United states tax collector

Chapter 384 Distribution of benefits after the bill is passed

But having said that, if you really want to stop these opposition congressmen, is there any way to drag down this bill by giving speeches like this?

The answer is yes.

As long as more than 60 senators agree to terminate the speech on stage, a vote can begin in the Senate.

That's why it was said before that 51 votes are needed in the Senate to pass a bill.

But if the opponent uses a long speech to delay, then nine more special votes will be needed.

"Inspector General David, there were indeed quite a few problems with members of our family during this vote, but don't worry, I will try my best to avoid this happening again in the next Senate vote!"

Sean was the first to stand up and promise.

The passage of the House of Representatives allowed his family to see the hope of defeating the Freemasonry. Now that the bill is submitted to the Senate, he will definitely try his best.

"Although there were indeed some accidents this time, we have come to this point, and our family will definitely do our best!"

"Don't worry, Inspector General David, our family won't hold back anything."


Everyone present expressed that they would try their best.

David nodded with satisfaction, looked at Elvis and said, "Give it to them!"


Elvis opened the briefcase he brought, took out a few documents from it and put them on the table, and then said: "According to our observation, you have senators whose families have some problems. You'd better take advantage of this opportunity." Let’s talk to them before the Senate vote begins!”

After solving the problems of the senators.

In the following time, David made various arrangements.

These arrangements not only raise issues regarding the current bill, but also many issues surrounding the passage of the bill.

And when they heard that even after the bill was passed, David didn't seem to have any plans to stop, everyone's minds immediately started to twist.

This off-site tax avoidance bill has caused a stir in the entire United States. If it is passed successfully and David has no intention of stopping, what will he do next?

Is it really necessary to introduce a bill to nationalize the Federal Reserve, the world's financial lifeline institution, as many people have speculated?

If this is the case, the sensation caused by then will probably be ten times greater than it is now!

While everyone was still thinking.

Bessemer seemed to have thought of something and said: "Inspector General David, our family has nothing to say about your next arrangements. We will do our best to follow them, but there is another thing that is also very important. I would like to ask you to listen to me." view!”

David looked at him and asked with interest: "Tell me about it."

"This bill has only passed the House of Representatives, but it has already caused the market value of major companies in the United States to drop a lot. If it really passes the Senate and gets signed by the president, do you think these companies will have Big turmoil?”

Having said this, Besemer paused and looked at David intently.

"Keep talking!"

Hearing David's words, Bessemer nodded and continued: "Let me state first that I have no intention of offending you, Inspector General David."

"I just think that if the bill passes and what you and the IRS are getting is a bunch of 'scrap,' it doesn't make any sense at all and it defeats the purpose of this bill."

"So what I mean is that once this bill is passed, perhaps we can follow the example you did with News Corporation before and let us take over some companies that are in turmoil!"

"With our takeover, although it may not be able to stop the decline of these companies, it can at least ensure the lower limit to the greatest extent, and finally make the passage of this bill more valuable. What do you think, Inspector General David?"

After hearing these words, David finally understood.

Before, all he wanted to do was get this bill passed, but he didn't plan this carefully. Now that he thinks about it, it's true.

After all, this bill is of a reform nature. Once the legislation is successfully passed, it will definitely cause a lot of turmoil in a short period of time.

If those capitalists were more ruthless and directly took away the funds, technology, etc. of these giant companies, then there would really be nothing left but a pile of scrap copper and iron as Bessemer said.

Judging from the character of those capitalists, they are really capable of doing such a thing.

After all, during the Great Depression in the United States, those capitalists would rather pour the milk in their hands into the river than distribute it to the poor or reduce prices. Why is this?

Because once this is done, the poor's values ​​for milk will change, and they will no longer be able to sell it at such a high price in the future!

And the mentality of many capitalists now may be the same. The IRS wants to collect our taxes and cut our flesh, right? Well, I will destroy the company. If your bill is passed, where will the taxes be collected?

And it's worth mentioning that when he was rectifying News Corp., didn't the guys from the Freemasonry think things were out of control, and they also had such a hands-on operation.

Fortunately, he found Ted, John, and Sally, and relied on their resources and capital in the media industry to finally stabilize News Corporation.

While David was thinking about this issue, everyone present, including Ivanka and Japheid who were listening, were also ignited by Bessemer's words.

On the surface, it appears that Bassemer is doing this for the IRS.

But in fact, everyone is not a fool, how could they not know what his plan is.

Most of the companies that can be registered in overseas tax havens are companies with relatively promising development prospects.

There are even some who say that they are hens that lay golden eggs.

So as long as you can take over, I won't say you can make a lot of money, but you will definitely not lose money.

"Inspector General David, I have to admit that Mr. Bessemer is right about this, but what I want to say is that if that happens, it will take a lot of money to take over these companies. So...we can help here!"

Before anyone else could recover, a voice from here disrupted the thoughts in the field.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and it was Japheid who said this.

Jafed is a businessman, and he has also heard about Sally Ted John's acceptance of taking over News Corporation, which was a hen that lays golden eggs.

