United states tax collector

Chapter 307 Conversation with the Four Major Families

"I have received news that people from the four major families will be attending the celebration dinner tonight, as well as senior military officials, members of the two houses of Congress and other political figures. You must be careful and don't make any big noise. ”

Although David just said to go and check things out, there were too many heavyweights at this dinner, so Donald was naturally worried that something would go wrong, so he gave a reminder.

"Don't worry, Deputy Director Donald, I'm measured."

David is not a fool. Now that he has been targeted by the Freemasons, he will naturally not offend the Angsa Group easily. He really went there tonight just to get a feel for the bottom of this group of people.

"Okay, that's good..."

After leaving the headquarters, David and his team went to the Westin Hotel on the National Mall to take a short rest.

At seven o'clock in the evening.

David put on a brand-new black suit that he had packed up, then adjusted his appearance in front of the mirror, then went downstairs and got into a car, heading towards the banquet site.

The Hyatt Regency Hotel is located directly opposite the Capitol Hill, which is also the venue for today’s dinner.

And because there are so many big shots here today, this area has been controlled early, with a large number of special service personnel stationed and checking every incoming vehicle.

At this moment, the vehicle David was riding in had also arrived, but was stopped by several special service officers at the entrance.

"It turns out to be Director David, please come in."

When the car window was pressed down and David's face was seen, the special service personnel immediately signaled to let him go, and the vehicle arrived at the door of the hotel unimpeded.

A staff member in a tuxedo immediately came over and opened the car door. After getting out of the car, David thanked him and walked into the hotel lobby.

At this time, many people had gathered in the venue. When he saw the faces of these people clearly, David felt a ripple in his heart.

So far, he has seen the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, three generals, several members of the House and Senate, the CEOs of the five major arms groups, and others.

These are only those who are present. As for the big names who have not yet arrived, I don’t know who they are.

It seems that it is not an exaggeration at all to say that the Angsa Group has a firm grip on the barrel of the American gun.

Although the people at the scene were chatting, they were not all blind. Many people had already seen David's arrival at the door, and there was a glimmer of light in their eyes.

"Chief David!"

At this moment, a shout broke the silence of the scene. The voice sounded familiar to David. When he turned around, he saw that it was Sean walking over with a smile on his face.

"Thank you so much for coming today."

After getting closer, Sean had no intention of hiding his close relationship with David. He directly opened his arms and showed the greatest enthusiasm.

"I have to thank you, Mr. Sean, for your invitation."

David did not reject his enthusiasm and also embraced him.

"Oh, by the way, come, let me introduce you to some friends."

Sean led David to the crowd on the left. Standing here were the Deputy Minister of Defense, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, and several military admirals.

"This is Deputy Minister Jeremy, this is Commander Ruskin, this is Admiral Alderbeach, this is..."

After Sean introduced David, he turned to point at him and said to these people: "Everyone, this is Director David. I believe you are no strangers to him."

Deputy Secretary of Defense Jeremy was the first to extend his hand and said with a kind expression: "Director David, thank you very much for your contribution to our American national defense."

"I'm serious, Deputy Minister Jeremy, I'm just doing my duty."

"Director David, the 100 billion in funding for Bill W is thanks to you. Otherwise, if this bill had not been passed, it would probably not have even entered the House of Representatives."

"Director David..."

In the following time, the Pacific Fleet Commander and several admirals also shook hands with him one by one and expressed their friendliness.

In fact, it is no wonder that they are so friendly to David, because they are also part of the Angsa Group. If this bill is passed, their entire group will benefit.

Of course, there is one more important point.

That is, the initial funding for the W aid bill is set at 100 billion, and there will be additional provisions in the future. Of course, they also hope that David can get more funds in the future, so as to continue to add to the W aid bill.

"Okay, let's excuse ourselves first..."

Sean took David to the crowd on the other side, and the crowd here were members of both houses of Congress.

Like the previous military bosses, these people were also very kind to David. Of course, their kindness also had the same purpose. Their words implicitly hinted that David wanted to get more aid bills. Additional funds.

While David was perfunctory, he also secretly activated the plug-in to examine these people and other people at the banquet one by one.

In the following time, more and more people were at the banquet, and big figures from the political and business circles also arrived one after another.

Looking at the arrival of some people, a hint of amusement appeared on David's face.

Because he discovered that in the USB flash drive about Loli Island he got last time, there were actually many 'protagonists' appearing here.

What a coincidence!

"David, people from the three major families are here."

Hearing Sean's reminder in his ear, David put away his thoughts and looked in the direction of the door. He saw three men walking in, talking and laughing.

"The first one on the left is Jep Busch, who is the younger brother of our 41st President of the United States and once served as the governor of Florida. The one in the middle is Cyril Roosevelt, our great-grandson of President Roosevelt, and the one on the far right That person is the son of the current head of the Yadangsi family, his name is Lei Zhe Yadangsi."

After introducing the identities and names of these three people, Sean added: "Don't look at the fact that these three people do not hold any positions now, but they all represent their respective families, and the three major families in the Angsa Group are Very prestigious.”

In fact, there is no need for Sean to say anything, because since these three people entered the scene, the flattering gestures of senior military officials, members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and people from the arms group can be seen. The three major families are in the Angsa Group. is indeed very influential.

But having said that, if the president of the Kennedy family and the subsequent series of rising stars were not killed by the Freemasons one after another, resulting in a sharp decline in overall strength, the Kennedy family should have such prestige now.

