United states tax collector

Chapter 373 The Federal Reserve raises interest rates

Church was in high spirits at this time.

Looking at the reporters who were gathering around him and almost begging him for words, he was extremely happy.

Humph, I begged you to interview me just now, but you refused. Now it's your turn to beg me, right?

"Congressman Church, many viewers want to ask, have you reached a cooperation with the IRS to initiate such a bill for them?"

This time, the reporter from the Huffington Post asked the question.

During this period of time, the IRS has reaped the benefits of many capitalists, so anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is precisely because of this that the capitalists operated the previous hearing investigation on the black tax bill and later used assassination methods.

After the assassination, such a tax avoidance bill immediately appeared. If it is not the IRS behind the scenes, who would believe it!

"As a congressman, the IRS is a national tax agency. Why cooperate?"

"It's just that I personally think this bill is beneficial to the economic development of our America and to the people, so I personally came out to initiate it!"

As Church said, one of them is a congressman and the other is a tax agency, so of course they can't announce their cooperation in public.

As a congressman, he must take up this bill, which can highlight his obligations and responsibilities as a congressman.

"Haha, this congressman is right, I like it!"

"That's right, this bill is very helpful to the economic development of our America, let's draft it formally and then vote to pass the legislation!"


Although the people know that Church is talking nonsense, they don't mind this kind of thing. As the saying goes, the IRS fleecing the capitalists has nothing to do with them, they are the beneficiaries!

"Okay, Congressman Church, as far as I know, you have been a member of Congress for many years, and there is no precedent for drafting bills. So, will you draft this bill?"

"Of course, as the initiator of this bill, I will naturally do the drafting work!"

"Then Congressman Church, this bill will affect the interests of thousands of capitalists, and it will be difficult to pass. Do you have confidence?"

Hearing this, Church smiled and then replied: "Yes, this bill will affect the interests of thousands of capitalists, but the beneficiaries will be hundreds of millions of people. I stand behind hundreds of millions of people. Do you think I can't have confidence?"

"Congressman Church is right, we must support it!"

"Support Congressman Church!"


Church's words were instantly recognized by countless viewers.

"Okay, Congressman Church, we will keep an eye on this bill and look forward to the results of your drafting!"

"Welcome your supervision!"

The bill has been announced and the momentum has been called. Next, Church will prepare for the drafting work, so he will not stay any longer and leave quickly.

"Damn it!"

Because this bill is too groundbreaking, Church was surrounded by reporters just now, causing Saroyan, who wanted to come over to dampen his enthusiasm, to squeeze in for a long time but couldn't.

And seeing that Church had finished his speech and left, he could only curse in exasperation.

After the interview in Congress, the popularity of this tax avoidance bill continued to rise.

After all, this concerns the interests of hundreds of millions of people in the United States, and everyone hopes to get a good result.

Of course, in addition to the United States, this bill has also caused considerable heated discussions in countries around the world.

But there is one thing in common, many people are also extremely supportive of this bill.

The reason is also very simple.

Capitalists have always been the target of the common people's anger, so they are of course happy to see this group of people being messed up.


"The most urgent task is to recount some of our seats in Congress and ensure that the seats we have are not like the lawyers in the previous hearings, who were all turned against by David, the damn bastard!"

"In addition, for those members who are still neutral or wavering, we can increase resources to lobby. If that doesn't work, we can start from their supporting states and give voters some benefits to achieve the effect of coercing those members!"

"As long as we can guarantee seats in Congress, no matter how much he promotes this bill, we are not afraid!"

A few hours after the bill was announced, a large number of Freemasons were summoned to Senado Island.

At this time, it was Prescott, the head of the Rockefeller family, who proposed a response plan.

"It's easy to increase lobbying efforts on those swing congressmen, but lobbying voters will cost a lot of money..."

It's easy to throw money and resources at those swing congressmen, but there are tens of millions of voters in each state. How much money would it cost if we really wanted to throw money?

This is an astronomical figure!

This figure is enough to make most Freemasons feel painful.

"Don't worry, in order to fight the IRS, your major financial groups have also contributed a lot of money and effort. With this money, I will set up a 'Fighting the IRS Fund', which will be injected by our Rothschild family and the seven major families!"

This time it was Henrietta who spoke.

As the head of the group, he knew very well that even though the Freemasons were a group, no matter how close the groups were, they could not escape the word "profit".

If there was no profit, who would listen to you and command you?

So they had to pay this money for both emotional and rational reasons.

Sure enough, when they heard that the next funds did not need to be shared by their own family groups, many Freemasons present were instantly happy.

But when someone is happy, someone else is worried.

The seven families are naturally worried.

Although their family has made a lot of money over the years thanks to the Federal Reserve and various industries.

But no one's money comes from the wind.

Now David has obviously traveled all over the United States to coerce many congressmen, and if they want to persuade these people, the cost will definitely not be small.

So they are naturally very unhappy to let them share this money for the entire group.

"Mr. Henrietta, this bill hurts not only us, but also the Ansa Group and the Illuminati. Shouldn't we talk to them?"

Joshua's underlying meaning is that even if we have to pay the money, it can't be just us!

"That's natural. Okay, go ahead. This damn bill concerns the deep interests of our Freemasonry Group. You must go all out and can't slack off. Joshua, Prescott...you guys stay first!"

