United states tax collector

Chapter 354 Damn it, you are still alive!

"I don't care what David told you to do or how to do it. Since you want to help us now, you have to do it according to what we say. Do you understand?"

If the three had not already taken control of the News Corporation and had no excuse to take them down, Joshua and the Freemasons would have taken them down long ago, and they would never have accepted the surrender of these accomplices.


The three did not dare to have any strange look, and nodded in agreement.

"Da da da da..."

While talking, a series of huge roars came, causing the people in the entire venue to stop talking immediately, and they all looked at a loss.

"Go and see what's going on!"

Joshua also immediately ordered a security guard at the scene.

Just a minute later, the security guard ran back in panic and said, "It's not good, Mr. Joshua, there are suddenly many armed helicopters, armored vehicles, and armed personnel outside."


Joshua was startled at first, but then his face suddenly fell.

But before he could think too much, a large number of armed personnel rushed in from the gate of the mansion like a tide, which made the people who were already uneasy because of the roar outside change their expressions.

"The armed forces of the IRS!"

"How dare they come here?"


When they saw the logos on the uniforms of these armed personnel, many people immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

"Sorry, Mr. Joshua, we can't stop them..."

The people who came here today are either rich or noble, so the security measures are naturally extraordinary.

But facing such powerful firepower equipment of the IRS ground and air, these security personnel naturally couldn't resist it, and could only express their apologies to Joshua.

Joshua ignored the security chief, his eyes were on an officer wearing a colonel's uniform, and he asked: "Colonel Carlo, do you know who are here today?"

In order to avoid retaliation from the IRS armed forces, the Freemasons have been paying attention to the situation of the IRS New York State Armed Base.

The Colonel Carlod in front of him was the head of the IRS's New York State Armed Base.

Carlod showed a disdainful smile, glanced at the people in the field and said: "Since I dare to come, I naturally know."

"If you know, then you dare to come!"

Joshua was really angry.

Although today's celebration dinner was held in the name of the Freemasonry Group, in fact, all the work in the venue was arranged by their family.

And today Henrietta did not attend, that is to say, he is the nominal owner here.

But now the IRS rushed here with armed arrogance, which is tantamount to slapping him in the face in front of everyone!

"Since you dare to plan to assassinate our IRS Inspector General David, what are we afraid of!"

"You... OK, OK, you IRS really want to go against our three major groups for a dead man, right?"

"Who said I am a dead man!"

At this moment, a voice came from outside the door, and the atmosphere in the field suddenly solidified.

Everyone subconsciously looked up, wanting to see who said this.

When the armed personnel of the IRS spread out a passage and saw the man walking in the middle, everyone's face looked like they had seen a ghost.

"How... how is this possible!"

"How... how is he still alive?"


That's right, the one who arrived at the scene was none other than David himself!

"Ladies and gentlemen, I heard that you held such a dinner party today, so I specially wanted to come and see it. You should welcome it, right?"

"You are David? This is impossible!"

At this time, Joshua finally came back to his senses from the state of astonishment, and then he looked at Madu Aike not far away with scarlet eyes.

Isn't the DNA report out?

Who is this person in front of him?

At this time, Madu Aike was also full of shock and doubts, and his eyes were as big as copper bells, trying to see whether the 'David' in front of him was a substitute.

But no matter how he observed, he could not see any sign that the man in front of him was a substitute.

Because temperament is often not something that can be performed by looking like someone, and the David standing in front of him, with his sharp eyes and temperament in his gestures, is definitely not something that a stand-in can possess.

This is definitely him!

Madu Aike, who came to this conclusion, was shocked. If the person standing in front of them was David himself, then whose body parts were found in the suite before?

Could it be that...

This is all a trap set by David?

"Okay, I've greeted you, let's talk about business next!"

David looked at Augustine, who was still in shock, and asked: "Archbishop Augustine, our IRS reached an agreement with you at the beginning, but I recently heard that you have the idea of ​​overturning our agreement. Is that true?"

He was talking about the inclusion of Bitcoin in the file.

Augustine's face changed unpredictably for a long time, and finally forced a smile and replied: "No such thing."

"Really? Maybe I heard it wrong."

David turned his attention to Joshua again and said: "This must be the famous Mr. Joshua. Your Magic Root Chase holds shares in many large companies in Silicon Valley. I heard that you are also planning to overthrow me. Is the tax policy I reached with major companies not long ago true?”

Joshua did not temporarily lose his temper like Augustine. After his face turned green and red for a while, he finally chose to remain silent.

"If you can overturn the tax agreement between me and the ministers of major companies in Silicon Valley, then go ahead and do it, but I want to remind you that it must comply with the law!"

After saying this, David turned his attention to the three of them, Lei Zhe, Cyril and Jep, and said: "Mr. Lei Zhe, Cyril, and Jep, although we were a little unhappy last time, after all, we have been We have cooperated before, so I still regard you as friends, but what you did makes me feel disappointed!”

"David, this matter has nothing to do with us. Since you are fine, forget it!"

Jep was the first to speak.

What he means is that we are not the masterminds of this matter, and now that you are fine, we should maintain an amicable relationship.

"That's not how Mr. Japp settled the account."

"Then how do you want to calculate it?"

