United states tax collector

Chapter 39 Who is the fat sheep?

Lewis allocated 70,000 US dollars, and he was worried that he had no place to spend it. If he didn’t spend it, it would be in vain!


There's something short-circuited in Neeson's brain.

Is this how you use the hard-earned public funds?

With just over 10,000 US dollars, if it were given to him, how much intelligence information could he buy?

What a waste of natural resources!

"Hello sir, your personal butler is at your service sincerely!"

The two of them were still whispering, when a man with a calm and dignified appearance walked over.

He wore a finely tailored tuxedo. The fine black fabric was as smooth as silk, and its elegant lines outlined his tall and straight figure.

On the front of the tuxedo, shiny silver buttons are arranged in an orderly manner, forming a sharp contrast with the whiteness of the shirt. At the collar of his shirt, there is a silk black bow tie, showing an overall The professionalism and elegance of a five-star hotel butler.

"Are you ready to move in?"

"Of course, please follow me!"

The housekeeper made an inviting gesture, led the two to the elevator, pressed the elevator door, and the three of them arrived at room 5188 on the fifth floor.

The tuxedo butler took out the room card and slowly opened the door to the presidential suite.

What greets you is a spacious and luxurious space.

The room is covered with a thick red carpet, which feels soft and comfortable to the feet. Expensive oil paintings are hung on the walls, which complement the furniture and decoration in the room.

The centerpiece of the suite is a huge living room, furnished with plush sofas and chairs, and a huge crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, lighting up the entire room.

On one side of the living room is a spacious dining room with a rectangular dining table and matching dining chairs, which can meet the needs of multiple people dining at the same time.

Regardless of whether it was in his previous life or this life, this was the first time for David to stay in a suite of this level, which made him couldn't help but take a closer look.

"Gentlemen, it's breakfast time now. Do you need anything to eat?"

David thought for a moment and said, "Give me a steak Wellington, medium rare!"

"Give me one too!"

Nissen also followed closely, but after finishing speaking, he seemed to remember something and added: "By the way, when is the oldest Lafite here?"

"Sir, the oldest Lafite here is from 1992!"

The butler's answer made Nissen a little disappointed. He still wanted to finish the bottle of 1982, so he put away his emotions and replied: "Then let's finish the bottle of 1992, and wake up for 15 minutes first!"

"Okay sir..."

After the butler answered, he did not immediately turn around and leave, but looked at the two of them with suggestive eyes.

David suddenly realized it and quickly took out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket and handed it over.

In the United States, tipping is not only a culture, it is even written into the law.

But generally speaking, giving something like 5, 10, or 20 US dollars is enough. It is rare for David to give 100 US dollars at once.

It’s not that he’s pretending, or what he said, after all, it’s public money, it’s not in vain if you don’t use it!

"Thank you sir!"

Such a generous gesture also made the housekeeper very happy. After thanking him respectfully, he turned around and closed the door gently.

David looked at Neeson and said with a half-smile: "Didn't you just say luxury? Now that the 1992 Lafite has been done, I really know how to enjoy it!"

Nissen laughed sarcastically and replied: "All the money has been spent, wouldn't it be such a loss if we don't enjoy it?"

"Then enjoy it, we have all day today!"

It was early morning, no one would choose to have that kind of fun at that hour, and it would arouse the suspicion of the gang.

Therefore, David planned to wait until night before taking action.

Half an hour later, two steak Wellingtons and a fresh 1992 Lafite were brought in.

I have to say that the quality of the steaks in this five-star hotel is quite high, the meat is fresh and tender and melts in your mouth.

Coupled with the excellent taste of 1992 Lafite, there were only three words in the two people's minds!


With the combined efforts of the two of them, a bottle of Lafite quickly bottomed out. Perhaps due to the aging, the wine was quite strong, and both of them felt a little dizzy.

But it doesn't matter, they have plenty of time today.

It’s not too late to take a nap first!

After all, it’s still only morning!

The bed in the presidential suite was very soft and comfortable. When the two woke up, it was already evening.

Both David and Nissen were a little lingering over the taste of Lafite, but they were about to go to work and they didn't dare to drink more. They could only order Japanese food to fill their stomachs.

After taking a shower and watching TV, the time soon came to 9 o'clock.

When everything was ready, David picked up the small card and dialed one of the numbers on it.

At the same time, about five kilometers away from Caesars Resort, in a bungalow.

Four men and five women were sitting on the sofa in the lobby. Some were playing cards, two were playing chess, and a few were watching TV.

There are also several mobile phones, peanuts, beer and other items on the table.


While everyone was playing their own games, one of the mobile phones rang, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and become quiet.

Sitting on the left side, a mixed-race girl with dark and white skin picked up the phone, pressed the answer button, and issued a lolita tone that men could not resist: "Hello!"

"Excuse me, are there any services?"

"Yes sir, where are you now?"

"I'm at Caesars Resort, room 5188!"

Because the speakerphone was on, the eyes of the four men and five women on the scene lit up when they heard the room number.

As they frequent this resort, of course they know exactly what room 5188 is.

This is the presidential suite!

This also means that this time there is a fat sheep on the opposite side. If you can deal with this fat sheep, you will definitely make a lot of money!

"Okay sir, what style do you like?"

"What styles are there?"

"We have blonds, blue-eyed people, Asians, European and African people... If you are not satisfied with the description, we can send you photos to help you choose!"

"Okay, then send it over and take a look!"

"OK, just a second……"

Over at Caesars Resort, David's phone quickly received five photos.

Yes, they were the five women who gave the information to the intelligence department of their bureau. He said into the phone: "Then let's call No. 3!"

"Okay sir, we have a designated clothing service. Do you need to designate the girl to wear special clothing?"

"Black stockings!"

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