United states tax collector

Chapter 332 Hongmen Banquet

"This...that's okay."

Seeing that Henrietta's tone was so firm and that no one present had any objections, Longman could only bite the bullet and agreed.

"After Longman stood up and called for the abolition of the black tax bill, Michelson, Holders...you must also come out and join in to increase the momentum!"

Henrietta called the names of seven or eight people present in succession.

Although these people who were named showed a trace of bitterness on their faces, they dared not disobey the group boss's wishes. In the end, they could only nod and acquiesce.

"Joshua, Prescott, and... don't be idle. There are more than tens of millions of criminals involved in the black tax bill. In order to get the votes from these people, there must be many congressmen who are willing to take risks, like In the past, you were responsible for lobbying Pipps and the others. As long as they are willing to join, you can give them money and resources. Do you understand? "

As the leader of the Masonic group, Henrietta certainly saw that the reason why Pips stood up to criticize the black tax bill last time was simply to gain the support of the votes from the lawless elements.

And as long as they offer conditions to win over the support of this group of congressmen, coupled with their power in Congress, they will have a good chance of repealing the black tax bill.

"Okay, leave this to us!"

This can be said to be a major matter related to the life and death of the group. Naturally, Joshua and others did not dare to neglect it and agreed in unison.

"Okay, the meeting is over, go back and act as soon as possible, let me know if you have anything!"

Poor David here doesn't know that just on the eve of his taking office, the Freemasons are preparing to launch a war against him.

The next morning.

David, who was brushing his teeth, heard the doorbell ring. He rinsed his mouth quickly, came to the door and opened it, and saw Simmons standing outside.

"BOSS, we are ready. Is there anything else you need help with?"

"Help me carry my luggage down first. I'll put on my clothes and shoes."


Simmons walked into the house, picked up the packed suitcase and walked out.

David also quickly changed his clothes and shoes. When he came downstairs, Bucky and Nissen were smoking and chatting in front of the car. When they saw him coming, they immediately threw the cigarette butts on the ground and stamped them out.

"let's go."

The four of them got into the car and headed towards Los Angeles International Airport.

At 6:40, the group of people got on the flight to Washington.

"I thought I would have to stay in this city for at least a few years. Things are so unpredictable..."

Looking down at the city where they had left behind every bit of it, Nissen couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Yes, life is so wonderful..."

Simmons and Bucky also had sighs on their faces.

It seems that last year, they were just small auditors at the Lake District Bureau, but who would have thought that in less than a year, they would have already entered the power center of the IRS system.

To be honest, all this made them feel too dreamy and even unreal.

But no matter how hard they pinched themselves or slapped themselves, they never woke up from their dreams, which is enough to prove that all of this really happened.

At 12 o'clock, as the cabin announcement sounded, everyone knew that the plane had entered the territory of Washington.

Due to some previous work needs, David and his team have been to Washington several times, so they are not unfamiliar with this city.

After getting off the plane, the four of them arrived at a community on Constitution Avenue with familiarity.

This is a community that the four of them had targeted through online observation before coming here.

It is about 3 kilometers away from the Internal Revenue Service. As for the people who live here, they are basically people from various government departments. The environment is good in all aspects, so it was chosen as their place to stay in Washington.

"I've contacted the landlord and he should be here soon."

As soon as Simmons finished speaking, David heard his cell phone ringing. When he saw that it was Donald calling, he immediately picked up the call.

"Are you in Washington, David?"

"We're here, preparing the house."

"Do you need me to send someone to help?"

"No need, we have already found a place to live and we will be settled in soon."

"Okay, that's it. Aren't you going to officially take office as the National Tax Inspectorate tomorrow? What we want here is to host a banquet for you at the Hyatt Hotel tonight to congratulate you on your appointment."


David was startled when he heard this, and then asked: "So hasty... With all due respect to Deputy Director Donald, this is probably not the intention of the General Administration, right?"

The General Administration informed him that the date for taking office had been set long ago. If such a banquet had to be held, it should have been arranged and notified to him long ago.

But it was not normal to wait until he arrived in Washington today before notifying him.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for seven or eight seconds, and then Donald's voice came: "I wanted to tell you when we meet tonight, but since you have already guessed it, let me tell you frankly, this is indeed not our General Administration. This is the original intention of the Angsa people. If you don’t want to attend, then I can help you mediate and see if you can refuse. "

David was not surprised to hear that this was planned by the Angsa people, but his face looked a little calm.

For him to be able to enter the headquarters so quickly, the Angsa people must have contributed a lot.

But the reason why this group of people contributed is mainly the result of the exchange of interests between the two sides.

Do you want to say that this group of people really want him to enter the General Administration as a senior official?

This may not be the case!

After all, the example of the Jews is already here. He has made the Jews pay a painful price during this period of time.

The Angsa Group must be afraid of raising a tiger for harm, and one day it will end up like the Jews.

As for today's so-called inauguration banquet...

If he attends it, and this banquet is promoted by the Angsa Group, the intention of this group of people may be to use this to announce to everyone that David is a member of the Angsa Group, or a running dog, so as to put a tight ring on his head.

In a blink of an eye, David guessed the intention of the Angsa Group.

But then again, this move is really a bit insidious, and it also makes him a little entangled at this time.

On the one hand, he doesn't want the Angsa Group to put this tight ring on him.

On the one hand, although both sides have their own little tricks, they are still in a state of cooperation. If they don't attend this banquet, it would be tantamount to not giving the other party face.

On the other hand, although the Freemasons have been cut by him during this period, they have not been seriously injured, and the other party may not swallow this breath.

