United states tax collector

Chapter 400 The Second Watergate?

"Mr. Pinkman, there are media outlets on the same level as your Washington Post in the United States, but do you know why I specifically found you?"


Pinkman put away his thoughts and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

"Because your Washington Post once exposed the Watergate scandal!"

"Inspector General David, what do you want to say!"

Hearing about the Watergate incident, Pinkman was shocked.

Yes, the media that reported the Watergate incident at that time was their Washington Post, and after this incident, their Washington Post also established a heavyweight position in the industry!

"It's nothing, I know what you are worried about, but I can guarantee that no one will retaliate against you, and exposing such a big scandal of the president may be a new era of Watergate for your newspaper, do you understand!"

"Can you guarantee that the White House will not take action against me?"

"Of course, I can swear to God!"

Looking at David who raised his left hand, Pinkman was a little moved.

Yes, he was very afraid of being retaliated after reporting the black material of Paden.

But if David can really guarantee his personal and personal safety, this is not something that can be done.

After all, as David said, reporting presidential scandals is indeed a very popular news.

Just like the Watergate incident, it was also reported by two reporters from their Washington Post.

These two reporters are called Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.

As a result, after this report, the careers of these two people soared and became star reporters admired by everyone in the media.

Among them, Bob Woodward is even more amazing. The boss of their Washington Post commented on this star reporter: "We have had 45 American presidents, but we only have one Bob Woodward."

This is not the end. Under the halo of the Watergate incident, this Bob Woodward has soared to the sky. It is easy for him to enter and exit the White House and report on the exclusive news of major officials.

And the major officials are still respectful to him.

After all, this is the man who overthrew the president. If you offend him, no one dares to guarantee that you will not be overthrown one day!

If Pinkman can also accomplish a feat like the Watergate scandal, what will the prospects be?

It can be expected that it will not be lower than Bob Woodward!

After all, the Watergate scandal was done by two reporters, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.

And President Nicolson was quite popular among the people when the Watergate scandal was exposed.

Because he ended the South Vietnam War at that time and brought peace to the world.

As for the current Payne, he refused to sign the tax avoidance bill and has been regarded by many people as a lackey of capitalists.

So as long as Pinkman exposes Payne's black material, he will naturally become a hero in the minds of many people!

After about three minutes of immersion in such beautiful and longing thoughts, Pinkman gradually came back to his senses.

Watergate is Watergate, and it is unlikely to create a second Watergate with just this black material!

Thinking of this, he looked at David and said, "Inspector General David, you should know that if you want to replicate the success of the Watergate incident, this information alone is not enough!"

"Of course, this information is just one of them. As long as you are willing to participate, I will make other arrangements at that time. Well, that's it, now tell me, what is your choice!"

Pinkman was silent for a long time again, until three minutes later, he said fiercely: "Okay, I am willing to participate in this incident, but Inspector General David, I need your guarantee that I will not find a second media to participate!"

Such traffic, he certainly doesn't want to share with others.

"Since I have found you, then I have determined that it is you, but let me be frank, if you can't get the effect I want, I will find someone else!"

"Okay, don't worry, Inspector General David, I will definitely do this beautifully!"

"Go, get it done as soon as possible"

Pinkman did not stay any longer and left in a hurry.

After Pinkman left, David leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful.

Although on the surface, this drama of exposing the president's scandal was deliberately created by him and the White House after reaching an agreement, it was not the case.

Before the bill was signed and took effect, everything was still uncertain.

The reason why he did not look for the media he directly controlled, but went to great lengths to find Pinkman, in addition to the fact that the Washington Post was the leader in current affairs news, was mainly because he valued Pinkman's writing ability.

If Paden cooperated with the signing honestly, everything would naturally develop as agreed by both parties.

And if something unexpected happened in the end, causing Paden to change his mind, he could use Pinkman to turn this original "acting" into a real play!

In a word, it all depends on Paden himself!

The next day, a report written by Pinkman himself was published on the front page column of the Washington Post, which instantly caused an uproar around the world.

The report was extremely sharp and criticized Paden to the point of being completely exhausted.

That’s not all. According to the report, Payne also instructed his son to serve as a senior executive in many countries and sell intelligence to make huge profits.

But this is not what makes the people the most angry. What makes the people most angry is that it actually reaches the level of treason of betraying the country's secrets!

"Farke, is this our president?"

"He used power for personal gain, sold state secrets, and colluded with arms dealers to provoke wars around the world. No wonder our influence in the United States continues to decline. He is the culprit!"

"It's no wonder that our 'beloved' president refuses to sign the off-site tax avoidance bill. It turns out that he has been tied up with so many interests for a long time."


Many people were already very dissatisfied because Paden did not sign the bill. Now that such a scandal has been exposed, the country's voices of accusation and abuse are getting louder and louder.

Tompu International Hotel.

Ivanka walked into his father's room holding a Washington Post newspaper and said, "Father, look, David has really started to take action!"


Tang Pu took the newspaper, looked at it carefully and then smiled: "Haha, we have a good show to watch!"

"Oh, by the way, it's such a good opportunity for our team to 'add fire' to him!"

The reason why he failed to be re-elected was because of Paiden, and now he saw a scandal broke out against his arch-rival, what would he think if he didn't pay attention to it?

