United states tax collector

Chapter 402 The bill officially takes effect

"Mr. Speaker, can I understand that the president is ready to sign this bill?"

A reporter from the Washington Post asked in the White House press conference hall.

"As I said just now, the President is currently asking the Senate to make a detailed report on the bill. When the report is submitted, the President will make the right decision!"

"Mr. Spokesperson..."

Seeing that the White House spokesperson only gave an ambiguous answer, the media at the scene naturally gave up and continued to ask questions in the following time.

And this spokesman was able to be assigned to deal with reporters, so he was naturally good at Tai Chi. No matter how the media pressed him, he finally got through all kinds of twists and turns.

In this way, the White House's statement on the off-site tax avoidance bill comes to an end.

In the next few days, everyone will pay close attention to the movements of the White House.

It was not until January 25th that the Senate spokesperson stood up and claimed that the report on the bill had been prepared and had been submitted to the White House. This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

On the morning of the next day, Vice President Katira came to the White House with the repelled foreign tax avoidance bill, which instantly raised everyone's minds.


David Obadiah and other senior executives gathered in the conference room. Although they knew very well that Paiden would most likely sign, they were still a little nervous at the moment.

"Have the three major groups taken any action in the past few days, David?"

While waiting, Vertonghen looked at David.

"The Angsa Group and the Illuminati have sent me messages many times in the past few days that they want to negotiate. I ignored them. Later they became angry and said that they would destroy the company. Even if our bill is passed, there will be no follow-up. Not much tax revenue.”

"Haha, I believe they can do such a thing, but haven't you discussed it with Kennedy and the local snake families in the states? If such a thing really happens, let them allocate funds to take over these things. company, this is also a better solution.”

"Yes, so there is no need to worry about this..."

"Look, there seems to be a result!"

Donald's exclamation made everyone turn their attention to the big screen.

In the picture, Wilder, the chief executive of the White House, walked out and came to the media. He put his hands down and said: "Hello everyone, Mr. President has finished reviewing all the charter reports on the off-site tax avoidance bill. After repeated confirmation and consideration, Mr. President believes that there are no big problems with this bill, so just now, Mr. President has officially signed it, and now I officially declare that the off-site tax avoidance bill has been officially enacted successfully!”

"Very good!"

"The hard work pays off. After experiencing so many turmoils, this bill is finally enacted!"

"Nice, American capitalists, from now on you can no longer use overseas registration to avoid taxes. You must pay your taxes to the IRS honestly and then use them to benefit our people!"


These days, supporters of the bill are counting on the stars and the moon to see this counter-legislation succeed.

However, today, their wish finally came true, which naturally made these supporters extremely excited.


"Weili Gude, the dust has finally settled!"

"Finally, the legislation was successful, and everything we have done during this period has been in vain!"

"Very good!"

After hearing the official announcement from the White House, Obadiah, Vertonghen and other senior officials hugged and high-fived in celebration, and the entire conference room was immersed in an atmosphere of joy.

However, it is worth mentioning that compared to everyone else, David did not show much excitement at this moment, but looked empty-eyed.

In fact, strictly speaking, he is not unhappy, but he has worked too much on this bill during this period.

But now that the bill has finally been successfully passed, the nerves he has been worrying about all the time have been released. After the adrenaline subsided, he felt a sense of fatigue.

"David, you have worked hard during this period. Let's take a vacation first to adjust. We will take care of other things slowly and don't rush."

Obadiah knew how much work pressure David had been under during this period, and after seeing David's appearance now, he also made this suggestion.

"Thank you, Director. I have been really tired for a while, so I will take a few days to rest and have a good sleep."

The bill has been successfully enacted, and the next matter of sorting out the tax status of major companies can be left to others to complete. He can take a good rest first to recuperate.

The legislation of the Remote Tax Avoidance Act has come into effect, and the people who support it and the IRS are full of joy, but as the saying goes, some people are happy and some are worried.

Washington, northwest, in the lobby of a certain manor.

At this moment, David's old acquaintances Lei Zhe, Cyril, Jep and others were among them, and gathered with them were dozens of densely packed people.

These people are all important members of the Angsa Group.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, almost all of the dozens of people had expressions as if they were dead.

The reason is that the White House just announced that the tax avoidance bill has officially come into effect, which means that in the future, their companies will no longer be able to rely on overseas registration to avoid taxes on a large scale.

In the days to come, for every dollar they earn, they will have to pay a certain percentage of taxes to the IRS.

They have always been the ones to fleece others, but they didn't expect that in the future, it would be their turn to be the one to be fleeced, which made them feel as disgusted as if they had eaten a fly.

"What should we do now? Are we just going to admit defeat?"

The atmosphere at the scene was silent for a long time, and Cyril couldn't help but speak out.

"That damn Paden has signed it, and we are powerless to turn the tide..."

Although they were unwilling to accept this result, most of the Ansa people at the scene had to admit that they had lost the war.

"No, I don't think so!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked. It turned out that the person who said this was none other than the 41st President of the United States, Xiao Bu Shi!

"Mr. Xiao Bushi, what do you think?"

"Although the cross-region tax avoidance bill has been successfully legislated, don't forget that the bill can also be repealed!"

"That's right, but now we can't beat David in the Senate and the House of Representatives, so how can we repeal the bill?"

Cyril questioned.