"If I hadn't been smarter, I probably wouldn't be able to stand here and talk to you today. Don't you have to give me an explanation for this?"

"Explain? Haha..."

Jep sneered and did not continue.

David did not ask any more questions, but walked up to a waiter carrying a tray, picked up a cocktail from it and took a sip. At this time, he happened to see Sally shivering in the corner. Ted and John.

When they saw that David was still alive, Sally and the other three were as shocked as everyone at the scene, but after the shock, they were more scared.

The reason why they were able to control the big fat piece of News Corporation was entirely because of David's contribution.

But now, as soon as they saw David's 'death', they immediately switched to Freemasonry. What would happen next?

You know, before Murdoch had huge support from the Freemasons, but David had ruined his reputation and lost control of the company.

If David wanted to touch them, they would have no choice but to go back and wash their necks and wait to die.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, you can continue to enjoy this dinner, I won't interrupt you!"

Just when the atmosphere was somewhat solidified, David turned around and left after saying these words, leaving only the people in the venue with different expressions.

And Sally and the three people here, who were originally prepared to accept the thunder's wrath, were also a little confused. What did David mean?

Let them go so easily?

"John, what do we do now?"

Sally and Ted cast their helpless eyes on John.

"Since David is not dead, the Freemasons must not care about us anymore, and we have just surrendered, let alone how they will protect us!"

After hearing this, Ted and Sally naturally agreed, and at the same time, the look of despair on their faces became even worse.

"For now... I think we have to step back from the brink quickly and go back to ask for his forgiveness. As long as we are more sincere and there is no one more suitable to control News Corporation than us, I believe he can forgive us! "

Hearing this, Sally and Ted's eyes regained some color.

Yes, the reason why they surrendered to the Freemasons was entirely because they lost David as their backer and were forced to do so out of desperation.

As long as they go back to find David and give a good explanation, David still has a chance to understand them.

Thinking of this, the three of them stopped staying too much and strode directly out of the gate of the venue.

"Augustine, Ray Cyril Jep, I think we need to talk!"

Here, Joshua also immediately said this to the two major factions of the Illuminati and the Angsa Group.

David came here today not only to confirm to the people here that they were dead, but everyone could see that he came here specifically to threaten, so they had to take countermeasures early.

The people from the two major factions also nodded, and then followed Joshua into a private room upstairs.

"Everyone, it seems that we were overjoyed too early and fell into this boy's trap. With this boy's vengeful character, this matter will definitely not be settled in this way. What do you think?"

As soon as he entered the private room, Joshua couldn't wait to say these words.

"This matter all depends on you, the Freemasons, and you must be responsible!"

Lei Zhe said this with a hint of resentment.

In fact, it's no wonder that he has resentment. If it wasn't for the Freemasonry's failure to kill David, how could they have fallen into a trap and been set up by David like this?

"This is indeed our responsibility, but now that the matter is irreversible, it is useless to talk about it. We have to think of countermeasures."

Joshua knew that he was in the wrong, so he didn't fight too much.

"Humph, we said before that we will only take action if David is dead. Now that he is still alive, don't think about us going to bear the thunder for your Freemasonry!"

"What Mr. Lei Zhe said is what I want to say. It's really hurtful that we didn't kill him this time. You Freemasons must bear the corresponding responsibilities!"

Augustine also echoed.

"You can't say that. David will definitely not let our Freemasons go this time. But from what he said just now, it is obvious that he also knows that your Illuminati and the Ansa Group are also involved in this matter. If we fall, do you think you can still stay out of trouble?"

This time, it was Prescott, the head of the Rockefeller family, who spoke.

"Are you threatening us?"

"No, no, no, this is not a threat. It's just that we are all in the same boat now. We should work together to avoid being defeated by him one by one."

Now both the Illuminati and the Ansa Group were silent, because they knew that Prescott's words made sense.

This is a life-and-death feud. If it were them, they would not be able to give up so easily.

"I have to go back and discuss this with my father."

"I also have to go back and hold a meeting with our members to discuss it carefully."

Lei Zhe and Augustine spoke one after another.

"That's natural..."

After all, this matter is of great importance, and it can't be concluded in a few words. Lei Zhe and others didn't want to continue the conversation. They walked out of the private room and left the mansion with their own people.

And today's so-called celebration dinner ended hastily with a whimper.


Fifth Avenue in New York.

The IRS armored vehicle team is on the way back.

At this time, in the middle armored vehicle, David and Carlod who had just left the mansion were sitting in the back seat.

"Inspector General David, are you letting them go?"

Carlod still couldn't understand it. This is a big revenge for the assassination. With David's ability, it would be easy to catch a group of people on the spot, accuse them of a crime and throw them into prison.

And this can also serve as a warning to others!

"It doesn't make much sense to touch them now. Believe me, they will cry later."

If these people are arrested, David will certainly have a way to accuse them of a crime.

But these people are still too influential. If they are arrested like this, the IRS will also face great public pressure.

Of course, the main reason is that the current benefits of arresting these people are not very large, and he can't completely vent his anger.

Originally, he planned to push the plan later, but now these people's assassination behavior has touched his bottom line, he doesn't plan to wait, and will start pushing it directly.

As long as it succeeds, I believe that whether it is the Ansa Group, the Freemasons, or the Illuminati, they will know what a big bleed is!

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