United states tax collector

Chapter 404: Transferring people from the IRS

David fell into deep thought.

According to the information displayed by Google, this Tomlinson Sylvester has enough resume and is indeed a suitable candidate.

His age is a bit old, reaching the age of 68.

However, according to the laws of the United States, there is no age limit for the term of office of officials. For example, the current President Padden served as president at the age of 80.

So if it is really decided to use this Tomlinson Sylvester, age is not a big problem.

But the same thing, NSA is a powerful department after all, and its intelligence capabilities are not weak.

David doesn't want to go to great lengths to support others to take office. Not only can it not help him, but it also trips him up. He must be more careful.

Thinking of this, he replied: "Okay, Mr. Sean, I will consider this person."

"Inspector General David, is there anything else that worries you?"

Hearing that David did not directly decide on the candidate he recommended, Sean was quite impatient.

Although he said he was considering it, he knew that many families in their camp were eyeing this position. Who knows if it will be taken away by others?

"It just needs to be considered a little more. Please understand, Mr. Sean. That's it!"

"Okay, Inspector General David, please inform me as soon as you make any decision!"

Seeing David's firm tone, Sean couldn't continue to force him, so he could only suppress the urgency in his heart.

The two of them just finished talking.

The next call came in, and David was no longer surprised when he saw the caller ID.

It was Thompson who called, and he also picked up the phone.

"Inspector General David..."


Half an hour passed in a flash.

During this time, David not only listened to the candidates recommended by Donald, but also received friends recommended by other people in his camp.

In general, the candidates recommended by these people were all excellent and had their own characteristics. For a while, David was in a state of indecision.

Finally, he could only ask Nissen, Bucky, and Simmons: "Who do you think is the safest person to take this position?"

"I don't know who to choose, but it must not be Tomlinson Sylvester!"

Simmons curled his lips, looking very disgusted with Tomlinson Sylvester.

But this also attracted Bucky's doubts, and asked: "Why, why can't we choose Tomlinson Sylvester?"

"Don't forget how 911 happened!"

When he heard this, several people present were stunned, and David was the same.

When he was looking at Gu Ge's information just now, he just glanced at it quickly and didn't look at it too detailed.

I forgot about the 911 incident. As for the 911 incident, it happened during the Little Bush period.

And Tomlinson Sylvester, who was the director of the Intelligence Department of the CIA during the Little Bush period, was certainly to blame for this matter.

In other words, this may be the biggest stain in his career!

That is, he was protected by the Kenniddie family and many senior officials, and he was not held accountable in the end.

"Wait... the former director of the intelligence service did have a lot of responsibility for 911, but he also made great contributions in the subsequent Iraq War, which enabled the United States to successfully capture Saddam, and he redeemed himself. So, he is not completely incompetent!"

Neeson was not defending Tomlinson Sylvester, he was just evaluating from an objective perspective.

"The other candidates have their own merits. Angelo is capable and can shock the NSA, but he has a history of being a traitor, so I don't think he can be trusted. As for..."


The few people discussed for a long time, and each of them had their own reasons. For a while, no one could determine a suitable candidate, which made David a little confused.

"By the way, Inspector General, since we can't decide on a candidate right now, why don't we consult the director and deputy director? They have been in the American officialdom for so many years, so they should have some opinions of their own."

Simmons felt that an old hand like Obadiah Donald who had been in the officialdom might be able to give some appropriate advice.


David slapped his head. This kind of thing should be discussed with Donald and others.

He immediately stood up, walked out of his department, came to Donald's office, knocked on the door and walked in.

"What's wrong, David?"

"Deputy Director Donald, this is what happened..."

As David spoke, Donald listened attentively.

"You mean, the NSA has been messed up?"

"Yes, Deputy Director Donald. As a powerful department, NSA must be controlled by someone we trust. For the position of NSA director, the Kenniti family, Thompson, and many others have recommended candidates to me, but I haven't made a decision yet. I want to hear your opinion."

"Well, you are right. Although this department is not as powerful as the CIA and FBI, it has considerable power. Since we have started, we should let someone we trust take control..."

Donald pondered for a moment and continued: "This matter is not a trivial matter. In this case, I will inform the director and they will come over to discuss it together and see how to maximize the benefits!"


Donald immediately called his secretary in and told Jean to notify Obadiah and other senior officials.

Twenty minutes later, in the conference room.

Obadiah pushed the door open and looked at Donald and David sitting inside, and couldn't help but ask: "Donald, David, what is going on?"

"Director, let's wait until everyone is here before we talk, otherwise we will have to wait and talk again!"

After hearing this, Obadiah could only suppress the doubts in his heart and wait patiently.

Another ten minutes passed, and at this time, the last senior executive came to the scene.

"The reason why I asked everyone to come here is this..."

Donald told the story of the National Security Agency in detail,

"David, although you have exposed some scandals about the senior personnel of the National Security Agency, it is not enough to bring them down. Isn't it a little early to talk about the successor?"

"Yes, we should wait until they are completely defeated before it is too late for us to study this matter."


Although everyone present understood that it was right to install their own people, since the situation at the National Security Bureau had not yet settled, they felt that it was too early to discuss this.

"It's getting late. We must prepare candidates in advance. Otherwise, once this group of people collapses, the White House and the three major groups may immediately install their own people, which will be a bit troublesome."

