United states tax collector

Chapter 97 Can the reservation protect you?

David didn't bother to argue with him, so he took out his cell phone, found the number of the Immigration Bureau's Las Vegas office and dialed it.

Soon, the call was connected, and a female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, Las Vegas Immigration Office, how can I help you?"

David turned on the speakerphone and then said to the other end of the phone: "I am the tax director of the Lake District Branch of the IRS. My name is David, and my number is XXXX..."

"Hello Chief David, how can I help you?"

"Help me check out three people, Wallis Nick, Bailey Pullich, and Julie Pullich, who are residents of the Lake Las Vegas area and whose former nationality was Somalia!"

"Hold on……"

After about a minute, the voice on the other end of the phone rang again: "Wallis Nick, obtained the permanent green card of the United States on January 7, 2019, USCIS number 783-663-135, Bailey Pullich, January 2019 Julie Pulich obtained permanent nationality of the United States on January 7, 2019, with a USCIS number of 783-663-136. Julie Pulici obtained permanent nationality of the United States on January 7, 2019, with a USCIS number of 783-663-137..."

Iman, who was already uneasy, became even more anxious after hearing the string of data on the other end of the phone.

He was naturally clear about the green card dates and USCIS codes obtained by his wife and children, and knew that the person on the other side was indeed someone from the Immigration Bureau.

He quickly interrupted: "What do you want to do?"

David ignored him and continued to talk to the phone: "We are currently pursuing a tax evasion case, and these three people are the beneficiaries. Can you help me apply for the cancellation of my green card?"

The IRS is after tax evasion, so he did not use the reason for killing, only tax evasion.

"Please wait a moment, I need to report it to my supervisor..."

Meanwhile, the Las Vegas Immigration Office.

The operator immediately reported the conversation with David to a bald man.

The bald man pondered for a moment, then immediately came to the computer and researched the information of Wallace and Nick.

"Former nationality, Somalia..."

As the director of the immigration office, he could tell at a glance that this Wallace Nick definitely did not immigrate through normal channels.

Under normal circumstances, you are absolutely not eligible to obtain an American green card!

But why have all three gotten it now?

There is only one reason!

Then someone helped these three people obtain it through some illegal means!

Since it was obtained through illegal means, and now the IRS is asking for cooperation, there is nothing to hesitate about!

He made his choice immediately, picked up the phone and said: "Hello, Chief David, I am the director of the Las Vegas Immigration Bureau. May I ask whether you are applying for execution of Wallis Nick, Bailey Pullich, We can cancel the green cards of Julie Plitsch and the others immediately, please confirm again!"

In the ward.

David did not reply this time, but put the phone in front of Iman, indicating that the decision was in his hands!

At this time, Iman was not only in agony, but also felt deep despair.

In order to qualify for a green card.

After selling his life for Virginia for nearly two years and experiencing countless bloody nights, he finally obtained such a permanent residence status.

But what he didn't expect was that David could destroy his hard-earned identity with just one phone call!

This also made him realize that no matter how ruthless he is and how many people he kills, he is still a nobody in this world.

And the fate of little people is always in the hands of these people in important positions!

David put away the phone, because he could see that Iman had no choice, and then said to the phone: "Sorry, Mr. Supervisor, I think we still need to investigate the case, so please postpone the cancellation!"

What he said was actually telling Iman that I can make it impossible for you and your family to live in the United States at any time!

Iman naturally understood, but the endless pain and suffering still lingered in his heart.

"Okay, Chief Tax Officer David, just contact us if you need anything!"

After ending the call, David looked at him and asked: "Mr. Iman, do you know now whether we have this power?"

Iman struggled, and then asked knowingly: "What do you want me to do?"

"I need you to stand up and testify against the person who ordered you to assassinate me!"

"If I do this, neither I nor my family will survive..."

"As long as you are willing to cooperate, I can promise to protect you and your family until we officially destroy the Dieter Group. At that time, you can let your family live somewhere else, and they will naturally be safe!"

Iman was silent until nearly two minutes later, when he replied: "I have three conditions!"

"tell me the story."

"First, if nothing else happens, my family should be controlled by Virginia now. I need you to rescue them first!"

"no problem!"

"Second, if I stand up and testify, I will be unemployed in the future, and I will need a testimonial payment!"

David shook his head and replied: "It is impossible to provide evidence, but we can apply for a relief policy for your wife and children. Like other American citizens, $400 per week should be enough to protect your life!"

Iman was not very satisfied with this, but he did not continue to insist, and continued: "Third, after testifying, I want to enjoy the meritorious service and not go to jail!"

