United states tax collector

Chapter 375: Stuck in the neck

"Saroyan is right, Great Britain is our best ally in the United States, and we cannot do such things that harm our allies!"

"Why can we, the United States, become the global hegemon? That's not because our allies follow us and have meat to eat. If we compete with our allies for meat now, we will gradually lose our global influence!"

"There are also regions such as Luxembourg and Monaco, which are also original tax havens. If this bill is really introduced, they will definitely protest, and their impact must be taken into consideration!"

Many of the congressmen present were spokespersons for the three major groups and major financial groups, so when they heard Saroyan's words, they naturally agreed with him.


Looking at these people, Church smiled contemptuously and replied: "Let me ask you, which is more important, the interests of our allies or the interests of our own people?"

"Our finances are in such a terrible state now. In other words, our own civilians don't have enough to eat, so how can we have time to take care of others?"

"And the allies you mentioned about us are not just with us just to eat meat."

"I think the most important thing is to be wary of our world's number one military strength. If our economy continues like this, it is inevitable to cut military spending. Without increased investment in military spending, military strength will inevitably decline significantly. !”

"This is why the Middle East dares to de-dollarize the currency and the European Union begins to fight against us. This is the fundamental reason!"

It was clear that when he took the stage, he had expected that some people would use the talking point of allies to refute the bill. So when I came, I had already prepared my rebuttal.

"Congressman Church is right. Do you think our allies are just going to eat meat with us? Without the support of strong military strength, who will follow you!"

"This bill must be passed because it will not only bring benefits to our people, but also the country will have more funds to invest in military spending to maintain our overlord status!"

"Support Congressman Church..."

Not to be outdone, Church's allies also sounded the voice of support.

And not only them, many people watching through the live broadcast also responded one after another.

Of course, despite having allies and massive popular support.

However, these congressmen headed by Saroyan still had no intention of giving up and continued to impeach this bill.

But their impeachment is useless, at least not now.

Because this bill has just been introduced to Congress and is seeking to get a legislative number.

So next, Church ignored them at all and handed the drafted bill directly to the Legislative Committee, and then waited for approval.

Surprisingly, however, the day after it was submitted, there was no progress on the bill.

Then on the second and third days, there was still no news. It was as if the bill had disappeared.

Now Qiu Qi couldn't hold back his anger, and immediately started to contact everyone to find out the news.

At the same time, the Office of the Inspector General of the Internal Revenue Service.

David sat on the chair slightly tiredly, and opposite him were a group of people from the department.

"The statistics from a few days ago showed that we had 213 votes. After the operation of the Inspector General in the past few days, the number of votes is now 228, which is 10 votes more than the 218 needed to pass the bill. It should be relatively safe. ”

Listening to Munson's statistical report, David felt a little relieved.

The reason why he looked so tired was entirely because in the past few days, he had spent countless experiences collecting dirty information about the swaying congressmen, and then threatened them one by one to switch to his side.

But now it seems that all these efforts are worth it, at least now I have 228 votes.

Even if there are twenty-five people who rebel during the voting, as long as no more than 10 people rebel, then this bill will be passed!

"What did Elvis say? Has the list been given?"

In addition to dealing with swing congressmen, David also asked Elvis to use the power of the CIA to monitor the people in his camp to see which ones were less reliable.

To be on the safe side, as long as someone dares to rebel, he will kill him if he can!

"Here you go, Inspector General, please take a look at it."

Jerry put a list in front of him, and David picked it up and took a look. There were more than a dozen people, which was really not a small number!

It seems that not only has he been busy these days, but the Freemasons have also been busy lobbying congressmen on his side.

No, as I said just now, as long as no more than 10 people rebel, the bill can be passed steadily.

There are now a dozen congressmen on this list. Although it is not necessarily the case that more than a dozen congressmen will rebel together, we still have to guard against it!

It seems that we need to give these dozen people a good beating. Even if we can't bring them all back from the brink, at least we have to make most of them return to their own camp. !

“What’s going on over there in Congress, where are we in the bill process?”

David has been busy dealing with those congressmen these days, so he only knows that the bill has been submitted to Congress, but he doesn't pay special attention to what stage it has reached.

"Inspector General, I was just trying to tell you this..."


Jerry was about to report, but a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in!"

Following David Yi's prompt, a staff member brought Church in.

"Member Church, what's the matter?"

Seeing Church coming in person, David guessed that something might have gone wrong.

"Inspector General David, there must be something wrong with Congress!"

"Oh? What's the problem?"

"According to the bill submission process, a general bill can get a legislative number in two days at most, and a bill as important as our tax avoidance bill should only take one day to get this number, and then it will enter the committee hearing, improvement and other work."

"But it's been three days now, and there is still no progress!"

"Just now I went to talk to the people in the committee, and they shirked their responsibilities by saying that there were too many bills submitted recently and the codes were insufficient. There is definitely something fishy here!"

Listening to Church's words, David's face sank and asked, "In other words, the committee may be deliberately strangling us?"

"I think so. The legislative number is insufficient and full, which is just an excuse. Inspector General David, this matter cannot be delayed for a long time. The Masonic money-throwing tactics have achieved good results in various states. The longer they are stuck, the more disadvantageous it will be for us!"

Church's words made David come back to his senses.

