United states tax collector

Chapter 324 Do you want to be the director of the FBI?

"Anyway, you New York IRS have made efforts this time, and I will remember this favor."

"That's not right, Director David. We are all colleagues in the IRS, and it is normal to 'help each other'!"

Gilioni seemed to be indifferent on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart. He was actually waiting for David to say this, and his four words 'help each other' also contained some meaningful meaning.

According to the current situation, as long as the News Corporation is dealt with, David's promotion to the general bureau as a senior official is basically a foregone conclusion.

And he has been the director of the New York IRS for ten years.

If David successfully enters the general bureau and has the care of this senior official of the general bureau, I can't guarantee that he will definitely enter the general bureau as a senior official in the future, but at least there is still a great hope for promotion to the state bureau.

David nodded and replied, "Well, Director Gilioni, you are right. If you need any help in the future, just let me know."

After all, the other party has helped him a lot in the past few days, so he owes him a favor. If the other party needs it in the future, he doesn't mind returning the favor.

The reason why Gilioni personally sent the information today was mainly to get David's favor and some promises. Now that the goal has been achieved, he naturally did not stay. After a few polite words, he left.

David in the suite took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, saying, "Tell them that they can take action!"


The next day, four men came to the FBI headquarters in the Hoover Building in Washington, D.C. All four of them wore sunglasses and hats, and seemed not to attract too much attention.

Yes, the people who came were David and his group.

"We have an appointment with Agent Gavin."

"Please wait a moment..."

The receptionist in the lobby came back after about five minutes and said to David and others: "Gentlemen, please follow me."

The receptionist took David and others all the way to the sixth floor, walked through the long corridor to an office at the deepest part, knocked on the door and got a response before pushing the door open.

David didn't hesitate and walked in directly. He saw a man sitting in the office. He was also his old acquaintance, Gavin, a special agent of the FBI in Nevada.

Oh no, to be precise, it should be the former special agent of the FBI in Nevada.

A few months after David was transferred to Los Angeles, for some reasons, Gavin was removed from the title of special agent in Nevada and transferred back to the FBI headquarters.

"Director David, what kind of wind blows you all the way to Washington!"

Seeing David's arrival, Gavin did not mean to get up to greet him, and there was even a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

In fact, it's no wonder that he was so unpleasant to David.

The reason why he was dismissed from his post as a frontier official and transferred back to the headquarters to eat dust was entirely due to David's involvement.

This matter started when David was in Nevada. At that time, Governor Stevenson found him and wanted him to help deal with David.

In the end, he was caught by David and had to temporarily turn his gun to deal with Stevenson.

In the end, although Stevenson was forced to resign, he was backed by the Mogen family after all. Although he could not deal with David afterwards, it was still easy to deal with him.

So within a few months, he ended up being dismissed and transferred back to the headquarters to be a salted fish.

"Agent Gavin, there is no need to hold such a big grudge against me. I came to you this time to give you a benefit."

David naturally saw the other party's grudge, but he didn't care. He pulled out a stool and sat down.

"Haha, what benefits can you give me."

In fact, what Gavin wanted to say more was that it would be good if you didn't come to harm me!

David didn't waste any more words, and directly took out the file about News Corporation from his inner pocket and threw it in front of him.

"What is this?"

Gavin first glanced at the file, then looked up at David with questioning eyes.

"You'll know after you take a look."

Gavin's eyes flickered a little, but he finally picked up the file and opened it to check.

As the contents inside continued to come into view, his expression became more solemn, but in the end he showed a trace of dissatisfaction and asked: "This is News Corporation's black material, what are you doing for me?"

Although he no longer holds an important position in the FBI, he still sees the fight between David and the Freemason Group.

He also knows that it is the News Group that is currently leading the Freemasonry.

"I have already said that I came here today to bring you a benefit, this is it!"

"You want me to take the lead in investigating News Corporation?!"

The last time he dealt with Stevenson, David asked him to be the first to do so, so Gavin naturally understood the meaning quickly. .

"That's right."

The IRS cannot take the lead in this matter, and the FBI is the most suitable one. After all, the FBI has investigated News Corporation in the past few years, and it is reasonable to reopen the investigation.

The reason why he found Gavin is also very simple.

First, he has already mastered the black material of this guy and can control him.

Second, although he is about to be promoted to the General Administration, his foundation is still too shallow, and it is necessary to properly cultivate and develop his external forces.

Currently, he has Elvis as an ally in the CIA.

But he has no one of his own in the FBI.

As the FBI is one of the top three law enforcement agencies in the United States, if he can control this agency, it will be like adding wings to a tiger for him.

After thinking about it, Gavin is naturally the most suitable candidate.

This guy is also quite experienced in the FBI. If he is given some political achievements and some reputation, he will have no problem entering the FBI's decision-making circle in the future.

"Haha, Director David, if you want me to die, just say it directly. There is no need to make fun of me like this!"

If Gavin was just dissatisfied before, he is now directly angry.

Who in America doesn't know that News Corporation is the mouthpiece of the Freemasons?

And he was dismissed just for offending Stevenson. If he directly touched such a core propaganda agency, he probably wouldn't know how he died.

It's not sure whether those Jews can deal with David, but it's easy to deal with him as an agent who doesn't have much power now, right?

"Why are you so pessimistic, Agent Gavin? If you announce an investigation into News Corp and bring them to justice, you will be a hero who dares to expose the darkness. This will not only be a great achievement but will also win you great reputation. Haven't you had enough of your miserable life now?"