"This is impossible!"

Although killing him was not Iman's original intention, since Iman had already committed murder against the IRS, it would be a joke if he could still be found innocent.

David added: "The IRS needs to maintain its dignity, but I can assure you that you can only stay for 7 years at most. If you perform well, you may be able to get out in 5 years!

After another few minutes of silence, Iman gritted his teeth and replied, "Okay!"

I only squatted for 5 to 7 years.

And their family will not have their green cards canceled and deported, and they can also receive a weekly relief fund. In this situation with no choice, it seems to be the best choice!

David stood up and said to Nissen: "It's not safe here. Help him clean up and find another place to look after him!"

These are his assassins and witnesses. That guy Dieter may be stupid, but it is impossible for everyone under him not to realize this.

It would be a bit troublesome if he was silenced.

So it is still necessary to change a place to watch over him!


David opened the door, and He He and Balke who were guarding outside immediately came up. When they saw Nissen packing his things, they quickly asked: "Tax Chief David, what is going on?"

“We, the IRS, are going to take this guy away!”

Wade's face darkened, and he hesitated before speaking: "Chief David, this guy is an assault case with a gun, and it should be under the jurisdiction of our police station!"

David looked at him and asked, "Why do you think he attacked me with a gun?"

"This...I need to investigate to find out!"

Of course Wade didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"I checked and found that he was instructed by others. Since he was instructed by others, he accepted the money. Since he received the money, he did not pay the tax. So, is there any problem if our IRS wants this person?"

The two of them were left speechless by these words.

What David said seemed to make sense, but their sergeant had already told them that this man must be kept under guard.

Naturally, they couldn't let David be taken away like this.

Later, Wade retorted: "We don't know about the issue of tax evasion, but he committed murder on the street, which is seen by many citizens. If we don't catch him, we can't explain to the citizens..."

"Explain! You haven't given an explanation to our IRS yet!"

David interrupted them and said, "I'm taking him away now. If there are any problems, ask your police chief to come to me!"

After that, David didn't give them a chance to continue to refute, and just walked away.

As for Balk and Wade, they looked at each other with ugly expressions.

Finally, Wade took out his phone and called Smith.

When I returned to the bureau.

In addition to Simmons and Ariel, who were already here, Bucky and several other team members came here.

They also came up to him immediately and expressed concern about David's attack.

Later, another inspector named Colclough of the team arrived belatedly and said: "Tax Commissioner, according to the information I received, Dieter, the damn bastard, has escaped back to the reservation!"

Upon hearing this, Bucky and others' expressions darkened.

An Indian reservation is almost an independent kingdom.

Within their reservations, they have independent jurisdiction, operating rights, and other rights.

Generally speaking, any law enforcement agency does not have the authority to enforce laws within their reserved areas unless special circumstances are involved and special approval is obtained.

And now he is suspected of the Black Tax Act and the assassination of the IRS Commissioner. This is naturally considered a special situation and they can investigate.

However, the Indian reservation area has never been under their jurisdiction in the Lake District. There are tens of thousands of Indians living in it. If they want to go up and check, there are still great obstacles and dangers.

"Asshole, Colclough, why didn't you keep an eye on him!"

Bucky was a little angry, and he obviously knew how troublesome it would be to arrest Dieter if he returned to the reservation.

"When I got the news, he had already driven out of the city..."

The inspector named Colclough felt aggrieved.

He was responsible for keeping an eye on Dieter, but he didn't expect this guy to be so crazy and dare to send someone to assassinate their tax chief.

And the reservation was not far away, only about 40 kilometers away. By the time he reacted and wanted to intercept it, it was already too late.

"He went to a reservation, not a paradise. It doesn't matter, he can't escape!"

David wasn't too worried.

It is true that Indian reservations are almost independent kingdoms, but don't forget that their IRS has armed forces.

Dieter has now escaped back to the reservation, but if his uncle, the Indian chief, insists on protecting him.

The worst-case scenario is to apply for the deployment of armed forces and show these Indians the 'muscle' of their IRS.

He didn't believe that the chief was so stubborn and dared to continue to protect him!

David looked at Bucky and said, "By the way, there is something I need you to do. Iman has a wife and two children named..."

"I understand, I will find them and control them!"

Bucky nodded and walked out.

David looked at the rest of the people and said, "It's getting late, so you should go back and rest first. There are a lot of things to do tomorrow!"

"What about you, the tax chief?"

The team members showed concern again, but David had just been assassinated. Who knows if Dieter will fail in one attack and jump over the wall to attack again?

"I'll just stay in the bureau for one night!"