"I understand, father, I will make arrangements right away!"

At the same time, in the White House, in the Office of the President.

"Fake, this David really investigated me and actually learned a lot of things!"

After seeing this sharp-tongued newspaper and the abuse from people online, Paidon was also livid at the moment.

Everyone agreed to act, and then I pretended to be threatened and couldn't help it, and finally signed the contract and that was it.

I didn't expect you to be so ruthless and release so much dirty information about me. What do you want to do?

"This guy has released so much 'material' all at once. I'm afraid he's not only acting with us, but also trying to beat us..."

Wilder's expression on the side didn't look much better either.

When he was talking to David yesterday, he had already hinted that the boy should be restrained and not make the incident too serious, but he didn't expect that the boy turned a deaf ear to it.

"Damn bastard!"

Paden cursed again through gritted teeth.

"Forget it sir, although the pressure from outside public opinion is very unfavorable to us now, at least when facing the three major groups, it will be easier for us to speak later."

"When will they arrive?"

Wilder raised his watch and looked at it, then said: "It should be soon..."


At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then a staff member came in and reminded: "Mr. President, three gentlemen, Joshua, Lei Zhe and Augustine, have arrived."

"Wait until they come."


A few minutes later, Joshua and the other three walked in.

"Long time no see, Mr. President, thank you for taking the time to meet with us today..."

"Excuse me, gentlemen, come and take a seat!"

After the three of them sat down, Joshua was the first to speak: "I know Mr. President that your time is precious, so I will make a long story short. I am here on behalf of our group to thank you for sending the bill back to the Senate."

"Yes Mr. President, we in the Illuminati are grateful for that too."

"The same is true for us. In order to show our sincerity, if the president needs anything in the future, we will do our best."

The three of them came today to thank Paden for sending the bill back to the Senate yesterday. In fact, according to the Constitution of the United States, Paidon still has the right to ask the Senate to send it back and sign it again.

So the main purpose of their visit today was to get to the bottom of things and see if Paidon still had the idea of ​​bringing back the bill.

"I know what this bill means, and indeed, as many people have said, it may shake the foundation of our country, so I will fight it back, but..."

At the end of the sentence, Paiden showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

"But what?"

The three of them heard what was wrong with Paiden's words, and their minds became alert.

Paden picked up the Washington Post newspaper and pushed it over, saying: "I just sent the bill back to the Senate yesterday, and today the Washington Post published my 'front page headline'. Who do you think did this?" Woolen cloth?"

The three of them looked at each other. Do you even have to think about it? Who else but that bastard David would dare to do such a thing?

"Don't worry, Mr. President, this thing alone cannot shake your position, and we will also..."

Before Joshua could finish speaking, Paden interrupted directly: "Although this will not shake my position for the time being, you also know what that guy's methods are. This is probably just a little bit of information he released. Let's talk next. Uncertainty is the more deadly thing!”

The three people who heard this were speechless.

Because Paiden was right. Since David dared to directly attack the president, his methods must be more than this.

"I sent the bill back to the Senate yesterday, which has already caused dissatisfaction among supporters across the country, causing my approval rating to drop by 5 percentage points. Now that this matter has been exposed again, I conservatively estimate that it will drop by another 5 percentage points. If there is any negative information about me in the future, I might become the second Nicozon!”

"This...it won't happen, Mr. President, don't forget that we are still here. We will definitely not let that bastard's conspiracy succeed!"

"Haha, you guys?"

Paden smiled with a slight disdain, and then said: "Well, you go help me deal with the Washington Post and the negative news that may break out later?"


The three were speechless again. It was obvious that David was the one who did this. Unless they tied this guy up, how could they make him stop.

"Let me ask you, what do you plan to do next, Mr. President?"

Lei Zhe asked.

"You also know David's methods. If the next thing is too difficult, I think I have to consider whether to take the bill back from the Senate. Alas..."

At the end, Paden pretended to sigh helplessly.

"How can this be done, Mr. President? Since the bill has been sent back to the Senate, if you take it back, won't everyone think that you are afraid of David?"

"Yes, sir, you are the president of our America. There is no reason to be afraid of David. You must never bow to him!"

Lei Zhe and Joshua were anxious and gave advice.

"What do you mean I'm afraid of him and bow to him? You know the destructive power of public opinion. I don't know how much pressure I have endured just from the information published this morning. Who knows how much he still has in his hands?"

"I want to help you, but I have to think about myself, right?"

Paden's sharp words made the three people blush, but they didn't know how to refute.

It was not until a long while later that Lei Zhe gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. President, if you insist on signing, my family and our friends can't guarantee that they will continue to support you in the future!"

"What, are you threatening me?"

"Mr. President..."


Before Lei Zhe could continue, Augustine interrupted him directly. He looked at Paide and said, "Sir, I understand your difficulties, but once this bill is enacted, it will cause all of us to suffer heavy losses. This price is unbearable for us. So, don't you want to promote a "child care bill"? We can help you get the funds for this bill, how about it?"

Paiden's expression moved when he heard this, but he quickly returned to normal and shook his head.

He was indeed preparing a child care bill, and the funds required for this bill were indeed not cheap, but as long as the IRS's tax avoidance bill came into effect, let alone one child care bill, the funds required for ten bills would probably not be a problem, so he would naturally choose it.

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