United states tax collector

Chapter 381 White-hot Stage

But just when many people at the IRS were ready to vent their anger, things finally took a turn for the better.

The fourth ballot came out, and the result on the big screen showed that it was a vote in favor of the bill passing!

"Shit, good!"

"Willigod, very Willigod!"

"Finally got the vote in favor, now start to charge!"

The senior executives, who were already in an extremely tense state of mind, finally released some pressure after seeing this vote in favor.

"Wait... look!"

However, before they could sigh too much, what shocked their morale was still to come.

Then the fourth, fifth... until the tenth ballot, according to the results displayed on the big screen, all of them were in favor of the bill passing.

And some of the votes included also had many members who were originally from the three major groups, but now they have switched sides to their IRS camp!

"Inspector General David, you did a good job in subversion!"

This result made Obadiah, who had clenched his fists, feel relieved and turned to praise David.

"They come to mess with our people, so I will naturally not be idle."

During this period of time, the three major groups have been lobbying their members, and David will not just sit there and watch. He also put pressure on the members of the other camp by various means.

Now that the members of the three major groups have made their choice in the current vote, it means that his methods are still effective.

It is not in vain that the energy spent during this period of time!

If these people "think it through" at this juncture, plus the votes they counted before, the probability of this bill passing can be said to be a few points higher!

"Hahaha, those Masonic people must have laughed so hard just now that their mouths couldn't close. I want to see if he can still laugh!"

"Haha, yes, it's a pity that we can't see their faces!"

"Don't feel sorry, just look at Nan Xi on the stage and you'll know!"

After hearing the words of this senior executive, everyone looked at the big screen.

As expected, facing such an instant reversal, even the shrewd Nan Xi couldn't sit still. The confident face he had before gradually turned into a deep one.

But then again, Nan Xi on the stage was actually pretty good. After all, he was broadcasting live in front of the whole country, so he couldn't lose his composure too much.

But the members of the three major groups couldn't help it.

"Fuck, these damn bastards are unreliable!"

"Damn, I knew David would definitely attack those members of our camp, and now it's true."


Seeing that the votes were instantly reversed and even surpassed by a large margin, and that it was voted by members of their own camp, many people in the three major groups have begun to vent their anger by smashing cups, hammering tables, and other behaviors.


As time went by, the battle gradually became white-hot.

At this time, the number of votes has reached 230.

Currently, the number of votes supporting the passage of the bill is 120, which is still dominant overall.

As for the number of votes against, it is 110.

It is worth mentioning that there was no abstention.

In fact, it is not that the members of Congress did not have the option of abstention when voting, there are deep-seated reasons for this.

After all, Congress is not like the United Nations.

The United Nations represents their respective countries, so when a general meeting is held to vote on a certain matter, many countries will choose to abstain from voting. This is already a very common thing, and no one will blame it.

But it's different in the US Congress.

Why would the people elect you to be a member of the Congress?

That's so that you can exercise your power as a member of the Congress and seek benefits for them.

For example, this bill now concerns tens of thousands of people. Regardless of whether you vote for or against, you must at least vote and have your own position, so that you can live up to your job as a member of the Congress.

If you choose to abstain, then why did the people ask you to come up?

Is it just to come up and abstain and smooth things over?

If that's the case, who else can't vote?

So in short, voting for or against is a matter of position, and abstaining means not seeking to govern.

So no matter which bill, basically there is only voting for or against, and abstaining will affect one's career, so few members of the Congress choose to abstain.

While thinking, another ten minutes passed.

At this time, the number of votes displayed on the big screen reached 400.

Coincidentally, after reaching this number of votes, there was actually a tense situation.

Currently, there are 202 votes in favor of the bill, and 198 votes against it, with a difference of two votes between the two.

And the remaining votes are only 35 votes.

In other words, any possibility will happen next!

The IRS.

With the ups and downs at the beginning of the vote, the conference room has returned to a tense and solemn atmosphere.

In general.

This vote has been cast until now, and on the surface, the advantage is still on their side, after all, they still maintain a 2-vote advantage, but in fact, their situation is still not optimistic.

You know, before the voting started, they had 239 clear votes!

But now there are only 35 votes left in the hospital.

Even if these 35 votes were all added to them, they would only be worth 237 votes.

In other words, they lost at least 2 clear votes.

"The remaining 35 votes are all critical votes. I hope there will be a good result!..."

Obadiah said this in a deep voice.

Everyone present, including David, held their breath and clenched their fists.


Following the prompt from a senior executive, everyone put aside their thoughts and turned to look at the big screen.

Congress scene.

At this moment, all the spotlight was on a bearded man in a suit.

This is a core member of the Kennedy family in the House of Representatives, named Snow Maxwell.

Without any hesitation, Snow Maxwell pressed the yes vote directly under the voting button in front of him.

At this moment, the number of votes in favor of the bill in the House of Representatives has reached 203, which is only 15 votes short of the number of votes required to pass!

Next, the spotlight came to a middle-aged man with white hair.

His name is Bloor DeWitt, he is the leader of the majority party in the House of Representatives and the number two person after Speaker Nancy!

Not surprisingly, he voted against it.

And under his leadership as the leader of the majority party, his party members voted nine times in a row against it.

Now, the number of votes against the passage of the bill suddenly exceeded the number of votes in favor, reaching 207.

