United states tax collector

Chapter 347 Assassination Plot

"You and David have no conflict of interest? I'm afraid it's too early to say that. If our Freemasonry falls, do you think you can continue to live comfortably according to his style?"

Leizhe and the other two, who had been calm just now, changed their expressions slightly after hearing this.

Although they said it lightly on the surface, in fact, they actually held a meeting to discuss this issue within their group.

Many people in their group believe that David is a difficult person to control, and now that they can kill the Freemasonry, they may not be able to do it to their Angsa Group in the future.

So some right-wing elements in the group have long proposed that if they can't win over David, it is best to find a way to suppress and eliminate him, so as to prevent this person from really threatening their interests in the future.

However, since David is suppressing the Freemasonry Group now, which is also what many people in their group are happy to see, so as to how to deal with David, the Angsa Group has not yet reached a unified opinion.

"Why did President Kennedy nationalize the Federal Reserve and propose a series of policies that would harm our interests? Because he knew that once it succeeded, the U.S. treasury would be unprecedentedly full, and he himself would achieve unparalleled political achievements!"

"And what David is doing now is essentially the same as what President Kennedy did back then. Once he collects the tax revenue from us, your Ansa, and the Illuminati, the current economic and financial situation facing the United States will be resolved. Do you think he wants such credit?"

Henrietta knew that the words just now had hit the lungs of the representatives of the three major families, and then added fuel to the fire.

After hearing these words, Lei Zhe and the other two looked even heavier.

The current economic situation in the United States is indeed very bad, but if the IRS's tax audit is successful this time, it is very likely to be a loss of blood for the United States.

Otherwise, why did the White House stand up even though it knew that supporting the IRS's tax audit would offend the Freemasonry Group?

Do you really think that the president is old and confused?

He is very smart!

But this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Lei Zhe and the other two have heard a threatening tone in Henrietta's words.

This tax audit did not mention the Jewish group by name.

Once the Jewish group falls, and the interests of the Ansa Group and the Illuminati are not damaged, even if the IRS intends to stop, will these Jews give up?

Definitely not!

At that time, these Jews will definitely jump out and complain to the world that the IRS only targets them, and is indifferent to the interest groups such as the Ansa Group and the Illuminati.

And can the people tolerate the IRS's targeted behavior?

It is definitely not allowed.

After all, if you, David, only target the Jews and not the Ansa Group, wouldn't you become the spokesperson for the interests of the Ansa Group?

Even if David and the IRS don't want to deal with them, they will definitely take action against them under the pressure of public opinion in order to show their fairness!

So, their plan of sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight seems to be a bit unworkable according to the current situation.

"No matter what conflicts our Freemasons have with your Ansa Group, we are essentially the same kind of people, people who abide by rules and order, but David is not such a person. He is a person who breaks the order, so we must get rid of this alien and restore the order to the previous balance!"

"Of course, this matter was proposed by us after all, so we will not let you suffer. Don't you Ansa people always want to get a share of Wall Street? As long as you are willing to cooperate with us this time, I will make the decision and let you buy a share in Wall Street!"

Henrietta knew that the time was ripe and threw out the price directly.

"Are you serious?"

The three people, Rezhe, Cyril, and Jepp, who were still hesitant, showed a touch of emotion after hearing this condition.

The Ansa Group has long been salivating over Wall Street, the hen that lays golden eggs.

But unfortunately, finance is not the Ansa people's strong point, and this place has long been firmly controlled by the Freemasons, so they can only stare blankly no matter how much they have been envious for so many years.

"Since I said this, it must be true!"

Rezhe, Cyril, and Jepp looked at each other, and then the former said: "This matter is of great importance. It is not something that the three of us can decide. I think we have to take the news back and let the group discuss it."

"Of course..."


Although the three did not make a decision at the first time, in the following time, they still carefully asked the Freemasons about their thoughts on killing David.

Henrietta's thoughts are not complicated. If the plan is really successful, the Ansa Group must first mobilize its own troops in the military and mobilize the army to prevent the IRS from sending out armed forces to threaten them.

As for the Illuminati, it will mobilize its own troops in various government departments afterwards to suppress this matter as much as possible.

What the Freemasons have to do is simple, that is, planning the action, handling the aftermath, and finding a scapegoat.

However, they already had a plan for the scapegoat.

Due to the introduction of the Black Tax Act, the interests of lawless elements throughout the United States have suffered serious losses. Therefore, once this plan succeeds, it will definitely not involve any of the forces of the Freemasons, the Angsa Group, and the Illuminati.

It can only be that a certain criminal suffered losses due to the black tax bill, so he held a grudge and caused the assassination of David!

"If that's all... then I think we should have something to talk about!"

According to Henrietta's plan, the Angsa Group did not need to directly participate in the assassination. They only needed to mobilize troops and exert some influence afterwards.

In other words, not only will this not dirty their hands, but if the plan fails, they can also shirk the responsibility.

After all, they were not involved in the assassination. You, the IRS, and you, David, can't blame me, right?

Generally speaking, this is quite satisfactory to the three of them.

"In this case, I won't keep you any longer. Without further ado, let's bring the news back as soon as possible."


The three of them didn't stay too much, got up and left.

Augustine, who had been silent for a long time, also stood up and left after a slight hesitation.

