United states tax collector

Chapter 343 Silicon Valley Shock (2)

"Okay, I'll go there now."

David immediately stood up, opened the door and walked out.

In the conference room, the expressions of the heads of mid-level companies in Silicon Valley tensed up instantly when they saw David walking in.

Everyone here knew very well that when David summoned them here, it was definitely not as simple as having a cup of tea with them and having a heart-to-heart talk with them. He most likely wanted to kill them like chickens to scare the big monkeys like Gu Ge and Wei Ruan.

"Everyone, don't be so nervous. Just relax."

David comforted him after sitting down and continued: "I believe everyone here is well aware that our Internal Revenue Service announced a tax clearance operation code-named 'Storm' in a few days. What do you think of this? "

Everyone present looked at each other, but in the end no one dared to express their opinion.

"Mr. Christian, what do you think?"

Seeing that his name was called, the man named Christian had no choice but to bite the bullet and reply: "Since the IRS has decided to launch this tax audit, and the White House has also expressed support, then no matter what Naturally, I and Cisco support it.”

"Okay, Mr. Christian, I appreciate your straightforwardness, but support is more than just words. You have to show your actual actions. What do you think?"

"This is natural. After I returned, I asked the finance and tax departments to mobilize and conduct a careful inspection to see if our company had any tax problems."

He knew how powerful David was, so he was very smart and did not directly deny that his company had no tax problems.

"Don't bother me. Let me remind you directly. In 2015, our IRS introduced a 'technology transfer tax preference' policy for Silicon Valley. The original intention of this policy was to allow you to grow up." Enterprises that have grown up share their technology with startups to help them grow. And your company, Cisco, has avoided more than 2 billion US dollars in these seven years by relying on this tax preferential policy. Is that right?”

After hearing David's words, Christian's expression changed instantly. If someone looked carefully at his lips, they could even see a slight tremor.

In fact, not only him, but also many people present became uneasy.

When the IRS introduced this policy to Silicon Valley, its original intention was, as David said, to help them help drive the growth of small and start-up companies.

But having said that, although these companies are very tempted by this tax benefit, the core thing of every company is technology. If the technology is shared with small startups, their value will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, there will be a risk that the disciples will starve to death of the master.

But later, they finally found a way to get the best of both worlds.

That is, as long as they register some shell companies, or find companies with no development prospects, sign some agreements with these companies, and then share the technology in their hands, they will be able to obtain tax benefits while also not Lose your core technology.

This policy later became a means used by major companies in Silicon Valley to evade taxes.

Today, I dare not say that 100% of companies in Silicon Valley are taking advantage of this tax advantage, but at least 50% of companies are participating.

The reason why Christian and many of the people who were summoned are nervous is because since David has pointed it out, it means that he knows the fishiness involved. If we can seize this point and pursue it, by then Not only will they be charged with tax evasion, they may also be charged with defrauding tax benefits.

They are all listed companies. Once they are accused of these crimes, they will inevitably be like a mute Amazon. They will have to shed their skin even if they die.

"What's wrong, Mr. Christian? Didn't Cisco, your company, participate in this tax policy?"

Although David was questioning on the surface, in fact, through the review function of Goldfinger, he had already confirmed that Cisco was definitely involved in this policy.

"No, no, no, our company has indeed participated in this policy, but I have to go back and ask the department manager for details. So, give me two days, and then our Cisco company will monitor David. How about I give you an explanation?"

Whether he is involved in this policy or not can be known through just one check, and David pointed it out in front of him, which means he must have checked it out, so how dare Kristan open his eyes and tell lies.

"Okay, then I'll give you two days. I hope you can figure this out!"

David turned his attention to the other man on the left and asked, "How about Mr. Chenco, do you have any thoughts on our tax clearance operation this time?"

"Of course my company and I support it. After all, without the IRS, our country would be in chaos."

The man named Qin Ke also complimented him.

However, David would not let him go just because of his compliment, and continued: "In that case, you, the Olympic League, have to do something to show it, right?"


Qinke looked hesitant.

"Forget it, let me remind you that in 2016, the IRS launched a tax preferential policy called 'Technological Innovation'. Do you remember it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qinke's expression became tense.

Technological innovation tax incentives, as the name suggests, are a policy launched by the state’s Internal Revenue Service in order to encourage companies in Silicon Valley to innovate at the technological level.

The original intention of this policy was very good, which was to encourage technology companies in Silicon Valley so that their technology could improve with the development of the times.

However, there will always be times when technology encounters obstacles, and there will always be times when innovation fails.

And once they are unable to create new technologies and these companies are unwilling to give up this tax benefit, what should they do?

Soon, some companies in Silicon Valley thought of a good way to steal chickens.

For example, they innovate a new technology, which is '12345'. After enjoying a round of tax incentives for technological innovation, they can reorganize this technology into '54321', '12354', and '53124' Various combinations.

Anyway, the IRS is engaged in taxation, and technology is not its strong point. Coupled with the use of some small tricks, this tax preferential policy has naturally become their bag.

The reason why Qinke is so nervous is because over the years, their Aolian company has indeed evaded a lot of taxes by relying on the policy of stealing chickens.

