United states tax collector

Chapter 341 The Hidden Giant Company

In the lobby on the first floor of the IRS, all media outlets have taken their positions.

Soon after, David also walked out of the passage. After he came under the spotlight, he pressed his hands down and said, "Hello, media and audience friends, I am David. The purpose of this press conference is very simple. That is, I will announce a tax investigation on behalf of the IRS!"

"Tax investigation? How is it investigated?"

"Inspector General David, is this action aimed at investigating a certain area, a certain state, or... nationwide?"

"Inspector General David, is this investigation aimed at criminals or companies?"

When the tax investigation was about to be launched, the Internet was in an uproar, and the media reporters at the scene hurriedly asked.

"This tax investigation is code-named 'Storm', and as for the scope... it is nationwide!"


"Oh my god..."

"Oh my god..."

The reporters at the scene and the people online were in an uproar again.

At first, David only launched a tax audit in Hollywood and Los Angeles, which caused a lot of chaos. This time, the audit is nationwide, and the impact will probably be ten or a hundred times greater. This is related to the interests of many people, and many people began to worry about gains and losses.

"Inspector General David, since this tax audit is nationwide, that means... Wall Street and Silicon Valley are also included?"

A reporter's question at the scene made everyone come back to their senses.

These two places, one is the base camp of technology giants, and the other is the base camp of financial giants, and both are controlled by the Jewish group. If the IRS wants to take action against these two places, it will be a good show.

"I just said that this tax audit is nationwide, and Silicon Valley and Wall Street are our American regions, which are naturally included. Well, the matter has been announced. I still have a lot of things to deal with next, and everyone should go back and prepare for your work!"

After that, David turned around and left, leaving only the media who were still in a bad mood.


Wall Street, JPMorgan Chase headquarters.

"Damn bastard!"

In the top floor office, Joshua Mogen cursed with a gloomy face.

He knew that David would definitely retaliate because of the black tax bill, but he didn't expect that the retaliation would come so quickly and so fiercely.

Don't look at the TV. David only said that this tax investigation was nationwide, but he knew very well that it must refer to a nationwide investigation of their Freemasonry's industries.

This is trouble.

After thinking for a long time, he picked up the phone on the desk and said, "Notify Soros and Buffett... Let them come to see me!"

Silicon Valley.

After seeing David's murderous statement on TV, the big companies here also held an emergency meeting to make countermeasures for the upcoming Storm Operation.

At the same time, after receiving David's instructions, the branches across the country did not dare to offend the new Inspector General, and they all worked overtime at full speed.

In the next few days, the IRS Tax Inspection Department was like a high-speed machine, reviewing the documents submitted by branches across the country.

That morning, when David was still working in the office, the door was knocked, and then Simmons walked in and said, "Boss, I just received news that the White House will make a statement on our IRS's 'Storm' tax investigation in half an hour."

After hearing this, David's mouth corners slightly raised!

Since Wilder went back that day, there has been no news, and in the past few days, all kinds of media naturally want to know the White House's statement on this investigation. Unfortunately, the White House has been pretending to be an ostrich and not responding, but now, is it finally going to respond!

"Then let's see what they will say!"

David turned on the computer and tuned to a CBS TV station, only to see the picture of the White House speech hall on the screen.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and the White House spokesman finally appeared. After coming to the spotlight, he said: "Hello, everyone, regarding the recent tax investigation code-named "Storm" by the IRS, people from all walks of life are very concerned about whether the White House knows about it and whether this action has been instructed by us. I will give some answers here."

"First of all, the White House must have known about such a large tax investigation in advance, but this was not initiated by us, but an action proposed by the IRS in view of the current economic situation in our country."

"Ms. Pierlin, does the White House support this action?"

A reporter asked.

"In view of the current economic situation in our country, and the fact that our White House has to prepare some people-friendly policies and bills in the near future, which requires a lot of funds, we support the tax investigation of the IRS without damaging the foundation..."

"Old fox!"

On the IRS side, when David heard the White House spokesman's remarks, he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

On the surface, the White House has agreed to his request and will come out to express its support for his tax audit.

But the other party is also a thief.

He first hinted to the Masonic group and everyone that this action was not initiated by their White House, but initiated by the IRS, putting the blame on the IRS first.

Secondly, I am also complaining indirectly to the Masonic group. I now want to promote the bill to increase support and prepare for the general election. I have no choice but to stand up and express my support.

And finally, what does the so-called "We support it as long as it does not hurt the fundamentals" mean?

It's nothing more than comforting the Freemasons. Don't worry, if the IRS insists on going too far, then we may not necessarily support them to the end!

But having said that, although the White House is a bit of a thief, it still stands up and expresses its support for this storm tax clearance operation. This is enough for David!

In the afternoon, in the conference room of the Department of Tax Inspection, the seven regional directors and the recently appointed Deputy Inspector General Bayilami were all in place.

In front of each of them, there was a pile of organized documents.

A few minutes later, David also walked in. After sitting down, he said, "What do you think? Let's talk about the situation in each of the regions we are responsible for."

