United states tax collector

Chapter 31 Isn’t this a bit outrageous?

"We'll know tomorrow..."

Nissen said no more, immediately started the car and left.

The next morning, before 8 o'clock, David came to the bureau.

The main reason why I came so early was to prepare the required tax stamp files and other materials before Quan Zhitai's group arrived.

The meeting during the assessment period is held at noon.

In other words, as long as he successfully registers the funds and materials of that group of people before noon, the tax performance will be included in this assessment period.

After drinking a cup of coffee, the time came to 8 o'clock.

At this time, inspectors came to the office on the third floor one after another.

But just when everyone was about to start a new day's work, they found a group of people pouring out of the passage.

The appearance of this group of people attracted the attention of many people in the venue.

However, when they saw clearly the direction in which this group of people were heading, many of them looked surprised.

Because the direction this group of people were going was David's office.

This early in the morning, could it be that... these people are here to pay taxes again?

But didn't David just take care of the people from the Islands yesterday? It took just one night, so where did he take care of these people?

This case-handling efficiency is not as fast as taking a rocket!

That's outrageous!

At this time, many inspectors were a little doubtful about life. In order to understand this matter more clearly, they approached David's office and wanted to hear what happened.

Here, looking at the arrival of Quan Zhitai and others, David showed a satisfied expression and said: "You are quite punctual!"

Quan Zhitai didn't know whether it was okay or not, so he asked expressionlessly: "Mr. Inspector, can I ask you a question?"

"Say it!"

"As for the fact that we were called to our door, does it have anything to do with the people from the Islands?"

After last night, Quan Zhitai felt something was wrong the more he thought about it.

It was true that the IRS had great powers, but he really didn't believe that they could find such detailed criminal information.

And after a night of research, he discovered something about the regulations of the Black Tax Act.

According to the regulations of the Black Tax Act, if you are found by the Internal Revenue Service, as long as you perform meritorious service such as reporting, you will receive certain tax exemptions.

Combined with the information Smith told him, Miyano Masaki's group had already been found by the IRS before them, which is highly questionable.

Miyano Masaki and his gang are not only competitors, but also enemies.

Coupled with the tax exemption regulations, there is definitely an incentive to 'sell' them!

And because everyone is in this business, the islanders have a lot of information about their fellow countrymen, which is why the IRS has so much evidence of their crimes!

"Sorry, according to the regulations of our Internal Revenue Service, we must keep the identity of taxpayers confidential. There is no comment on this!"

I have to say that Quan Zhitai still has some sense.

Yes, the reason why David was able to find him was indeed the information provided by Miyano Masaki.

But what he didn't know was that he was able to master so much evidence of his gang's crimes because of the bug Goldfinger!

"Mr. Inspector, as far as I know, your black tax bill has a provision, which is to report meritorious performance. I want to know what kind of tax relief there will be?"

"In accordance with the illegal activity of theft..."

A few minutes later, after learning about the tax exemption policy, Quan Zhitai showed a sad expression.

This tax exemption is not a one-time thing, but a lifetime benefit. If the conditions are met, a lot of money can be saved over time.

But it's a pity that that damn Miyano Makoto took advantage of him!

The more Quan Zhitai thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Why didn’t the IRS come to them first?

In this case, it would be nice to let him betray those damn islanders first!

"What, do you have any target to report?"

Quan Zhitai thought for a while, then finally shook his head and said: "Not at the moment..."

In Las Vegas, the people he knows best are naturally the group of islanders, but unfortunately he has missed them. He does not understand the other forces and does not dare to report them rashly.

"Then let's start filing..."


Listening to the conversation between David and Quan Zhitai, and seeing the tax money being withdrawn one by one, the auditors around them were finally able to confirm.

These people are really here to pay taxes!

In just two or three days, this is already the fourth case that David has solved. This is a bit too exaggerated...

While the auditors were shocked, they were also puzzled. Some of them had already picked up the phone and notified their superiors and others to report this another explosive incident.

On the fourth floor, Lewis's office.

"$673,030 is an unbelievable tax result!"

Lewis looked at the assessment form he had just made, with bursts of smiles on his face.

But at this moment, the landline phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. He picked up and said, "What's the matter..."


A minute later, Lewis, who was still smiling, stared wide-eyed, and his lips were slightly opened and even trembled, as if he had heard something incredible.

According to the news from the other side of the phone, David has settled another case and is currently filing it in the office on the third floor.

Could it be...the Bangguo thief case he mentioned yesterday?


According to the people below, there seemed to be more than 20 people coming, and they all had Asian faces. What else could this case be except that they were from China?

But how is this possible!

David, this guy, took down that group of islanders in one day, which was already an exaggeration, but now this group of stick people is even more outrageous, they took care of them almost in one night!

How did you do it?


Before Lewis could figure it out, there was a knock on the door and he could only put aside his thoughts and replied: "Come in!"

The next second, four or five men pushed open the door and entered.

And these people are none other than the other tax chiefs of the Lake District Bureau.

"Tax Commissioner Lewis, your Inspector David has solved four major cases in just a few days. Isn't this efficiency a bit outrageous?"

Hector was the first to speak. Apparently he had also received the news from the third floor. He couldn't sit still anymore, so he came to inquire about the news.

Although the other tax chiefs did not speak immediately, they stared at Lewis with puzzled expressions.

Because in their opinion, as David's boss, Lewis would know the inside story of these cases to some extent.

"This kid's efficiency in solving crimes is indeed a bit high, but there is nothing we can do about it. Who gave him the talent and ability? I think he may have been born for the black tax bill!"

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