"We at the Olympic League have indeed received a lot of tax benefits because of this policy, but that is also because we do have a lot of technological innovation and we deserve it, Inspector General David."

After some mental struggle, Qinke gritted his teeth and said this.

After all, he still couldn't bear the tax benefits that this policy brought to his company, and if he admitted that his company had been stealing this policy, his company might not be able to enjoy it in the future.

So he decided to take a gamble, betting that David didn't understand the technical issues and that he didn't have enough evidence.

"Haha, Mr. Chenko, I personally don't understand your technology, but it doesn't mean that there are no other people in the United States who understand this technology. So, since you said that your Olympic League enjoys this technology because of its richness, The policy has been in place for many years, so our IRS also has a few friends in the Academy of Engineering who understand the technology. I will immediately ask them to come over to study and analyze it. You, the Olympic Federation, will cooperate, right?"


Qin Ke's face instantly turned the color of pig liver.

You know, the Academy of Engineering is the highest-level institution in the American technology community. If we invite the big guys here, I'm afraid we can see through the so-called technology of the Olympian League at a glance.

"What's wrong? Could it be that you are not confident in your company's technology, or that your so-called technological innovation actually does not meet our policy standards?"

"Forget it, Inspector General David, I take back what I just said. After I go back, I will have someone check our company's tax status, and I will give you an explanation in two days."

Having said this, Qinke knew that if he continued to quibble, he would definitely get no good results, so he had no choice but to compromise.

"Check it out carefully for me. If there is even a dime missing, I will ask for it because of you. Do you hear me clearly?"


Seeing David's stern look, Qenko felt a little regretful at this moment. He regretted that he shouldn't have made excuses. Now that he had touched the other party's bad luck, he didn't know if he would be in bad luck next time.

In the following time, David asked other people present one by one.

With the example of Qinke in front of him, naturally no one dared to mess with David again. Everyone said that they would check their company's tax situation carefully after returning, and they would give an explanation in two days.

The gate of the Bay Area branch.

It has been more than an hour since the heads of major companies came here, but there is still no sign of them. This naturally aroused various speculations from reporters on the scene and people online.

"They're coming out, they're coming out!"

At this moment, a sharp-eyed reporter's shouting attracted everyone's attention. Looking up, he saw the heads of major companies who had entered before walking out one after another.

"Looking at the expressions on their faces... they seem a little quiet..."

"It's more than just silence. Look at the man with blond hair on the right. He is the CEO of a company in Silicon Valley called Olian. If you look closely at his expression, he seems to be about to cry. He must be being monitored by David inside. I gave him a hard education!”

"The heads of these mid-level companies are all in shame, which proves that there is a high probability that their respective corporate tax affairs are in trouble, and they have been caught by the IRS..."


Based on the expressions these people showed when they came out, people watching online also made various analyses.

Guge headquarters building, in the conference room.

The representatives from major companies invited by Ruian are still here, but their expressions are not much better at this moment.

Because they have already seen from the media live broadcast that most of the middle-level companies that were reported were caught by the IRS.

Otherwise, everyone's face wouldn't be as ugly as a dead mother when they came out.

"Riana, help me contact Qenko, Kristan...them and see if they can come over."

Ryan gave instructions to the assistant beside him. Although he had already made a guess based on the expressions of these people on TV, he still wanted to hear what happened with his own ears.

Soon, the assistant named Rui Anna came back and said, "Mr. Ryan, Mr. Chenko and the others said they have urgent matters to deal with and can't come for the time being, but Mr. Christian said he can come over. It will take 15 minutes to get there."

Ryan nodded and waited patiently with the representatives of major companies.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly.

The door of the conference room was pushed open, and Christian, who had just returned from the Bay Area Branch, walked in. After looking around at the people present, he said, "The giants of Silicon Valley are all gathered here. This is a rare scene..."

"Sit down, Christian. I believe you have guessed the purpose of calling you here. What we want to know is what happened after you were summoned by him?"

"What else can happen? David from the IRS asked us to cooperate with their storm tax clearance operation."

Christian sat down, but looking at these worried and panicked giants in front of him, he felt much more relaxed psychologically.

He is now like a prisoner who has been sentenced, and his mentality is somewhat low.

But these people in front of them will definitely not surrender as easily as they did, and the results they will face are naturally difficult to predict.

"So, you agree to cooperate?"

Ryan asked nervously, and the others held their breath and listened.

Although these mid-level companies are nothing to these giants, if these mid-level companies surrender collectively, they will be under great pressure.

"We small companies don't have such a big background like you giants. In order to survive, we can only cut off our arms to survive..."

"Damn it, you know that we are all Silicon Valley companies. It can be said that we prosper together and suffer together. How can you do this!"

Before Christian finished speaking, a representative of Weiruan interrupted with anger.

Christian looked at him with dissatisfaction and retorted: "Mr. Schranz, do you think we at Cisco are willing to do this? We have no choice!"

"In other words, you Cisco has been caught by him?"

This time it was Ryan who asked.

"In fact, it's not just Cisco. I'm afraid that David has already investigated the tax situation of all the companies that were summoned!"


Although everyone had been mentally prepared, they couldn't help but gasp when they heard that David had found out the handles of all these companies.

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