United states tax collector

Chapter 59 Sit back and wait.

The warehousing work was completed quickly.

Nissen immediately opened the Internal Revenue Service's intranet, and when he saw their rankings, his slightly tired face instantly turned into ecstasy.

"Haha David, we have risen to 156th place!"

David took a closer look and found that their total tax performance was now US$1,476,868, which had indeed risen to 156th place.

Next, as long as we deal with Lynch's antique money launderer and collect his more than 1.6 million tax records, we should be sure to become one of the top 100 in the country!

While he was still deep in thought, the ringing of the phone in his pocket brought him back to his senses. Seeing that it was Lewis' number, he quickly picked it up: "Tax Commissioner."

"Come to my office!"


Seven or eight minutes later, David arrived at the door of the Tax Commissioner's office on the fourth floor. He knocked on the door and walked in. He asked, "Tax Commissioner, are you looking for me?"

Lewis stared at him, as if he wanted to see him through from the inside out. After a while, he said with a sigh: "I now find out why this black tax bill feels like it was born just for you. !”

A few days ago, the three cases were handed over to David. To be honest, he was still a little worried about 'delaying the opportunity'.

But what he didn't expect was that only a few days later, David had settled these three cases neatly.

The most important point is that each of these cases exceeded the tax revenue they expected to receive by more than 2 or 3 times, which really shocked him again.

David replied: "I'm exaggerating the tax chief. I'm only now ranked 156th. There are many better inspectors than me in the country."

Lewis disagreed with this and replied: "This is no exaggeration. Inspectors who are better than you are all in top cities. I think if you are given such a platform, you may not be much behind them!"

David shrugged and said nothing.

Lewis added: "Young boy solves cases faster than I can screen them. It really gives me a headache. Take a rest first and let me go to the Intelligence Department..."

"No need, Chief Tax Officer, I found the case myself!"


Lewis looked a little surprised and asked: "What case? Is it unreliable? How difficult is it?"

"I wonder if the tax collector has ever heard of Lynch Aldrich!"

"Lynch Aldrich...you mean, the businessman who owns an auction house here in our Lake District?"

As soon as the Black Tax Act was promulgated, all branches across the country re-investigated their jurisdictions in order to identify criminals who evaded taxes.

Famous businessmen like that are the focus of investigation.

So Lewis had heard of this name.


"What's up with him?"

"On the surface, he is a businessman and antique collector, but according to the information I have investigated, he raises the price of antiques by buying low, selling high, and speculating, thereby laundering money, and making a profit of up to Four million dollars!”

"What did you say!"

Lewis's butt seemed to be loaded with springs, and he jumped up from the chair suddenly, looking at David in front of him in shock.

"I said, behind the scenes, he is an antique money launderer!"

"Is your source reliable?"

Lewis was still a little unbelievable.

Their intelligence department had already investigated Lin Qi, but found nothing unusual, and the profit was as high as 4 million US dollars, which is not a small amount of money.

You know, their Intelligence Department's estimate of Dieter's income is only US$3 million.

"Absolutely reliable!"

Seeing David looking so serious, Lewis believed it and slowly sat back in his seat.

Although the Intelligence Division found nothing about Lin Qi, it does not mean that the Intelligence Division is definitely right.

On the contrary, David was able to charge several times more than the estimated taxes for these cases given by the Intelligence Division every time, which further confirmed David's ability.

4 million illegal profits!

If this tax can be collected, it will be more than 1.6 million!

With this tax money, it is absolutely certain that their Lake District branch will once again be the first branch in Las Vegas in terms of tax performance.

In addition, it is estimated that David’s team will reach the top 100 in the country, and maybe they can even improve on the original 89th place!

Thinking of all this, Lewis was moved. He looked at David and said, "In that case, you should boldly investigate this case. If you need any help, just let me know at any time!"


After leaving the office, David originally planned to immediately start investigating Lynch's single case.

But unexpectedly, I received a call from Coverdale.

He told David that he had just received a notification from the spy and that a transaction would be conducted tomorrow morning.

He had no choice but to give up and plan to finish the single agent case tomorrow.

The next day.

Nissen arrived at David's residence early and was waiting. After a whole night's rest, he was full of energy and looked very motivated.

The time soon came to 9 o'clock.

David received a call from Coverdale. After putting down the phone, he said to Neeson: "Let's go to the Lake District Railway Station!"

"The transaction takes place at the Lake District Railway Station?"

Nissen was a little stunned.

In his impression, such spies are all shady and as timid as rats. Even if they have to choose a trading location, shouldn't they always choose a sparsely populated place?

There is so much traffic at the train station and there are police patrols. Why did you choose this place?

"Who knows, maybe the place that the spy thinks is the most dangerous may be the safest place!"

Having said this, Nissen felt that it made some sense. Without asking any more questions, he immediately went downstairs and started the car, heading towards the Lake District Railway Station.

It was already 20 minutes later when we arrived at the Lake District Railway Station.

Americans generally take planes when traveling far away, and if they want to go nearby, every household has a car. In addition, it is ten o'clock in the morning, so the flow of people at the train station is not very large.

Passengers in twos and threes were dragging their suitcases to check in, and some were sitting on chairs reading books. In short, everyone on the scene was very normal.

No matter how much David and Nissen observed, they found no trace of the spy.

He found a random seat and sat there for about five minutes, when David's cell phone rang in his pocket. He picked it up and saw that it was a message.

[Eastern District, Code Locker No. 46! 】


David immediately stood up and headed towards the east side.

On the way, he picked up two free newspapers and handed one to Nissen. After arriving at the side of the password cabinet, the two sat down and read the newspapers pretending to be serious.

About 10 minutes later, Coverdale appeared first.

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