Putting away his thoughts, David came here this time to get to the bottom of it, so he stopped inking. He immediately activated the plug-in and looked at the three of them. As a large amount of information about the three people appeared in front of his eyes, his expression changed. There are also some subtle changes.

While he was still digesting the information, Jep, Cyril, and Lei Zhe also came over and greeted Sean.

"Sean, long time no see!"

"Yes Jep, is this the first time we have met since I was sent to Ireland?"

"How's it going? Are you still used to it in Ireland?"

"So-so, I still miss the land of America."


After two or three minutes of greetings, Sean slapped his forehead and said, "Look, I'm just here to greet you guys. This is Director David."

"Hello, Mr. Lei Zhe."

"Director David, thank you for coming to this banquet today."

As the representative of the Yadangsi family, Lei Zhe can also be said to be the organizer of this banquet, so he is very happy that David can come today.

"I also have to thank you and Mr. Jep, Mr. Cyril, for the invitation..."

David also reached out and shook hands with the two men.

"Okay, let's talk in the private room later. Please excuse me for now."


After the three people left to greet others, Sean whispered: "Winning the support of these three people is basically equivalent to winning the support of the Angsa Group, so when the meeting comes, you will understand. "


David's eyes gradually became sharper. At this stage, it is quite important to have the support of the Angsa Group, so as long as the other party does not make some excessive demands, he does not mind exchanging interests with the other party.

Half an hour later, Lei Zhe and the other three people had finished chatting with everyone in the audience, and then glanced at Sean and David.

The two of them also understood it by heart, and immediately walked towards the stairs, and then came to the door of a private room on the second floor.

When he opened the door and walked in, the three of them, Redze, Jep, Cyril, were already here.

Since they had just greeted each other, the two parties were no longer polite. After sitting down, Lei Zhe took the lead and said: "Director David, regarding the W bill, I think we have a very happy cooperation. In the following days, we will also Are you willing to maintain this cooperative relationship, what do you think?”

"If these gentlemen are willing to be friends with me, then I, David, will naturally be willing as well."

"Okay, then let me make it clear that people don't tell secrets. The Freemasons are already planning to deal with you. We can help you withstand the pressure. In addition, we can also help you with the affairs of entering the General Administration. , and can even help you operate and ascend to the throne of your IRS!”

If an ordinary person were to talk about standing up to the Freemasons and ascending to the position of being at the helm of the Internal Revenue Service, everyone would say that this person must be talking crazy.

However, Lei Zhe is no ordinary person.

He now represents the Yadangsi family, which is known as the first dynasty family and holds a pivotal position in the Angsa Group. So his words definitely carry weight.

David was not carried away by the other party's words, but replied calmly: "What are the conditions?"

"We hope to receive another 300 billion in additional funds following the W Act. In addition, if you take the helm of the IRS, I hope you can adjust some tax policy matters."

As soon as Lei Zhe said these words, Sean frowned slightly, and then turned his attention to David beside him.

Although David's expression was calm, he couldn't help but secretly cursed the other party's lion mouth.

You know, he spent a lot of effort to collect the more than 100 billion in funds now, but now the other party is asking for 300 billion.

Do you really think he is the Federal Reserve and can print money at will?

But that's not what made him grudge the most. What made him grudge the most was the other person's last sentence.

The other party hopes that if he ascends to the helm of the IRS in the future, he will adjust tax policy issues.

The so-called adjustment of tax policies certainly does not refer to general policies, but to those tax policies that involve the entire Angsa Group. If he really does this, he will really become the spokesman for Angsa Group to support him.

Although he currently wants to use the power of the Angsa Group to mediate with the Freemasons, he does not want to act as the spokesperson or puppet of this group.

"Three gentlemen, you also know how hard I worked to collect these 100 billion funds. As for the 300 billion... I am afraid that I have more than enough ambition but not enough power."

"No, Director David, I believe in your ability. Besides, I'm not asking you to collect this money all at once. You can take your time and add it one by one."

Listening to the other party's frivolous words, David became increasingly dissatisfied.

According to what the other party meant, he would have to work for the Angsa Group from now on?

Besides, if every tax fund he collects in the future is used to inject the W aid bill, then other forces will definitely have objections.

You know, the United States is not just the Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and the Angsa Group, but there are also many large and small forces.

For example, the House whip who came to lobby David before clearly represented other vested interest groups, so he asked David to help promote the health care bill.

If he injects every subsequent fund into the W aid bill, how can these forces who have not taken advantage of him complain about him?

When the matter with the Freemasonry is not resolved and all these troubles arise, then he will have no choice but to act as a lackey of the Angsa Group in order to survive.

"Director David?"

Seeing that David was silent for a long time without replying, Lei Zhe couldn't help but ask.

"After saying so much, I don't seem to really see much sincerity from you."

The three of them looked at each other, and then the former said: "What do you mean by this?"

"I remember when your people came to me, we had an agreement. I would help you raise 100 billion in funds, and you would help me withstand the pressure of the Freemasons; bring Brown Saurus, Bellamy... Hardy was kicked out of the General Bureau and finally helped me enter the General Bureau. You have completed the first two items, but it seems that you have not completed helping me enter the General Bureau. "

When people from the five major military-industrial complexes came to him, David did offer these conditions. The last condition was obviously because the Angsa Group did not put enough pressure on the top officials of the IRS, which led to the situation at the General Administration until now. Still undecided.

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