Xiao Bushi's mouth slightly twitched, and said: "It seems that you have forgotten one thing. Now is the time for mid-term elections. As long as we take the opportunity to get rid of David's camp, we can take back control of Congress. As long as we control Congress, repealing his bill will be a piece of cake!"

Hearing this, many people present were shocked.

Yes, during this period of time, they were busy blocking the bill and forgot about the mid-term elections.

The mid-term elections actually started at the end of November last year, but the attention was covered up by the massive cross-region tax avoidance bill.

The mid-term elections mean that the members of both houses of Congress will usher in a major reshuffle. As long as they can take the opportunity to support more of their own people to take office, there is indeed a chance to turn the tables!

"Mr. Xiao Bushi is right. Now we seem to have lost, but fortunately, God has left us a way. As long as we win this midterm election, we can make a comeback!"

"What are you waiting for? Contact the Freemasons and the Illuminati and tell them not to worry about the bill anymore. The most important thing now is the midterm election!"

"That's right..."

While the Ansa people were discussing.

At the same time, on Senado Island, the Freemasons were also discussing what to do next.

"The tax avoidance bill is irreversible, but in fact, this bill is not a disaster for us. What I am worried about is that he will take action against our Federal Reserve next!"

Prescott's worries are not unreasonable. Now that the White House has announced the success of the bill, it is foreseeable that David's reputation will rise to a higher level.

If this bastard strikes while the iron is hot and takes action against their Federal Reserve, they will really have a hard time resisting.

"Mr. Henrietta..."

Just as the members were thinking, a servant came to Henrietta's ear and whispered a few words. Then, Henrietta raised her head and said to everyone: "The Ansa people reminded us that it is the mid-term election. As long as we can nominate more people to take office and take back control of Congress, there is a chance to save the situation."

"Mid-term elections? Yes, how could I forget about this!"

"The Ansa people are right. The reason why we can't stop this bill is mainly because the control of Congress has fallen into David's hands, and the Congress will usher in a reshuffle in the mid-term elections. If we seize the opportunity, we can indeed turn the tide."

"Now that David controls Congress, if we want to compete with him, we have to invest a lot of money..."

After hearing about the mid-term elections, many Freemasons present also rekindled their hopes.

But soon they realized that this mid-term election is different from the past.

With David blocking, if they want to support more of their own people to take office, it will definitely cost a lot of manpower and material resources.

In order to prevent the passage of this bill, everyone and every family has invested a lot of money during this period of time.

Moreover, now that the bill has come into effect, the IRS will definitely use various dragon-slaying knives against them. It is really painful to ask them to withdraw funds to participate in the midterm elections.

"Don't worry, the interest rate hike has been announced. We will officially announce it tomorrow. When the funds flow back, they will be used as funds for this midterm election!"

Henrietta had already made the decision to raise interest rates by the Federal Reserve, but because of the bill, he had to put it aside.

Now that the bill has been finalized, and the midterm elections have become their goal, there is naturally nothing to wait for the interest rate hike.

"Great, then let's decide it!"

"Regaining control of Congress and abolishing the tax avoidance bill is not only our business, but also the business of the Ansa and the Illuminati. They have to increase their investment."

"That's right, leave this matter to me. I will have a good talk with them and will not let our group suffer too much!"


When they heard that they didn't need to withdraw funds, the members of the Freemasons were naturally very happy, and they were full of energy to prepare for the counterattack.

On the second day after the tax avoidance bill was passed, the headlines were quickly taken over by another piece of news.

An announcement from the Federal Reserve was like a bomb that detonated public opinion in countries around the world.

The reason was simple. The content of the announcement was that the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates for the eighth time.

For a time, countries around the world began to complain.


"Bagayalu, this damn Federal Reserve is here to cut our leeks again!"

"It's so shameless. You said that raising interest rates once or twice would be fine, but this is the eighth time. You really think that all the money is yours, right?"

"The Federal Reserve is too lawless. Can't anyone sanction them?"

"Yes, the IRS can sanction them. If the IRS collects taxes from the Federal Reserve, I will be the first to support it!"

As soon as the Federal Reserve announced the interest rate hike, the Japanese stock market instantly fell into a Muggle.

Countless islanders not only cursed, but also imagined that the IRS would discipline the Federal Reserve and vent their anger for them!

Peninsula Country.

"Wait, the Federal Reserve is too bad!"

"The IRS passed the tax avoidance bill yesterday. It is said that this caused heavy losses to the Jews. Today, the United States announced an interest rate hike. Is this trying to make up for it on us?"

"The Federal Reserve can cut our leeks. I believe that one day, it will be disciplined by the Inspector General David. Let's see if they are angry then!"


In addition to the Japanese Peninsula Country, countries around the world also criticized the Federal Reserve for its way of fleecing.

But the Federal Reserve is the Federal Reserve after all. The criticism of various countries is useless. They can only pin their hopes on the IRS.

During this period of time, the IRS has rectified major capital groups and established a tax avoidance bill.

Basically, people in various countries who have a little bit of vision have seen that the two sides are engaged in a war without gunpowder.

And who are most of the capitalists in America?

Many Jews are among them!

And who controls the Federal Reserve?

As we all know, it is of course the Jews!

As long as the IRS continues to take action against the Jews, it will be tantamount to helping them avenge those who have suffered losses due to the interest rate hike, so these people from various countries are still looking forward to it.

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