United states tax collector

Chapter 99 Members come forward

This side of the office.

Smith took out a piece of paper from his pocket, pushed it in front of David, and said: "Tax Commissioner David, I want to send a favor to your IRS. I wonder if you are willing to accept it!?"

David was startled, then picked up the paper, opened it and looked at it.

When he saw the information above, his eyes narrowed slightly.

On this page is information about many criminal gangs in the Lake District. It includes the transactions and addresses of these gangs, as well as their approximate specific income.

Thinking about it, these should be groups that have interests in negotiating with the Smith in front of him.

Logically speaking, Smith has no obligation to give these people's information to him.

After all, handing over these people's information to the IRS would also damage Smith's own prestige and income.

But why did he do this?

Is it really like what he said, just to send a favor to the IRS?

Or, are you still afraid that Dieter's case will involve him?

After thinking for a while, David tried to say: "Chief Smith, your favor may be a bit valuable..."

Smith spread his hands and replied: "I don't know, are you interested in taking it?"

David thought for a while and replied: "Since you have given it to me, there is no reason not to accept it. So thank you Sheriff Smith for your cooperation with our IRS!"

Hearing this answer, Smith felt relieved.

What is favor?

Humanity is sophistication!

Not only did he pay the tax himself, but he also asked his subordinates to pay it, and also sent a list of criminals in the Lake District.

Dieter's case, according to human nature, can't still involve him, right?

And the delivery that Councilor Strong instructed him to make is now completely completed!

No longer thinking, Smith stood up, but just before he walked to the door, he suddenly thought of something, then turned around and asked: "Chief David, can I ask you a question?"

David looked at him and replied, "What's the problem?"

"What I want to know is, will your IRS send armed forces to arrest Dieter?"

"The decision of whether to send armed forces or not is not with us, but with Chief Garr!"

The meaning of David's words is clear enough.

If the Indian tribe was willing to hand over Dieter obediently, then they would naturally not go to war and bring the armed forces over.

But if the Indian tribe insists on defending, there is no other way. Everyone can only see whose fist is stronger!

Smith naturally understood, no longer stopped, turned around and left with Wade and Balk.

After stepping out of the IRS and getting into the car.

Wade said thoughtfully: "Do you think Gar Omaha will really hand over Dieter?"

"I don't think it will be handed over easily. The Indians have always protected their shortcomings, and this Dieter is the nephew of Gal Omaha. If the chief can't even protect his own nephew, what will the rest of the tribe think?"

Listening to Balk's answer, Wade also felt that it made sense.

As a tribal chief, Gal Omaha can't even protect his own relatives, so how can he protect other tribesmen?

Regardless of blood relationship or face and dignity, Dieter would definitely not be handed over so easily.

And if the Indian tribe dares not to pay, the IRS will not be a vegetarian!

Thinking of this, Wade said with some expectation on his face: "In this case, if a conflict breaks out between the two parties, it will be big news!"

In his impression, the IRS has never deployed armed forces since it deployed armed forces to clear out Al Capone's forces in the last century.

And if they ‘reproduce the power’ again in Las Vegas this time, you can imagine how topical it will be.

"You two, don't accept any money these days, and you must keep a low profile!"

Smith knew that if such a conflict really broke out, a large number of media would definitely get involved and dig into what was going on.

Don’t let the trouble on the IRS side be settled and it falls into the hands of the media. That wouldn’t be fun.


The two of them also understood the seriousness of the matter and agreed together.

40 kilometers north of the lake area, this place was originally just a desert. However, because Las Vegas was developed by the government, a large number of Indians who were originally in the city were moved here. Over time, Las Vegas was formed. The largest Indian tribe.

It is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. There are no high-rise buildings blocking the sky, only the vast land and the blue sky and white clouds.

Looking down from a high altitude, the buildings here are another highlight of the tribe. Both residential and public buildings maintain the traditional Indian style.

Wooden huts, thatched huts, and earthen huts are scattered in the tribe in an orderly manner. Each building has its own unique design and decoration. The walls are painted with exquisite totems, and colorful feathers and ribbons are hung under the eaves. They are full of mystery and richness. Aboriginal customs.

The biggest feature of the reservation is the casino.

It is not different from the luxury casinos in Las Vegas, but appears more original and full of national characteristics.

The casino is built with earth-colored wood, and the roof is covered with thatch, which makes it blend in with the natural environment. While enjoying the pleasures of heaven and hell, you can also enjoy a return to nature.

In order to maintain law and order in the reservation, teams of Indian police patrolled everywhere. They wore traditional uniforms, feathered headdresses, held firearms, and looked solemn.

