United states tax collector

Chapter 304 The W aid bill enters the vote

Early the next morning, less than half an hour after David arrived in the office, Keppel knocked on the door and walked in, saying, "Director, Mr. Josh Reicher from Congress has arrived and said he wants to see you."

"Josh Rachel?"

David was a little unfamiliar when he heard the name at first, but soon the information about this person appeared in his mind.

Josh Rachel, congressman, MZD person, but he also has a more important position, the majority whip of the House of Representatives.

Regarding the House Majority Whip, you can refer to the protagonist Frank in the American TV series "House of Cards".

The responsibility of this position is to ensure that all members of the party participate in voting, coordinate the interests of members of the party's various constituencies, and ensure that members of the party can unite sincerely and form political synergy when voting.

In addition, the majority whip is also responsible for supervising the discipline of all members of the House of Representatives. He is the third-ranking figure in the house after the speaker and the majority leader.

Apart from the House of Representatives, the Majority Whip is definitely the most powerful person in the entire American political arena.

Just refer to the protagonist Frank in House of Cards. In the play, Frank can manipulate the president, vice president, secretary of state, speaker of the House of Representatives and other top bosses with applause. He would never be able to do this without holding the position of party whip. of.

Of course, the American drama may be exaggerated, but in reality, since someone can sit in the position of party whip, there is no doubt that Josh Rachel is an old fox in officialdom.

I just don't know what the old fox's purpose is for coming to him today.

Could it be that……

David seemed to have guessed something, but after all, the other party was a top boss in American politics, not to mention that he had already come to the door in person, so he couldn't avoid it. This was too disrespectful, so he could only say: "Then Just bring him up."


Seven or eight minutes later, the door was knocked again, and a man in his fifties walked in.

He is tall and thin, with some gray hair. He wears a tailored suit with a gray tie. He wears a sapphire ring on the finger of his right hand and has a faint smile on his face.

"Director David, nice to meet you for the first time."

"Mr. Josh, I'm glad to see you too. Please sit down."

Josh sat down and said seemingly casually: "The W aid bill will enter the voting process in Congress in a few days. I don't know what you think, Director David. Do you hope this bill will be passed?"

"I'm just a tax collector. I don't comment on such national matters."

David is not stupid. He has already heard that the other party is trying to trick him. In order to avoid trouble, he will naturally not comment on the matter casually.

"The United States is a country that advocates freedom. Everyone is qualified to comment on this kind of thing. What's more, the funds for the W bill were received by yourself, Director David. I think you should express your views appropriately."

"My view is that I support everything Congress decides."

David's answer was very smart. He did not explicitly say that he supports or opposes the aid bill. His underlying meaning is that as long as Congress passes it, he supports it. If it does not pass it, he does not support it. This means that he does not support it. It can be regarded as a set of Tai Chi.

"Little Fox……"

Josh cursed in his heart, and then said: "The work on supporting the W bill is going very smoothly, so I can tell you now that there will be no problem in passing it."

The reason why he said this now was mainly to show his kindness to David, because he had other purposes for coming today.

David was not too surprised when he heard this.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that the W aid bill is the mainstream policy of the White House and Congress. It would be surprising if it failed to pass.

"Oh, by the way, the initial funding for the W bill is 100 billion. Judging from Director David's tax situation during this period, your tax treasury should have tens of billions more, right?"

After hearing what the other party said, David secretly thought to himself.

He had just guessed that this House boss might be here for the remaining funds from the IRS, and now this guess was confirmed.

"Yes, in addition to the 100 billion allocated for the W aid bill, our IRS does have tens of billions in funds in its tax treasury."

The issue of funds has long been announced, and now the whole world knows that the IRS still has a lot of money, so it is naturally impossible to hide it.

"Then I will tell Director David directly, to be honest, I have been pushing for a medical bill for the past few months, but you also know that the national finance does not have much funds now. If you can help me I would be extremely grateful if the funds could be raised.”

Don't look at the fact that Josh is now the majority whip of the House of Representatives and holds a high position of power.

But the position of the party whip, like that of a member of the House of Representatives, has a two-year term. Now that the midterm elections in November are coming, several of his competitors are very capable.

If he wants to keep his position, the best way is to show political achievements.

The health care bill has always been one of the most popular bills. If he can successfully promote it, he will not only be able to maintain his position in the House of Representatives, but even move to the next level.

This is also the reason why the number three figure in the House of Representatives came to see David in person today.

Legally speaking, although David does not have the authority to dispose of the collected taxes, after all, these funds were received by David himself.

Therefore, as long as David can issue a statement in support of his health care bill, the Treasury Department, Congress, the White House, and even his opponents will consider giving him some face as appropriate.

After all, if you don't give him face, David will be in even worse shape and lose money as long as he messes up his finances, and then everyone will have nothing to play with.

David put his chin in his hand and thought for a while, then finally shook his head and said, "Sorry, Mr. Josh, I still say the same thing. I'm just a tax collector. I don't want to get involved in big things like the National Policy Act."

Although, doing a favor to Josh, the boss of the House of Representatives, and getting this favor will be very helpful to me in the future.

But now I am just the director of the Internal Revenue Service in Los Angeles. If I speak out to support this kind of thing, there will be many unknown risks.

For example, at the General Administration, in addition to people like Donald Obadiah, people like Chief Advisor Vertonghen and Lahan do not have a friendly attitude towards him.

And if he stands up to speak out against Josh's so-called medical bill and it is finally approved, where will the face of people like Vertonghen Lahan be put?