Yes, the House of Representatives is blocking their bill, most likely to delay time, so that the Masonic money-spending tactics can make better progress and win more members.

In this case, this problem must be solved!

However, if this problem is to be solved, the matter of the members of the list that Elvis gave him will have to be delayed.

Thinking of this, he was a little annoyed, and then looked at Church and asked, "Where or who do you think this problem mainly lies?"

"In the House of Representatives, there are only four people who can block this bill like this, one is the chairman of the committee, one is the whip, and the other is the majority leader, and the last is Speaker Nan Xi."

"According to my observation, this matter has nothing to do with the chairman of the committee, and the majority whip does not seem to have given a direct order. As for the majority leader, he is an old fox and has not expressed his position since the bill was initiated. I personally think that it may be Nan Xi who gave the order himself!"

"Because just now, I wanted to talk to her, and her office assistant has been looking for excuses to shirk!"

Church expressed his guess.

"Nan Xi!"

A trace of gloom flashed in David's eyes.

Last time, this old woman came to him with bad intentions, but he forced her back.

Since then, this old woman has been quite sensible and did not directly jump out to oppose him, but he did not expect that at this critical moment, she would suddenly do such a thing.

But then again, it is really difficult to deal with this woman jumping out at this time.

First of all, since the other party dared to do this, it must be certain that he is busy with the bill and dare not make a big move against her.

Secondly, this Nan Xi is the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

She is the third most important person in the United States. If you really want to break up with her and want to discipline her, you will definitely encounter considerable resistance.

Even if David has collected her black material, the United States has a special legal provision for the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

That is, according to the provisions of the Constitution of the United States, in addition to the 14th Amendment, which stipulates that the Speaker will be removed from office if he commits treason.

The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives can continue to serve when he is criminally prosecuted or even convicted.

According to the official rules of the United States House of Representatives, the Speaker who is prosecuted can continue to participate in congressional procedures.

If the Speaker commits a crime that may be sentenced to 2 years or more in prison, she will not be allowed to participate in congressional votes or committee votes according to the rules of the House of Representatives.

In other words, even if David collects evidence and formally accuses Nan Xi, she can still maintain the power of the Speaker and continue to manipulate Congress.

If this were normal, David could certainly play with Nan Xi slowly, even if the other party was the Speaker of the House of Representatives with high power, he would have the confidence to make the other party lose face.

But now he is in a hurry to pass the bill.

If this continues, it is unknown how much time it will take for him to go through all the procedures and restrict Nan Xi's manipulation of Congress.

By then, the congressmen he has dealt with may be poached by the three major groups and other capital groups, and then it will really be picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons.

It's difficult!

After a while, David, who was frowning, seemed to have thought of something and said, "You just said that there are only four people in the House of Representatives who can block the main bill. Now it is Nan Xi who is blocking this bill. If we find the other three people, can they help us get the legislative number?"

"In theory, it is possible, but Nan Xi is the boss of the House of Representatives after all. If we want the entire committee to offend the Speaker of the House, perhaps only one of them can do it."

"The majority whip!"

David read out the name directly.

"Yes, although the majority whip is only the third in the House of Representatives, he is in charge of disciplinary issues and is the role that the members of the House of Representatives are most afraid of. If you can deal with him, let him communicate with the people in the committee, and they should compromise!"

"So, you go talk to Josh and test his attitude first. If he is willing to give in, you can bring him to talk to me."

The whip of the House of Representatives is named Josh Rachel. When he was in California, this guy came to him once and wanted him to help promote a medical bill.

As for this person's background, David had investigated it before promoting the bill.

Interestingly, this guy once received donations from the Freemasons, also received campaign funds from the Ansa, and also relied on the propaganda channels of the Illuminati. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a traitor!

Originally, David was not very interested in such a slippery guy, but now that he can be used, it is worth spending some time on him.

"Looking for Josh... OK, then I'll go and test his mouth!"


Capitol, whip office.

Josh was processing several documents when his secretary came in and said, "Sir, Congressman Church said he wanted to talk to you."


Josh was stunned, but immediately shook his head and said, "Tell him that I don't have time now."

Church is now a figure at the cusp of the storm, and he certainly doesn't want to get into any trouble for this.


After the assistant left, Josh started working seriously again, but a few minutes later, there was a sudden noise outside the door, and then the office door was suddenly pushed open.

The person who rushed in was none other than Church.

"Sorry, sir, Congressman Josh insisted on breaking in, I...I..."

The assistant behind him felt a little aggrieved. It was obvious that she had stopped him just now, but still couldn't beat Church who broke in.

"You go out first."

After sending the assistant away, Josh frowned at Church and said unhappily: "Since we are all members of Congress, I won't bother with you this time, but I tell you, this won't happen again!"

In fact, he didn't care about the other party being a colleague, but he knew that Church was now David's man, and he didn't want to get into trouble, so he said that he didn't care and wouldn't happen again.

Otherwise, if it were an ordinary congressman, with his temper as a whip of the House of Representatives, he would have exploded long ago.

Church laughed awkwardly and said, "Sorry, Whip Josh, I don't want to disturb you, but the situation is a bit urgent."

"Tell me, what do you want to see me for?"

Josh said impatiently.

"It's like this, Whip Josh, I believe you know that my bill can't get a legislative number. I wonder if you can mediate and let the committee issue the number?"

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