Only 11 votes were needed to kill the bill.

At this time, everyone in the United States was extremely worried.

"Oh maika, oh maika, my heart can't bear it anymore and I don't dare to watch it. Please tell me if you have any results!"

"Currently, there are 207 votes against and 203 votes in favor. It's still a stalemate. Unfortunately, it's the IRS's turn to lose!"

"No, the IRS must win this bill..."

All the people who were paying attention were breathing quickly and their heartbeats were beating fast. Some were even too nervous to look at it.

But they are not the only ones who are nervous. At this time, the three major groups, major capitalists, and everyone at the IRS are also restless.

But the IRS is relieved.

According to the order of voting, the next one is Josh!

Josh is not only a member of their side, but more importantly, he also has the identity of the whip of the House of Representatives.

As long as he votes, his party members will definitely follow suit, and the number of votes in favor of the bill should be able to catch up in an instant!

With everyone watching, Josh pressed the button to vote.

There was no surprise. In order to reach an agreement with David and ascend to the throne of speaker, he worked hard and voted in favor without hesitation.

Under his charge, all his party members also pressed their votes in agreement.

The original 203 votes in favor suddenly increased by 8 to 211. Only the last seven votes were left before the bill was passed!

Currently, there are only 17 votes left that have not been cast by the hospital!

Whether they are humans or ghosts depends on these 17 people!

But anyway.

At this time, the pressure came again to Nan Xi and the three major groups.

What makes them feel uneasy is that many of the 17 people who will vote next are swing members.

Although their major groups have lobbied many times before and promised many benefits, many of these people did not give an accurate answer, only an answer that they would consider.

So at this moment, they don't know what these swing members are thinking about and whether they will stand on their side and cast a crucial vote.

"Fake Squid!"

"These damn bastards!"


While I was thinking, the votes on the big screen continued to appear, and three more congressmen cast three votes in favor, which also attracted a lot of curses from the three major groups.

But no matter what, there are only four final votes left before this bill is passed in the House of Representatives!

At this time, Nan Xi on the stage could not sit still at all. If the bill was still passed under his chairmanship, he would not get any good results.

So before the next member of parliament started voting, her stern gaze had already swept over him.

That look seems to be saying: If you dare to vote in favor again, I will make you miserable!

"Who is Nan Xi staring at? Are you trying to threaten others?"

"It must be. Judging from the look in her eyes, she definitely doesn't want this bill to pass."

"There has been news in the past few days that Nan Xi is an opponent of this bill, and it is indeed true now!"

"The dignified Speaker of the House of Representatives actually dares to threaten members of the House of Representatives in front of the whole country at the critical moment of voting. This is simply lawless!"

And everyone is not blind, so how could they not see Nan Xi's threatening look?

Many supporters of the IRS have begun to send greetings to Nan Xi with various words, accusing her of openly oppressing members of Congress in Congress.

"Haha, it seems Nan Xi can't sit still anymore."

"There are only four votes left before the bill is passed. She will only be able to sit still."

"Haha, let him struggle, it's only 4 votes away!"

Although the senior officials at the IRS did not directly scold him, they continued to ridicule Nan Xi's shameless behavior.

But it should be said that as a person who has been a powerful figure in American politics for so many years, Nan Xi's threats in his eyes still had an effect.

At least the congressman voted against it after hesitating for a while.

In this case, the number of objections came to 208, which was only 10 votes away from the abortion of the bill.

But then, the spotlight came to a black woman.

Her name is Amy Ingrid and she is the current minority leader of the House of Representatives.

But even if she hasn't voted yet, many people in the United States believe that there is a high probability that this will be a "no" vote!

Because after the bill appeared, the leader of the minority party made some remarks through the media and social platforms, clearly expressing his opposition to the bill.

To make matters worse, it is well known that the minority leader’s campaign funds for so many years have been provided by the giants of Silicon Valley.

Therefore, it seems very reasonable for her to vote against it.

In fact, even people from the three major groups think so, because the leader of the minority party has repeatedly promised them that he will do his best to prevent the passage of this bill!

However, just when they thought Amy would firmly vote against it, the next scene stunned everyone.

[Congressman Amy: Vote yes! 】

When these words appeared on the big electronic screen, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became quiet, and countless people were shocked by this scene.

"Oh Maika, what's going on? Hasn't the leader of the minority party been opposed to this bill all along? Why is he now in favor of the bill being passed?"

"This is a bit outrageous. When the off-site tax avoidance bill came out, this congressman was the one who opposed it the most. But when it came to the vote, he voted in favor. What does this mean?"

"I don't know, but something unknown must have happened, otherwise Senator Amy would never do this!"

Seeing such a result, the entire American people were stunned for a long time. When they came to their senses, they started talking in confusion.

"What...what's going on?"

"What happened? Did Amy press the wrong button?"

"It's impossible to press the wrong button. If it's really wrong, she can declare it to Nan Xi in person and then vote again. But do you think she has any intention to declare it now?"

As for the IRS, many senior officials were also surprised by this.

It would be fine if he were an ordinary member of the House of Representatives, but he is the leader of the minority party in the House of Representatives and can be regarded as one of the important figures in the House of Representatives.

And as we all know, this is a member of the Freemasonry who is directly related to the Freemasonry. How could she switch sides like this?

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