After all, we are the top officials of the IRS, and we don’t have the power to decide the use of these funds. You, David, a small Los Angeles director, have the decision-making power, so why don’t we lose face?

In addition to the possible dissatisfaction with him from the General Administration, it may also cause dissatisfaction with him from people in the White House and GHD.

As we all know, GHD and MZD are two competing parties.

As a MZD person, there is no need to think that the medical bill he proposed will be opposed by most people in GHD.

It is not uncommon for Congress and the White House to quarrel with each other, so Josh's medical bill may not be able to get support from the White House.

Based on all the above, David decided not to get involved in this matter.

Even if he wants to get involved, he can't do it now. At least he won't consider such a thing until he enters the General Administration and has strong wings.

"This is not about getting involved with Chief David, you just say a random sentence or even make up a sentence on social media."

Seeing David's rejection of Josh, his tone became a little anxious.

"No, Mr. Josh, please don't embarrass me. I really don't want to take a stand on this kind of thing, and it's not in compliance with the regulations."

"Director David, do you want to join the bureau?"

Josh suddenly changed the topic, and David's eyes also focused, but he did not speak.

"I know that the Freemasons have a problem with you, and they will try their best to prevent you from entering the General Bureau, but as long as you do me this favor, I can help you operate it. In addition, if you want to become a member of the National Tax Service in the future, As the leader of the bureau, I can also help with this, so you will definitely not suffer any loss if you help me with this!"

In the IRS system, the two positions of Director General and Chief Counsel must be nominated by the President and approved by Congress before they can take office.

As the whip of the House of Representatives, Josh has a strong influence on Congress, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he can help.

But this didn't convince David.

First of all, it is true that the Freemasons have a problem with him, and it is true that they want to prevent him from entering the General Bureau. But judging from the current trend, it should be no problem for him to enter the General Bureau.

Secondly, even if David wants to be the helmsman of the IRS, he has only been in power for more than half a year, and it is impossible for him to take up this position in a short time.

Besides, if the opportunity does come, it's hard to say whether Josh will betray his promise or fail to work hard. After all, if you believe everything the politicians say, you will be in trouble.

Thinking of this, David still refused: "Sorry Mr. Josh, it's the same sentence. I will only focus on my own work for the time being and don't want to worry about other things."

"Director David..."

For the rest of the time, Josh still refused to give up and kept promising David various benefits after helping him. However, all of them were rejected by David who refused to participate.

In the end, the helpless Josh could only put down a business card and said that he could contact him at any time if he changed his mind before getting up and leaving.

In the next few days, after Josh, seven or eight members of Congress came to him one after another. The results were all the same, that is, they wanted David to raise funds for them and support their respective ideas. bill, but David even rejected Josh, the boss of the House of Representatives, so how could he agree to these people, and sent them all away one by one.

Finally, when the time came to the fifth day, the Los Angeles Internal Revenue Service was finally clean, and no congressman came to the door again.

It's not that these congressmen have given up, but because today is the voting date for the W bill, all congressmen have already gathered in Washington, so it is naturally impossible to come to Los Angeles again.

At 9 a.m., David was already sitting in the office on time, and Neeson and Bucky Simmons were also here.

And their eyes were all fixed on the TV hanging on the wall.

In the United States, not all votes on bills will be broadcast live in real time. Only when some bills that attract more attention are involved, the media will broadcast them in real time.

The W-Aid Bill has attracted a lot of attention recently, so the congressional vote on the bill was naturally broadcast live by the media.

"Bucky, let's make a bet. Do you think there will be 300 votes in support of the W bill?"

"Although the W Aid Act is a bill strongly supported by the White House and Congress, 300 votes is still a bit exaggerated. I think it is at most 250 votes."

"Simmons, what do you think?"

"Bucky and I have similar opinions."

There are 435 members in the House of Representatives, so as long as there are 218 votes in favor, any bill will definitely pass the House.

If the number of votes in favor of a bill reaches 300, it can definitely be considered overwhelming, but this situation is generally rare.

Because there are 435 members in the House of Representatives, everyone has their own political opinions, and there are also a majority party and a minority party. These two parties usually sing the opposite, which means that there is basically no big difference between the votes for and against. many.

In the history of the United States, there are often only one vote difference between the yes and no votes, such as 218 to 217 votes.

Nissen took out his wallet, took out two ten-dollar bills, and said: "Well, since you all think that there are only 250 votes at most, I will make a bet with you. If you get less than 250 votes, you will win. If it is more than 250, I will win." !”

"Come here, I'm afraid of you!"

Simon Sparky didn't show any weakness and took out ten dollars and put them on the table.

Nissen smiled with satisfaction, looked at David who was sitting, and joked: "Director, do you want to join in the fun?"

"Boring, let's start. Stop talking. Let's see what the result is."

While several people were talking, a large number of congressmen poured in from the big screen at the Congress, and David immediately signaled Nissen and the others to quiet down.

At the same time, the entire Internet became lively when seeing congressmen entering the venue to vote on the W aid bill.

Although most people can see that the W aid bill is so popular in the White House and Congress, it has a high probability of being passed.

However, no matter how high the probability is, there will be surprises.

In the history of the United States, there have been many bills that were originally highly popular and that most people thought would be passed, but ended up being overturned.

Therefore, the people also want to see whether this W aid bill will overturn.

Of course, there are many people who really want this bill to be overturned.

Because if it overturns, then the 100 billion funds may be used for other purposes.

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