United states tax collector

Chapter 415 Capital pours in from various countries

Sure enough, when Musko said this, it instantly aroused applause on the Internet.

"Mr. Masco said it well, these damn capitalists will only treat us like leeks, and if there is a problem in the stock market, they will just ignore us!"

"The turmoil in the stock market this time was basically caused by that group of capitalists because they don't want us to enjoy the benefits of the foreign tax avoidance bill!"

“Damn the Fed, damn the capitalists!”

At the same time, in Senado Island.

When they saw Musko standing up and announcing a bailout, the faces of the Freemasons were very ugly.

"Shet, I have long said that this guy is a white-eyed wolf and an immature man. He should have been strangled when he first woke up!"

"Damn Masco, how could he stand up and announce a bailout? How dare he do this!"

"We should have killed this guy from the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't have come out to cause trouble today!"

"When did he hook up with David?!"

At this moment, all the members present were very regretful. They regretted that they only suppressed Masco and did not spend any money to directly punish him to death.

You know, although Masco's capital is nothing to this group of people, this guy's current personality charm around the world is too high. If he gets involved at this juncture, it will be a big deal for them. uncertain factors.

"There is no point in worrying about this now. Musko's wealth is nothing to us, but under his call, if capital from various countries pours in, then we will be in trouble."

It was Sauras who said this.

As one of the two most famous legends in today's stock market, he is certainly well aware of Musko's influence on the market.

"Soras is right. Masko is nothing in front of us. What is really scary is the herd effect caused by him. This is the real trouble!"

Following Sauras, another stock market tycoon, Warren Buffett, also spoke out.

Seeing that the two 'leaders' who started this stock market war said this, the mood of the remaining Freemasons at the scene fell to the bottom.

After a while, Henrietta asked: "The stock market is about to open, so in your opinion, what should we do?"

"It would be great if foreign investment could be restricted from entering the market..."

“It would have been no problem before foreign capital entered the country, but now I’m afraid it’s not that easy to achieve!”

"That's right, the White House now looks like it's watching a show. Since the three major departments of CIA, FBI, and NSA have been punished, other departments and agencies are scared to death of David. Even if we want to restrict the entry of foreign capital, those relevant agencies I’m afraid they wouldn’t dare to offend David just to help us.”

As soon as Buffett's idea came out, he was instantly shaken by the rest of the members present.

The situation has developed to such an extent that it can be said that it is no longer what it used to be.

In the past, the White House did not dare to offend them, and major departments also had their cronies. If they wanted to prevent foreign investment from entering the market, they could certainly do so easily.

But now David is so powerful that even the White House is afraid of it, and under this bastard's tough tactics, all major departments have become cautious, so it is naturally difficult for them to do this again.

"It's about to start. Even if we want to limit it, we don't have time, so we can only fight hard and see the situation first!"

"Yes, Sauras is right. The only way for today is to continue to adopt yesterday's strategy. We can only take one step at a time!"

Sauras and Buffett's successive speeches were tantamount to announcing the next steps. .

Time flew by and it was 9.30 in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the stock market officially begins!

According to the arrangements of Sauras and Buffett.

As soon as the market opened, the three major groups ordered traders to frantically sell their shares of giant companies.

After a night's rest, Sean Tomp's funds were much more abundant after some deployment. Faced with the stocks that were constantly being sold, he took all the stocks without hesitation.

In this way, more than an hour passed quietly.

With the massive selling by the three major groups, countless retail investors were also driven into action just like yesterday. The stock market was extremely brutal.

Two hours later, after investing tens of billions of dollars to take over the deal, Sean Thompson and the local snake families in each state gradually showed a hint of fatigue.

At this moment, new capital came in, giving them an instant boost of confidence.

Because the capital that came in was none other than the capital led by Masco.

"Come on, come on, Masco is coming in!"

"As expected of the world's richest man, Xinke, the market stabilized instantly as soon as he entered the market, and those retail investors who were originally preparing to sell temporarily stopped selling and started to wait and see!"

"David made a very correct decision by bringing Masco to the rescue!"

In the General Administration of Taxation, many senior officials were secretly relieved to see that the stock market situation had improved.

At the same time, they were also grateful for David's decision to bring Masco in.

"The arrival of Musko has temporarily stabilized the stock market, but I'm afraid there will be a 'war' next. Let's see what happens!"

Unlike many senior executives.

David, who was connected via video at this time, did not appear too happy.

Because he knows very well that although the current entry of Musko is indeed a shot in the arm for the market, it is still difficult for him to compete with the three major groups in the stock market with his own capital. He has to let those around the world Capital that was still on the sidelines got involved.

Only this can play a decisive role!

Thinking of this, David immediately picked up the phone and dialed Elvis' number.

"Director Elvis, I have a task for you now..."

"I understand, leave it to me!"

Over here at CIA headquarters.

After hanging up the phone, Elvis immediately summoned his confidants and then made some arrangements.

Not long after, CIA sites in China, the British Empire, France and other countries all received an order from the headquarters.

That is to promote and induce the stock market situation of the United States.

The content of the propaganda and inducement is also very simple, that is, to convey a message to major capitals. The U.S. stock market is currently in a period of turmoil, which is a good opportunity to pick up bargains.

And if you miss this opportunity, you may never see it again in 10 or 20 years. Why don't you hurry up and take advantage?

Of course, this is just an inducement through benefit propaganda.

This is not the main point of the CIA's attack. Another point of the CIA's main attack is that the Federal Reserve raises interest rates at every turn to harvest the wool of global capital.

The current stock market crash in the United States is caused by these people behind them. This time you join in and once you defeat the Freemasons in one fell swoop, they will have to reconsider even if they want to raise interest rates again in the future!

