United states tax collector

Chapter 320 Media Tycoon Murdoch

"Get me a copy of the Wall Street Journal!"

Although the General Administration said that as long as he dealt with Dumb Amazon, he could enter the General Administration, the change of the power center of the IRS was not a simple matter. The procedure would take at least ten days. He planned to take advantage of this time to solve the trouble of public opinion first.

Otherwise, if he continued to let it go, he would not care. He was afraid that the senior officials of the General Administration would not be able to bear the pressure and postpone it or change their minds directly. Then he would be in tears.

At the same time, on the east coast of New York, Senado Island, a large number of helicopters and yachts arrived here, and the members of the Freemasons came down one after another and walked into the manor.

As the servants rang the bell on the second floor, the members of the Freemasons stopped talking and went upstairs in an orderly manner to the meeting room.

After everyone was together, the door was closed and the atmosphere was slightly quiet.

After a while, the appearance of Rietta in the passage made all the members stand up. It was not until he sat down and waved his hand that everyone sat down.

"The Amazon Group is in a complete defeat. What are you doing?"

In the past, when the Freemason meeting was held, Henrietta usually did not speak up. Instead, she listened to the members' words and expressed her views when it was time to make a decision.

Now, before everyone could say too much about the matter, he directly made a voice of accusation, which shows that he was really angry.

But then again, there was a reason why he was so angry.

As a global e-commerce giant, Amazon is at the forefront of the world's top 500 companies. For their Freemasonry, it can be regarded as a core interest enterprise.

This time, David's market value evaporated hundreds of billions directly, and he had to pay such a large fine, resulting in too much loss of interests for their group.

But this is not the worst.

In recent years, their Freemasonry has been rampant in the United States, even the limelight of the Ansa Group has been overshadowed, and there is a trend of being the only one.

But during this period of time, they couldn't keep the Disney family, the Sackler family, and the cryptocurrency companies like Ethereum USDT that were closely related to them. Now they couldn't even keep a company like Amazon that had a huge influence. How would outsiders see this?

Now there must be many people outside who think that their Freemasonry is not strong enough, and there may even be a risk of collapse.

And elites like Jeff Bezos who have no Jewish blood but are attached to them must have some hesitation in their hearts.

After all, why do I attach myself to your Freemasonry and seek huge benefits for you?

Isn't it for mutual benefit!

And now the IRS has jumped out to mess with me, and it's still for the benefit of everyone, but your Freemasonry has not done anything, so do I still need to attach myself to you and mix with you?

So, the Amazon incident directly shook the foundation of their Freemasonry, and the destructive power was greater than the previous incidents of the Disney family and the Sackler family. This is why Henrietta was so angry and even took the initiative to convene a Freemason meeting today!

Listening to Henrietta's angry accusations, everyone present, even the seven major families, lowered their heads, and at the same time, they felt a little aggrieved.

In fact, it cannot be said that they did nothing. If it weren't for their bald head's influence in the end, it might not be those minions of La Croix who were sentenced at that time, but Jeff.

As the richest man for four terms, such a well-known figure, once Jeff went to jail, the blow to them would be at least two or three times greater.

But there was no way. It was already very good for them to save Jeff in that situation.

After all, the trial was broadcast live nationwide, and the whole country saw that there was solid evidence of Dumb Amazon's tax evasion and tax violations. The most fatal thing was a hidden tax, which directly aroused the anger of the whole country.

So even if they had the ability to reach the sky, it would be absolutely impossible for them to save Dumb Amazon.

"What, are you all deaf? Can anyone tell me what we should do next?!"

Henrietta once again questioned the voice, and her eyes looked back and forth at the members in the field.

Finally, Joshua Mogen couldn't help it. He said, "Mr. Henrietta, I think since the Amazon incident has already happened, it is useless to pursue it. Now we have a very serious thing in front of us. It is said that David will be transferred to the Washington General Bureau. He is just a regional director now. He is so rampant. Imagine if he enters the power center of this agency, what will happen to us?"

It is now known that David has colluded with the Onsa Group. The ambition of the Onsa Group is also very clear, that is, to use David's knife to kill them.

In addition, there is a Kennidi family who is also blowing "pillow wind" to David.

This family and their Freemasonry have an irreconcilable feud.

So once David really enters the power center of the IRS, it can be expected that they will definitely not have a good harvest.

Another point is that if David enters the power center of the IRS, the power and resources he controls will definitely not be comparable to the current director. Once he takes action against them, the damage will probably be many times greater than it is now.

Thinking of this, many Freemasons present looked a little bitter.

"I've heard about this too, Kudus, didn't I ask you to make some insinuations about the president? What is his opinion on this matter? Can you make some contribution from it?"

The person who asked this question was Prescott, the head of the Rockefeller family.

"What the president means is that, except for the two positions of director and chief counsel, the rest of the personnel changes in the top management of the IRS are not under his control."

White House Deputy Chief of Staff Kudus replied helplessly.

"What an old fox..."

Prescott muttered.

Since the president said this, it shows that he does not want to participate in this matter, so it seems that it is not feasible to use the president to put pressure on the IRS to prevent David from entering.

"What do the top officials of the IRS say? Do they really intend to let David enter the Bureau? They should know our attitude towards David entering the Bureau."

This time it was Henrietta who spoke up.