At the same time, deep in the reservation, there is a house with a bald eagle totem.

"Congressman Strong, is the IRS really that difficult to deal with?"

In the room, seven or eight people wearing traditional Indian costumes gathered around. Among them, Strong and a withered old man wearing a white feather crown sat alone in the upper row.

The person who asked this question now was an elderly man on the left side of the lower row. His name was Twin Omaha and he was Dieter's father.

"According to the federal constitution, the IRS has the power to freeze anyone's account, seize anyone's property, and has all investigative powers in taxation. In addition, it has its own lawyers, courts, judges, and armed forces. You can't say Not difficult?"

Strong's words made the Indians present take a breath.

They Indians, because they enjoy the tax privileges granted by the American government, have never dealt with this department and do not know its origins.

It was only now that Strong had explained that they finally realized that their people might really be in trouble this time!

Twin asked: "Congressman Strong, no matter how difficult the IRS is, he is my son after all. Please help me..."

Strong's face turned pale, and then he replied: "Everything else is easy to talk about, but your son actually dared to assassinate people from the IRS. This is not easy to solve..."

"No matter how……"

Just when Twin was about to continue talking, there was a movement outside, which made everyone couldn't help but look over.

Soon, two young Indian men walked in carrying the somewhat unconscious Dieter, while Virginia followed behind without daring to raise her head.

Seeing that such a big thing was at stake, Dieter still looked very excited, which also made the Indians at the scene very angry.

His father, Twen, rushed forward, slapped his face repeatedly, and cursed: "Asshole, wake up... bring ice water!"

Not long after, the young Indian man brought up two buckets of ice water, and at Twin's signal, he immediately poured them on Dieter.

The biting feeling of ice made the dazed Dieter wake up instantly. He looked at the scene around him and then looked at his father.

And his father angrily yelled: "Asshole, where did you go last night?"

"last night……"

Dieter rubbed his head. After he returned to the tribe last night, he was addicted, so he did not return to the family immediately. Instead, he found a place to drift off for a while.

Twin grabbed Dieter's collar and asked: "Let me ask you, why did you instruct people to assassinate people from the IRS? Why did you do this?"

It was okay that Twinn didn't say this. When he mentioned this, he became so angry that he broke away from his father's hand and cursed: "Then damn the IRS, damn David, forget about collecting other people's taxes. , you actually want to collect taxes from me!”

"The tax policy we enjoy is given by this country. Why should he collect taxes from me, and why should I pay it to him?"

Dieter is a pure racist.

In his view, those white people massacred their race and forcibly drove them away from where they lived. Now taxes and privileges like these should be compensation!

But the IRS and David, on the other hand, dared to take away what was being compensated for him. How could this be tolerated?

This is why he is so determined to kill David!

"Yes, if you are doing business through normal channels, then the IRS will naturally follow the tax privileges given to you by the state, but Dieter, you have to figure out, is what you are doing now a normal business? The IRS operates in accordance with the Black Tax Act. There’s nothing wrong with that!”

This time it was Strong who spoke.

Even though he is a member of the country, he is considered to be a very powerful person in Las Vegas and even Nevada.

But to be honest, he didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing.

After all, the matter now involves the Internal Revenue Service. As a member of the House of Representatives, he certainly knows better than anyone how difficult it is to deal with the Internal Revenue Service.

But there is no way. Firstly, he has an interest in the Omaha family, and secondly, he needs the votes of this Indian tribe.

"Even if I'm not a serious businessman, the IRS can't..."

"Shut up!"

Before Dieter could continue, the old man with a white feather crown next to Strong interrupted directly.

Seeing that it was him who interrupted, even Dieter, who had a violent personality, obediently shut his mouth.

Because this old man is none other than the chief of this tribe, Gal Omaha.

Gal looked at Dieter and said in a tone that could not be refused: "Check your assets, find out how much tax you should pay to the IRS, and send them to them immediately!"

Although Dieter was extremely reluctant, he did not dare to offend his uncle's majesty in public, so he acquiesced.

Then, Gal looked at Strong, who was standing aside, and said softly: "Congressman Strong, I need you to mediate more on this matter!"

Upon hearing this, Strong's face darkened slightly, and then he replied awkwardly: "Chief Garr, if it didn't involve an assassination, this matter would be easy to talk about, but now...it's a bit difficult to solve..."

"No matter what, my people cannot be sent to prison like this. No matter how much money or resources are spent, we must solve it!"

Strong secretly complained in his heart, but for the sake of votes, he did not dare to say that he would not agree to this matter. After thinking for a while, he said: "I heard that the killer sent was not killed on the spot. If he can be blocked, Speaking of words, there is a little room for maneuver in this matter..."