Ever since Namaki came to his door last time, David had made plans to change his house.

Now that it had been plotted again, it solidified his idea.

"In the bureau? How can this be done? How about this, tax chief? I still have room at home, so why not come to my house!"

"I also have a room at home. If you don't mind, you can come to my house. It will be safer for everyone to take care of each other."


The team members sent out invitations one after another.

"No need, I'll just be in the bureau, it's just for one night!"

Seeing that David was so determined, everyone could not say anything else. They could only tell David to contact them if they needed anything, and then they left one after another.

Early the next morning.

When David woke up in the office, he immediately called the real estate company and asked them to find a house for him close to the IRS in the Lake District.

Then he came to the door of the director's office and knocked on the door.

"Please come in!"

Seeing David walking in, William showed an amiable expression, but when he noticed that David didn't seem to sleep well, he quickly asked with concern: "What's wrong, Chief Tax Officer David, are you too tired from work recently?" Now, do I want to give you two days off?"

"No need, something happened yesterday and I need to report to the director."

William asked curiously: "Oh? What's going on?"

"When I went home yesterday..."

David told the story of the attack.

After hearing what he said, William was stunned for a moment. Apparently he had never thought that Dieter was so bold and dared to assassinate someone from the IRS.

Then he replied angrily: "Damn it, this Dieter doesn't want to live anymore and he dares to use assassination. Where is he now? Catch him immediately!"

"He must have gotten wind of the news and quickly fled back to their Indian reservation!"

David thought about it. With Dieter's IQ, since he had the guts to assassinate him, there was no reason to be so cowardly and just run away.

There must have been instructions or requests from someone behind his back, so he quickly fled back to the reservation.

"Escaped back to the reservation?"

William frowned, obviously clear of the trouble of taking people on the reservation, and then asked: "Is there a complete chain of evidence about his assassination of you?"

"I have basically settled the situation with the killer. He will testify. In addition, one of Dieter's important confidants has also surrendered. If we do another investigation, whether it is tax evasion or assassination, there will be a complete chain of evidence!"

When he heard that there was a complete chain of evidence, William had no scruples and immediately said with murderous intent: "Okay, then send a message to Chief Garr and ask him to hand over the people first. If he doesn't hand over the people, he will apply to the state bureau for the dispatch of armed forces. Drive in front of their tribe!”

"Director, don't worry about it now. The Dieter is in the reservation. He can't fly. What we have to do now is to count his assets in the lake area first. We can't let him deal with it or transfer it away!"

William thought so too.

People are on the reservation and cannot run away, but if the other party transfers their assets away, it will be troublesome.

They want to arrest people, but they definitely also want taxes!

Then he nodded and said: "Okay, then just do what you want. If you have any questions or progress, just let me know at any time!"


When we returned to the office, all eight members of the team had already arrived.

Serena was the first to speak: "Chief David, I heard you were assassinated yesterday. Are you okay?"

David didn't inform him about last night's incident.

The other district members of the team also knew that the daughter of a big family was not really here to be an inspector, so naturally no one informed her.

"It's okay, thank you for your concern Serena."

David looked at Nissen and asked, "How's it going? There's no problem on your end, right?"

Nissen replied: "I have properly placed him and he is safe, but last night I received a notice that two people of unknown origin went to the hospital to inquire about him. Fortunately, the tax chief, you moved him in time, otherwise If so, there might really be an accident!”

Hearing this, David felt lucky for his wise decision last night. Then he looked at Bucky and asked, "Do you have any clues about that guy's wife and children?"

"I checked, and I couldn't find them in their home or other possible places. They must have been controlled and hidden by Dieter's people!"

David's face darkened and he replied: "Call the CIA and ask him to help with this!"

Intelligence is the CIA's specialty. If they were to investigate, it should be faster than their system.

The people in the CIA have information in their hands, so they should be very happy to help.


David looked at Ariel and asked, "Are there any results from the accounts I asked you to check yesterday?"

"I checked with the tax chief and found that this is indeed Dieter's account. The total amount of several accounts is about 15 million US dollars."

"Has the application been frozen?"

"I have applied, and now I can go through the freezing process!"

David nodded, then took out a note from the drawer, handed it to Nissen, and said: "This is a warehouse that Sapir told me last night. You should take people to seal it first, and put the goods and cash in it." Get it all under control!”


Neeson immediately took the people away, and soon only Selina was left on the scene. She seemed a little embarrassed because everyone else had received the mission but she had not.

David saw her embarrassment and said, "Go find Ariel and ask her to teach you how to apply for freezing accounts and funds."


Serena immediately turned around and left as if she was being pardoned.

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