He has just arrived in Washington and his foundation is not stable. If he offends these two groups at once, I am afraid that he will have a hard time in the future.

"No, it's hard to refuse such a kind invitation, so I will go there."

After thinking about it, David finally decided not to offend the other party and pretend to be friendly first.

"That's the best."

On this side, Donald was relieved after hearing this.

Of course, he also knew the real purpose of the group of Ansa people to hold this banquet, but now the relationship between their IRS and the Freemasonry Group is already very bad, and he doesn't want to have an unpleasant relationship with the Ansa Group because of this. Naturally, he hopes that David can maintain the current situation, even if it is only on the surface.

Otherwise, if they offend two groups at once, no matter how powerful the IRS is, they will not be able to bear it.

While thinking, he seemed to think of something, and reminded with a serious face: "Oh, David, although you are promoted now, this may not be a good thing for you. Washington, as the capital of our country, is a very special place. Various forces are entrenched here and it is complicated. You have mastered such a core position. The pressure you will face directly in the future will not be small. You must be mentally prepared."

"I understand, Deputy Director Donald, thank you for reminding me."

In the community, David's face showed some thoughts after the call ended.

Donald is right. Although he has been promoted to the decision-making circle of the IRS and is now in a glorious position, in fact, the pressure he will face next is not small.

When he was still in local office before, if the White House wanted to promote the W-aid bill, it had to communicate with the senior management of the General Administration, and then the senior management of the General Administration would convey the task indicators to him.

Now that he has entered the decision-making circle, if the White House wants to promote policies related to taxation in the future, it will definitely find him directly, after all, he is already a senior member of the IRS.

The same is true for other forces.

In other words, he used to have the head of the General Administration to bear all kinds of pressure for him, and now he has become the head, so he naturally needs to bear the pressure.

Forget it, there is nothing we can do about it.

As the saying goes, he who wears the crown must bear its weight!

If he wants to climb to the top of the American pyramid, he must bear these things!

At the same time, in a private room at the Hyatt Hotel.

"My eldest brother's meaning is very simple. David is indeed a talent, and our cooperation over this period of time has been quite pleasant, so we are very sincere and invite him to join our camp!"

"My father also means the same thing. If he can join our camp, he will be the most promising new star in our camp, and we will use all our resources to support him!"

"My family's man also means the same thing, Sean. You and David have the closest relationship among us. I hope you can express our meaning to him at this dinner tonight!"

In the private room, Jepp of the Busi family, Cyril of the Roosevelt family, and Lei Zhe of the Yadangsi family sat side by side, and the one facing them was Sean, but after hearing these words, he showed an uncertain look on his face.

After a while, Sean narrowed his eyes and asked, "Invite him to join our camp? I wonder what method you want to use?"

"Sean, we are all from a big family, and we all know that don't talk about contracts or agreements. These are just pieces of paper that can be torn up and have no binding force on both parties!"

It was Lei Zhe who said this. He took out three photos from his inner pocket and placed them on the table, and said, "This is one of my nieces, 22 years old, beautiful and generous. This is Cyril's niece, and this is Jepp's niece. He can pick one at random and get married with the witness and blessing of all of us. From now on, he is one of us!"

After seeing that News Corporation was so easily destroyed by David, the Ansa Group was shocked.

You know, News Corporation is the most important propaganda organization for the Yutai people. However, the Yutai people have tried their best and failed to keep it. This naturally makes Angsa Group feel more and more secure. Unstable.

What's more, in their eyes, David has never been an easy-to-control person.

And now that they have been promoted to the decision-making circle of the IRS, if one day a butcher's knife is raised against them, then they don't think they can handle it better than that group of Utahns.

Therefore, after the News Corporation incident came to an end, the three major families held urgent discussions and finally came up with a plan of marriage.

Because most Americans believe in Catholicism and Christianity, they will take an oath in the church when they get married.

Moreover, once they get married, the two parties are related by relatives. It is not something that ordinary people can do to destroy relatives for the sake of justice. Even if it can be done, it will make many people feel shameful.

Therefore, among them and even among the wealthy families in America, there is no more credible way of cooperation than marriage.

"This...I'm afraid he won't agree to this."

Sean showed a hint of bitterness.

If David had originally intended to marry, he would have already put his daughter in the marriage. How could it be the turn of people from the three major families to come up with this idea?

"Nothing is unintended! Sean, you are one of us, and you should know very well that we cannot allow such uncontrollable factors to exist!"

It was Jep who said this, with a hint of toughness in his tone.

Sean's face became even heavier. Of course he knew that the News Corporation incident had stimulated the nerves of the three major families, but after thinking about it, he still retorted: "You have also seen the current situation. David is doing his best to help. We attacked the Masonic group and also brought down their most important news group, which can be said to have greatly weakened their strength. We should not make the relationship between the two parties unhappy at this juncture! "

"It is precisely because he still needs us now that we should do this. Otherwise, when the Freemasons are really destroyed by him, won't we be alone?"

"Jep is right. Of course we want the Freemasons to fall, but we don't want our own interests to be harmed."

"David cannot be an 'independence faction'. He must choose which side to stand on, so that we can all be 'counted'!"

The three major families have their own reasons for being so tough.

After all, the existence of the Freemasons did pose a great threat to them, but at least that group of people did not directly reach out to their basic interests.

But David is different.

This guy is about to take over the power now. If one day they are in a bad mood, they will conduct a tax audit on the companies they control. The most important thing is that they are occupying the commanding heights of justice, which they cannot resist.

Otherwise, the Freemasonry Group would not have been pressed so hard by David. Now that News Corporation has been lost, there is no good way to fight back.

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