All in all, the key to this matter is the assassination of the IRS Commissioner.

If the IRS can't make a fuss about this matter, then at worst, if you pay the tax that should be paid and pay a certain amount of compensation, the IRS may accept it as it pleases.

By then, Dieter might be able to reduce big problems to small ones.

"Chief...Chief, after the incident was exposed, I sent people over to try to silence the killer, but the people from the IRS were too cunning and transferred the person away..."

Virginia stood up and said tremblingly.

After hearing this, both Gal and the other Indians' faces darkened.

But fortunately, Virginia added: "But the killer's wife and children are currently in my hands. I think if I use this as a threat, the killer will not let go to the IRS!"

Upon hearing that there were hostages in hand, the Indians at the scene finally breathed a sigh of relief.

And Gal said: "Where are his wife and children now? Bring them to our tribe immediately!"

In the reservation, no law enforcement agency has the power to enforce the law, and only by bringing the killer's family here can he feel at ease.

"I'll have my men move here right now!"

Virginia immediately took out the phone, and the call was quickly connected. He said: "Willard, bring people to the tribe!"

"Mr. Virginia, I'm afraid I can't do this!"

Listening to the strange voice coming from the other end of the phone, Virginia was stunned for a moment.

It wasn't until a long time later that he came back to his senses and asked, "Who are you, and where did Willard go?"

"Inspector of the IRS Lake District Branch, Bucky!"

"The IRS..."

Virginia's eyes were as big as bells, and her face was full of disbelief. Then she hung up the phone in a hurry, and said to everyone present with a frustrated face: "The person was 'robbed' by the IRS..."



The Indians at the scene instantly cursed.

After a while, Gal looked at Strong and said, "Congressman Strong, it's up to you!"

"Chief Gal, I don't dare to vouch for it, I can only say that I will do my best!"

Strong was very unhappy, but he still didn't dare to refuse. After saying this, he walked out directly.

After he came outside and got into his exclusive car, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Gray, there is something I need you to do..."

IRS Lake District Branch, in David's office.

Bucky walked in and reported: "The CIA's intelligence network is really powerful. I have rescued the person!"

David nodded with satisfaction and asked again: "Are you settled?"

"Arranged in an absolutely safe place!"

David became interested: "Absolutely safe? How safe is it?"

"CIA's safe house, do you think it's safe?"

Hearing this answer, David was also stunned. He didn't expect Bucky to actually arrange for people to go there.

But then again.

Most CIA safe houses are designed to resist terrorist attacks or enemy agents.

Although Dieter's group has some power, in the final analysis they are just a group of evil forces. It is basically impossible to break into the CIA's safe house.

"Did you ask for it or was it arranged on their own initiative?"

David felt that asking people from the CIA to help with a handle may have caused dissatisfaction, and asking them to arrange a safe house would be a bit too much.

"Don't worry, they took the initiative to help, and they said they would be very happy to help us!"

David felt relieved when he heard this, and then replied: "Then give them a call back and say that I am grateful for their help!"


While the two of them were talking.

Outside the IRS, a black Cadillac parked at the door.

The car door opened, and a 40-year-old man in a suit walked out. He was the deputy mayor of Las Vegas, Gray Ivaldo.

Since it was the arrival of the deputy mayor, Director William, who was in the office on the fourth floor, received the notification soon.

After thinking for a while, he replied to the receptionist on the other end of the phone: "Let him come up to my office!"

Just a few minutes later.

There was a knock on the door, and after receiving the words 'please come in', Gray pushed the door open, looked at William and said with a smile: "Director William, long time no see, how are you doing lately?"

"Everything is fine. I just don't know what kind of wind it is today, but it actually blew you, Deputy Mayor Gray, to our Lake District Internal Revenue Service?"

Gray pulled up a stool and sat down and said: "It's okay. The Lake District is not under my jurisdiction. I heard that your IRS has closed down several nightclubs in the past few days, and many unemployed people have complained to our city hall. I want to come and find out what’s going on!”

"So that's it..."

William thought for a moment and replied: "As you know, our National Tax Congress passed a black tax bill on the 3rd of last month and is currently vigorously promoting it."

"As for the owners of the establishments you mentioned, we have clearly warned them repeatedly. It doesn't matter if they refuse to pay taxes. They actually dare to openly attack our tax chief. This is a heinous crime. We must be strict. punish!"

William knew that the Deputy Mayor Gray in front of him was probably entrusted by someone to work as a lobbyist.

So he didn't talk too much and showed his attitude directly.

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