United states tax collector

Chapter 390: Vote Again

"Yeah, I know. Take a look at this, Senator Yuna."

David nodded, then took out his phone and opened a video in front of her.

When Yuna saw the video, her expression changed instantly and she screamed, "Inspector General David, what's going on?"

"Senator Yuna, I know your daughter is controlled by some 'extremists' and they forced you to stand against me, but you don't have to worry now. Last night I asked the CIA and FBI to take action and rescued your daughter. She is safe now!"

"Oh my god, thank God for his blessing!"

Seeing that her daughter was safe, Yuna's tears had soaked her eyes, and she kept muttering to herself to express her gratitude.

But at this moment, Munson interrupted with dissatisfaction: "The person you should thank most is our Inspector General, not God!"

Hearing this, Yuna recovered some of her mind and then turned her attention to David.

After hearing that her daughter was safe, she was really overwhelmed. Now thinking carefully, the Inspector General David in front of her is really capable.

She had heard that the other party had a great influence on the CIA and FBI, but she didn't expect that these two major institutions would dare to get involved in such a thing that would obviously bring trouble to themselves.

And the most important thing is that it took only one night for her daughter to be controlled by someone, and she was rescued. This kind of action ability is really amazing.

"Inspector General David, no matter what, I must thank you for this matter. I owe you a huge favor..."

"No need to owe you any favors, just help me pass the bill today, and we will be even!"

David said very bluntly.

"This... I'm sorry, except for this matter, Inspector General David, I can do whatever you need me to do!"

Yuna hesitated for a while, and finally gritted her teeth and refused.

The reason is simple. Although her daughter is safe now, it is only now.

But if she really dared to vote for David, it was possible that the three major groups would be so angry that they would do something crazy to her and her family.

After all, these capitalists are inhumane, so for the sake of safety, she gritted her teeth and refused.

As for whether such a ungrateful attitude would offend David?

It can only offend, after all, there is a big difference between David and those capitalists.

That is, although David is ruthless, he will never do such a thing as kidnapping and threatening his family.

The three major groups are different.

Take the Freemasons as an example. This group of people dared to kill even the president for their interests. What else can't they do?

"Fuck, Senator Yuna, don't be so ungrateful!"

Before David could speak first, Munson couldn't help it.

What did they spend so much effort for?

It was to get Yuna to vote for their bill.

But now Yuna actually said that she could do anything except this. Isn't this a joke to them!

"That's enough!"

David waved his hand to signal Manson to calm down, then looked at Yuna and said, "Senator Yuna, you should know that I don't owe you favors!"

"This... Inspector General David, this won't work anyway, I hope you can understand my difficulties!"

Yuna still didn't mean to give in.

David frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "Senator Yuna, I don't ask you to vote for our bill, you just need to vote to bypass their speech delay, so that the three major groups won't be too angry with you, what do you think?"

As far as the current situation is concerned, they still have an advantage in the number of votes.

The only difficulty is the speech delay procedure.

As long as this speech procedure is bypassed, the current number of votes should be enough for the bill to pass.

After all, only 51 votes are needed to pass, and the previous round of voting has shown that they have obtained 58 votes, so it should not be a big problem to pass.

Yuna pondered for a moment, raised her head and said, "If you just let me vote to bypass the speech, then I can accept it!"

What David said is indeed correct.

According to the current fierce battle, if she dares to vote in favor of the bill, she will most likely be retaliated by the three major groups.

But if she just votes to bypass the speech, although the three major groups are also very unhappy, they should not kill her.

So after thinking about it carefully, Yuna compromised.

After all, she also knew that David was not easy to mess with, and he rescued her daughter, so it was not good to refuse everything.

"Okay Senator Yuna, let's do it!"

After leaving Yuna's suite, David immediately went to the residence of another senator, Mandel.

It was the same operation as Yuna. As soon as he arrived in front of Senator Mandel, David immediately took out the video of his son being rescued.

And Mandel was naturally very excited after seeing his family rescued.

But next, when David got straight to the point, Mandel, like Yuna before, seemed to be frightened by the move of the three major groups and was unwilling to vote in favor of their bill.

In desperation, David could only repeat his old trick and let the other party, like Yuna, just agree to bypass the speech vote.

After careful consideration, Mandel finally agreed to this request.

After dealing with the two congressmen, the time had come to 9 o'clock in the morning.

Because the voting session of Congress today was still at 9:30, there was only half an hour left.

"Call Elvis and Gavin separately and ask them to "appease" those congressmen again and try to ensure that there will be no loopholes in the voting session later."

"Understood, Inspector General!"

After David's explanation, time flew to 9:20.

And David also came to the meeting room of the Internal Revenue Service. At this time, Obadiah, Vertonghen, Donald and other senior executives were already there. When they saw him come in, everyone cast an urgent look at him.

"The speech procedure should not stop us today!"

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then stopped asking more questions, and turned their eyes to the big screen, ready to watch the development of the next situation carefully.

On Capitol Hill, a large number of media reporters have also arrived at the scene.

