could see at a glance that these seats were also arranged in order, and he was not polite. He just sat down in Augustine's seat, which also made the following people sit down. The members of the Illuminati gritted their teeth one by one, but looking at the armed IRS officers around them, they did not dare to push for anything more and found a seat for each other to sit down.

"I made it very clear to Archbishop Augustine two days ago. I don't care how much you earn from Bitcoin, but you must pay a tax to our IRS. What do you think?"

The members of the Illuminati look at each other, and Sandy finally spoke up: "Since the IRS has come to visit us, we can pay the taxes, but if we are easy to talk to, don't think that we are easy to bully. We must remain as human beings." Let’s meet again later.”

"I'm not here to bargain with you today. For how many Bitcoins you have, you will have to pay capital gains tax, no less than a cent!"

David's words were like stabbing the lungs of the Illuminati members present. Edgar, the director of the National Security Agency of the United States, immediately reprimanded: "David, don't go too far. Don't just rely on the IRS behind you to ignore everything." !”

In the United States, although the National Security Agency is not as well-known as the IRS, FBI, and CIA, it is still a powerful department.

As the boss of this department, he naturally had the confidence to stand up and threaten David.

[Name: Edgar Gallardo. 】

[Occupation: Director of the National Security Agency of the United States. 】

[Income: monthly legal income of 32,000 US dollars, illegal income of 23 million US dollars. 】

[Income details: Bitcoin, using power for personal gain...]

【More details:……】

[Amount of tax payable: US$7.113 million. 】

"Director Edgar, I am only charging you the amount of tax on Bitcoin, but I have not yet charged you the amount of tax you need to pay for seeking personal gain through influence. You should be satisfied!"

Hearing this, Edgar frowned and asked, "What does it mean to seek personal gain with power?"

“On December 11, 2021, wasn’t your National Security Agency approved for 30 million U.S. dollars in surveillance funds? You turned around and asked people to reach an agreement with Verizon Communications, and received a 12 million rebate, and On January 19 of the following year, you took another 5 million from Shengli Communication Equipment Company and handed them a batch of purchase lists, and..."

As David listed all the incriminating evidence, Edgar's face not only became gloomy to the extreme, but he also felt a surge of emotion in his heart.

He didn't understand how David knew these things.

Could it be that he has been secretly investigated?

But the boss of the National Security Bureau is at the same level as the director of the Internal Revenue Service. How dare David investigate him privately?

Edgar was shocked and angry, and yelled: "Fuck, David, do you dare to investigate me?"

"Let's find out what happened to you. I don't even need to take action when I get back. I just need to tell the media about the bad things you committed. You will have to step down tomorrow. Believe it or not!"


Edgar gritted his teeth. If David hadn't come today with an aircraft carrier fleet and armed personnel, he would definitely have the idea of ​​killing him.

David ignored him, turned to look at a deputy director of the FBI, and said: "And you, Deputy Director Harriman, didn't your FBI pay 20 million in drug money in Orlando, Florida on January 12th? I am I heard that 5 million fell into your hands, what's going on? "

"What drug money? I don't know what you are talking about!"

The deputy director of the FBI who was named quickly denied it.

"You don't know, do you need me to invite Ulysses to come over and have a talk after I go back?"

Hearing this name, Harriman could no longer refute, and his mood instantly fell into a valley.

Because this man named Ulysses was a white glove who made money for him.

"And you, Congressman Maldis..."

In the following time, David used the plug-in's review function to point out the crimes of corruption and money-making committed by more than ten senior officials present.

This also brought the atmosphere at the scene to a freezing point.

"I won't name the others one by one. I know exactly what each of you has committed, but I'm not here to pursue these things. As I said, I only want the tax from Bitcoin. , hand it over to me, then I will turn around and leave. What you did and what you will do in the future has nothing to do with me, do you hear me clearly?"

In addition to Bitcoin, the tax revenue caused by corruption, bribery, and power-seeking among these high-ranking officials was not a small sum, but David thought about it and left them some leeway.

After all, if this tax from Bitcoin can be collected, it will be a huge amount of money now and in the future. There is no need to force them to jump over the wall for that tax.

After the words fell, the atmosphere at the scene was peaceful. All members of the Illuminati had a gloomy look on their faces, and no one showed any intention to speak.

David looked at Augustine and asked: "Archbishop Augustine, you invited me here today, so you must give me an answer."

"What if we don't pay?"

"Don't pay?"

David sneered and replied: "Bitcoin will collapse, and none of your Illuminati members who have committed crimes will be able to escape!"

Augustine laughed as if he was angry, and then he said with a ferocious face: "David, do you know how Kennedy died?"

"so what?"

"Although we in the Illuminati are not as domineering as the Freemasons, we are not afraid of doing domineering things!"