After hearing David's explanation, the senior executives who had just suggested it was too early came to their senses.

This is true. The National Security Bureau is also a department with real power. The three major groups will definitely not give up so easily. They must make preparations in advance.

"Okay, after the National Security Bureau group is overthrown, we must arrange for someone we trust, but as for who is the safest for us, we might as well discuss it."

Donald's words made everyone at the scene lost in thought.

The position of director of the National Security Bureau is not ordinary!

If the person in charge is someone from their Internal Revenue Service, it would be extremely beneficial to them who are currently at war with the three major groups!

"Oh, by the way, just now the Kennedy family, Tom, and... these people recommended some candidates to David, so we need to finalize them as soon as possible."

"The Kennedy family, Thompson..."

Obadiah frowned slightly.

Although these people are currently on their side, except for the Kennedy family, which has a blood feud with the Freemasons, people like Tom cannot be said to be absolutely reliable.

If these people have different intentions in the future, and a powerful organization like the NSA is in their hands, it will be bad.

"I feel that this position cannot be given to the candidates recommended by Tang Pu and those local snake families."

"I think so too. At present, the Tompu family has not done much for us. If you want to give it to us, I suggest giving it to the Kendi family!"

"No, Elvis of the CIA is originally from the Kennedy family. If we hand over the National Security Bureau to them, it will be too domineering and not conducive to our control!"


The senior executives present began to argue over the selection of candidates.

Originally, David wanted these senior executives to give some advice, but these people were just like Nissenbaki and the others before them. Everyone said something reasonable, but no one could convince anyone, which made him quite confused.

"In my opinion, no one will give this seat!"

"No one will give it?"

Everyone looked at Obadiah, even David.

"The safest way is to let our own people take over!"

"What, this..."

Hearing Obadiah's words, everyone was stunned. They had thought of many candidates, but they had never thought of this idea.

"Director, this is a little inappropriate..."

"Yes, it seems too ostentatious to ask our people to take over. It may arouse suspicion from all parties..."


It's understandable that families like the Kennedys and Thompsons put people there. After all, although they are on the side of the IRS, they are not members of the IRS system.

But if the IRS really puts their own people there, the nature will be different.

You must know that over the years, the IRS and the National Security Bureau have always been in harmony with each other, and each of the two agencies has its own responsibilities.

Now that the IRS wants to place its own people to take over the National Security Bureau, this is obviously going to tie the two agencies together. As the senior executive just said, it may cause a backlash from all parties.

"I agree with the director's statement!"

Just when everyone thought the matter was inappropriate, Donald unexpectedly stood up in support.

"Deputy Director Donald, what do you say?"

"Yes, our IRS has been at odds with the National Security Bureau for so many years, but don't forget what the situation is now!"

Donald looked around at everyone and continued: "Now the three major groups are preparing to do tricks in the mid-term elections, and the CIA and FBI are both indirectly controlled by us, so the National Security Agency must be assigned a lot of tasks."

"We must conduct a thorough inventory of this department from top to bottom to see what tasks this department has been assigned, and then we can crush them all. Although other candidates are also reliable, they are definitely not as reliable and reassuring as our own people. !”

"As for the things that will cause backlash from all parties, with our Inspector General David here, most of these people dare not really reveal it!"

Donald's words were like a basin of cold water that woke up many senior executives.

Yes, among the major institutions at present, the National Security Agency is a trump card in the hands of the three major groups, and it must have been assigned many tasks related to the mid-term elections.

If someone else takes over this agency, then their lack of ability and unreliability will indeed delay their work.

And letting their own people take over, they can learn about the latest developments of this department at any time, and they don't have to be too timid when doing things, which is a good choice!

As for the things that will cause dissatisfaction from all parties if this department is taken over, with David here, it should be suppressed.

Most of these people dare not come out and talk too much!

"Okay, since Consultant Donald has said so, then I agree to let our own people go, but then again, if our people take over the position of NSA director, it requires a person who can take on the big responsibility. I think I am quite suitable, why not let me go?"

It was Rahan who took the lead in expressing his opinion!

Logically speaking, although Lahan is not the head of a department, as the deputy director of the IRS, his status and power are definitely not much weaker than that of the director of MSA.

The reason why he volunteered to go to MSA was mainly because he made a wrong bet when David did not enter the decision-making level.

Now David's reputation is in full swing, and it is foreseeable that he will definitely be the helm of the IRS in the future.

And then Lahan's situation will be a bit embarrassing, so it is better to volunteer to transfer to NSA, so that the situation may be better.

"Lahan, you started as an auditor, which is not suitable for the intelligence system of the National Security Bureau. When I served, I was a submarine intelligence officer. I think I can do this job!"

"Inspector General David, I am in charge of intelligence work in the bureau. I think there is no better candidate than me in the IRS!"


As the saying goes, it is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

Although NSA is not as powerful as the IRS.

But many of the senior executives present had basically no room for promotion. If they were to be promoted again, they would only be promoted to the position of director.

If it were in the past, they would naturally still have a glimmer of hope for this position.

But now that David has emerged, basically everyone has reached a consensus, that is, if nothing unexpected happens, this position will belong to David in the future!

Even if they still have a chance to take over, everyone knows that this will only be a transition. Who wants to be such a transitional director?

But being transferred to NSA is different. It is definitely the real head of the department, and the temptation is still not small. (End of this chapter)

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