United states tax collector

Chapter 360: Submit, Senator

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

With this kind of thing being tacitly understood by both parties, David didn't want to waste any more time. Then he changed the subject and said, "I don't know, Senator Raglan, what do you think of our IRS?"

"Then I'll make it clear to Inspector General David that I don't have any opinions about your IRS, and I don't want to get involved in any disputes between you. That's it!"

To be honest, Raglan quite admired David as a person and the way he acted.

After all, not everyone can force the Freemasons to this point.

But one code equals another.

This time the three major Freemasonry groups assassinated David, and David is now alive. The two sides have clearly set the pace for a war. We are now in the mid-term election stage, and of course he does not want to go there. Muddy water.

The other party's answer did not exceed David's expectations.

But having said that, if this Raglan is just an ordinary person or an official, then he naturally has no interest in making things difficult for the other party.

But he is a senator in the Senate, and a senator is not comparable to a member of the House of Representatives.

According to the Constitution of the United States, the Senate and the House of Representatives are the country's legislative bodies, and both enjoy the power of legislation, supervision, and impeachment.

But in actual operations, the Senate has more power than the House of Representatives.

This is reflected in the fact that any new bill must be voted and approved by both houses of Congress and then be signed by the president before it can become a formal law.

But in addition to legislation, the Senate has many powers that the House of Representatives does not.

For example, when the president nominates justices, important government officials, or ambassadors to foreign countries, they must be confirmed by a vote of the Senate before they can take effect.

Another example is the recent hearing against the IRS. If the IRS was found guilty at the hearing, the House of Representatives bill was passed.

If more than 51 senators agree, the black tax bill will have to be repealed

Therefore, as a senator, David must take down Raglan, whether through coercion or inducement.

Because his vote in Congress is so crucial!

Putting away his thoughts, David narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "Senator Raglan, as the saying goes, to be in office is to seek political power. Now that the dispute has been stirred up, do you think that as a senator, you can still stay out of the matter in the future? Or do you think that if you turn to the Freemasons, they won’t have to use your influence to deal with me?”

Raglan fell silent upon hearing this.

He did reach some private agreements with the Freemasons, and the conflict between the Freemasons and the IRS is getting more intense now. Now that he has chosen to take sides, when he is really needed, it seems impossible to stay out of it if he thinks about it. of.

If the Freemasons ask him to help denounce the IRS, will he stand up?

For a moment, Raglan was caught in a tangle.

He now feels that the agreement he reached with the Freemasons was too early.

Oh no, strictly speaking he didn't expect David to still be alive.

If David was really dead, he wouldn't be in this dilemma now.

[Name: Raglan Malkan. 】

[Occupation: Raglan Malkan. 】

[Monthly income: 21,000 US dollars. 】

[Detailed income situation...]


While Raglan was still thinking, David also quietly activated the review function of the system and conducted a review on him.

I have to say that compared to others, Senator Raglan is relatively clean.

But being honest doesn’t mean that you don’t have any leverage!

"Senator Raglan, since I am here in person today, you must give me an answer. You are either on the side of our IRS, you are on the side of that group of people, or maybe... …You can choose to resign!”

"Okay, Inspector General David, I won't take sides from now on, I will promise to be neutral..."

He had worked hard for so many years to accumulate so much reputation and get into the position of senator. It was impossible for him to resign, so after some struggle, he had to come up with this method.

"Don't tell me this. As a senator of the United States, you should have your own values. Don't think about doing nothing in your office. And you should know very well that our IRS and those group of Freemasons The difference!”

David continued: "The Freemasons control all walks of life in the United States and are extremely rich. However, they have tried every means to avoid taxes. At the end of the year, they can't even pay a 10% tax rate. You can’t pay it, but people like you and me, who have worked hard for the country, pay the tax every penny. Do you think this is fair?”

There was bitterness on Raglan's face, obviously being struck by David's words.

This is why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

Not only do they control a large amount of resources in this society, but they can even avoid basic taxes. How can they not be extremely rich?

"Senator Raglan, as a senator in the Senate, you have handled countless bills over the years. Don't you know why our IRS worked so hard to get the black tax bill passed? And why it was passed smoothly in the end. ?"

“This is because the government’s fiscal deficit reached US$3.1 trillion last year. Coupled with the global economic downturn, even the Federal Reserve has to continue to print money and raise interest rates. If this black tax bill cannot be used to increase tax revenue, it will be difficult for the United States to maintain its status quo. world influence."

"And the Ministry of Finance will also reduce expenditures in major departments, not to mention resources such as education. Do you want to wait until your children grow up, but because the education department has no budget, they will not be able to receive them? A good education?”

The front is fine.

But when he heard the last comment about the possibility that his children might not receive a good education in the future, Raglan couldn't sit still.

As a senator, of course he is well aware of the current financial situation of the United States.

It was okay when the former president was here. After all, the president was a businessman and had good economic skills.

But after he took office, he directly kicked away his predecessor's economic plan and restarted the United States' hegemonic strategy around the world.

Once this hegemonic strategy is adopted, military expenditures must be increased.

But where do these military expenditures come from?