What he said was actually saying that if the Freemasons dared to kill Kennedy who violated their interests, then their Illuminati might not dare to kill David who violated their interests.

David naturally understood. He leaned back slightly, crossed his arms across his chest, and said with disdain: "Archbishop Augustine, do you think I came here on a fishing boat? To put it bluntly, I The fleet is outside. As long as I give the order to sink your island and kill all of you, nothing will happen afterwards. Do you believe it?"

The other party is threatening his life, so he is a coward if he talks so nicely.



Many members of the Illuminati couldn't stand it anymore, so they knocked on the table, banged the chair and stood up.

However, there were also many people who were calm and quickly stopped these violent people to stop them from escalating the situation.

After all, they really came with an armed fleet today, and they definitely couldn't beat them in terms of force value.

And there is one more important point.

That is, not many people know about today's negotiation, and their Guangming Island does not exist in this world on the surface.

If David really goes crazy and lets the fleet bombard the island and kill all the people here, then who can explain to them?


Sandy also obviously realized that he could not let the situation develop. He looked at David and said: "Director David, today we are here to negotiate between the two parties, not to fight and kill. The main thing of our Illuminati is peace and harmony." To make money, since the IRS is just asking for money, then you can pay as much as you want!”

"Archbishop Sandy..."

"shut up!"

Edgar was about to say something, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Sandy yelling angrily, and he could only close his mouth.

"As you said, we don't want to fight or kill people. If you can pay this tax in a peaceful manner, then I will thank you on behalf of the IRS."

Seeing Sandy and others acquiescing to his words, David added: "Okay, now that we've reached an agreement, I will calculate and send you the tax bill after we go back."

After that, he stood up, but just when he was about to leave, he seemed to think of something, walked up to Augustine, stretched out his hand and said to him with a kind smile: "Thank you for your cooperation."

Augustine gritted his teeth again and again, but in the end he reached out his hand and shook David's hand reluctantly.

Then, David shook hands with the other two archbishops, and then walked away.

Seeing him leaving, Augustine's anger could no longer be hidden. He knocked the water glass to the ground with his hand and cursed "damn it".

Edgar asked unwillingly: "Are we just going to give in?"

"Do we still have a choice? If we don't give in, as long as he stands up and targets Bitcoin, the currency may immediately face the risk of collapse."

"This bastard is indeed hateful, but in addition to Bitcoin, he also has other handles on so many of us here, which makes it difficult to deal with."

"When did he start investigating us, Shet..."

The Illuminati has never been so angry, but there is nothing they can do. First of all, today they were suppressed by the powerful forces of the IRS. Secondly, David has pinched their two fates of Bitcoin and corruption and bribery. This is what they can only do. The reason for being angry.

"No matter what, this matter must not be left alone. The loss of benefits is small, but the loss of face of the Illuminati is huge!"

This time it was Augustine who spoke.

It is no exaggeration to say that even as powerful as the Illuminati would never dare to be so rude to them. On the contrary, David is not only so arrogant to them now.

Moreover, they even threatened to destroy their Guangming Island and kill all their people. If they did not take some revenge, their Illuminati would no longer be known as one of the most powerful organizations in the world.

"According to the current situation, if we take action, it will be an act of killing a thousand enemies and damaging ourselves eight hundred, so I think we cannot take action directly..."

Sandy held her chin, thoughtfully.

Compared with others, he was calm today, and he knew very well that although David was gone, they still could not take revenge, otherwise Bitcoin might collapse, and many of their members might also be charged with tax evasion by the IRS. Arrested on charges.

Edgar immediately asked: "So Archbishop Sandy, what do you think we should do?"

"Don't the Freemasons have conflicts with him? Maybe we can talk to the Freemasons and let them take action against David!"

"Yes, because of the Swiss Bank and the Disney Sackler family, the Freemasons really hate David. We may be able to use the Masonic knife to kill him!"

"I have received some news that the Freemasons are indeed planning to deal with David. However, because of the W Bill, the Angsa Group jumped out to interfere with it, so they plan to wait until the bill is passed before attacking David. ”


As soon as Sandy came up with the idea of ​​killing someone with a borrowed knife, he was instantly recognized by almost everyone present.

The Freemasonry itself is very powerful, and if their Illuminati is behind it, let alone David, even the IRS will have a hard time resisting it, right?

Thinking of this, everyone who had been angry just now suddenly felt better.

"Edgar, when you return to the United States, talk to the Freemasons and see what we can do for them. I'll leave this matter to you!"

"OK Archbishop Sandy."

Here, David has returned to the Washington by plane.

Linden came up to him immediately and asked, "How are you, Director David? Have you finished handling your matter?"

"That's it, let's head back to Los Angeles."

Linden actually really wanted to know what happened on the island and who were there, but after hesitating for a while, he finally didn't dare to ask, so he could only order his men to set off and return.

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