"Without the intervention of the Angsa people, under our influence, the top officials of the IRS would not have dared to transfer David to the General Bureau. Even if they wanted to transfer him, they would never have done so quickly. But it is hateful that those Angsa people would not We don’t know what benefits were given to them or what kind of pressure was exerted on them that caused the top management of the IRS to act so insistently, and we have nothing to do now.”

Listening to Joshua's answer, Henrietta's face became a little gloomier, and he said: "You all know that this person is extremely destructive. If he enters the General Administration of Washington, we will be even more difficult. , so can anyone tell me how to prevent him from entering the D.C. Bureau?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present stared at him, but for a long time no one dared to answer.

Now that the White House obviously does not want to get involved in this matter, and the top officials of the IRS are so determined to have their own way, how else can they stop it?

You can't just send someone to tie David's hands and feet and prevent him from entering the main gate of Washington, right?

And there is another point. David was definitely not transferred to the General Administration this time to serve as the Director-General or the Chief Advisor. These two positions must be nominated by the President and approved by the Senate before he can take office.

Therefore, if David is transferred to these two positions, they can still intervene through the Senate and have a chance to get rid of David.

In addition to these two positions, other senior IRS positions do not need to be nominated by the Senate or the President. They only need to be approved by their internal high-level meetings before they can take office.

Therefore, it seems that they really have no good way to prevent David from entering the power center of the IRS.

"Well...at present, it seems that there are only two possible ways to prevent David from controlling the power center of the IRS."

The atmosphere at the scene was frozen for a long time. A voice came out and everyone couldn't help but turn their heads. It turned out that the person who said this was the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch.

In terms of net worth, Murdoch is not considered the top among the people present, but in terms of influence, he is definitely very important in the Masonic group.

The reason is also very simple, because he has mastered a very important tool for the Masonic group, the media!

According to statistics, Murdoch controls a total of 175 media companies around the world.

Most of the various images that Yu Tai has experienced over the years, such as suffering, nirvana, and gradually evolving into a world leader, were all created through the propaganda and packaging of his media group.

He also played a big role in the promotion of Youtai culture and the penetration of elites.

"tell me the story."

Everyone present looked at him expectantly.

"The first method is simple and crude. We can copy the previous model against President Kennedy and kill him directly. That will be the end of the matter."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was stunned for a moment, but soon someone yelled: "Faq, what kind of international joke are you making? This is also called a method?"

"It's easy to kill him, but you have to think about the consequences of killing him. It's no less than going to war with the IRS. They are armed!"

"He needs evidence to investigate us now, but if we kill him, it won't be as simple as investigating the case. What will happen if they label us as terrorists and directly mobilize their armed forces to fight against us?"

After coming back to their senses, everyone wondered if Murdock was crazy.

Although everyone here hates David, they also hope that this kid will be hit by a car one day when he goes out, or fall into the water and drown.

But if they were asked to take action, to be honest, they still wouldn't dare.

The reason is very simple. The IRS is not an ordinary department. This department has its own private armed forces.

If they dare to attack David, what will they do if he is found out by the Internal Revenue Service and uses his weapons to fight terrorism in anger?

Although their Masonic group has huge influence and can even shake the American economy, the economy is just a bunch of data to put it bluntly.

No matter how good your data is, you can't use it to resist other people's real guns.

Having said that, at this point they actually envied the group of Angsa people. If they were Angsa people, they might dare to have such an idea.

After all, the Angsa people at least control the barrel of the gun. Even if they kill David, they won't have to wait for death.

"I'm just talking, you don't need to be so excited..."

Murdoch laughed, and then said: "Okay, the second method is also very simple, and I am already doing it, which is to exert pressure by manipulating public opinion. Although David has done a lot of credit, he is too young. , and the promotion speed is too fast. If you give him a hint of behind-the-scenes operation, the pressure of public opinion will be great, which may prevent him from entering the power center of the IRS. "

"It turns out that the Wall Street Journal was instructed by you, but having said that, applying pressure through public opinion is a good way!"

"The power of public opinion is indeed very powerful. Even the president will be in trouble. If the public opinion is big enough, it is indeed possible for the top officials of the IRS to change their minds!"

"Well...this method is worth practicing carefully."

The Wall Street Journal is a media owned by the Murdoch Group, and the reason why this media repeatedly jumped out to criticize David was naturally under Murdoch's instructions.

After hearing about using public opinion to deal with David and the IRS, most of the senior officials present also believed that this method was feasible.

"Okay, in that case, you will be responsible for this matter, Murdoch. If you need any help, you can contact anyone, and you all must cooperate in this matter!"

Listening to Henrietta's words, Murdoch was also secretly happy.

The biggest reason why he volunteered to deal with David was to enhance his status in the Masonic group.

If he succeeds in blocking David this time, he will be considered to have made a great contribution. Coupled with his contribution to the group's publicity over the years, he may be able to request a share of the Federal Reserve's pie.

For so many years, the Federal Reserve has been controlled by eight major families including the Rothschilds. Many other members have long had opinions, and Murdoch is naturally one of them.

After all, we are all members of the Masonic group. As the boss of the Rothschild family and the leader in the establishment of the Federal Reserve, we dare not have any objections.

But the other seven major families have not only made a lot of money by sucking the blood of the Federal Reserve over the years, but also accumulated a lot of family reputation. It's time for a change, right?

Even if we don’t change people, we still have to add a few more seats. Let us also enjoy such benefits, right?

Of course, if you want to realize this vision, the most important thing at the moment is to successfully snipe David, who has half a foot in the headquarters. Thinking of this, Murdoch secretly made a calculation in his heart.

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