It is not achieved by the Federal Reserve raising interest rates to harvest the world's wool and reducing the budgets of major departments.

With his knowledge as a senator, he knew that David's words were by no means alarmist!

"Although the black tax bill has been passed, the taxes collected are actually just a drop in the bucket. As you have seen before, I have been struggling for so long and got so much tax revenue, but the last W aid bill was taken away. "

"However, to put it bluntly, this money is just for those foreigners. If we really want to benefit our people, we have to promote bills that benefit the people. I am already preparing relevant work."

"But you also know that more than half of the assets in the United States are in the hands of the Freemasons, the Angsa Group, and the Illuminati. If we want to make a difference, we can only take it out of their hands!"

David did not want to use coercion unless it was absolutely necessary.

After all, Raglan is a senator. If he cannot be made to work for him wholeheartedly, who knows what trouble will happen in the future.

So now he can only explain it with emotion and reason first, and see if this guy will "understand the righteousness".

"Are you really going to attack these three major forces directly next?"

Although Raglan knew that David must avenge the assassination, he was still quite shocked after hearing what David said.

If the interests of the three major forces are used to benefit the people, the people will naturally be very happy, but if the three major forces know about it, they may have to hesitate.

"Why, do you think I don't have the courage?"

David asked expressionlessly.

"That's not true, but aren't you afraid that I will spread this word?"

"Since I dare to come here and tell you this, I'm not afraid of you spreading the word!"

David's words were full of confidence.

Raglan, who was sitting opposite, narrowed his eyes.

Although David just said that he was not afraid of him getting out, he actually heard a hint of threat in the other party's words.

That is if he really dares to spread the word at this stage.

Then Raglan must be up to no good!

"No matter how powerful the IRS is, the three major forces are already advancing and retreating together. It is not easy to get the taxes they should pay from them."

"Yes, that's why I came to you today, maybe... we can try to push a bill!"

David has already examined Raglan and has a handle on this guy, so even if he lets the other party know about this bill, he is sure that he will not dare to leak it for a while.

"Pushing a bill? What bill?"

Raglan's face tightened.

The bills that can be discussed in Congress will definitely be significant enough to affect the people's livelihood, economy, military and other major matters in the United States.

The bill that David wants to introduce now obviously involves the three major forces. You don't need to think about it to know that it is an extraordinary bill.

"For example, like the black tax bill, the tax laws of the black tax bill include theft, drug trafficking, smuggling, and other illegal activities, which will be included in the scope of tax payment. The bill I want to promote is also very simple and will tax Group companies that open accounts in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands pay a uniform percentage tax! ”


After hearing these words, Raglan stood up from his chair and looked at David in shock.

He originally thought that David came to see him today just to force him not to join the Masonic group and jointly deal with the IRS.

Unexpectedly, the real purpose turned out to be this!

But having said that, if this bill is really introduced, it will definitely be a direct grab for money from the three major forces.

These three major forces will definitely use all their strength to resist!

At that time, maybe it will be a world war in the financial world!

How dare David, the Inspector General, have such a bold idea?

You know, the last person who had similar thoughts had his head ripped open.

Moreover, the man who was one of the most capable and popular presidents in the United States inevitably ended up like this.

Does Inspector General David really think he can do things that adults can't?

David's name and style have long been famous to Raglan, but until now, he didn't know how bold and terrifying David really is!

"Senator Raglan, don't make such a fuss. This idea is just a prototype now. Let's sit down and talk slowly!"

Raglan tried to regain some composure, sat down and said: "Your idea... I may say something that may not sound good to you. It is basically impossible to realize. You have to know what kind of country the United States is. This is a capital." As a supreme country, you will not only affect the interests of the three major forces, but also the interests of all the rich, and everyone will resist you! "

David remained expressionless and replied calmly: "It is true, but the rich are still a minority in this country. If we receive this huge tax, then the unemployment benefits will be even greater. Poor children will receive better education and receive more substantial scholarships.”

"So if all ordinary people stand by my side, it may not be impossible. What do you think, Mr. Senator?"

"Do you want to do something big and famous with me, or do you want to continue to serve as your senator?"

"Or... choose to continue to be the lackeys of those Utah people?"

Raglan was silent again.

David is right. If this bill is successfully introduced, the tax money will definitely be an unimaginable amount of money.

This amount of money is definitely enough to be used in the development of education, employment and other aspects, so that the entire United States will usher in radical changes.

And if he is a participant in this bill, he will not only receive huge popularity, but also receive huge support.

Since Raglan is an honest politician, how could he not want to do such a historic event?

But having said that, the same thing is said. If this bill succeeds, it will bring huge benefits to him, but the key is that it will be difficult to succeed.

In addition, the horror of the Freemasonry group still made him a little discouraged.

After all, he has a family and children. Who knows if doing this will affect his family in the future.

Seeing that Raglan was deep in thought, David did not rush to urge him.

It wasn't until a full ten minutes passed that Raglan finally came back to his senses and said, "Even if I am willing to help you, I may not be able to help you."

"How to say?"

"You also know that the mid-term elections are about to begin, and your bill is not trivial. It will definitely not be passed at once. I may not be able to be a senator by then."

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