"Hello everyone, this is the Washington Post. After a long discussion in Congress yesterday, there is still no result on the tax avoidance bill. Let's take a good look at whether there will be a new round of progress on the bill today!"


The major well-known media began to broadcast before the meeting.

"Shit, this bill has obviously passed with enough votes, but Congress has a speech procedure, and it's endless, it's really annoying!"

"I think this speech procedure is unreasonable. You can speak for an hour or so, but how can there be no time limit?"

"Strongly call for the cancellation of this speech procedure!"


The bill failed to pass yesterday because of the speech procedure, which has already caused great dissatisfaction among the supporters of the bill.

Seeing that a new round of parliament is about to be held, these supporters continue to call on major social platforms.

At the same time, in Senado Island.

Henrietta, the seven major families, and the core members of the Freemasons were all present, and they were now in a three-way video conference.

"How is the situation, Director Edgar?"

This kidnapping was carried out by the National Security Agency, which is controlled by the Illuminati, so everyone looked at Edgar at the moment.

"Although I have been very careful about this matter, it was still discovered by the CIA and FBI bastards. Last night, Yuna and Mandel's family members were rescued by the CIA and FBI tactical teams..."

Although he was reluctant to tell this matter, at this juncture, he did not dare to deceive the people of the two major groups, so Edgar could only tell the truth.

"What! How did you do it? Such an important matter was known to the CIA and FBI, and they rescued the families of two senators?"

"Fuck Edgar, didn't I tell you to be careful about this matter? How could you handle it so improperly!"

"It's okay to be known by the two major departments, but they were able to rescue the people. Edgar, you handled it so badly!"

Hearing such unfavorable news, not to mention the Freemasons, even the Ansa Group on the other side of the video was extremely dissatisfied.

Edgar's mouth was a little bitter, but he still argued: "I have been very careful about this matter, but I think you have to understand one thing. The CIA is the most powerful intelligence agency in the world, and the FBI's domestic intelligence system should not be underestimated. It is not very realistic to want to do such a big thing under the noses of these two major departments without being discovered!"

He really didn't make up excuses for himself.

As he said, the CIA was founded on intelligence, and the FBI is no pushover. If they were targeting an ordinary person, it might be okay, but now they are targeting a country's senators, and there are so many of them, so they were monitored by these two major agencies. It can't be blamed entirely on his incompetence, right?

"Anyway, this is your responsibility!"

"Yes, we finally made this decision that could lead to a disaster, and we also withstood so much pressure for you, but you ended up like this, it's really disappointing!"


The people from the Freemasons and the Ansa Group were still accusing them unyieldingly.

But at this moment, Henrietta raised her skinny right hand, and everyone was very tactful and quieted down.

Then he asked Edgar, "Anything else to add?"

"Mr. Henrietta, although the CIA and FBI knew about this matter and they rescued some people, it is not entirely against us."

"According to my staff, many senators have become afraid of the consequences because of this incident."

"Some people have even contacted me through special channels, asking me to show mercy and not hurt their families, and they are willing to vote for us!"

Edgar was scolded by the two major groups, but he could still keep his composure. Naturally, he had some trump cards.

And this is his trump card!

Sure enough, after hearing the news, the members of the two major groups who were originally dissatisfied also breathed a sigh of relief.

If this is true, then this action is not a failure.

As long as the senators are afraid to act rashly, then even if they support the bill in their hearts, it is hard to say whether they can vote in favor.

"In this case, let's see what the result is today!"


Amid the discussions of all parties, the time came to 9:30.

In the Senate, all senators have taken their seats.

Today, the majority leader Grace is still the abbot of the Senate.

He walked to the stage and said with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am Grace. Regarding the bill on tax avoidance in other places, I went back to study it last night and came up with some new problems. Here, I want to express my opinion..."

After a night of recovery, Grace didn't know where he came up with so many problems and began to talk about them again.

Of course, this naturally caused abuse from the supporting members on the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast.

After spending half an hour tirelessly,

Finally, Raglan couldn't stand it anymore. He stood up and interrupted, "Grace, what you said was discussed in the House Committee. I think we should not waste time!"

"Senator Raglan, according to the Congressional Law, I have the right to repeatedly point out the problems of this bill!"

Grace cast a disdainful look at Raglan, as if telling him: I'm just a bitch, what can you do to me?

"Really? Well, I won't talk nonsense with you, so I request to initiate a vote and bypass the speech procedure!"

Hearing this, Grace narrowed his eyes slightly. Of course, he knew that Raglan had the right to request this.

So although he wanted to refuse in his heart, he pretended to be democratic on the surface and replied: "Senator Raglan, you are right. Since you initiated this request, then okay, let's vote now!"

"58 senators agreed yesterday, and now only two more are needed. Is there any colleague who voted in favor today?"

Voting for speeches is different from voting for bills.

A bill will fail if it does not have enough votes, whether it is voted on in the Senate or the House of Representatives. Even if it is re-initiated, the votes will be re-counted.

However, speech voting will not be re-initiated.

In other words, if the number of votes yesterday was 58, it will be a fixed number of votes. Today, only two more senators need to vote in favor, and then it will take effect!

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