“Our region has re-examined 368 tax cases involving Jewish people and companies. Among them, after review by our ministry, 112 cases have problems.”

“There are 298 tax cases involving Jewish people in our region, and after my review, 96 of them were problematic.”


Listening to the reports from the regional supervisors, David nodded slightly and said, "Give it to me so I can take a look."

Everyone quickly handed over the documents they had sorted out.

After David took it over and checked it, a trace of doubt appeared on his face, and he said, "What are the origins of these three companies, Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street?"

In the information from each region, he found that every Utah company involved had shares in these three companies.

In addition, big companies that can be named, such as Guge, Weiruan, Oracle, Apple, etc., are basically controlled by these companies, which makes him feel a little incredible.

"These three companies are the largest money management companies in the world, and the combined assets managed by these three companies exceed 20 trillion US dollars. They are the truly giant money management companies in the United States."

The person who said this was the director of one of the regions, named Straksha.

"The assets under management of these three companies exceed 20 trillion US dollars?"

David was even more surprised.

If these three companies are really so awesome, then it stands to reason that he should have heard of them a long time ago, but he doesn't seem to have much impression of these three companies in his memory.

"It's very simple. Apart from the Federal Reserve, these three companies are the most important assets in the hands of the Masonic Group, and these three companies are not just as simple as you see now, Inspector General."

"In addition to holding shares in almost all well-known companies in the United States, he also holds shares in giant companies around the world. Take Huaxia as an example. They also hold shares in Penguin, Alibaba, Pinxixi, etc. shares of the company, as are other countries.”

"As for why these companies are so low-key, it is actually the Utah people who deliberately keep them low-key. Otherwise, such a large company that controls so many assets is on the table. It does not have tax privileges like the Federal Reserve. It just has to pay The tax is enough for him to drink a pot, and it can also be called the Jewish White Gloves, because the Federal Reserve is not the private property of the Freemasons on the surface. They must go through these companies to receive it. Benefits generated by the Federal Reserve.”

The new Deputy Inspector General Bayrami seems to be quite familiar with these companies and also gave some explanations.

"What Bayrami said is indeed true. State Street is fine, but BlackRock and Vanguard are indeed the world's top asset management companies. The assets they manage are as rich as any country. Moreover, they also have an important identity. That is the Federal Reserve's 'moat'. Once there is a problem with this moat, it will cause turmoil in the Federal Reserve, which is why they are unwilling to allow these major companies to be high-profile."

Straksha also echoed.

After hearing the two people's explanations in turn, David finally got some ideas about the three companies.

In fact, he has never seriously researched the companies controlled by the Freemasons. He only knows that the Federal Reserve and companies like Apple, Guge, and Weisoft are all within the scope of the Freemasons' interests.

And these are all well-known companies in the United States, so he is familiar with them.

So it's normal for things like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street to sound a little strange to him after being hidden by Freemasons.

"Since these three companies are so important to Freemasonry, if we can find out what they have... wouldn't they be tempted to do something wrong?"

David said holding his chin.

"These three companies do have a deep intersection of interests with the Yutai people, and the transfer and distribution of interests between them and large companies such as Apple, Guge, and Weiruan have always been very vague. If you want to check, I suggest you first Let’s start with the issue of the transfer and distribution of interests between him and major companies.”

Listening to Bayrami's words, David nodded in approval.

Since these three companies are so involved with those well-known companies, we should start with those well-known companies. As long as we get the handles of these well-known companies, we can point the finger at these three companies.

"Bakkinison Simmons... Two days later, you guys will go to your region to inspect and put some pressure on the branches in your area. As for Straksha, Silicon Valley is the region under your jurisdiction. You will go to Silicon Valley with me at that time."




The voices of everyone's agreement rang out in the conference room.

After the meeting, David immediately found Keppel and asked him to prepare a detailed information of the three major companies, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street, for him.

Although he had heard about the details of these three companies from Bayilami and others, in order to learn more information, David decided to check the detailed information himself.

With the money channel of the IRS, the detailed information about the three major companies was handed to him in less than half an hour.

After checking, David finally realized that the description of the three companies by Bayilami and others was not exaggerated at all.

These three companies do hold shares of well-known companies around the world and are well-deserved hidden giants.

However, this also made David more determined to move these three companies.

Two days passed in a flash.

Interestingly, during these two days, a media outlet suddenly reported that David was going to Silicon Valley to personally supervise the tax audit there. This naturally made the giants in Silicon Valley panic and made the people on the Internet look forward to it.

And early this morning, a large number of media outlets also squatted at the door of the IRS early to inquire about the rumor that David was going to Silicon Valley.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the reporters were still squatting patiently, and at this time, a sharp-eyed male reporter seemed to have discovered something and shouted: "That's... Inspector General David, he's out!"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene looked up, and it was David and his four companions who were walking out, and then got in the car and left.

The media were also quick to act, and they all got in their cars and chased after them.

However, they soon discovered that the direction the car in front was heading was exactly the direction of the airport.

At this moment, everyone had an idea in their mind, that is, the rumor that David would personally take charge of the tax audit in Silicon Valley seemed to be true!

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