Although the Illuminati has not been promised a share of the Wall Street pie, as long as they get rid of David, not only will they be able to get over the last aircraft carrier incident, but Bitcoin may not have to continue to pay to the IRS in the future. If you can prevent your group from suffering losses in the future, this risk is still worth taking.

After these four people left, only Henrietta and people from the seven major families were left in the conference room.

Among them, Prescott said: "Looking at their appearance, I think there is a high probability that the two major groups will agree. I think we should study this plan carefully."

Joshua nodded in agreement, then turned to look at Henrietta and said: "Mr. Henrietta, this David is currently conducting a tax investigation in Silicon Valley. If something happens to him here... then all fools will I know it has something to do with Silicon Valley and us.”

"Then you mean you have to wait until he leaves Silicon Valley before taking action?"

Henrietta asked rhetorically.

"Yes, although doing this is a bit deceptive, it can always make us less impacted."

"But now that his tax investigation has not ended, it is unlikely that he will be able to leave Silicon Valley..."

“So what I mean is, it’s better to let the companies in Silicon Valley compromise first. As long as they compromise, David will leave Silicon Valley. And once the plan is successful, it will be able to prevent Silicon Valley from falling into a public opinion storm. ”

Hearing Joshua's words, both Henrietta and the remaining representatives of the six major families frowned.

Once the major companies in Silicon Valley compromise on tax issues, it will cost a lot of money.

But if he doesn't do this, it seems really hard to attack David.

"Okay, let's do this!"

After thinking for a while, Henrietta nodded and agreed.

It's nothing more than a little bloodshed. As long as the threat of David is eliminated, then their group will not be so passive in the future. It is still worth it!

San Francisco, Bay Area Bureau.

At this time, David was leisurely drinking coffee in the office, completely unaware that a conspiracy against him was about to come.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door, and Bruna walked in the next second, saying with joy on her face: "Inspector General David, I just received Guge, Weiruan, Oracle... When I called these companies, they said they wanted to talk about tax issues and they are already on their way.”


There was a hint of strangeness in the corner of David's mouth, and then he replied: "Then wait for them to come and listen to what they want to talk about."

At the gate of the Bay Area branch, the arrival of a BMW 7 Series attracted the attention of the media at the scene.

When they saw the people getting out of the car, the scene was in an uproar.

"Oh Maika, that's Ruian, the CEO of Guge, and he's actually here too. Is there a tax issue with Guge as well?"

"As early as 2019, Guge was suspected of tax issues in Europe and was pursued by France, Spain and other countries, so it is normal for this company to have tax issues."

"Wait a minute...Oracle is here too!"

"And Weiruan Company..."


While the reporters at the scene were still talking about Ruian's arrival, they were surprised again by the arrival of Oracle, WeiRuan and other major giants.

Amid the nationwide discussion, Ryan and others walked straight into the Bay Area IRS and were taken all the way to David's office by the receptionist.

"Gentlemen, I'm glad to see you here."

"Didn't we receive the document sent to us by Inspector General David, so we immediately launched an internal investigation, which delayed a little time. I hope you won't be offended..."

Ryan and others didn't know why the Freemasons asked them to compromise, but since they asked them to do so, they had no choice but to come over.

"So how's the investigation going? Is the data compiled by our IRS correct?"

"The difference is not big, but as you know, Inspector General David, this is not a small amount of money. I hope you can give us some discounts and exemptions..."

In the following time, the major companies began to bargain with David on tax incentives and exemptions.

Of course, since these giant companies were not as sensible as INVISTA and delayed some of his time, he did not give the right incentives and exemptions, but only agreed to eliminate some of the small changes.

After seeing that there was no room for negotiation, the major companies no longer insisted, but only asked for some grace time to raise the tax.

"Okay, Inspector General David, since we have reached an agreement, we will leave first!"

Ryan and others stood up and left one by one, and soon only David and Bruna, who was listening, were left in the office.

Bruna was naturally ecstatic at this moment.

Because these giant companies have compromised, then the remaining large and small companies in Silicon Valley will definitely not be able to resist anymore.

The tax audit of Silicon Valley can be regarded as completed, and it was completed successfully.

Bruna turned to look at David. She wanted to compliment him, but when she saw that David's face was a little quiet, she swallowed her compliments and asked, "What's wrong, Inspector General David? Is there a problem?"

"It's a bit strange..."

When he heard that these giant companies would come to talk to him, he actually felt that something was wrong.

In theory, these giant companies can be said to represent the entire Silicon Valley. Once they compromise, it will be a great loss for the Freemasons.

So according to David's previous estimate, these giant companies will not compromise so easily. Even if they want to compromise, the Freemasons behind them will probably not allow it so easily.

But after these people came, after a conversation, he found that these people were very unified. When he proposed that he could only wipe out the fractions on the tax but not reduce or exempt or give preferential treatment, there was no big resistance. It seemed that he came here today to reach a compromise at all costs.

This feels a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

"Strange? What's strange?"

Bruna didn't think it was strange.

After all, David's methods and reputation are there, and didn't Invesco compromise when it arrived two days ago? It is natural and reasonable for giants like Oracle, Weisoft, and Google to give in.

"Forget it, it may be my illusion!"

David couldn't figure out the key to this, and could only blame himself for thinking too much.

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