Compared with the first point, capital in various countries is more excited about the second point.

To be honest, in the past few years, the Federal Reserve has continued to raise interest rates to harvest their wool, and they have long been furious.

But there is no way, who calls the US dollar the world currency?

And the Federal Reserve is the father of the U.S. dollar, so it can only be at the mercy of the other party!

But now, this is a good opportunity for revenge, and if you make a mistake this time, you may never have such a good opportunity in the future.

In order to avoid being cut off in the future, how could we not get involved and get involved?

Soon, capital from various countries made a decision.

Capital from China, the British Empire, France and other countries are rushing to join the American stock market. Together with the local snake families of Sean and Thompson, they are constantly taking over the stocks sold by the three major groups.

For a time, things turned out very favorable for David!

"Hahahaha David, your hand is really cruel!"

"Yes, if you use the Federal Reserve to cut off the capital of various countries and induce these capitals to join in, the Freemasonry will not get any good results!"

"Yes, yes, the CIA's business capabilities are still strong. If I were one of those capitalists from various countries, I would also join in and give it a try!"

Seeing that the balance of victory was gradually tipping towards their side, the senior officials of the IRS were all smiling.

Including Obadiah and Vertonghen, they also praised David's trick of chasing the tiger and swallowing the wolf.

At this time, David himself was no longer as silent as before, and there was also a faint look of joy on his face.

Because now it can be seen that with the influx of major capital, the balance of victory has gradually shifted to their side.

And as long as the stock market crash calms down, the next foundations will be captured by him without any hindrance!

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad.

This side of Senado Island.

"Fake, how could this happen, how could this happen!"

"These damn guys, how dare they go against us, how dare they!"

"Shet...this must have been planned by that bastard David. They actually led capital from various countries to join in. This is collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country and selling state-owned assets!"

The members of the Freemasons are of course very aware that the joining of capital from various countries has now suppressed them, so they are also angry at this time.

There are even some extreme members who are already scolding David for his approach of attracting wolves into the house.

But what they didn't think about was that when it came to luring wolves into the house and selling state-owned assets, no one had played it harder than them before.

It's just that this time, they are no longer the beneficiaries.

"Soros, Bafeit, what do you think?"

Although Henrietta was also very angry, he did not directly curse and lose his mind like other members, but looked at the two people.

"We are not afraid of families such as Kennedy and Thompson simply relying on their capital. But now capital from various countries is rushing in. If this continues, we will be unable to withstand it..."

"Yes, I was worried that after Musko's entry, there would be a herd effect of capital from various countries. Now it has come true, and it will not end well..."

Whether it was Buffett or Sauras, the ominous meaning in the words at this time was self-evident.

"Don't tell me this, just tell us what to do!"

Henrietta was obviously not satisfied with the answer given by the two of them, and her words were a little harsh.

Sorrows and Buffett first exchanged looks, then nodded slightly, and finally the former said: "Mr. Henrietta, the best choice for now, I think is to stop selling the stocks on hand..."

"Yes, if we continue to sell like this, it is very likely that we will lose our wife and lose our troops. If we stop, we can at least stop the loss!"

As two world-famous stock gods, their years of experience tell them that with the influx of capital from various countries, this war will be difficult to win.

"What do you mean, if we stop selling now, won't they be able to stabilize the stock market soon? Isn't everything we have done in vain?"

"Yes, we failed miserably in the bill, and now the stock market is like this. Are we destined to be losers?"

"If we want to stop the loss, we should stop the loss after the bill comes into effect, instead of only losing money now after investing so much and suffering heavy losses. Buffett Solos, you must give me an explanation!"

The Freemasons present quit.

It was you who came up with this method of selling stocks like crazy to force out the David Investigative Foundation.

It's good now. It doesn't matter if the enemy is not killed. Instead, he loses to the Muggles and ends up in a disappointing way. How can he accept this?

"This...I didn't expect that Musko would actually enter the market, let alone that the capital from various countries would also be involved..."

At this time, Sauras was also in trouble. Although everyone respected him as the God of Stocks, the God of Stocks did not always fail.

For example, when he caused the financial turmoil in Asia, although he harvested the wool of many Asian countries, he ultimately failed when facing Hong Kong.

And losing again this time can only be regarded as another defeat for his career.

"The situation in the stock market is changing rapidly. No one can guarantee that he will be the winner. I admit that it may be difficult for us to win this time, but we must admit that self-loss is necessary!"

Buffett also spoke with bitterness.

However, the people present did not listen and continued to yell at the two of them.

But fortunately, Henrietta stood up, which made everyone stop talking. He said: "Okay, Bafet Sauras is one of our own people. Since they said that peace can't be done, then we will stop it in time." Damn it..."

As soon as Henrietta finished speaking, Joshua couldn't sit still. He immediately asked: "Mr. Henrietta, if we retreat so easily, we will no longer have any prestige in the eyes of the capitals of various countries. If we want to harvest them with interest rate increases, it may not be that easy!”

"Yes, the situation in the stock market this time is actually nothing. The key is to start this retreat against the capital of various countries, which is very detrimental to us."

"In addition, I think everyone must also think about the foundation. If we can't do anything in the stock market, then we can't force David to retreat. Then our foundation may not be able to escape him. The devil's claws!"


Following Joshua, the remaining representatives of the six major families also expressed their concerns.

To be honest, the current situation in the stock market may have caused heavy losses to the rest of the Freemasons, but for the seven major families that control the Federal Reserve, it is actually just a drop in the bucket.

What they are really worried about is that if they show weakness this time, it will shake the foundation of the Federal Reserve and make their foundation passive. This is the most serious! (End of chapter)

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