"Although my life is miserable now, I won't lose my life. If I investigate News Corp, I might end up dead on the street one day."

"Agent Gavin, do you really think this is just a fight between me and the Freemasons? To tell you the truth, I'm probably not the one who wants the Freemasons to die the most!"

Gavin's expression moved when he heard this. After a flicker in his eyes, he asked, "You mean... will the Ansa Group also be involved in this matter?"

He was able to be a state governor of the FBI, so he naturally knew a lot of inside information. He could see from the W Aid Act that David and the Ansa Group should be in collusion with each other.

"This is a great opportunity to cut off the propaganda and packaging tools of the Freemasons. If you were them, would you just stand by and watch?"

Over the years, the open and covert struggles between the Ansa Group and the Freemasons are obvious to everyone.

Now that David has finally shown his momentum to suppress the Freemasons, the Ansa Group must be very happy and happy to see it.

So if he is a member of the Ansa Group, after seeing this good opportunity, he will definitely beat the fallen dog.

Thinking of this, Gavin's face was moved.

If this is a fight between David and the Freemasons, then he will most likely be killed as the first bird if he stands up, but if there is an Ansa Group behind him, then the chances of winning are great.

Once successful, as David said before, this is a great achievement and will also accumulate great reputation for him.

At that time, let alone returning to the throne of a state governor, it is not impossible for him to become a senior FBI official with his qualifications.

After all, 911 is the pain of all Americans.

Once News Corporation is proven guilty of monitoring the victim's family, his political achievements and reputation as a hero who exposed the incident will be great.

"Agent Gavin, if you want to get involved in American politics, sometimes you have to choose the right camp and seize the opportunity, otherwise, you'd better resign and go home to retire."

David's words made Gavin come back, and he said solemnly: "That's the truth, but you also know that the Freemasons are very powerful. It's easy for them to deal with me..."

David heard that the other party was afraid that he would use him as cannon fodder, and then said: "Agent Gavin, you have so many people in the FBI, I can find someone else to do this, but do you know why I found you?"


"Because I am optimistic about you and think you are a person with great potential. In time, maybe you will be the one to steer the FBI ship."

In order to get the other party to investigate News Corporation for him, David did not hesitate to paint a big cake.

However, for Gavin, this big cake is still very tempting.

Because he had heard that David seemed to be trying to support him.

But think about it, the FBI is one of the top three powerful law enforcement agencies in the United States. It is normal for David to need help from this agency now that he has made so many enemies.

In addition, he has seen David's methods, and during this period of time, he has made those powerful Jews feel like they are dying. In addition, with the help of the Ansa Group, if he surrenders to them, he may soar to the sky in the future.

"Okay, in this case, what do you need me to do?"

Gavin is not a hesitant person. What is in front of him is a good opportunity for him to turn things around and rise up. The most important thing is that he has a good chance of winning. Naturally, he must seize such an opportunity.


In the following time, David explained to Gavin, and it was not until two hours later that he walked out of the office.


Five days passed in a flash.

During these five days, News Corporation continued to pursue David on the issue of promotion, and when they saw that there was no more news from the IRS, the members of the Freemasons also celebrated.

Because according to normal procedures, since the IRS has already released the rumor that it will transfer David to the General Administration, it should have officially announced it after such a long time.

But it has been more than a week, and the General Administration of the IRS has still not officially announced it, nor has it made any further announcements.

What does this mean?

It means that the General Administration of the IRS must think that the pressure from public opinion is too great, and it has to shelve this personnel change or give up directly.

The Freemasons are pursuing David relentlessly just to prevent him from being promoted to the General Administration, so it seems that this goal has been achieved!

However, before they could be happy for long, on September 26, a news report from CBS TV station made the Freemasons a little dumbfounded.

"Dear viewers, this is CBS TV station. According to insiders, the FBI has obtained relevant evidence of the News Corporation wiretapping scandal and is preparing to restart the investigation of the case. For more news, please pay attention to the subsequent reports of this station..."

The news is not long, but the content in it can be said to have caused a thousand waves, and instantly became the hot headlines of major social platforms.

"My God, News Corporation wiretapping scandal? Is it about wiretapping the families of 911 victims?"

"This incident was quite sensational at the time. It is said that the FBI also launched a carpet investigation on the group, but in the end it came to the conclusion that there was no evidence. Could it be that the FBI has obtained some new evidence?"

"If News Corporation is confirmed to have wiretapped the families of 911 victims, then it is really damned. Let's see the follow-up investigation report..."


As mentioned before, 911 is the pain of all Americans after all, and now that the news has been exposed, the public has no time to pay attention to whether David will be promoted or not, and all of them have participated in the discussion of this topic.

New York, News Corporation headquarters building.

"Not only should domestic media exert their efforts, but our foreign channels should also be involved, and strive to elevate this matter to an international level. Make it as big as possible. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Mr. Murdoch."

"Okay, go ahead."

After the subordinates left, Murdoch showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

During this period of time, under his operation, David's promotion was obviously hindered, which was a very good result.

He was praised by Henrietta in person, which was very satisfying.

As long as his media continued to work hard, the IRS would definitely give up the idea of ​​promoting David.

At that time, he would take the opportunity to ask for a share of the Federal Reserve. Who would dare to object?

As for Henrietta, would she dare not agree?

If she didn't agree, who would be willing to do this thankless job the next time the group encountered such a crisis?

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