Soon, most of the Freemason members left, and except for Henrietta, only the seven major families were left at the scene.

"I know that you feel uncomfortable sharing this money with everyone, because even if the tax avoidance bill is passed, you who rely on the Federal Reserve will not go bankrupt, but remember one thing, we can't retreat anymore!"

"If the IRS really passes this bill and reaps their wealth, how do you know that they won't pass another bill to reap the wealth of our Federal Reserve?"

Although everyone had already guessed this in their hearts, many people couldn't help but tremble after hearing Henrietta say it so bluntly.

But not long after, the representative of the Warburg family said: "Mr. Henrietta, no matter how rampant they are, they dare not introduce a bill against the Federal Reserve, right?"

Although the Federal Reserve does not have the same powerful law enforcement power as the IRS and the FBI, it is a financial institution that can affect the lifeline of the global economy.

If they really dare to introduce a bill to affect their institution, not only the United States, but also the global stock market and financial market will also set off huge fluctuations.

Combining these considerations, he raised such doubts.

"Haha, before this, have you ever thought that he would dare to introduce such a bill? And with David's character, is there anything he can't do now?"

Hearing this, the head of the Warburg family was speechless.

Yes, before this, none of them expected that David would actually introduce such a bill to retaliate against them.

Now that this bill has been introduced, if it is really successful, David's reputation will be further improved.

It seems that it is also a natural thing to announce the introduction of a bill against the Federal Reserve in the future.

"Mr. Henrietta, the consequences of not getting rid of this bastard last time are too great. Do you think we can still..."

The head of the Zade family made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Although the people of the other major families did not express their support at the first time, several of them have already shown their thoughts, thinking about the possibility of this method.

Although this bill is very lethal to them, as long as the Federal Reserve is still in their hands, their foundation is still there.

But if this organization also makes any mistakes, then their Freemasonry group will probably collapse.

So they naturally cannot tolerate any mistakes in this organization.

"Haha, we failed last time, both the IRS and David are very alert, not to mention that the CIA Intelligence Department is said to have fallen into the control of that bastard, and since Madu Aike was forced to retreat, no one dares to offend him again on the FBI side."

"With these two major departments in hand, plus his IRS's own channels, maybe we have just formulated a plan, and they will immediately capture the information, then it will be a waste of effort!"

Prescott's words dispelled the thoughts of several people present.

Yes, last time they carefully prepared for the assassination but failed. Now David is on guard, and there are two major agencies, the FBI and the CIA, to guard the house, so the possibility of them thinking is too low.

"They are now using legal means to play with us, so we will use legal means to play with them. It just costs a little more money, but I don't think it matters..."

At this point, Prescott was indifferent. It was just a little money. Anyway, they have made enough money over the years, so there is nothing to regret.

"Okay, then our Mogen family is willing to pay for this money!"

"Our Rockefeller family is also willing to pay!"



The seven major families who have understood the gains and losses can only express their willingness to pay.

This also made Henrietta very satisfied. He said: "Don't worry, everyone will not pay this money in vain!"

"What do you mean, Mr. Henrietta?"

"According to the government's fiscal report, our inflation has increased by 9.1% year-on-year. It's time to raise interest rates!"

"Raise interest rates!"

When they heard this, the eyes of the people from all the major families present lit up.

The Fed's interest rate hike, these five words may sound insignificant to most people, but when it comes to the stock market and financial market, it is like explosive news.


Because the Fed controls the economic lifeline of the world, and every interest rate hike is equivalent to cutting the wool of the world.

How to cut it?

To put it simply, the US dollar rises to a high point and pushes the currencies of other countries to a low level. At this time, the US dollar can be sold through Wall Street and then the currencies of other countries can be bought.

Or the high-quality assets of the country denominated in other countries' currencies, this high-selling and low-buying completes a wool harvest.

If the US dollar is used to buy the bottom, the financial systems of other countries will be blown up, and they will fall into an economic crisis. At this time, not only will their currencies depreciate wildly, but their sovereign assets will also be further broken in the process. Then this high-selling and low-buying will be even more satisfying!

This wool will be cut even more satisfying!

But the most critical step here is to sell US dollars to other countries when the US dollar is high and the currencies of other countries are low, so as to maximize the acquisition of their high-quality assets that have been broken.

Then the question is, why do people want to take your US dollars at a high price?

It is also very simple.

As the only world currency, the US dollar must be used for business, importing materials, or repaying foreign debts.

If you don’t have US dollars, then the country will go bankrupt.

That is to say, it will become like Sri Lanka, where the economy will be shut down, trade will be interrupted, and then social unrest and riots will break out!

But no matter what, the Fed’s interest rate hike is definitely a nightmare for countries around the world.

But for the United States, it is naturally very beneficial.

And what is more beneficial is the families that control the Federal Reserve, such as Mogen and Rockefeller.

Every interest rate hike can also make them a lot of money.

But unfortunately, the decision-making power of major economic events that affect the world, such as the Fed’s interest rate hike, is not in the hands of the seven major families.

It is in the hands of the Rothschild family!

Now that Henrietta has announced an interest rate hike, the funds they invested in fighting the IRS can be said to have not only been recovered, but they can even make a lot of money!

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