So now when he heard about the opportunity to take over other companies, he was instantly dazzled by the huge benefits.

Ivanka on the side couldn't help but cursed angrily after being stunned for a moment.

Naturally, the scolding was that Japheid was too anxious.

You may be able to make a lot of money by taking over those companies, but you also have to look at the specific situation.

First, their family has more important things to do now, which is to run for president in 24 years. To take over those companies, the money spent will definitely not be a small amount, and it may affect the election by then.

Second, since Besemer proposed this idea just now, it can be seen that almost everyone at the scene is excited about this business.

And those families who have made great contributions to the foreign tax avoidance bill have not yet spoken out, and a guy who was invited to listen and is not even one of them comes to snatch food from the tiger's mouth. How can this family not hold grudges?


After seeing that these words were spoken by Japheid, people like Gotha and Charlie immediately felt unhappy.

Among them, Gotha couldn't hold it in anymore and said in a sarcastic tone: "Mr. Jafed, as far as I know, your father-in-law has always wanted to make a comeback in 2024 and run for president. This requires a lot of money. You guys Is the family sure there is extra funds for operations? "

"Yes, it will take a lot of capital to acquire these companies, but I believe I can do it!"

Jafed now only wants to get a piece of the pie, so he can't care about so much.


Hearing this, not only Gotha laughed loudly, but also the rest of the people present.

This kind of mocking laughter made Jared a little unhappy, but just when he was about to speak, Ivanka shouted at him: "Okay, Mr. Gotha is right, I want to It does take a lot of capital to take over these companies. Although our family is willing to participate, I think Inspector General David will make his own decision as to what to do. "

What Ivanka said was quite reasonable.

She did not say that she was not interested in this aspect, but pointed out that David had his own conclusions. This not only complimented David, but also made fun of the ridicule of several major families towards them!

Don't you guys want to share this big cake? But don't forget that the real decision-making power is still in the hands of David.

Only if David decides to help you take over, then you will have a chance to take over. If he doesn't help, what can you do?

"Ivanka, we..."

"Stop talking!"

Japheid wanted to say a few more words, but this time Ivanka interrupted him before he could finish speaking.

Everyone present had no time to pay attention to the conversation between the two.

Because they know that Ivanka is right about one thing.

It was tempting to take over those companies, but in any case, the decision was in David's hands.

If David didn't nod, it would be impossible for them as a family to take over.

Thinking of this, Bessemer couldn't sit still and said: "Inspector General David, although our family is not as powerful as the four major families and the Freemasons, we still have some capital operation methods for taking over the company. , if you are willing to help us take over those companies, I can guarantee you that you will definitely not be worse than Sally and others who took over News Corporation!"

"Inspector General David, our family is also very experienced in capital operations. If these companies are really in turmoil by then, we will take over. It only takes four...oh no, three months at most, and we can guarantee it. Restore your health and even generate more tax revenue!”

"Ahem, our Kennedy family is also interested in taking over those companies, and we are confident that we can handle it well..."

Sean, who had always been steady, couldn't sit still.

In fact, it's no wonder that he can't sit still.

You know, the previous example of News Corporation was there. Whoever takes over such a company will make a lot of money.

And then there seems to be such an opportunity again, how could he give up the opportunity to get a piece of the pie.

"Inspector General David, this is the idea I proposed first. According to the first-come-first-served rule, I think I should take the leading position of taking over."

Seeing that even the Kenedi family had come forward, Bessemer was a little anxious.

As he said, everything has to come first, right?

I was the first to come up with this idea. Why do you rush over to grab it?

However, no one tolerated Besemai. The big guys followed closely and said: "Inspector General David, there will definitely be a lot of companies that need to be taken over by then. I only need a few companies in Texas, such as Oron, Qinggang, and Haoduozi."

"I don't want these companies. I want..."


In order to gain control of some favorite companies, everyone present started a war of words.


David couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted: "Don't forget that the tax avoidance bill has only passed the House of Representatives. Next, there are the Senate and the President. It's too early for you to talk about this now!"

"But since you all want to take over some companies, if you really need to do this, then I can help you. But then again, the first priority now is to let me see your contribution in the next Senate voting!"

To be honest, David didn't mind the fact that several major families were fighting for control of these companies.

Because if this bill is really passed, many companies will inevitably experience huge turmoil, such as bankruptcy or the withdrawal of capital chains, which may cause a break.

As a state agency, the IRS cannot directly participate in management.

If these families intervene at that time, it will be a good thing for the IRS to stabilize these companies.

And this is just one point.

Another point is that since these people are eager to take over some companies that may be turbulent in the future, it will be easy to deal with!

No matter which family it is, they will definitely fight for their lives to pass the Senate voting process!

Hearing David's words, everyone present stopped fighting tacitly.

However, at this time, everyone has made up their minds in their hearts that in the next Senate voting process, no matter what the price, they must ensure that their side plays an important role.

In this way, when they compete for the right to take over these companies later, they will have confidence!

After this matter was settled, this meeting was almost over.

After David's order, the meeting was officially disbanded.

The people from the major families did not stay for long, and left with heavy and fast steps.

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